bld20140074-Post Office-E1-REVISED.pdf CITY OF EDMONDS PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS ENGINEERING DIVISION (425) 771-0220 City Website: www.edmondswa.gov DATE:March 11, 2014 March 12, 2014 –REVISED TO:Scott Boyer scottb@mithun.com FROM:Jeanie McConnell, Engineering Program Manager Jerry Shuster, Stormwater Engineer Program Manager RE:Application#:bld20140074 Project:Post Office nd Project Address: 130 2Ave N During review of the above noted application, it was found that the following information, corrections, or clarifications are needed. Please redline plans or submit three (3) sets of revised plans/documents with a written response to each of the items below to a permit coordinator. City of Edmonds handouts, standard details and development code can be referenced on the City website. Comments 1 –March 11, 2014 Comments 1 REVISED –March 12, 2014 Revised to include striping and signage comments from traffic engineer. An additional comment about drivewayslope has also been included.Refer to C3.01–Paving and Utilitiessectionbelow. GENERAL 1.Please provide an itemized engineers cost estimate, including units and unit prices, for both on- site and off-site (right-of-way) improvements, including traffic control.Please use the King County Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet. A bond is required to be placed for all right-of-wayand stormwater improvements as well as o erosion control. The amount of the bond will be based on 120% of theCity approved estimate of the improvement cost. The City will inform you of the appropriate bond amount after review of the cost estimate. Bond forms can be obtained fromPermit Coordinators Linda Thornquist or Kristin Johns at 425-771-0220 or by email at linda.thornquist@edmondswa.govor Kristin.johns@edmondswa.gov Inspection fees for this project will be calculated at 3.3% of the 120% City approved o estimate for all improvements. bld20140074-Post Office-E1.docx Page 1of 10 2.Please submit a traffic control and haul route plan for review and approval. Individual plans nd shall be provided for all elements of work to be completed both in 2Ave and Bell Street. 3.Please submit 3 copies of an updated traffic impact analysis that includes both office space and apartments consistent with the building permit submittal. A1.01 –SITE PLAN 1.Plans indicate a steel canopy will encroach into the City right-of-way. A separate encroachment permit will be required for any encroachments. Please refer to City Handout E26. 2.Remove impervious surface calculation notes. This information should be provided on the civil plan set and in the drainage report. 3.Please clarify how the trash room/trash pick-up area will function. Will the trash hauler access the room on pick-up day or will the containers need to be located outside the building somewhere? If containers need to be located outside the building please indicate where they will be placed. L1.01 –(LANDSCAPE) MATERIALS & LAYOUT PLAN 1.Plans state “Flag Pole -see specifications”. Specifications have not been provided in the plan set. Please provide. 2.Tree grates shall be 3’ x 3’. Please revise plans accordingly. 3.Add note to refer to civil construction plans for frontage improvements. L2.01 –(LANDSCAPE) PLANTING PLAN 1.Add notes that Street Trees shall be planted at 20-feet on center. 2.The street tree to the north of the north driveway appears to be in conflict with the proposed fire line and domestic water service line. 5-foot separation shall be maintained from utilities. Please revise plans accordingly. 3.Power facilities are shown on the civil construction plans at the northeast corner of the property. Please confirm the proposed Street Tree location is not in conflict with these facilities. nd 4.Landscape area under trees on 2Ave N has been identified as grass. Consistent with a previous meeting held with City staff, this area was approved to be landscaping only if ornamental shrubs and the like were planted along with stone walk through areas for pedestrian access. Otherwise, a full width sidewalk with 3’ x 3’ tree grates shall be constructed. Please revise plans accordingly. nd 5.Street trees on 2and Bell Street shall be a minimum 3” caliper. 