bld20150846-Bldg 10-E3.pdf CITY OF EDMONDS CIVIL PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS ENGINEERING DIVISION (425) 771-0220 City Website: www.edmondswa.gov DATE: April 27, 2016 TO: Aidan Bird, Studio Meng Strazzara abird@studioms.com Rick Tomkins, Triad Associates rtomkins@triadassociates.net FROM: Jeanie McConnell, Engineering Program Manager jeanie.mcconnell@edmondswa.gov RE: Application #: bld20150846 Project: Edmonds Pine Street –Building 10 Project Address: 50 Pine Street During review of the above noted application, it was found that the following information, corrections, or clarifications are needed. Reviews by other divisions, such as Planning, Building, or Fire may result in additional comments. Please redline plans or submit three (3) sets of revised plans/documents with a written response to each of the items below to a permit coordinator. nd Resubmittals can be made at the Development Services Department on the 2floor of City Hall. Permit Center hours are M, T, Th & F from 8am-4:30pm. The Permit Center is closed on Wednesdays. City of Edmonds handouts, standard details and development code can be referenced on the City website. Review 1 –December 18, 2015 Review 2 –March 24, 2016 Review 3 –April 27, 2016 GENERAL April 27, 2016 –Thankyou for providinga cost estimate. I am currently reviewing this 1. and will follow-up with any comments soon. 3/24/2016–Response letter states this will be provided with the next submittal. 12/18/2015 comment -Please provide an itemized engineers cost estimate, including units and unit prices, for both on-site and off-site (right-of-way) improvements, including all utilitiesand traffic control. Please use the King County Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet and utilize the “write-in” sections where appropriate. A bond is required to be placed for all erosion control measures, right-of-way and stormwater management improvements. The amount of the bond will be based on 120% of the City approved estimate. The City will inform you of the appropriate bond amount after review of the cost estimate. Please obtain the appropriate subdivision improvement bond forms from the City. Inspection fees for this project will be calculated at 3.3% of the 120% City approved estimate for all improvements. ok 2. ok 3. ok 4. April 27, 2016 –Response letter requests deferral of this requirement. The City agrees 5. this item can be a deferred submittal. 3/24/2016 –Response letter indicates replacement in the same location and at same height as th the existing cobra head lights. I had email communications with Bill Popp Jr onMarch 9, discussing the proposed changes and the replacement will likely be much more involved than what the current civil plans indicate. This item will remain open until a revised lighting plan is received. 12/18/2015 comment -It is understood that the cobra head street lights along the south side of Pine Street will be replaced in accordance with the settlement agreement with the Town of Woodway.Please update civil plans to include light post locations as well as underground wiring. Sheet C1 –COVER SHEET 1.ok 2.ok Sheet C2 –GENERAL, STORM DRAINAGE, AND UTILITY NOTES ok 1. 2.Revise Water Notes as follows: a.ok b.ok c.ok d.ok e.ok ok 3. Sheet C3 –HORIZONTAL CONTROL PLAN ok 1. April 27, 2016 –Response letter requests and City agrees to deferral of researching, 2. resolving and recording all remaining easements and encroachments related to the Point Edwards properties as long as recording occurs prior to final occupancy for the subject building permit.A condition will be placed on thepermit reflectingthis. 3/24/2016 –Please reference recording numbers for all existing easements. 12/18/2015 comment -Show all easements encumbering the site as well as any easements on adjacent properties benefiting the subject property. April 27, 2016 –Response letter requests and City agrees to deferral of researching, 3. resolving and recording all remaining easements and encroachments related to the Point Page 2of 6 Edwards properties as long as recording occurs prior to final occupancy for the subject building permit.A condition will be placed on the permit reflectingthis. 3/24/2016 –Response letter states no right-of-way encroachments on Building 10 site are proposed; however, the decorative street lights will be privately owned and maintained and will be located in the City right-of-way. Pleaseupdate the civil plans to show these encroachments once the lighting plan has been designed. 12/18/2015 comment -Show any existing and proposed encroachments on this plan sheet. Encroachment agreements need to be finalized prior to final construction approval for this project. This will be noted as a condition on the permit. ok 4. Sheet C4 –TESC PLAN ok 1. ok 2. ok 3. ok 4. ok 5. ok 6. ok 7. Sheet C5 –TESC NOTES AND DETAILS No Comments Sheet C6 –GRADING AND PAVING PLAN 1.ok ok 2. 3.ok 4.ok ok 5. 6.ok ok 7. 8.ok Sheet C7 –DRAINAGE AND UTILITY PLAN ok 1. 2.ok ok 3. 4.ok 5.ok 6.ok April 27, 2016–Domestic service is now shown as 2”connection at the main, 2”meter and 7. 