bld20130577_Marr_ENG1.pdf City of EdmondsBLD20130577 TH 121 5AVENUE NORTHEDMONDS, WA 98020 • (425) 771-0220 FAX(425) 771-0221 Website: www.ci.edmonds.wa.us PUBLIC WORK DEPARTMENT Planning • Building • Engineering Engineering Plan Review Comments PermitApplication:Date: #BLD20130577June 26, 2013 th Project Name/Address: Marr –8024–238St SW Contact Person/Address, Fax or E-mail: Jeffrey Marr –jeff.marr8024@gmail.com Reviewer: JENNIFERLAMBERTDivision: ENGINEERING During review of the subject submittal, it was found that the following information, corrections, or clarifications would need to be addressed. All Handouts referred to in these comments can be accessed at our website: www.edmondswa.govunder City Government / Development Services Department / Engineering Division then scroll down to Handouts: 1)Please show the impervious surface calculations as shown below: LineTypeArea (square feet) 1.Non-Regulated ExemptRegulated 2.Replaced 3.New (Post 1977)+ Total Regulated Impervious Area = 4. Mitigation required if in excess of 2000sf 5.Total Area Mitigated by Existing Stormwater Management System(s)- = 6.Regulated Area Not Yet Mitigated = 7.Area Proposed to be Mitigated by Low Impact Development Techniques = 8.Area Proposed to be Mitigated through Conventional SWM Techniques 2)Please revise theproposedimpervioussurface calculations breakdownonly show the square footage of what is being added (not the total amount). 3)Please includethe gravel areas in your impervious surface calculations. 4)Please fill out the stormwater worksheet providedin handout #E72 and submit with plans. 5)Please showand labelall impervious surfaces on the Site Plan (i.e. sheds, gravel areas, asphalt, concrete patios, walkways, etc). DATE E-MAILED10/12/2012PAGE(1) City of EdmondsBLD20130577 TH 121 5AVENUE NORTHEDMONDS, WA 98020 • (425) 771-0220 FAX(425) 771-0221 Website: www.ci.edmonds.wa.us PUBLIC WORK DEPARTMENT Planning • Building • Engineering Engineering Plan Review Comments 6)Please clearly show and label the permeable areas (i.e. grass, bark, etc). a.If these areas were impervious, but will be removed and replaced with a permeable surface state as such. 7)Please note that it appears that there isgreater than 2000sq ft of impervioussurfaces that has been added to the lot since 1977. a.Once there is 2000 sq ft or moreof impervious surfacesa stormwatermanagementsystem is required. b.If there is 5000 sq ft or moreof impervioussurfacesthe stormwater management system will need to be designed by a licensed engineer. c.Please review all E72 handouts, the City Code, and theStormwater Supplement for stormwater requirements. d.Please submit a drainage plan consistent with the City’s Standards. 8)Show the appropriate temporary erosion control measures to be installed and note the appropriate City of Edmonds Standards details. 9)Please clearly show the location of the sewer easement. 10)Please provide a copy of theeasement. 11)Please provide grading calculations. a.Please show bottom of footing elevations so that grading calculations can be verified. Please resubmit 3 copies of the revised SitePlansand associated documents with a written response to each item to the Permit Coordinator. Please contact me at 425-771-0220ext 1321or by e-mail at jennifer.lambert@ci.edmonds.wa.usif you have specific questions regarding theseplan corrections. DATE E-MAILED10/12/2012PAGE(1)