6.Please revise the Street Tree for Bell Street to a Cleaveland Flowering Pear. SHORING PLANS 1.A conceptual shoring design was discussed with the City in October 2013. It was conveyed that nd the shoringsystemshad the potential to encroach into the alley and2Ave, but not on Bell Street. A soldier pile wall with tie backs was proposed for the alley and a cantilever wall was nd proposed on 2Ave. The City asked about the possible elimination of tie backs, potential nd utility conflicts and construction of a soldier pile wall on 2instead of the cantilever wall. It was stated that the City would be looking for a proposal that provided as minimal impact as possible. The current proposal is for a soldier pile wall with tie backs that extend half way into nd 2Ave, a portion of the way into Bell Street, and across the entire alley. Page 2of 10 a.Please provide written comments as to why the proposed design was selected. b.Provide any information you may have regarding City of Seattle procedures for similar proposals. c.Provide a summary of construction impacts to the surrounding area during construction of the walls. d.Show temporary impacts, including street and sidewalk closures, in the civil plan set. e.Provide information regarding the final state of the wall once the temporary use is no longer needed. How will the wall be left? Does the proposal include cutting the wall down to a certain height at completion of basement and ground floor construction? 2.Refer to separate structural review comments provided by Beck & Associates and dated February 9, 2014. STORMWATER REPORT The following comments are provided from Jerry Shuster, Stormwater Engineer. Please contact Jerry directly at 425-771-0220 or by email at jerry.shuster@edmondswa.govwith any specific questions you may have regarding these comments. Refer also to Appendix 7 of the Western Washington Phase II Stormwater permit (attached). Stormwater Site Plan 1.Section 1 ,page 1, last paragraph.The text should clarify whether the 27,976 sf of new/replaced impervious surface area is for Phase I only of Phase I and Phase II. 2.Section 3, Page 3, third and fourth paragraph. The text should indicate how much the Bell street drainage basin will be increased (percentage) with the addition of the runoff from the northern portion of the alley. 3.Section 3, Page 4, last paragraph. Add that the proposed detention system will reduce the peak flows going to the Dayton Street system compared to current conditions. 4.Section 4.Replace SSMR it Minimum Requirements (MR) since this is a Large Site Project. 5.Section 4, Page 5, Flow Control.State that the project is not required to meet the Ecology flow control standard for stream protection since it is a in a direct discharge basin.It does need to meet the Edmonds-specific flow control stated for direct discharge basins. 6.Section 5.3, page 7 and Appendix B. Note that the applicable flow control standard is 0.25 and 0.45 cfs per acre impervious,for the applicable recurrence events.Size the detention system only modeling the impervious surface area.It is assumed that any pervious areas will have compost-amended soil that will produce virtually zero runoff.Also, does the detention system sizing include the north part of the alley that will bypass it? Also, provide buoyancy calculations for the detention system or provide a rational as why none are needed. 7.Section 5.4, page 7, Table 1.In column 3, replace “Bioretention Area” with “Detention System.” 8.Section 6.This is a Large Site Project, therefore, it requires a and Construction Stormwater General Permit and SWPP per the Department of Ecology regulations.A Notice of Intent (NOI) must be filed with Ecology and a complaint SWPP sent to them.Please include in your next submittal.Also include APPENDIX 7 from the City’s Municipal Stormwater Page 3of 10 Permit –Determining Construction Site Sediment Damage Potential, in the next submittal (enclosed). SHEET C1.01 –DEMOLTION TESC 1.Will a chain linksite protection fence be installed during construction? 2.Disruption fees will be charged for closure of the sidewalk, alley and/or parking areas beyond 72hrs. Please indicate proposed areas of closure and the estimated duration of closure. 3.It is understood that the electrical lines through the alley will be placed underground. Please add notes to this effect on the plans and indicate work will be done under a separate permit. nd 4.If it is not possible to leave the stop sign at the corner of 2& Bell in place during construction, then a temporary location and stand will need to be established. Please note on plans how this will be addressed. 5.On Bell Street, please add a note that the existing storm section to be abandoned will be plugged in the existing manhole near the NE corner of the intersection as well as capped at the CB. 6.Please show the location of the existing water meter to be used for temporary water supply during construction. 7.Plans indicate “relocate UP” and “Protect Ex. UP”. Please clarify what UP refers to. 8.The existing sidewalk or at a minimum the curb, should remain in place for as long as possible. Please add notes to the plans reflecting such. 9.Please clarify that all sections of existing sidewalk, curb and gutter are to be removed and replaced. 