121 5Avenue North, Edmonds WA 98020
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January 15, 2014
Jim Henricks/
RE:BLD 2013 1381
Planning Division comments for building permit file »Henricks SFR
a new single family home336 SunsetRS-6
Thank you for submitting a building permit application for at in the
zone. I have reviewed the above building permit application for the Planning Division and it was found that the
following information, corrections, or clarificationswill need to be addressed before the Planning Division
review can continue.
1.Site Plan:
Please move the points of the height rectangle so that they make up the smallest
rectangle that encloses all of the structure, excluding up to 30” of eaves.I don’t believe that moving the
points will change your calculations, but the rectangle needs to be revised nonetheless. Per ECDC
21.40.030.B, “‘Average level’ shall be determined by averaging elevations of the downward projections
of the four corners of the smallest rectangle which will enclose all of the building, excluding a maximum
of 30 inches of eaves.”I believe this means moving point A south and west, point B south and west,
point C west (to enclose the garage) and move point D west. If the calculations change, please update the
height calculations on both the site plan and elevations.
Please removethe already demolished structures fromthe site plan.
Please change the zoning designation from “Rural Reserve” to “RS-6.”
The height calculation numbers on the site plan are in the 40s and 60s while the elevations on
sheet A3.1 are shown in the hundreds. Please make these numbers consistent. Please show the “actual”
height, the “maximum” height, and the “average elevation” on sheet A3.1.
Please show how the chimney meets the height limit by indicating its elevation. Per ECDC
21.40.030.D.4, chimneys shallnot exceed “…nine square feet in horizontal section or more than three
feet in height, for that portion above the height limit...”
3.Lot Line Adjustment (PLN20130054):
Please update me on the status of the pending lot line adjustment.
Preliminary approval has been granted, however, westill need the final maps (with notarized signatures) and
for it to be recorded at the Snohomish County Auditor’s Office. I would be happy to answer any questions
about what needs to be done to get this land use process wrapped up.
4.Critical Areas Report:
This neighborhoodalong Sunsetwas designated a “seismic hazard” on the
Washington Department of Natural Resources map and therefore requires acritical areas“study” under file
number CRA20130099. Per ECDC 23.80.030.C, “Seismic hazard areas are areas subject to severe risk of
damage as a result of earthquake-induced ground shaking, slope failure, settlement, soil liquefaction, lateral
spreading, or surface faulting. Settlement and soilliquefaction conditions occur in areas underlain by
Development Services Department –Planning Division | 121 5Avenue North, Edmonds WA 98020 | 425.771.0220
All code citations can be foundonlineat:
cohesionless, loose, or soft-saturated soils of low density, typically in association with a shallow ground
water table.”Please submit a geotechnical reportthat touches on the following code sections.
ECDC 23.80.050 Special study and report requirements –Geologically hazardous areas.
Critical area report requirements for geologically hazardous areas are generally met through submission to the director of one
or more geotechnical engineering reports. In addition to the general critical areas report requirements of ECDC 23.40.090,
critical areas reports for geologically hazardous areas must meet the requirements of this section and Chapters 18.30and 19.10
ECDC as applicable. Critical areas reports for two or more types of critical areas must meet the report requirements for each
relevant type of critical area. Geotechnical report(s) submitted for the purpose of critical areas review are required as necessary in
addition toreports, data and other information mandated per ECDC Titles 18and 19.
A.Preparation by a Qualified Professional. A critical areas report for a geologically hazardous area shall be prepared by an
engineer or geologist licensed in the state of Washington, with experience analyzing geologic, hydrologic, and ground water flow
systems, and who has experience preparing reports for the relevant type of hazard. Critical areas studies and reports on
geologically hazardous areas shall be subject to independent review pursuant to ECDC 23.40.090(B).
