BLD20140331 Design Review Approval.pdfX41" To: Fi-oni: Date: Subject: CITY OF 11 ilk I °, 1215 th Avenue North, Edmonds WA 98020 • - 425.771.0 220 e 1 * Web: DEVELOPMEiJT► _ DEPARTMENT m PLANNING DIVISION Street file for 190 Sunset Avenue South Kernen Lien, Senior Planner May 8, 2014 Administrative Design Review S'T'AFF DECISION for BLD20140331 BLD20140331 Project Proposal Salish Crossing LLC has submitted a building permit application for a tenant improvetnent permit for the building located at 190 Sunset Avenue, within the Community Business (BC) zone. The work tinder this permit is for the western portion of the structures on site (the Antique Mall or old Safeway Building). The project will separate the interior of the building into five tenant spaces. Exterior work includes replacing the CMU wall along the southern facade with glass windows and doors that will open onto a patio permitted under a separate application. New entries will be added to the eastern facade and canopies will also be added along the southern facade and over the new entry on the eastern facade. Property Owner: Salish Crossing LLC 22833 Bothell -Everett Hwy, Suite 207 Bothell, WA 98201 Design Reviety Process Al)plicant: Nicholas Echelbarger 22833 Bothell -Everett Hwy, Suite 207 Bothell, WA 98201 As part of the City's review of the building permit referenced above, staff design review was required pursuant to Edmonds Community Development Code (ECDC) 20.10. Design review for a remodel is considered a Type I staff decision pursuant to ECDC 20.01.003. The site is located within the Community Business (BC) zone, which is subject to general design review and design review criteria listed in ECDC 20.11 and the Urban Design Chapter of the Edmonds' Comprehensive Plan. Also, because the property is located within the Downtown/Waterfront Activity Center as defined by the Comprehensive Plan, the project is also being reviewed for consistency with The Downtown Design Objectives on pages 56 — 60 of the Comprehensive Plan. Pursuant to ECDC 20.11.020, staff must enter findings that the proposal is consistent with the criteria in ECDC 20.11, the Comprehensive Plan, and the zoning ordinance. Because this is a remodel of an existing building, however, complete code compliance like that for a new building cannot be obtained. In projects like this, the intent is to achieve a greater level of compliance than that of the existing building and to improve the visual aesthetic of the downtown environment. Findings & Conclusions Page 1. of 4 1. Scope. This design review only applies to the changes on the facade including the replacing of the CMU wall along the southern facade with glass windows and doors, the new entries added to the eastern facade and canopies added along the southern facade and over the new entry on the eastern facade. 2. State Environmental Policy Act. The project was determined to be exempt from the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) under WAC 197-11-800(3). 3. Design Review Criteria A. Edmonds Community Development Code (ECDC) Compliance 1. ECDC 20.11.030 — General Design Review Criteria: ECDC 20.11.020.A notes that the urban design chapter shall be used to determine if an application meets the general criteria set forth in this chapter. Relevant criteria contained in ECDC 20.11.030 are addressed below. a. Building Design: ECDC 20.11.030.A.4 notes that long, massive, unbroken or monotonous buildings shall be avoided in order to comply with the purposes of this chapter. The size of the building is not being altered by this application However, the replacement the CMU southern facade with windows and sliding glass doors will create interest on a previous monotonous facade. The addition of the canopies on the southern and eastern facades will also help break up the mass of the building. b. Site Treatment: No site treatment is proposed with this permit application. The parking lot was restriped and landscaping improved under BLD20130149. c. Other Criteria: The subject site is not a community facility and no street furniture is proposed. B. Comprehensive Plan Compliance Location — The site is located within the Downtown Master Plan area of the Downtown/Waterfront Activity Center. Downtown design objectives are located on pages 56 — 60 of the Comprehensive Plan and are intended to encourage the development of high quality, well-designed projects that reflect the values of the citizens of Edmonds. The design objectives within the Urban Design Chapter are also applicable to this development. The proposal satisfies the intent of the following design objectives from the Comprehensive Plan. 2. The proposals satisfies the intent of the following design objects from Urban Design Chapter and the Downtown design objectives highlighted below.- a. elow: a. Building Entry Location i. Create an active, safe and lively street -edge ii. Create a pedestrian friendly environment. iii. Provide outdoor active spaces at the entry to retail commercial uses. (Page 57) b. Building facade guidelines ensure that the exterior of buildings, the portion of buildings that defines the character and visual appearance of a place, is of high quality and demonstrates the strong sense of place and integrity valued by the residents of the City of Edmonds. Facade Requirements i. Ensure diversity in design. ii. Reinforce historic building patterns found in Downtoivn Edmonds. iii. Provide a human scale streetscape, breaking up long fagades into defined forms that Page 2 of 4 continue a pattern of individual and distinct tenant spaces in commercial and mixed use areas. iv. Improve the visual and physical character and quality of Downtown Edmonds. (Page 59) c. C.9 Design Objective for Weather Protection. C.9. a Provide a covered walkway for pedestrians traveling along public sidewalks in downtown. C. 9. b Protect shoppers and residents from rain or snow. C. 9. c Provide a covered waiting area and walkway for pedestrians entering a building, coming from parking spaces and the public sidewalk in all areas of the City. (Page 95, Same language on page 57 of Downtown Design Objectives) d. E.1 Design Objective for Building Facade. E. La Ensure diversity in design. E.1. b Reinforce the existing building patterns found in Edmonds. E. L c Improve visual and physical character and quality of Edmonds. E.1. d Improve pedestrian environment in retail/commercial areas. E.3. Design Objectives for Variation in Facade Materials. The materials that make up the exterior facades of a building also help define the scale and style of the structure and provide variation in the facade to help reduce the bulk of larger buildings. From the foundation to the roof eaves, a variety of building materials can reduce the scale and help define a building's style and allows the design of a building to respond to its context and client's needs. (Page 98) 4. Zoning Compliance A. ECDC 16.50 BC - Community Business 1. ECDC 16.50.010 Uses. The building permit plans indicate a mix of retail, restaurants, and an art gallery. Retail and restaurant uses are permitted primary uses in the BC zone while an art gallery is a primary use requiring a condition use permit. None of the specific uses are being permitted at this time, but only the tenant improvements to prepare the space. A conditional use permit will be required for the art gallery in the future. 2. ECDC 16.50.020 Site development standards. None of the proposed changes to the facade will impact the site development standards. B. ECDC 17.50 Off -Street Parking Regulations The project will comply with off-street parking regulations. Pursuant to 17.50.010.C.2, within the Downtown Business area, all existing and new uses in existing building are considered to comply with the City's parking standards. Decision Staff finds that the proposal is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, Design Criteria of ECDC 20.11.030, and Zoning Regulations. Therefore, staff finds that the design of the exterior remodel in permit BLD20140331 is APPROVED. Page 3 of 4 reviewed the application for compliance with the Edmonds Community Development Code. May 8, 2014 Lien, Seni6r.,Planner) Date Attachments Elevation View of Proposed Windows on Western Facade Appeals Design review decisions by staff are only appealable to the extent that the applicable building permit or development approval is an appealable decision under the provisions of the ECDC. Design review by staff is not in itself an appealable decision. Page 4 of 4