BLD20150771(1).pdf„� rJf, tl,Ql'If a r,� r CITY OF EDMONDS DEPARTMENT OF FIRE PREVENTION 8/29/16 PLAN REVIEW NOTES FOR 620 GLEN STREET — BLD20150771 1. Provide under deferred submittal: Fire connection permit Fire Sprinkler Permit Fire Alarm Permit 2. Provide Knox Box for main entrance, www.knoxbox.com to order. 3. Provide Building Address, minimum 6” numbers, contrasting color. 4. Provide emergency lighting in foyer and stairwells. 5. Co -locate Fire Alarm in Fire Riser Room. 6. Provide signage on riser room door. ("Fire Riser Room", "FACP") 7. Provide Fire Extinguishers, 2A1 OBC, in common area on each floor. 8. Provide fire protection footprint for FM's office. 9. Provide exterior access to riser/FACP room. 10. Provide FDC in front on private property. FDC NOT to be mounted on building. Please c ptacine-4f.y 'U have any questions:.. evw ear Dep 'thief - Fire Marshal Fire Prevention Services Snohomish County Fire District 1/ City of Edmonds 425-775-7720 12425 Meridian Avenue S / Everett WA 98208 / 425-551-1200 www.firedistrictl.org