BLD2013-1421 5ave Animal Hospital.doc
Date:February 10, 2014
To:Jeff Clark,, Architectural Werks Inc.
From:Fire Marshal John J. Westfall 425.771.0213
Subject:BLD2013-1421 5 Avenue Animal Hospital 310 5 S
This Review is conducted in accordance with 2012 IFC and Edmonds Community Development
1) Sheet A0.1: Callout Fire Connection Permit or provide fire sprinkler supply information
with your Civil plans. Fire connection permit or civil design is required for the installation
of the underground supply for your fire protection system. Underground design must be
stamped by registered PE or a Level III (WA) fire sprinkler contractor AND the installer
must also stamp the plans. An installer must be either Level III or Level “U” fire sprinkler
contractor licensed by the State. Provide three copies of plans showing all valves, vault
location, post indicating valve, fire department connection and piping to include size and
material, hydraulic calculations, thrust blocking with calculations, pipe bury depth and
any and all other materials used and their fire protection listings. RCW 18.160.070 /
RCW 18.27.110
2) Sheets A0.3 & A2.1: Indicate the quantity and type of medical gases. MEDICAL GAS
RM 009 appears to require treatment as interior gas room due to inability to vent through
exterior wall. Mechanical duct requires 1 hr. FR shaft to safe vent location. Call out
ventilation shaft and termination location.
3) Sheet A0.3: Collocate fire alarm control panel in SPRINKLER RM 004 and provide FA
annunciator in FOYER 101.
4) Sheet A0.3: Edit FIRE DETECTION: SPRINKLER SYSTEM: “System and system valves
to be electrically supervised”. No PIV is required in this design configuration.
5) Sheet A0.3: Locate fire extinguishers near exit stairs at two lower levels. Locate single
unit on 2 floor near stair.
6) Sheets A3.1, A3.2, A3.3 Provide emergency pathway lighting in STAIR-1 and STAIR-2.
7) Sheet A3.1 Provide exit signs leading to stair enclosures from PARKING GARAGE 005.
8) Sheet A3.2 Provide exit sign to exit in STAIR-2.
9) Sheet A4.1 Post building address with minimum 6” high numbers on contrasting
City of Edmonds Office of Fire Marshal
10) Sheet A4.5. Comment: Sprinkler protection will be required under soffitted areas
exceeding 4’ in width.
11) Sheet A9.1
a. Provide permanent KNOX BOX at exterior for after-hours FD access. Visit for preauthorization from Snohomish County FD#1.
b. Door 001B and 004A Provide FIRE CONTROL signs indicating fire sprinkler
riser and alarm location.
c. Doors 010A and 009A Provide MEDICAL GAS signs indicating medical gas
interior storage supply and control.