bld20140613_622 Bell St Fourplex.pdf City of Edmonds TH 121 5 AVENUE NORTH • EDMONDS, WA 98020 • (425) 771-0220 FAX(425) 771-0221 Website: www.edmondswa.gov PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Engineering Division Plan Review Corrections Plan Check : Date: # BLD20140613 August 12, 2014 Project Name/Address: 622 Bell St – Phoenix United Multi Family 622 Bell St. Contact Person/Address/Fax: Randy Munson Randy.Munson@comcast.net Reviewer: JoAnne ZulaufDivision:Engineering During review of the subject submittal, it was found that the following information, corrections, or clarifications would need to be addressed. All Handouts and Standard Details referred to in these comments can be accessed at our website: www.edmondswa.gov by choosing Permit Assistance: GENERAL 1.Please provide an itemized engineers cost estimate, including units and unit prices, for both on-site and off- site (right-of-way) improvements, including all utilities, traffic control, fencing and restoration. Please use the King County Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet and utilize the “write-in” sections where appropriate. A bond is required to be placed for all erosion control measures and right-of-way improvements. The · amount of the bond will be based on 120% of the City approved estimate. The City will inform you of the appropriate bond amount after review of the cost estimate. Please obtain the appropriate site improvement bond forms from the City. Inspection fees for this project will be calculated at 3.3% of the 120% City approved estimate for on and · off site improvements. 2.Please add a cover sheet to civils with all general information . Signature block, if provided, should read City of Edmonds – Engineering Division, Construction Sequence, Erosion Control Notes, and General Notes – as applicable using sample language attached to these comments. (Review General Notes provided on plan to insure they are consistent with the attached sample). 3.Provide all purveyor information for Edmonds utilities on civil coversheet. See COE Handout E28. 4.Please add note to cover sheet stating “A separate right-of-way construction permit is required for all work within the city right-of-way. A ROW permit application with contractor’s signature shall be provided to the city. 5. Provide a Traffic Impact Analysis Worksheet. See Handout E82 for more information. SITE PLAN and LANDSCAPE PLAN 6. Please revise site plan and landscape plan to reflect all revisions made in response to these comments. DATE FAXED/E-MAILED 8/15/2014 PAGE _1__ OF _4_ STORM DRAINAGE 7.Proposed Impervious surface calculations do not appear to include eves, the dumpster pad or the walking paver area. The walking paver areas are considered impervious. Permeable pavers are a means of mitigation of the walkway area. (Please contact Stormwater Engineer Jerry Shuster for further information). Rough calculations from the scaled plan indicate that the total proposed impervious area is closer to 5600 sf. Please recalculate and revise plans. 8.Please provide a stormwater site classification worksheet for this project. The worksheet can be found in the Handout E72 (http://www.edmondswa.gov/images/COE/Services/Permits_and_Development/Forms_and_Handouts/E72- SWM_Erosion_Control-03.05.12.pdf). Based on the amount of new impervious surface proposed, it appears it will classify as a Category 2 Small Site Project. Please verify. 9.Please provide a stormwater report including the requirements of Chapter 5 of the Edmonds Stormwater CodeSupplement, (http://www.edmondswa.gov/images/COE/Government/Departments/Public_Works/Sto rmwater_Utility/pdf/EdmondsStormwaterSupplementFinal20100428.pdf). 10.Please provide an engineer designed stormwater system. Simplified Sizing Tools are not an option for Category 2 Small Sites. SHEET 1 OF 2: EROSION CONTROL (AND GRADING) PLAN 11.Add notes for all utilities to be abandoned/removed, including the overhead power feeds. Existing water service lines will need to be cut and capped at the main. Sanitary side sewers will need to be capped at the property line. Show location of services on plan. 12.Please show tesc for catch basins in alley. Provide standard detail on plan sheet. 13.Remove straw bale note included in filter fence detail. 14.Please add all Grading information to this sheet and remove from Sheet 2 for clarity. 15.Please provide existing and proposed elevations on plan. SHEET 2 OF 2: STORMWATER DRAINAGE (AND UTILITY) PLAN 16.Please revise Construction Notes as follows: 1-Add SDR 35 as pipe material. 