DATE: November 7, 2013
TO: Scott Harris
FROM: JoAnne Zulauf, Engineering Technician
RE: Application #: bld20131105
Project: Swedish Parking Garage
Project Address: 7324 216 Ave
During review of the above noted application, it was found that the following information,
corrections, or clarifications are needed. Please submit three (3) sets of revised plans/documents
with a written response to each of the items below to a permit coordinator. City of Edmonds
handouts, standard details and development code can be referenced on the City website.
1.Civil plans are not quite to scale, maybe a product of reproduction.
2.Please provide an itemized engineers cost estimate, including units and unit prices, for both on-
site and off-site (right-of-way) improvements, including traffic control. The City recommends
use of the King County Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet.
A bond is required to be placed for all right-of-way improvements. The amount of the bond
will be based on 120% of the City approved estimate for all right-of-way improvements.
The City will inform you of the appropriate bond amount after review of the cost estimate.
Bond forms can be obtained from Marie Harrison, Permit Coordinator 425-771-0220 or
Inspection fees for this project will be calculated at 2.2% of the 120% City approved
estimate for all improvements.
The following comments from Jerry Shuster, Stormwater Engineer, were provided to you via
email on June 4th. Please contact Jerry directly at 425-771-0220 or by email at with any specific questions you may have regarding these
For this permit I reviewed the following:
bld20131105-SwedishPkgGarage-Civil-E1 Page 1 of 5
Swedish/Edmonds Hospital, Parking Garage, Drainage Report, October 2013, kpff
Consulting Engineers
Plan sheets C-200 (demolition only), C-410, & C-430.
Drainage Report
1.Section 2., page 2, 2nd paragraph: The location of the proposed parking garage is currently
served by a detention vault (east of proposed garage) and a detention pipe (north of proposed
2.Section 3., page 2, 1st paragraph: Add that the project falls into the Large Site Project
category because it will include 1 acre or more of land disturbing activity.
3.Section 3.2, page 3: Add the completed Notice of Intent (NOI) filed with the Department of
Ecology to an appendix in this report.
4.Section 3.4, page 4, last paragraph: The text states that approximately 32,000 square feet of
tributary area for the existing north detention pipe will now drain to the proposed detention
system for the parking garage. Plan Sheet C-200 shows demolition of 80 feet of existing 36
inch CMP detention pipe that is part of the north detention system. City records show this
north detention system consists of two pipes, the approx. 168 feet of 36 inch diameter CMP
(oriented northwest/southeast) and 130 LF of 48 inch diameter CMP (oriented
north/south). With the loss of 80 feet of the 36 inch CMP, what percentage of detention
volume is removed and compare this to the 32,000 SF of tributary area removed from this
system. Show that the loss in detention volume (%) is less than the loss in tributary area
5.Section 3.7: This section and the accompanying modeling files were only given a cursory
review during this round. A more detailed review will be given on the next submittal. A
few questions to clarify and help facilitate the review in the future are:
Are the bioswales an overflow for the biorention planters?
Why does Basin 4 have 0.011 acres of C, Pasture, flat in the modeling?
Why does the SSD table for the detention pipes have manual infiltration values?
6.Section 3.6, page 5: Demonstrate whether or not the site is considered a high-use site. If it
is, addition oil control will be required. A detailed review of the modeling for water quality
treatment will occur on the next submittal.
7.Section 3.10, page 8: The plans do not show how and where the new detention/treatment
system connects to the City system on Hwy 99. Sheet C-410 shows this new system
connecting to SDMH 01 that is on the discharge line for the existing detention vault, but do
not show how this connects to the City system. Show this on sheet c-410 or another sheet.
According to the Plans for the Puget Sound Cancer Center, this discharge connects to a
bioswale that is part of the treatment system for the existing detention vault. Demonstrate
the following:
The treating capacity of the bioswale is not compromised by the additional flow.
The capacity of the system downstream of MH SD01 to Hwy 99 (including the
bioswale) is adequate.
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Plan Sheets
8.Sheet C-410: There is a stormwater system located approximately 25 feet north of the
proposed garage. The plans call out a manhole on this line to: Adjust Ex SDMH Lid to
Grade, Rim 366.38. The survey shows a 12 pipe to the SW that is not shown on the
plans. Please reconcile. Also, show where this system ends up as it travels east towards
Hwy 99.
9.Sheet C-430: Detail 3 shows the wall and footing drain detail referenced to sheet C-
410. The callout for this detail on sheet C-410 could not be located. Also show how/where
these footing drains connect to the storm system.
The following comments from Bertrand Hauss, Transportation Engineer. Please contact
Bertrand directly at 425-771-0220 or by email at with any
specific questions you may have regarding these comments.
1. Please update Table 1: Study Intersections and Controls on page 5 for #7 76th Avenue
W/216th Street (west leg) control to signalized.
2.On page 12 and 13, under the Planned Street Improvements, please make the following
a.Section #1 states it will be completed in 2014. Please revise to TBD.
b.Section #2 states it will be completed in 2016. Please revise to TBD.
c.Revise Section #3 to reflect the changes to sections 1 and 2.
d.Please add the following clarification to Section #4, luminaries will be located from
220th to 212th St SW on the west side of SR99 and from 220th to 216th St SW on the
east side of SR99. Also please revise the to be completed year to 2015.
3.On page 22, please revise the year from 2016 to 2021 in Table 8.
1.Please change address to the assigned address for the garage, 7324 216 St SW.
1.Under General Notes revise item #1 to reference the 2012 WSDOT/APWA Standards.
1.Will vehicles be entering or existing site at the west side of the property? If so, please add rock
entrance in this area as well as the one shown along the east section of the property.
2.A Straw Bale Filtration System is no longer an approved temporary erosion sediment measure.
Please choose an alternate method. Any method approved by WSDOT is also approved by the
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1. Detail #4 references capacity but no values are included. Please add values or reference where
the capacity information can be found.
1.No ADA stalls are currently shown on the plans. Please add the necessary amount of stalls
and/or note how the ADA requirement will be met.
2.Indicate the width of the west drive aisle.
3.Please label hatched area at northeast corner of proposed one way drive aisle.
1.Please revise details to include the plan sheet number in which the detail is referenced.
2.Revise permeable pavement details to include specific standards to be met for rock base and
compaction %. See note above under Stormwater Report Sheet 4.1.
3.Detail 16 Pre-Cast Wheel Stop: Provide dimension for placement of wheel stop from edge of
The following comments from Mike Delilla, Utility Engineer, can be accessed on our Fttp site
via the following link: Please contact Mike directly at 425-771-0220 or by email at with any specific questions you may have regarding these
1.Please add note that states A separate irrigation permit must be obtained from the City Public
Works Department. Prior to final construction acceptance provide the City Cross-Connection
Control Specialist with a copy of the backflow test report. Test reports can be faxed to
425.744.6057 or e-mailed to Backflow testing will be
required on an annual basis thereafter.
Please contact me at 425-771-0220 or by e-mail at if you have
specific questions regarding these plan corrections.
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