bld20140189_Coleman_ENG_Incomplete_Submittal.pdf City of EdmondsBLD20140189 TH 121 5AVENUE NORTHEDMONDS, WA 98020 • (425) 771-0220 FAX (425) 771-0221 Website: www.ci.edmonds.wa.us PUBLIC WORK DEPARTMENT Planning • Building • Engineering Engineering Plan Review Comments PermitApplication:Date: #BLD20140189April 24, 2014 th Project Name/Address: Coleman -902–9Ave S Contact Person/Address, Fax or E-mail: RANDY.MUNSON@COMCAST.NET Reviewer: JENNIFERLAMBERTDivision: ENGINEERING During review of the subject submittal, it was found that the following information, corrections, or clarifications would need to be addressed. All Handouts referred to in these comments can be accessed at our website: www.edmondswa.govunder City Government / Development Services Department / Engineering Division then scroll down to Handouts: With the documentationprovided, Engineering is unable to complete the review at this time. TheCivils provided are missing the following information: 1)Other than the proposed storm system, there are no utilities shown on the Civil Plans. Sewer, Water, and the dry utilities (i.e. power, cable, gas, phone, etc.) need to be shown on the Drainage/Utility Plan. This allows for the City to review for utility separation, pipe coverage, and slope of the pipes. Please revise the Drainage Plan to be a Drainage/Utility Plan. 2)Please provide a separate Grading/TESC Plan.Reference City Standard Details as appropriate. 3)The Drainage Report provided utilizes a GeotechnicalReport for a neighboring site. The Geotechnical Report needs to referto the subject site.If infiltration is to be used, the report shall also provide infiltration rates taken at the location of the proposed stormwater management system per the City of Edmonds Code and Stormwater Supplement. Please revise the Drainage Report as needed. Some items that the Engineering Division will be looking for are: Each plan sheet shouldbe labeled(i.e.Stormwater/Utility Plan, Site Plan, TESC/Grading Plan, etc.). Please reference all easements and the recorded number associated with the easements. DATE E-MAILED4/24/2014PAGE (1) City of EdmondsBLD20140189 TH 121 5AVENUE NORTHEDMONDS, WA 98020 • (425) 771-0220 FAX (425) 771-0221 Website: www.ci.edmonds.wa.us PUBLIC WORK DEPARTMENT Planning • Building • Engineering Engineering Plan Review Comments Per a conversation with the Mr. Hoflin, it appears that the existing sewer runs west and then south from the existing home. If the existing sewer is proposed to be re-used thesewer will need meet current City Standards and easements must be submitted allowing for the private sewer to run through the neighboring properties. Utilities must be shown from the point of connection to the City utility system (i.e. mainline, meter, or catch basin -including the dry utilities). i.All utilities must go underground. ii.Make sure that there is a minimum of 3’ separation from the dry utilities and the water, sewer, and stormsystem. iii.Make sure that there is a minimum of 10’ separation from the water and the sewer lines. iv.Label the pipe size and material of the utilities (water, sewer, and storm)and if the lines are existing or proposed. Invert elevations should be shown to ensure that proper coverage over pipe, slope of pipe, and pipe separation can be verified. Please provide footing elevations. Please label the portions of the driveway that are to remain orwill be removed. Any portions of the driveway that are removed to bare soils will be considered new impervious and will need to added into the impervious surface calculations. The areas that are newwill also need to be slopedsuch that the runoff discharges to the onsite stormwater management system. Show the existing sidewalk. Show the driveway approaches and any modifications that will occur. Such as the south approach will need to be removedand replaced with standard curb/gutter and sidewalk. If the approach that is remaining does not meet ADA standards it will need to be removed and replacedto meet City Standardsand ADA Standards. Please note the 2’ asphalt cuts in front of any curb/gutter that is to be replacedto City Standards. Please add a note that if any of the sidewalk does not meet ADA, is failing, damaged, and/oris damaged during construction the sidewalk will need to be removed and replacedto City Standards. DATE E-MAILED4/24/2014PAGE (2) City of EdmondsBLD20140189 TH 121 5AVENUE NORTHEDMONDS, WA 98020 • (425) 771-0220 FAX (425) 771-0221 Website: www.ci.edmonds.wa.us PUBLIC WORK DEPARTMENT Planning • Building • Engineering Engineering Plan Review Comments Show any erosion control measures that will be installed and note the City’s standards detail. The list above is based on a cursory review of the submitted plans and documents. Please provide a detailed plan(s) so the Engineering Division can perform a complete review to confirm that what is being proposed for constructioncan be achieved and will meetthe City’s Standards. Once the plans are resubmitted, Engineering will continue the review. Please resubmit 3 copies of the revised plansand associated documents with a written response to each item to a Permit Coordinator. Please contact me at 425-771-0220ext 1321or by e-mail at jennifer.lambert@ci.edmonds.wa.usif you have specific questions regarding these plan corrections. DATE E-MAILED4/24/2014PAGE (3)