BLD20150463 thru 0465 Plan Review Comments.pdf CE ITY OF DMONDS th •1215AN•E,WA98020 VENUE ORTH DMONDS P: 425.771.0220 • F: 425.771.0221 • W:www.edmondswa.gov HONEAXEB DSD:P•E•B EVELOPMENT ERVICES EPARTMENTLANNING NGINEERING UILDING May 4, 2015 Corrie Rosen, Mahlum Email: crosen@mahlum.com RE: PLAN REVIEW COMMENTSFOR PLANCHECKS#BLD20150463, 64, & 65 PORTABLE CLASSROOMSAT FORMER WOODWAYELEMENTARY TH ST. SW LOCATED AT 9521–240 Dear Applicant: I have reviewed the above building permit applicationfor the Planning Division,and it was found that the following information, corrections, or clarifications will need to be addressedbefore review can continue: Portables: 1.ECDC 17.100.050.L indicates that portable classrooms are allowed where the applicant demonstrates by substantial evidence that additional space is necessary to accomplish the educational mission or objectives of the school in accordance with applicable state and federal statutes, regulations and guidelines. Please submit sufficientevidence demonstrating the need for the proposed portable classroombuildings, such as the design capacity for the school and the current student population or other relevant information that speaks to the need for the proposed portable classroom buildings. Height Calculations: 2.The maximum allowed height within the RS-8 zone is 25 feet above average original grade. In order to confirm compliance with height requirements, please provide height calculations on the site planfor each portable classroom building. In providing height calculations, please be sure to address the following: a.Indicate the datum point utilized for the height calculations on the site plan. When indicating the datum point, please provide a description of what was utilized as the datum point (i.e. manhole cover, top of fire hydrant, etc.) and provide its elevation. b.Indicate the elevations of the four corners of the height rectangle, which is the smallest rectangle that encompasses the entire structure (excluding up to 30 inches of eaves).Separate height rectangles and separate height calculations must be conducted for each building. c.Provide height calculations on the site plan indicating the elevations of the average original grade, maximum allowed height, and proposed height. d.On the building elevation views, please indicate the elevations of the average original grade, maximum allowed height, and proposed height. e.Refer to Handout#B41 (enclosed) for additional guidance on conducting the height calculations. Setbacks: 3.It appears that the proposed portable classroom buildingswill easily comply with the minimum required 25-foot setbacks from all property lines; however, please indicate compliance on the site plan. Please submita cover letter addressing how each of the above items have been addressed as well asthree copies of your revised site plan and two copies of any revised building plan sheets to a Development Services Permit Coordinator. Our office hours are Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays between 8:00am and 4:30pm, and Wednesdays between 8:00am and noon. . If you have any questions, feel freeto contact me at (425) 771-0220or Jen.Machuga@edmondswa.gov Sincerely, Development Services Department -Planning Division JenMachuga Associate Planner Page 1of 1