BLD20140744 Design Review Decision.pdf`tjc. 10" To: From: Date: Subject: 121 5th Avenue North, Edmonds WA 98020 Phone: 425.771.0220 ® Fax: 425.771.0221 ® Web: www.edmondswa.us DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT ® PLANNING DIVISION Street file for 130 — 5th Ave. S (Mosaic Salon) Jen Machuga, Associate Planner August 25, 2014 Administrative Design Review STAFF DECISION for BLD20140744 BLD20140744 Project Proposal Mosaic Salon Group is proposing to update portions of the exterior of the existing building located at 130 5th Avenue South (Attachment 1). The subject site is located within the Downtown Business, BD1, zone. The applicant is currently working on tenant improvements to a portion of the interior of the building under Permit No. BLD20140587. The exterior changes proposed under the subject application (BLD20140744) include installing fiber cement panel, ivory quartz stacked stone veneer, and clear finished wood over the existing siding (identified as FC -1, ST -1, and WD -1/2 respectively on the building elevation views in Attachment 2). The main sections of the fiber cement panel will be painted a dark grey (PT -1: Sherwin Williams 7069), while an accent of dark red (PT -2: Sherwin Williams 2839) will be provided above the canopy at the southeastern corner of the building over the main entry into the tenant space. Additionally, the existing column at the southeast corner of the building will be covered by a new tapered column comprised of "blackened steel" with black oxide finish (identified as MTL-1 on the building elevation views in Attachment 2). Signage will be reviewed under a separate building permit application and is not being reviewed at this time. Property Owner: Applicant: Washington Federal Savings Paul Griff 425 Pike St. Mosaic Salon Group Seattle, WA 98101 130-5 th Ave. S Edmonds, WA 98020 Design Review Process As part of the City's review of the building permit referenced above, staff design review is required pursuant to Edmonds Community Development Code (ECDC) Chapter 20.10. The site is located within the Downtown Business, BD1, zone, which is subject to district -based design review under ECDC Chapter 20.12 and the particular standards found in ECDC Chapter 22.43. Design review for projects within the BD1 zone that do not require a threshold determination under the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) may be reviewed by staff as a Type I decision subject to the requirements of ECDC 20.01.003. Pursuant to ECDC 20.12.030, staff must find that the proposal is consistent with the zoning ordinance (including the design standards in ECDC Chapter 22.43) as well as relevant district -specific design objectives contained in the City's Comprehensive Plan. Page 1 of 4 Findings & Conclusions 1. Scope. According to ECDC 20.10.020, design review is intended to apply to all development including any improvement to real property open to exterior view, including but not limited to buildings, structures, fixtures, landscaping, site screening, signs, and parking lots. Thus, the subject design review focuses on the exterior changes identified in the scope of work under BLD20140744, which is for updates to the existing building exterior adjacent to the subject tenant space at 130 5th Ave. S as well as at the common building entry on the western side of the building. 2. Environment. The project is exempt from review under the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) pursuant to WAC 197-11-800(3) because the proposals involves the remodeling of an existing building. A critical area determination conducted in 1998 under file number CRA19980302 (filed under the address 120 5th Ave. S) found that no critical areas existed on or adjacent to the site. As such, a "Waiver" from the critical areas requirements of ECDC Chapters 23.40 through 23.90 was issued. 3. ECDC 20.12.030 Design Review Criteria A. Edmonds Community Development Code (ECDC) Compliance 1. ECDC 16.43 — Downtown Business (BD) Zones The subject proposal is for minor modifications to the existing building only and will not cause any changes to the building's compliance with the applicable site development standards (i.e. setbacks, height, minimum height of ground floor, etc.). ECDC 16.43.035 references the design standards for the BD zones within ECDC Chapter 22.43, which are discussed further below. 2. ECDC 22.43 — Design Standards for the BD Zones Design standards for the BD zones are contained within ECDC Chapter 22.43. Because this is a small exterior remodel of an existing building, however, complete code compliance like that for a new building cannot be obtained. In projects like this, the intent is to achieve a greater level of compliance than that of the existing building and to improve the visual aesthetic of the downtown environment. Staff has reviewed the design standards of ECDC Chapter 22.43 as related to the subject proposal. The design standards that are most applicable to the subject proposal include the following: 22.43.010.B.1— Buildings shall convey a visually distinct base and top. 22.43.030.B.1 — Ground floor, street facing facades of commercial and mixed-use buildings shall incorporate at least five of the following elements: a. Lighting or hanging baskets supported by ornamental brackets, b. Medallions, c. Belt courses; d. Plinths for columns, e. Bulkhead for storefront window, f. Projecting sills; g. Tile work; h. Transom or clerestory windows; Page 2 of 4 i. Planter box, j. An element not listed here, as approved, that meets the intent. The subject proposal will bring the existing building closer towards compliance with the BD design standards of ECDC Chapter 22.43 by creating a visually distinct top and base at the southeastern corner of the building through the use of various colors and materials, bringing greater attention to the building entries at the southeastern corner and western side of the building, and incorporating a visually pleasing combination of materials (stacked stone base, wood panels surrounding entry door, planter boxes, use of various colors, etc.). In order to ensure compliance with the