bld20130990_Anderson-1.docx City of Edmonds TH 121 5 AVENUE NORTH • EDMONDS, WA 98020 • (425) 771-0220 FAX(425) 771-0221 Website: www.edmondswa.gov PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Engineering Division Plan Review Corrections Plan Check : Date: # BLD20130990 September 25, 2013 Project Name/Address: Anderson Garage 10425 Little John Court Contact Person/Address/Fax: Jeremy Anderson Jeremy_christie@hotmail.com Reviewer: JoAnne ZulaufDivision:Engineering During review of the subject submittal, it was found that the following information, corrections, or clarifications would need to be addressed. All Handouts and Standard Details referred to in these comments can be accessed at our website: www.edmondswa.gov by choosing Permit Assistance: 1. The total new (proposed) impervious area should include the roof outline of the garage addition, as well any new driveway or patio impervious surfaces. If the total square footage of the new impervious surface is 2000 or greater, stormwater mitigation is required. Please see handout E72 Stormwater Management for more information. 2. Please note the width of the new driveway and proposed material. 3. Are the two sections adjacent to the new driveway to the east landscape/grass areas? Please label. 4.Is rock wall proposed or existing? Please note the height of the wall. 5.If the driveway is putting a surcharge on the wall then the wall must be designed by an engineer. Please see the attached surcharge detail. Please resubmit 3 copies of the revised plans/documents to a Development Services Coordinator. Please contact me at 425-771-0220 if you have specific questions regarding these plan corrections. DATE FAXED/E-MAILED 7/2/2017 PAGE ___ OF __ 11