bld20150294-Salish Pavillion.pdf
(425) 771-0220
City Website:
DATE:May 11, 2015
TO:Nick Echelbarger
FROM:Jeanie McConnell, Engineering Program Manager
Project:Salish Crossing Pavillion
Project Address: 190Sunset Ave S
During review of the above noted application, it was found that the following information,
corrections, or clarifications are needed. Please redline plans or submit three (3) sets of revised
plans/documents with a written response to each of the items below to a permit coordinator.
Resubmittals can be made at the Development Services Department on the 2floor of City Hall.
Permit Center hours are M, T, Th & F from 8am-4:30pm and on Wednesdays from 8am-noon.
Please note, starting June 3,the Permit Center will be closed on Wednesdays.
City of Edmonds handouts,standard detailsand development codecan be referenced on the City
The submittal received is incomplete with regards to information needed for the Engineering
Division to complete the plan review.The comments provided below are based upon review
of the current submittal, but additional comments may arise during review of afuture
complete plan submittal.
Please reviseand resubmit plans thataddressthe following:
1)Demolition plan(A-0.2)
a.The demo sheet only provides apartial site plan and does not include the entire area of
work. Revise to include entire project scope. All parkingstalls, curbing, landscaping, be removed shall be clearly noted.
2)Temporary Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan
a.Provide a plan indicating methods that will be employed and compliance with City
3)Traffic Control Plan
a.Please confirm whether the existing public sidewalk will need to be closed during the
course of construction for the subject development. If all work can be completed from
within thesite, please note that on the plans. If sidewalk closure will be needed, please
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indicate the desired duration of closure and provide a traffic control plan showing
closure limits, required signage, etc. Disruption fees will be assessed for sidewalk
closurebased on square footage and duration of closure.
b.Atraffic control plan shall also be submitted for any lane closures in Sunset Ave or
James Street. Additionalreview by WSDOT may be required.
4)Utility plan.
a.Show water, sewer and storm utilities from the building to the connection pointat the
City utility system. Provide rim and invert elevations, indicate pipe material,and size.
b.Show dry utilities –power,phone, etc. 3-feet of separation shall be provided from dry
utilitiesto water, sewer and/or storm.
c.During review of theConditional Use and Design Review applications it was noted that
storm water regulations would apply to this project. At that time the applicant indicated
no new impervious surface area would be created. The basis for this determination was
the building being constructed on pin piles, therefore allowing theexisting asphalt
parking lot to remain in place. However, the plans submitted do in fact show the
creation of new impervious surface area(mostly from the removal of existing pervious
areas and replacement with impervious), at a total of 1045sf. Impervious surface area is
reviewed and tracked on the whole for the site. The subject developmentcannot be
reviewed as a stand-alone project, separate from theentire site.As stormwater
thresholds have already been triggered for the site, the creation of any amount of new
impervious surface area with the subject development triggers the requirement for
stormwater management. The plans vaguelyindicate aconnection to an onsite storm
conveyance system, but it is unclear how this will function or where the existing system
discharges too. In addition, flow control has not been provided. Please reviseand
resubmit plans accordingly.
5)Site Plan (A-1.0)
Revise A-1.0 to include the following, or provide a separate Site Development Plan (typically
seen as part of a civil construction plan set).
a.Include construction sequence. Sample provided on City website –LINK
b.Include general construction notes. Sample provided on City website -LINK
c.Clearly show new parking lot curb layout. The curbing at the west end of the row of
parking stalls is beingmodified, but has not been clearly shown on the plans.
d.Label parkingstall dimensions.Stalls shall be a minimum of 8 ½’x 16 ½’.
e.Label drive aisle width. The area between landscape/curbing at thewest end has not
been shown.
f.Reference and includedetails for cross-walk striping, directional areas, etc.
g.Show placement of new signage. This includes traffic flow signage as well as parking
restrictions for “staff only”parking stalls.
h.Clearly note new sidewalk sections on site, where adjacent to existing public sidewalk in
theright-of-way, shall be installedto match the grade of theexisting public sidewalk.
i.Stairs, planters, terrace retainingwalls, etc. shall all be located on private property. Add
a note to theplans stating such. Provide cross sections through the sidewalk in theright-
of-way and the adjacent on-site improvements(up to the building) alongJames Street
and Sunset Ave.
j.Clearly label proposed retaining wallsand provide top and bottom of wall elevations.
k.Reference and include details for pedestrian curb ramps. All ramps shall be ADA
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Traffic Impact Analysis
1)During review of theConditional Use and Design review applications the traffic impact analysis
was reviewed and the applicant indicated concurrence with a traffic impact fee credit relating to
8200sfof shopping center that was demolished under separate building permit (bld20130200),
instead of the 9300sf indicated in theanalysis. The analysis submitted with thebuilding permit
application still indicates a credit for demolition of 9300sf of shopping center. Please revise and
resubmit the traffic mitigation fee calculation accordingly.
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