City of EdmondsBLD20130595
121 5AVENUE NORTHEDMONDS, WA 98020 • (425) 771-0220 FAX (425) 771-0221
Planning • Building • Engineering
Engineering Plan Review Comments
#BLD20130595 July 18, 2013
Project Name/Address:
Wiskerchen –645-9Ave N
Contact Person/Address, Fax or E-mail:
Craft LLC –
Reviewer: JENNIFERLAMBERTDivision:
During review of the subject submittal, it was found that the following information, corrections, or
clarifications would need to be addressed. All Handouts referred to in these comments can be accessed at
our website: www.edmondswa.govunder City Government / Development Services Department /
Engineering Division then scroll down to Handouts:
1)Please don’t show any utilities on the Plot Plan.
1)Please add a general notes section (example attached).
2)Please add a construction sequence section (example attached).
3)Please provide a separate grading and erosion control plan.
4)Please provide a plan that has stormwater, sewer, water, and the dry utilities (power, gas, phone, etc.).
5)Per the plat, there is a 10’ utility easement along a portion of the south property line(see attached
document). Please show the easement and reference the recording number of this easement.
6)There also appears to be a 5’water lineeasement. Please see the attached document.
a.Please show the easement on the plans.
b.Please reference the recording number of this easement.
c.Please clearlydistinguish between the 5’ water line easement and the 10’ utility easement.
DATE E-MAILED7/18/2013PAGE (1)
City of EdmondsBLD20130595
121 5AVENUE NORTHEDMONDS, WA 98020 • (425) 771-0220 FAX (425) 771-0221
Planning • Building • Engineering
Engineering Plan Review Comments
1)Please remove the filter fence detail and use the City of Edmonds Standard Detail E1.1.
2)Please add a note on the plans that filter socks will be added downstream from construction entrance and
construction area per Edmonds Standard Detail E1.3.
3)If trees are to remain and near the construction area, please show a barrier fence around the tree to
protect during construction.
1)Please reference the recording number (8706095063) for the 10’ Utility easement located north of the
subject parcel.
2)Please show thesidesewer line from the sewer main to the house.
3)It appears that the exiting 8” sewer main is inactive and full of debris. It will be the responsibility of the
developer to restore the 8” line to current City Standards. Please note as such on the plans.
4)Please show the sewer connection (wye) to the existing 8” sewer line forthe subject parcel a minimum
of 3’ from the cleanout (north).
5)Please note the pipe material and size.
6)Please add a note that the 6” cleanout at the property linewill have a12” cast iron lamphole cover with
½” hexbolts.
7)Please show a cleanout within 2’ of the house.
1)Please provide a copy of the 10’ easement located on the south portion of the east adjacent property.
a.Please clearly distinguish between the 10’ utility easement and the 5’ water line easement.
2)Per the plans the water service line is existing. If this is accurate, and the line is intended to be used for
the new development, please note that the line may only be reused if it meets current building codes and
fire sprinkler requirements.
DATE E-MAILED7/18/2013PAGE (1)
City of EdmondsBLD20130595
121 5AVENUE NORTHEDMONDS, WA 98020 • (425) 771-0220 FAX (425) 771-0221
Planning • Building • Engineering
Engineering Plan Review Comments
3)It appears that a fire sprinkler system is required for this property.
a.Please add a note that a 1” meter is to be installed.
b.Please note that the water service lineis to1 ½”.
c.Please note that tracer wire will be added to the water service line.
1)Please show the impervious surface calculations as shown below:
LineTypeArea (square feet)
3.New (Post 1977)+
Total Regulated Impervious Area
Mitigation required if in excess of 2000sf
5.Total Area Mitigated by Existing Stormwater Management System(s)-
6.Regulated Area Not Yet Mitigated
7.Area Proposed to be Mitigated by Low Impact Development Techniques
8.Area Proposed to be Mitigated through Conventional SWM Techniques
2)Per a phone conversation with you, you stated that a portion of the impervious surface water runoff
going to the stormwater management system was from offsite. However, when scaling your plans it
appears that the total impervious surface number you provided (5456) is only what is onsite.
a.Please check to make sure your numbers/plans are accurate.
b.If runoff from the driveway adjacent to the property to the east will be collected and discharged
to the proposed stormwater management system please include the square footage in your
impervious surface calculations.
DATE E-MAILED7/18/2013PAGE (1)
City of EdmondsBLD20130595
121 5AVENUE NORTHEDMONDS, WA 98020 • (425) 771-0220 FAX (425) 771-0221
Planning • Building • Engineering
Engineering Plan Review Comments
3)Please provide directional flow arrows for both the onsite and offsite drivewayso that the following can
be determined:
a.All new impervious surface water runoff is being collected,
b.And that no additional flows not included in the calculation are being collected to the stormwater
management system.
4)Please show how the surface water runoff from the driveway will be collected and discharged to the
stormwater management system.
5)Please remove the infiltration note located at the NW corner of the house.
6)Please make certain that all impervious surfaces on the Site Plan (i.e. sheds, gravel areas, asphalt,
concrete patios, walkways, etc.).
7)Sites that have over 5,000 sq.ft.or more impervious areas are required to have the stormwater
management system designed by a licensed engineer. Please referto Handout E72 and the stormwater
supplement for design requirements.
a.Once an engineering report and drawingstamped by a licensed engineerhas been submittedthe
City will continue the review on the proposed stormwater management system.
8)Please show where the footing drains/retaining wall drains will outfall to.
a.If they are to be discharged to the stormwater management system, please make sure the
engineer of record designs the system to include the footing drains/retaining wall drains.
b.Otherwise, please show the footing drains/retaining wall drains outfall to a separate system.
1)Please show the dry utilities(power, gas, phone, cable, etc.)on the plans so thata minimum of3’
separation from water, sewer, and storm can be verified.
2)Please add a note on the plans that all utilities must go underground.
DATE E-MAILED7/18/2013PAGE (1)
City of EdmondsBLD20130595
121 5AVENUE NORTHEDMONDS, WA 98020 • (425) 771-0220 FAX (425) 771-0221
Planning • Building • Engineering
Engineering Plan Review Comments
Traffic Impact Analysis:
Per Chapter 18.82 –Traffic Impact Fees of the Edmonds Community Development Code (ECDC), traffic
impact fees shall be required.
1.Please complete numbers 1 and 7 of the Traffic Impact Analysis Worksheet from City of Edmonds
handout #E82, “Traffic Impact Analysis Requirements” (attached).
Please resubmit 3 copies of the revised SitePlansand associated documents with a written response to
each item to the Permit Coordinator. Please contact me at 425-771-0220ext 1321or by e-mail at
jennifer.lambert@edmondswa.govif you have specific questions regarding these plan corrections.
DATE E-MAILED7/18/2013PAGE (1)