10.Maintain portion of existing sidewalk at proposed location of construction entrance. This will nd help keep the quarry spalls out of 2Ave. 11.It seems as though the “Matchline” sections on the plan should state Main Street as the matchline is at the Main Street Intersection. To the south of Main Street please label the street nd as 2Ave S. SHEET C2.01 –GRADING & DRAINAGE 1.Storm pipe installed within the City right-of-way shall be 12”. Where less than 2-feet of cover isprovided, pipe shall be DIP.Please revise plans accordingly. 2.Callout pipe material for all storm pipe. 3.In the alley, revise the storm pipe from SD#6 to the trench drainso the main line runs parallel in the alley and connections to the City system run perpendicular to the property line. 4.SD#5 is shown connecting to an existing SDMH with i.e. 40.10. Please provide i.e.’s for all pipe connections to this existing SDMH. SHEET C3.01 –PAVING & UTILITIES 1.Will an irrigation system be installed with this project? If so, please add Irrigation Notes that state “A separate irrigation permit must be obtained from the City Public Works Department. Prior to final acceptance provide the City Cross-Connection Control Specialist with a copy of the backflow test report. Test reports can be faxed to 425.744.6057 or e-mailed to linda.mcmurphy@edmondswa.govBackflow testing will be required on an annual basis thereafter.”This note could be added to the landscape plan. 2.On Bell Street, please note that the new curb at the alley should match existing. The existing curb may be curb/gutter (detail E2.8) instead of vertical. Page 4of 10 nd 3.All curb and gutter sections shall be replaced on 2Ave. The majority of the curb on Bell Street could potentially remain, but will be determined through inspection with the Engineering Division. Please note as such on the plans. 4.Specifywidth of landscape strips within the right-of-way. 5.Instead of a no parking sign near the fire hydrant, please paint curb yellow. 3/12/2014 REVISED comment: Curb shall be painted yellow on either side of driveway 6. approaches aminimumdistance of 10-feet. Up to 15-feet wouldbe desirable if this can be obtained. On-street parking “spaces”should be calculated using a length of 20-feet. After determining the numberof stalls that can fit within a specified area, please use the remaining area to create the maximum buffer from driveways. In addition, moving the proposed fire hydrant to the north slightly would allow for 2 parking stalls to thesouth of the hydrant. 3/11/2014 comment -Curb shall be painted yellow for no parking for a distance of 5-feet on either side of the driveways as well as in front of the fire hydrant. nd 3/12/2014 REVISED comment –Parking spaces on Bell Street and 2Ave shall be striped 7. with a parking space outline, consistent with parking stall identification on Bell Street. 3/11/2014 comment -Parking spaces on Bell Street shall be striped with the parking space outline, consistent with the rest of the street. nd 3/12/2014 REVISED comment –Two loading zone parkingspaces are approved for 2 8. Ave,in front of the Post Office. The loading zone signage should limit parkingto 15 minutes. One sign shouldbe shown centered in the parking area, which will now be nd striped for designated parking.Two additional stalls on 2Avenear the north end of the building shall be designatedas3-hour parking. All parking on Bell Street (approximately 4 stalls) shallbe designatedas3-hour parking.Please revise plans to show appropriate striping and signage ateach of these locations. nd 3/11/2014 comment -Plans indicate loading zone parking on both 2Ave and Bell Street. Approval for these restricted areas will need to beprovided by the City Traffic Engineer. The City follow-up when these conversations have been finalized. nd 9.Remove notes for tree pits and callout 3’ x 3’ tree grates where appropriate along the 2Ave frontage. Trees shall be spaced at 30-feet on center. 10.Installation of a flag polehas been shown on this plan and reference made to the LA dwgs. The Landscape drawings, however, do not provide details for the flag pole. Please include details in the plan set, including distance from curb and distance from building, so it can be determined if the proposed location is acceptable to the City. 11.Show cross section through alley and reference detail 1 on Sheet C4.03. 12.Add line type for storm flow line in alley. Clarify where flows will discharge to at south end of proposed alley improvement. 13.Use bold line type for the water utility systems. 14.At the proposed point of connection to the City water main it appears as though gas main may be in conflict. Please add notes to the plans requiring potholing in this area to confirm gas main location and provide opportunity to deal with any potential conflicts ahead of actual main line tap. 15.Show the 2” in-line valve on the domestic line. 16.Please revise plans to show the fireline connection to the City water main as a hot tap. 17.Show 4” in-line valve on the fireline. 