2-Change as necessary for new design 3-A 4” trench drain is not sufficient to capture runoff from a slope of 14 -20%. Please consider another means of capturing the run off. 4-Add note stating “If difference between rim and invert exceeds 5 ft, a type 2 manhole will be required.” 5-See comment #21 below. Revise note if necessary. Clarify what material will be used from the control structure to the curbline. 6-Revise as necessary for new design. Reference Flow Control detail E5.4 7-Revise if necessary for new design. 8-Revise if necessary for new design. 9-10 ok 11-Add size of water meters to be installed. 12-Remove 13-Add “and landscape strip” DATE FAXED/E-MAILED 8/15/2014 PAGE _2__ OF _4_ 14-Remove “city details” and add “COE design requirements (Handout E#72B)” 15-See handout E#37-revise note as needed 16-Remove “specifications” add “standard detail E2.28 17-Remove “requirements” add “standard detail E2.26 18-ok 19-ok 20-Remove “Requirements” add “ Standard Detail E4.2 21-Add length and material here or on drawing 22-ok ***Add all Standard Details to the plans that are referenced in the above notes and in the drawings. 17.Remove existing grade elevations and only show final grades. (move grading info to Sheet 1) 18.Please call out concrete slab surface for trash enclosure. Add note that drop pins and pavement sleeves are required for gates in the closed position and the open position. 19.At alley, please reduce length of planter area to allow for a minimum of 4 ft between planter curb and property line. 20.Driveways off the alley exceed the maximum allowed 14% slope per Edmonds Community Development Code 18.80.060 D 1. Please review code section for criteria necessary to possibly obtain a waiver for up to 20% slope. 21.Please call out width of alley. 22.4” trench drains are not adequate for runoff collection from slopes of 16% and 19%. Please revise to show another method. 23.Please remove the Control Catch Basin Detail and replace with COE standard details E5.3 and E5.4. An autocad version is available of both details so project specific elevations etc may be added. 24.Please add to the Permeable Pavement detail the requirement that the base course of aggregate shall have a minimum of 3” of storage and reference Handout E#72B all requirements. 25.Call out rim and invert elevations for the existing CB on Bell St located northwest of the property. 26.Provide rim elevation for CB #1. Note #5 states DIP in the right of way for the storm crossing. Please verify that the pipe will be getting less than 2ft of cover. If there will be 2ft or more of cover then DIP is not required. Revise note if needed. 27.Please add catch basin in gutter line on south side of street. 28.Note material and length of pipe from control structure to south catch basin. 29.Footing drains are required for this project. Please show how they will connect to the stormwater outfall or make a connection to some other structure. 30.Provide 6” clean out at property line. Note 12” cast iron lamphole cover with ½” hexbolts required. 31.Clean outs shall be provided at each point where sewer enters the building. Please call out a clean out at the point the sewer enters the building in the center of the line. 32.Call out inverts at lateral connection to Sewer Main at at cleanouts to verify 2% slope is achieved. 33.Water line crosses the sewer line and where parallel there is less than 10ft separation. Please review Water Service Line Handout for separation and sleeving requirements. Please revise drawings. SHEET X OF X: FRONTAGE IMPROVEMENTS 34.Please add plan showing the frontage improvements. 35.The property at 622 Bell St shall continue to access the property from the alley. Additional curb cuts are discouraged in the downtown neighborhood area where sufficient alley access exists to meet the development needs of the site. Please revise the plan to show all access from the alley. DATE FAXED/E-MAILED 8/15/2014 PAGE _3__ OF _4_ 36.Frontage shall include a 3’ landscape strip adjacent to curb and 5’ sidewalk. 37.Two Street Trees are required for this project and shall be placed as follows: a.The existing street tree at the northeast corner of the property needs to be removed. b.Measured from the northwest corner of the property, tree shall be placed at 15’ and 35’ measured on center. c.A 3’ x 3’ tree grate is required. I have attached an example of a 4’ x 4’ tree grate to use as reference. d.Street tree species shall be a Capital or Chanticleer Pear, to be determined by Park Department. Please resubmit 3 copies of the revised plans/documents to a Development Services Coordinator. Please contact me at 425-771-0220 if you have specific questions regarding these plan corrections. DATE FAXED/E-MAILED 8/15/2014 PAGE _4__ OF _4_