2”RPBA in hotbox. Thank you for reviewingthisfurther. Pleaseaddress the following: RPBA detail reference should be E7.11, instead of E7.10. a. Please explain the use of concrete tie-back blocks with shackle rods. Could mega b. lugs be used instead as a double restraint? Page 3of 6 The retrained joint/fittingrequirements note states concrete blocking shall be c. installed at all bends andtees. Please show the standard icon for thrust blocking in plan view. Please also reference City standard detail E7.9. 3/24/2016 –Response letter states this is still being worked on. 12/18/2015 -Please confirm that a new 6” domestic water service is required for this project. If so, the proposed main line location has bends with blocking that appear to be located in areas that will be disturbed. Please provide specific details related to blocking and how to handle any areas where blocking cannot be provided against undisturbed earth. 8.ok ok 9. 10.ok April 27, 2016–Bottom of 15” yard drain shall be concrete. Please revise plans or 11. alternatively I could redline the plans to require this. 3/24/2016 –Response letter states specifications for yard drains has not yet been developed. Please include in plan set once spec is known. 12/18/2015 -A yard drain is shown on the plans to the east of theproposed power and phone vaults. Please confirm the type of yard drain to be installed and show points of connection to the storm conveyance system. 12.ok 13.ok ok 14. 15.ok 16.ok 17.ok 18.ok 19.ok 20.ok Sheet C8 –CONSTRUCTION DETAILS ok 1. 2.ok ok 3. April 27, 2016–Thank you for placing additional notes on the plans. Please double check 4. top of curb and flowline elevations on the south side of the south driveway indicates a 6-ft taper with FL at 166.99 and TC 167.99. Please revise elevations to reflect a6” high curb. 3/24/2016 –please clarify in the Pine Street Driveway Entrance/Sidewalk detail which areas of the sidewalk are proposed to be depressed. The south side of the upper driveway shows a 6-foot curb taper, but I thought due to grades this wasgoing to be a 15-foot taper, including the sidewalk. From that point north I understood the sidewalk would stay depressed, until the north side of the lower driveway? It seems the curb tapers are called out well throughout, but clarification should be provided along the sidewalk. 12/18/2015 commentfrom Sheet C6-Concrete curb and gutter should continue through driveway approaches. Refer to City of Edmonds standard detail E2.26. Sheet C9 –STANDARD DETAILS 1.ok Page 4of 6 2.ok Sheet C10 –STANDARD DETAILS 1.ok 2.April 27,2016–Please check numbering again. Flow control structure is shown as CB-1 on this sheet, but CB-3 on Sheet C7. 3/24/2016 -Revise numbering at catch basins to be consistent with Sheet C7. 3.ok 4.ok Sheet C11 –SITE CROSS SECTIONS No comments. Sheet C12 –SIGNAGE AND STRIPING PLAN April 27, 2016 –Double yellow center line has been added along the curve. Please fix the 1. leader arrow for this note to point to the centerline. 3/24/2016 -Please review the sight distance along the Pine Street curve to determine whether a double line is needed along a portion of this area. 12/18/2015 comment from sheet C3 -Revise plan sheet to include signage and striping or provide a separate plan sheet. (C12) April 27, 2016 –Response letter states there is insufficient pavement for bike lanes on both 2. sides. Per the City Transportation Engineer, a west bound bike lane is not desired, just the pavement markings to indicate a shared bike lane. 3/24/2016–Please show bicycle markings along westbound lane, similar to eastbound lane. Sheet C13–PINE STREET REPAIR AND PARKING IMPROVEMENTS 1.ok 2.ok 3.ok 4.ok 5.ok Comment moved to #1 under C12. 6. Comment moved to #2 under C12 7. April 27, 2016 –Please remove note. Alternatively I can strike note on plans. 8. 3/24/2016–Remove note that references sheet C9 for Pine Street profile as it is now provided on this plan sheet. ok 9. ok 10. ok 11. Sheet X of X –TRAFFIC CONTROL April 27, 2016–AHaul route plan was received via email on March 31, 2016. The plan 1. included some elements of traffic control related to the haulingefforts, but I did not see anything related to the construction efforts. Please provide a traffic control plan that adequatelyaddresses all phases of construction for the project. Signage, delineators, Page 5of 6 spacing, etc. shall be called out on the plansconsistent with MUTCD standards. I will also send afollow-upemail to the contractor as they reached out to mevia email. 3/24/2016 –Response letter notes sheet C4 was updated to include requirement for contractor to submit TCP & Haul Route Plan prior to construction. Please submit plan for review and approval prior to building permit issuance. 12/18/2015 comment -Please submita traffic control and haul route plan for review and approval. Individual plans shall be provided for all elements of work to be completed along Pine Street, including intersection work. ok 2. Sheet AS100 –ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLAN ok 1. ok 2. 3.ok 4.ok Sheet L101 –LANDSCAPE PLAN ok 1. 2.ok STORMWATER REPORT ok 1. ok 2. ok 3. ok 4. 5.ok 6.ok 7.ok 8.ok 9.ok 10.ok Page 6of 6