18.Instead of installing a valve cluster and the fire line connection to the City main, an EZ-valve 2 inline valve insertion will be required. Staff is currently making a determination as to where this should be located, but it will likely be just north of Main Street. Page 5of 10 19.City standard detail E7.19 has been referenced for the fire line connection.This is the appropriate detail, however, please clarify that the connection to the City main will not be done consistent withthe detail. 20.Reference City standard detail E7.8 for the FDC at the building. nd 21.The plans indicate two in-line valves on the existing water main in 2Ave. One of those valves nd actually serves a property to the west (111 2Ave). Please correct the base survey to accurately show this information. 22.Please provide invert elevation on the sanitary side sewer at the building. 23.On the sanitary side sewer, add a 6” cleanout with 12” CI lamphole cover at the property line. 24.Show all dry utilities running to the site. Please add a note that a minimum of 3’ separation is required between the dry utilities (power, gas, phone, cable, etc.) and sewer, water, and storm and 5’ from any City main lines. 3/12/2014 –new comment: The architectural plans (at least for the south driveway) 25. indicate a drivewayslope of 20%. Sight distance for vehiclesapproachingthe sidewalkon aramp with20% slopeisgreatly minimized. Will any provisions be made to account for this? Is it possible to achievethe project goals with a driveway slope less than 20%? At a minimum, can the slope ofthedrivewaybe lessened within 10-feetof the sidewalk? Driveway slopes proposed in excess ofthe code allowed 14%must first be approved by the City Engineer after following a public notification process. Please provide a written drivewayslope waiver request consistent with Edmonds Community Development Code (ECDC)18.80.060.Dand an adjacent property owners list consistent with ECDC 20.01. Please also note that a 20% slope is the maximum slopethe City could potentially grant a waiver for. Meeting this required slope during constructionwill be difficult, so at a very minimum it is recommended that the slope be designed ata maximumof19%. SHEET C4.01 –SITE NOTES & DETAILS 1.ESC Notes –Note 15 is a repeat of 13 and Note 16 is a repeat of 14. Please revise. 2.ESC Notes –Note 20 –replace “municipal” with the word “development”. 3.Construction Sequence –include timing/phasing for the construction of shoring. 4.Revise Note1 under General Notes to state 2014 WSDOT specs. SHEET C4.02 –SITE NOTES & DETAILS 1.Detail 4 does not appear to be applicable to this plan set. Please revise plans to either show the tree(s) that are to be protected or remove detail. Page 6of 10 SHEET C4.03–SITE NOTES & DETAILS 1.Please clarify that Detail 3 shall be used for on-site walkways. Detail 6 shall be used for Public sidewalk SHEET C4.04–SITE NOTES & DETAILS 1.Detail 3 –Revise water main connection. Label detail as “modified”. 2.Detail 6 –Reference standard detail E2.26 for joint/expansion joint requirements. Or include notes in this detail. 3.Detail 8 –Clearly identify landscape planter area and reference landscape plan for planting requirements. 4.Please include City standard detail E7.8. On the indoor installation, install Sensus RadioRead Sensor Model 510R MXU instead of ECR/WP. 5.Include detail E7.18 in the plan set. SHEET C4.05–DETENTION DETAILS & STORM DRAIN MAIN EXTENSION 1.Detail 6 -Revise to call out polypropylene ladder steps. 2.Detail 6 -The City no longer accepts shear gates as our standard.Use Standard Detail E5.4 from http://edmondswa.gov/services/permits-development/handouts-forms/services-permits-std- details-main-page-menu/services-std-details-storm-drainage-section-5-menu.html. The screen is OK to use in the detail. 3.Detail 7 -“Regular” CMP is not approved for detention systems.Use any ofthe following: List of Approved Pipe Materials for Detention Metal: ACSP –Aluminized Corrugated Steel Pipe (Type 2 meets AASTO designations M274 and M36) ASRP -Aluminum Spiral Ribbed Pipe (16 gauge or better) CAP –Corrugated Aluminum Pipe (16 gauge or better) DIP –Ductile Iron Pipe (Class 50 or better) Concrete: PCP –Plain Concrete pipe RCP –Reinforced Concrete Pipe Plastic: PVCP –Polyvinyl Chloride Pipe (SDR 35 or better) CPEP pipe) –Corrugated Polyethylene Pipe (smooth interior wall, or N-12 ® RPP -Ribbed Polyvinylchloride Pipe Please contact me at 425-771-0220 or by e-mail at jeanie.mcconnell@edmondswa.govif you have specific questions regarding these plan corrections. Page 7of 10 Page 8of 10 Page 9of 10 Page 10of 10