B.Area Addressed in Critical Areas Report. The following areas shall be addressed in a critical areas report for geologically
hazardous areas:
1.The project area of the proposed activity; and
2.All geologically hazardous areas within 200 feet of the project area or that have the potential to be affected by the
C.Geological Hazards Assessment. A critical areas report for a geologically hazardous area shall contain an assessment of
geological hazards including the following site-and proposal-related information at a minimum:
1.Site and Construction Plans. The report shall include a copy of the site plans for the proposal showing:
a.The type and extent of geologic hazard areas, any other critical areas, and buffers on, adjacent to, within 200 feet of, or that are
likely to impact the proposal;
b.Proposed development, including the location of existing and proposed structures, fill, storage of materials, and drainage
facilities, with dimensions indicating distances to the floodplain, if available;
c.The topography, in two-foot contours, of the project area and all hazard areas addressed in the report; and
d.Clearing limits;
2.Assessment of Geological Characteristics. The report shall include an assessment of the geologic characteristics of
the soils, sediments, and/or rock of the project area and potentially affected adjacent properties, and a review of the site history
regarding landslides, erosion, and prior grading. Soils analysis shall be accomplished in accordance with accepted classification
systems in use in the region. The assessment shall include, but not be limited to:
a.A description of the surface and subsurface geology, hydrology, soils, and vegetation found in the project area and in all
hazard areas addressed in the report;
b.A detailed overview of the field investigations, published data, and references; data and conclusions from past assessments of
the site; and site-specific measurements, tests, investigations, or studies that support the identification of geologically hazardous
areas; and
c.A description of the vulnerability of the site to seismic and other geologic events;
3.Analysis of Proposal. The report shall contain a hazards analysis including a detailed description of the project, its
relationship to the geologic hazard(s), and its potential impact upon the hazard area, the subject property, and affected adjacent
properties; and
4.Minimum Buffer and Building Setback. The report shall make a recommendation for the minimum no-disturbance
buffer and minimum building setback from any geologic hazard based upon the geotechnical analysis.
D.Incorporation of Previous Study. Where a valid critical areas report has been prepared within the last five years for a
specific site, and where the proposed land use activity and surrounding site conditions are unchanged, said report may be
incorporated into the required critical areas report. The applicant shall submit a hazards assessment detailing any changed
environmental conditions associated with the site.
E.Mitigation of Long-Term Impacts. When hazard mitigation is required, the mitigation plan shall specifically address how
the activity maintains or reduces the preexisting level of risk to the site and adjacent properties on a long-term basis (equal to or
exceeding the projected lifespan of the activity or occupation). Proposed mitigation techniques shall be considered to provide
Development Services Department –Planning Division | 121 5Avenue North, Edmonds WA 98020 | 425.771.0220
All code citations can be foundonlineat:
long-term hazard reduction only if they do not require regular maintenance or other actions to maintain their function. Mitigation
may also be required to avoid any increase in risk above the preexisting conditions following abandonment of the activity.
ECDC 23.80.050.H.Seismic Hazard Areas.
In addition to the basic critical areas report requirements for geologically
hazardous areas provided in subsections A through E of this section, a critical areas report for a seismic hazard area shall also
meet the following requirements:
1.The site map shall show all known and mapped active faults within 200 feet of the project area or that have the potential to be
affected by the proposal.
2.The hazards analysis shall include a complete discussion of the potential impacts of seismic activity on the site (for example,
forces generated and fault displacement).
3.A geotechnical engineering report shall evaluate the physical properties of the subsurface soils, especially the thickness of
unconsolidated deposits and their liquefaction potential. If it is determined that the site is subject to liquefaction, mitigation
measures appropriate to the scale of the development shall berecommended and implemented. \[Ord. 3527 §2, 2004\].
ECDC 23.40.160
With my review, I need to make a determinationthat the following criteriain can be met:
ECDC 23.40.160 Review criteria.
A.Any alteration to a critical area, unless otherwise provided for in this title, shall be reviewed and approved, approved with
conditions, or denied based on the proposal’s ability to comply with all of the following criteria:
1.The proposal minimizes the impact on critical areas in accordance with ECDC 23.40.120, Mitigation sequencing;
2.The proposal does not pose an unreasonable threat to the public health, safety, or welfare on or off the development proposal
3.The proposal is consistent with the general purposes of this title and the public interest;
4.Any alterations permitted to the critical area are mitigated in accordance with ECDC 23.40.110, Mitigation requirements;
5.The proposal protects the critical area functions and values consistent with the best available science and resultsin no net loss
of critical area functions and values; and
6.The proposal is consistent with other applicable regulations and standards.
Please submit a written response to the above, along with any revised plans to your Permit CoordinatorMarie
Harrison. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. I look forward to working with you on
this project.
Gina Janicek::
Associate Planner
City of Edmonds Development Services Department
121 5Avenue North, Edmonds WA 98020
425.771.0220 x 1778 |
cc:BLD 2013 1381
Development Services Department –Planning Division | 121 5Avenue North, Edmonds WA 98020 | 425.771.0220
All code citations can be foundonlineat: