bld20140729.Jenna-1.docx City of Edmonds TH 121 5 AVENUE NORTH • EDMONDS, WA 98020 • (425) 771-0220 FAX(425) 771-0221 Website: www.edmondswa.gov PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Engineering Division Plan Review Corrections Plan Check : Date: # BLD20140279/30/31 August 29, 2014 th Project Name/Address: Jenna Lane Multi Family 8508, 8512, 8514 240 St SW Contact Person/Address/Fax: Luay Joudeh luayj@me.com Reviewer: JoAnne ZulaufDivision:Engineering During review of the subject submittal, it was found that the following information, corrections, or clarifications would need to be addressed. All Handouts and Standard Details referred to in these comments can be accessed at our website: www.edmondswa.gov by choosing Permit Assistance: General: 1. Please provide an itemized cost estimate, including units and unit prices, for both on-site and off-site (right-of-way) improvements, including traffic control. A bond is required to be placed for all right-of-way improvements. Please use the a. attached King County Site Improvement Worksheet for your estimate. The amount of the bond will be based on 120% of the City approved estimate for all right-of-way improvements. The City will inform you of the appropriate bond amount after review of the cost estimate. Bond forms can be obtained from Linda Thornquist, Permit Coordinator – 425-771-0220 or linda.thornquist@edmonds.wa.gov . Inspection fees for this project will be calculated at 3.3% of the 120% City approved b. estimate for all improvements. Sheet BP-1 Site Plan: 2. Please show all structures on this plan including the retaining wall with separation required at turn around, water meters, . 3. Label patios and sidewalks. Call out dimensions. 4. Call out width of access road at property line. 5. Call out dimensions of turn around and driveway for the sfr. 6. Label access/utility easement and show from property line. 7. Call out square footage and address of each structure. 8. Add note to see civils for site grading, tesc, drainage and utilities. Sheet C3 Site and Grading Plan 9. Pedestrian walkway cannot be located in the minimum paved access road. DATE FAXED/E-MAILED 7/2/2017 PAGE ___ OF __ 12 10. Structures cannot be located within the 30’ access easement. A deck is considered a structure. The deck encroaching from the adjacent property to the west is shown within the access easement area. Please revise plans. 11. Access easement shall be shown from property line. Please revise plans to show east and south boundary lines of 30’ easement starting at north property line. 12. Call out new curb/gutter in right of way and reference City of Edmonds standard detail. 13. Call out minimum distance allowed between retaining wall and edge of pavement at turnaround. 14. Architectural elevations show a change of grade between the two garages of 2 ft for the two duplex units. This change in grade is not shown accurately on the civil plans. Provide detailed grade information for access road. 15. Add note to plans stating that all slopes upgrade of the east retaining wall shall have 2:1 slope. 16. Southeast corner of retaining wall at turnaround has typo, bottom of wall appears to have an elevation of 414.0. Sheet C4 Utility Plan 17. Please revise impervious calculation box to show all impervious surface as new. There is no replaced impervious surface per definition (see handout E72) in this proposal. 18. Revise water meter call out to reference OVWSD standard detail. 19. Plan states “External existing sewer stubs…”. Please remove the word “existing”. 20. Dispersal trench shall be a minimum of 5 ft from the property line (see handout E72 LID, BMP Design Requirements pg 6). 21. Showing the revised grading (sheet C3, comment 13), please provide a detail (similar to the inset on sheet C3 of the turnaround slopes) showing how the runoff from the entire access road will be directed into one catch basin. 22. Detention tank detail gives an invert of 413.64 for pipe connecting to the dispersion trench. The connecting pipe is called out with a length of 31 lf and a slope of 2.96. The resulting invert of the pipe connection to the dispersion trench would then be approx. 412.8. The grade at the trench location as shown on the plans is 410. Please revise to meet pipe cover requirements and meet the requirements of the dispersal trench detail. Please provide the following information in addition to the revisions requested above. 1) Traffic Control Plan 2) Water and Sewer plan approved and signed by Olympic View Water and Sewer District. Please resubmit 3 copies of the revised plans/documents to a Development Services Coordinator. Please contact me at 425-771-0220 if you have specific questions regarding these plan corrections. DATE FAXED/E-MAILED 7/2/2017 PAGE ___ OF __ 22