City of EdmondsBLD20130652
121 5AVENUE NORTHEDMONDS, WA 98020 • (425) 771-0220FAX (425) 771-0221
Planning • Building • Engineering
Engineering Plan Review Comments
#BLD20130652 July 18, 2013
Project Name/Address:
Muir –7700–175St SW
Contact Person/Address, Fax or E-mail:
Bruce O’Neil –
Reviewer: JENNIFERLAMBERTDivision:
During review of the subject submittal, it was found that the following information, corrections, or
clarifications would need to be addressed. All Handouts referred to in these comments can be accessed at
our website: www.edmondswa.govunder City Government / Development Services Department /
Engineering Division then scroll down to Handouts:
1)Please fill out the stormwater worksheet providedin handout #E72 and submit with plans.
1)Please remove the temporary erosion control measuresand show them on the Onsite Utility Plan.
2)Please remove the utilities from the Site Plan.
1)Please show the year of construction for all existing impervious surfaces.
2)Please note if the driveway is to be replaced.
a.If the driveway is to be widened those areas will be considered new impervious surfaces
and the impervious surface calculations will need to be revised accordingly.
3)Please reference the existing drainage easement recording number.
4)Please provide a copy of the drainage easement so that it can be verified that construction of a
structure within the easement is permissible. If it is not permitted by the easement, please
remove/relocate the structure such that no portions of the structure arelocated within the
DATE E-MAILED7/19/2013PAGE (1)
City of EdmondsBLD20130652
121 5AVENUE NORTHEDMONDS, WA 98020 • (425) 771-0220FAX (425) 771-0221
Planning • Building • Engineering
Engineering Plan Review Comments
5)Please show the extension of the drivewayto the new garage and revise the impervious surface
calculations accordingly.
6)A minimum of 1’ of cover is required over the storm pipe when located under landscape areas;
however thereappears to be less than a footof cover. Please revise to meet the minimum
7)A minimum of 2’ of cover is required over the storm pipe when located under drivableareas. If
this cannot be achieved you may use ductile iron, but there must be a minimum of 1’ of cover.
Please revise to meet the minimum requirements.
8)Please note what type of pipe material will be used for the storm, water, and sewer utilities.
9)Please show the water service line from the meter to the house.
10)Please show the water service line from the existing house to the proposed garage/studio.
11)Please show the sewer line from the main to the house.
12)Please show the sewer line from existing house to the proposed garage/studio.
13)Please clearly distinguish between proposed and existing utilities.
14)Please show that there is a minimum of 3’separationbetween the utilities.
***Additional storm comments to follow once the City’s Stormwater Engineer Program Manager has
reviewed the Plans. If there are no additional comments from the Stormwater Engineer an email will be
sent to inform you. ***
Please resubmit 3 copies of the revised SitePlansand associated documents with a written response to
each item to the Permit Coordinator. Please contact me at 425-771-0220ext 1321or by e-mail at
jennifer.lambert@edmondswa.govif you have specific questions regarding these plan corrections.
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