BLD20131404 Plan Review Comments.pdf
P: 425.771.0220 • F: 425.771.0221 •
January 29, 2014
Mr.Chris McGinness
Dear Mr. McGinness:
I have reviewed the above building permit applicationfor thePlanning Division,and it was found that the
following information, corrections, or clarifications will need to be addressedbefore review can continue:
1.Please make the following revisions/corrections to your site plan:
a.Show the outline of the footprint of the entire residence.
b.Indicate and label the garage with uncovered deck above.
c.Indicate the fireplace bumpout on the western side of the residence.
d.Indicate and label the covered front porch and uncovered deck above a portion of the front porch,
including an indication of the location of all support posts for the roof and/or deck.
e.Verify that the locations of all outermost eaves are indicated.
Topographyand Height:
2.Please address the following comments regarding the topography of the site
as well as the height of the proposed residence:
a.ECDC 21.40.030 defines “height”as “the average vertical distance from the average level of the
undisturbed soil of the site covered by a structure to the highest point of the structure.”As such,
height calculations must be based on the average originalgrade. This was also included as a
condition of approval when the property was subdivided in 1982 under File No. S-8-80. The
subdivision documents (S-8-80) includea grading and drainage plan that was received by the City
on March 26, 1980 (enclosed for reference). Please revise the site plan to indicateoriginal grade
contoursconsistent with those indicated on the grading and drainage plan from the subject
subdivision. In addition to indicating original grade contours, please also indicate contour lines for
existing gradeand proposed gradeutilizing different line styles.
b.The rectangle utilized for the height calculations must be the smallest rectangle that encloses the
entire structure excluding up to 30 inches of eaves. Once the support posts for the covered front
porch and uncovered deck above are indicated on the site plan as discussed above, staff will be able
to confirm if the height rectangle was drawn in the correct location.
c.Please correctthe elevations of Points A through D of your height rectangle to accurately reflect the
originalgrades of each of these pointsand update the height calculations accordingly. In updating
your height calculations, please keep in mind that the numbers cannot be rounded up.Additionally,
allcorrectionsto the elevations of the average grade, maximum permitted height, andproposed
height must be indicated on both the site plan and the building elevations(Sheet A1).
d.The datum point is indicated as a manholecover in Sprague Street with an elevation of 102.22 feet;
however, this point is located above the 110-foot contour line. It does not appear that the ground
slopes downwards so significantly between the northern boundary of the project site and the
manhole cover. Please verify the elevation of the datum point and ensure that the height
calculations are accurately provided in accordance with the elevation of this datum point.
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Rockeries/Retaining Walls:
3.Rockeries and retaining walls must comply with setback requirements if
they exceed three feet in height measured over originalgrade.Please modify the proposed wall heights
and/or locations in order to comply with this requirement and provide top of wall elevations onthe site
plan in order to confirm that the walls do not exceed three feet in height measured over original grade
where located within the minimum required setback areas. If the walls are steppedand/orthe elevation
of the top of the walls changes along the lengths of the walls, please also provide top of wall elevations
at five-foot intervalsalong the lengths of the walls.
Lot Coverage:
4.Lot coverage is defined as the total ground coverage of all buildings or structures on a
site measured from the outside of external walls or supporting members or from a point two and one-
half feet in from the outside edge of a cantilevered roof, whichever covers the greatest area. The
maximum allowed lot coverage for the RS-6zone is 35 percent of the net lot area. It was noted thatthe
proposed lot coverage stated on the site plan is different than what was stated on Sheet P2 of the
building plans. Please correct all discrepancies and verify that the proposed lot coverage is accurately
stated on all plans.
Please submit three copiesof your revised siteplan (including one reduced copy) and two copies of any
revised building plan sheets to a Development Services Permit Coordinator. Our office hours are Mondays,
Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays between 8:00 am and 4:30 pm, and Wednesdays between 8:00 am and noon.
If you have any questions, feel freeto contact me at (425) 771-0220.
Development Services Department -Planning Division
Associate Planner
Enclosure: Grading and Drainage Plan received 3/26/80(File No. S-8-80)
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