bld20121103_Chang-1.docx City of Edmonds TH 121 5 AVENUE NORTH • EDMONDS, WA 98020 • (425) 771-0220 FAX(425) 771-0221 Website: www.ci.edmonds.wa.us PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Engineering Division Plan Review Corrections Plan Check : Date: # BLD20121103 December 4, 2012 rd Project Name/Address: Chang SFR 17306 73 Ave W Contact Person/Address/Fax: Tom Leren 206-954-4145 tom@lerendesign.com Reviewer: JoAnne ZulaufDivision:Engineering During review of the subject submittal, it was found that the following information, corrections, or clarifications would need to be addressed. All Handouts and Standard Details referred to in these comments can be accessed at our website: www.edmondswa.gov by clicking Government / Public Works (under Departments) / Permits and Development/ Engineering – General|Standards. Please Note: Building Handouts do not include updated Engineering Division Requirements. Refer to Engineering Handouts for all Engineering Requirements. Site Plan: See attached site plan for reference 1. Please show nearest fire hydrant on plan and note the distance between the property line and the hydrant. 2. Please show the location of the water meter and the water service line from the meter to the connection at the house. 3. Please show the side sewer from the property line to the connection at the house. 4. Show the location of the infiltration trench. 5. Please add the impervious surface calculations to the site plan. It is fine to just add in the format of house xxx sf and driveway/walks xx sf instead of adding the calculation box from the civils. 6. Remove all temporary erosion control measures and notes from the site plan (i.e. stockpiles, filter sock note, silt fence, composted soils). 7. Note square footage of each area of structure, garage (call out 2 or 3 car), sidewalks, driveways. 8. Please submit a legal easement document for the portion of driveway accessing the rd neighboring property to the west, 17304 73. This driveway does not appear to fall with in those easements provided on the plan sheet. A recorded copy of the easement agreement will be required prior to finalization of the construction. DATE FAXED/E-MAILED 7/2/2017 PAGE ___ OF __ 14 CIVIL PLAN REVIEW: Please provide at minimum two civil plans. Handout B73 Single Family Residence identifies a Stormwater Management Plan and a Grading Plan as submittal requirements. It is helpful for clarity to combine Stormwater and Utilities on one plan; and Grading and TESC on another. TESC: 1. Please add to plans standard details of each proposed erosion control measure that are consistent with City of Edmonds standard details. (Adding C of E details directly to the plan set is fine). 2. Call out reference to details on plan where measures are to be installed. 3. Add note to plans: “All disturbed areas on and off site shall be compost amended to meet requirements of BMP T5.13 in the Stormwater Manual, Vol V, Chapter 5. 4. Please show where stockpiles will be located per requirements of the geotech report. Slope shall be < 15%. 5. Geotech report recommendations for ground water includes ditches or interceptor drains. Please show on plan where this measure should be installed if needed and add detail to plans. 6. Add note to plans: “All disturbed areas on and off site shall be compost amended to meet requirements of BMP T5.13 in the Stormwater Manual, Vol V, Chapter 5. Drainage/Utility Plan: Drainage: 1. Storm drainage report has the wrong building permit # listed on it’s pages. Please correct. 2. Construction of the infiltration system requires special inspections by the geotech of record. Please complete and submit the attached Special Inspection Agreement . 3. Please provide detail of curb to be installed for drainage along driveway. Remove “typ” and add reference to detail. Stormwater Engineer Comments: This review covers the following:  Stormwater Report for Wallace Change Residence, November 2012 by LSA.  Stormwater/Utility/Grading Plan for Chang Residence ~ 17306 73 Ave W., Sheet C1 rd Stormwater Report 1.Section 2, City stormwater requirements: It is difficult the follow path used on the copies of the City’s flowcharts (Figures A, B & D). Please use different means, such as color, to indicate what paths were taken on these flow charts. 2.Section 3, Stormwater system methodology: Per Section of the Edmonds Stormwater Code Supplement (ESCS) WWHM3 modeling should be done using the “Puget East 36” precipitation time series and not the Everett gauge. Also, as mention in of the ESCS, the flood frequency method should use the Gringorten plotting method (now a feature of WWHM3 that was not included when the ESCS was published). DATE FAXED/E-MAILED 7/2/2017 PAGE ___ OF __ 24 3. Appendix A – O&M – These pages are from the September 2010 Snohomish County Drainage Manual. The City of Edmonds uses the Department of Ecology’s 2005 Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington (SWMMWW). Replace the current pages with the ones from the SWMMWW if they are different from what is in the Appendix. 4.Appendix B – Geotechnical Engineering Study, Page 15. The report makes the following statement: “Therefore, despite areas of locally steep slope hillside below the subject project site should be quite stable and the construction of the infiltration trenches in the near of the southwest corner of the project site should have minimal impact on stability of the hillside below.” Page 3-82, Volume III of the SWMMWW recommends the infiltration facilities be set back at least 50 feet from the top of slopes 15% or greater. The proposed infiltration trench is on a slope >15 percent. Therefore, should the City approve this design, the liability for any and all slope-related issues caused by the infiltration trench shall be solely the applicant and the geotechnical engineer and not the City of Edmonds. Sheet C1 1.Due the width of the proposed infiltration trench (8 feet) consider using 8 inch diameter perforated pipe instead of 4 inch. Also, the Infiltration trench detail should reflect the actual width of the trench to ensure it is constructed properly. 2.For maintenance access, consider moving the infiltration trench closer to the house. Access in its current location will be very difficult. 3.CB #1 should be changed to a type 1L to ensure adequate volume for solids separation since maintence will be difficult and the area has lots of tree litter. 4.A observation well per Figure 3.36 in Volume III of the SWMMWW should be included in the proposed infiltration trench design. 5.The side sewer cannot be located under the infiltration trench. Relocate one or the other to eliminate the overlap. Jerry Shuster, P.E. Stormwater Engineering Program Manager City of Edmonds 121 5th Ave N. Edmonds, WA 98020 Desk Phone: 425-771-0220 x1323 Fax: 425-672-5750 Jerry.Shuster@edmondswa.gov Utilities: 4. Sewer can not pass over, under or through infiltration trench. All sewer lines shall be removed from the construction area of the infiltration trench. Please revise plan. 5. Please submit a legal easement document for the portion of side sewer that crosses 17304 rdrdrd 73 and 17316 73 to connect to the sewer manhole located on the 17316 73 property. A recorded copy of the easement agreement will be required prior to finalization of the construction. 6. There is a small dotted line that runs along the access drive and then meaders between the two proposed driveways. Please identify. DATE FAXED/E-MAILED 7/2/2017 PAGE ___ OF __ 34 7. Please note on plans “Required separation of utilities shall be met per City of Edmonds and industry standards.” on plan. 8. Indicate which water meter belongs to the property. Label water meter as existing or proposed and the size. 9. Note size, material and length of water service line. 10. Show 4-6”side sewer clean out 2’ from house connection. Also show a 6” clean out at property line and note the requirement for a 12” locking cast iron lamphole cover. Please call out on plans. 11. Add invert elevations at both clean outs to verify that the minimum slope of 2% can be achieved. 12. Please add note to plans:“If re-using existing side sewer (from property line to house): Property owner must have condition verified and provide a report to the Public Works Department.” 13. Please add note to plans: “If re-using existing side sewer connection outside of property line, property owner must have condition verified by Public Works crew in order to re-use. Please contact Public Works, Sewer Division at 425-771-0235.” 14. Label all pipe with length, material and size. 15. Please add note to plans; “All utilities shall be located underground.” Please resubmit 3 copies of the revised plans/documents to a Development Services Coordinator. Please contact me at 425-771-0220 if you have specific questions regarding these plan corrections. DATE FAXED/E-MAILED 7/2/2017 PAGE ___ OF __ 44