BLD20130783 Applicant Response to Planning Comments 1.pdf" CITY OF EDMONDS ® 1215"' AVENUE NORTH ® EDMONDS, WA 98020 DEVELOPMENT' SERVICES DEPARTMENT: PLANNING - ENGINEERING - BUILDING PHONE: 425.771.0220 FAX: 425.771.0221 WEB:w�vc1Mr m ®BUILDING August 15, 2013 Ardsley Homes, LLC Email: terri@sundquisthomes.com RE: PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS FOR PLAN CHECK #BLD20130783 ARDSLEY HOMES SFR LOCATED AT 7540 243 R" PL. SW (SHORESHIRE LOT 3) Dear Applicant: I have reviewed the above building permit application for the Planning Division, and it was found that the following information, corrections, or clarifications will need to be addressed before review can continue: Site Plan: Show and label the portions of the upper floor that project over the covered porches on the northern and southern sides of the residence (this could be indicated with a dashed line so that it is clear which outlines are indicating the main floor vs. the upper floor). 1.1aslled lh L-,:, an"ICS labels rldded to Site Plan Height Calculations: Please make the following corrections to your height calculations: a. Indicate what was utilized as the datum point and provide its elevation. Atldecl to Site, [.'Ian b. Please indicate what "PAD" means as written next to each of the four corners of the height rectangle. IAD ha.; n°qalaced with n. ni r,,;,;a, dr- vaflon syn,fl,)ol The height calculations state "1174/4 = 239.7 AVG. EXISTING ELEV."; however, the height calculations must be based on the average original grade. Please confirm whether the height t..n�.:�G�,�.sla to is Nasal calculations are based on original grade, and make any necessary corrections. ��°t; or) C): ,,lgiin, woi ("(rad 3. Lot Coverage: Lot coverage is defined as the total ground coverage of all buildings or`structures on a site measured from the outside of external walls or supporting members or from a point 2.5 feet in from the outside edge of a cantilevered roof, whichever covers the greatest area. The maximum allowed lot coverage for the RS -8 zone is 35 percent of the net lot area. Your site plan indicates a proposed lot coverage of 2,383 square feet (27%), however, it appears that this figure may not include everything necessary. Based on the square footages provided on Sheet A5 of the building plans, the areas of the main floor living area (1,623 sq. ft.), garage (649 sq. ft.), and covered porches (404 sq. ft.) add up to a lot coverage of 2,676 sq. ft. Please verify these numbers and provide a breakdown of the lot coverage calculations on the site plan (including the footprint of the proposed residence, garage, and both covered porches). Indicate the proposed lot coverage in square feet and calculated as a percentage of the net lot area. Lot r;::ove a-r,ge u r;;vie prod and coirrec.,ted or,� plan 4. Shoreshire Plat (File No. PLN20080043): Please note that staff cannot issue the requested building permit until final approval of the subject plat (File No. PLN20080043) has been granted and the plat has been recorded with Snohomish County. t,Rndemtoo d Please submit three copies of your revised site plan (including one reduced copy) and two copies of any revised building plan sheets to a Development Services Permit Coordinator. Our office hours are Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays between 8:00 am and 4:30 pm, and Wednesdays between 8:00 am and noon. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at (425) 771-0220. Sincerely, Development Services Department - Planning Division Jen Machuga, Associate Planner