design standards of ECDC 22.43.050 related to transparency at street level, a condition of approval has been added requiring that consistent with ECDC, the ground floor windows parallel to street lot lines shall be transparent and unobstructed by curtains, blinds, or other window coverings intended to obscure the interior from public view from the sidewalk. B. Comprehensive Plan Compliance 1. Location —The site is located within the "Retail Core" designation of the Comprehensive Plan as well as within the "Downtown/Waterfront Activity Center." Downtown design objectives are located on pages 56 — 60 of the Comprehensive Plan and are intended to encourage the development of high quality, well-designed projects that reflect the values of the citizens of Edmonds. Staff has reviewed the downtown design objectives of the Comprehensive Plan as related to the subject proposal. The design objectives that are most applicable to the subject proposal include the following: Create a pedestrian friendly environment. (pg. 57) Improve pedestrian access and way finding by providing variety in building forms, color, materials and individuality of buildings. (pg. 57) Require human scale elements in building design that reinforce the difference between the pedestrian streetscape and the upper levels of a building. (pg. 58) Create a pedestrian scale appropriate to Edmonds. (pg. 59) Break up large building masses and provide elements that accentuate the human scale of a facade. (pg. 59) Avoid blank, monotonous and imposing building facades. (pg. 59) Provide a human scale streetscape, breaking up long fagades into defined forms that continue a pattern of individual and distinct tenant spaces in commercial and mixed use areas. (pg. 59) Improve the visual and physical character and quality of Downtown Edmonds. (pg. 59) Create individual identity in buildings. (pg. 59) Applied ornament and architectural detail, various materials and colors applied to a fagade as well as various decorative trim/surrounds on doors and windows provide Page 3 of 4 variation /nthe scale, style and appearance ofevery building facade. Awnings and canopies also odd to the interest and pedestrian scale ofdowntown buildings. The objective is to encourage new development that provides: m Compatibility with the surrounding environment, * Visual interest and variety /nbuilding forms, mReduces the visual impacts nflarger building masses, * Allows identity and individuality ofoproject within oneighborhood. /og.601 The proposal meets the applicable design mbiediveooftheConnprehensiveP|anbv adding visual interest to the existing building through the use of additional materials and colors, breaking up the building fa�acle, and creating a visually distinct top and base through the use ofvaried colors and materials. The proposal will create awell-defined entrance at the southeastern corner of the site, which will also create o pedestrian - friendly Staff finds that the proposal isconsistent with the Zoning Ordinance, applicable design standands, and Comprehensive Plan. Therefore, staff finds that the design ofthe exterior changes tothe existing building proposed under permit BLD2Ol4O744are APPROVED with the following 1. Consistent with ECDC 22.43.050.B.4, the ground floor windows parallel to street lot lines shall be transparent and unobstructed by curtains, blinds, or other window coverings intended to obscure the interior from public view from the sidewalk. 2. Individual elements of this project are required to meet all applicable city codes, and it is the responsibility of the applicant to apply for and obtain all necessary permits. I have reviewed the application for compliance with the Edmonds Community Development Code. August 2S,2D14 Jeri Machuga, Associate Planner Date 1. Building Permit Application 2. Elevation Views of Proposed Exterior Changes Design review decisions by staff are only appealable to the extent that the applicable building permit or development approval is an appealable decision under the provisions of the ECDC. Design review by staff is riot in itself an appealable decision. Page 4of4 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES COMMERCIAL & MULTI -FAMILY BUILDING ................ PERMIT APPLICATION FS.t 1 g9 121 5'' Avenue N, Edmonds, WA 98020 City of Edmonds Phone 425.771.0220 ft Fax 425.771.0221 PLEASE REFER TO THE COMMERCIAL & MULTI -FAMILY B UILDING CHECKLIST FOR SUBMITTAL REQ UIREMENTS PROJECT ADDRESS (Street, Suite #, City State, Zip): Parcel #: _j Su division/Lot Pro ect Valuation: $ Clictc5o APPLICANT: Phone:Fax: z'2 Z_ aks- K C 6 r Address (Street, City, State, Zip): E- it Addre C_0"N PROPERTY OWNER- UU 1e_Vv*A � Phone: Fax: Address (Street, City, State, Zip): t E -Mail Address: �er LENDING AGENCY: Phone: Address (Street, City, State, Zip): E -Mail Address: CONTRACTOR:* 0 Phone: Fax: �12, � 2) e V 12 & 6 6.2 6 b S_ LO 120� -3 -7 Address (Street, City, State, Zip): jv E -M I Address A— _LUC *Contractor must have a valid City of Edmonds business license prior to WA State License #/Exp. Date: r, P_T�� C C_ v-_,_ 0 6"6 City Business License #/Exp. Date: doing work in the City. Contact the City Clerk's Office at 425.775.2525 r DETAIL THE SCOPE OF WORK: (910-h, �,� l S LL00,_1Y, @ 2 fA 0 o, K0 J PROPOSED NEW SQUARE FOOTAGE FOR THIS PROJECT: 1st Floor: sq. ft. 2nd Floor: —sq. ft. P Floor: sq. ft. — Basement: sq Garae: —sq. ft. Deck/Cvrd Porch: sq. ft. Other: sq,_ ft. Retainj No Fire Sprinklers: Yes No Occupancy Group(s): Occupant Load(s): - Type(s) of Construction: Grading: Cut cu. ds. Fill cu. ds. Cut/Fill in Critical Area: Yes NoEl Ideclare under penalty of perjury Imps that the information I have provided on thisfornilapplication is true, correct and complete, and that Ianz the property owner or duly authorized agent of the property owner to submit apermit application to the City of Edm ds Print Name: Tay.,9 i� -V� Owner 0 Agent/Other (specify): Signature: 4E Date: 7— 3 1 —1 !1 L_ FORM E LABuilding New Folder 2010\DONE & x-ferred to L -Building -New drive\Form E 2014.docx A ""'HMENT 1 ATTAU I LD c) LD cc � < C:) m t Lu CID < 0 cD cS I LD c) LD cc � < C:) m t Lu