bld20121061_Hovander_ENG1.pdf City of Edmonds TH 121 5 AVENUE NORTH • EDMONDS, WA 98020 • (425) 771-0220 FAX(425) 771-0221 Website: www.ci.edmonds.wa.us PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Engineering Division Plan Review Corrections Plan Check :Date: # BLD20121061 December 7, 2012 Project Name/Address: Hovander – 1009 Glen St Contact Person/Address/Fax: Carl Colson – carl@carlcolsonarchitect.com Reviewer: Jennifer LambertDivision:Engineering During review of the subject submittal, it was found that the following information, corrections, or clarifications would need to be addressed. Our handouts can be found online at the City of Edmonds web site www.ci.edmonds.wa.us under City Government/Development Services/Engineering Division. 1.Please show the water service line from the meter to the house. 2.Please show the side sewer from the main to the house. 3.Please add the following chart to the plans. Line Type Area (square feet) 1. Non-Regulated Exempt Regulated 2. Replaced 3. New (Post 1977) + Total Regulated Impervious Area 4.= Mitigation required if in excess of 2000sf 5. Total Area Mitigated by Existing Stormwater Management System(s) - = 6. Regulated Area Not Yet Mitigated = 7. Area Proposed to be Mitigated by Low Impact Development Techniques = 8. Area Proposed to be Mitigated through Conventional SWM Techniques 4.It appears that there is additional impervious surfaces north of the exsting house (i.e. concrete, asphalt, gravel, pavers, etc). Please show all impervious surfaces and revise the impervious surface calculations accordingly. DATE MAILED/FAXED 12/7/2012 PAGE ____ OF ___ 12 5.When scaling the drawings it appears that the impervious area of the garage does not include the roof overhang. Please review and revise the impervious surface calculations to include the roof overhang. 6.Please note on the plans what the downspouts of the garage will be outfalling to (i.e. splashblocks, drywell, etc). 7.Please fill out the Site Classification Worksheet in Handout #E72 and submit with the plans. Please resubmit 3 copies of the revised plans/documents to a Development Services Permit Coordinator. Please contact me at 425-771-0220 if you have specific questions regarding these plan corrections. DATE MAILED/FAXED 12/7/2012 PAGE ____ OF ___ 22