bld20151103-Reid-Art Studio.pdf CITY OF EDMONDS CIVIL PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS ENGINEERING DIVISION (425) 771-0220 City Website: www.edmondswa.gov DATE: October 19, 2015 TO: Julie Reid Julie@jmdesignseattle.com FROM: Jeanie McConnell, Engineering Program Manager jeanie.mcconnell@edmondswa.gov RE: Application #: bld20151103 Project: Reid –Art Studio th Project Address: 9423–215St SW During review of the above noted application, it was found that the following information, corrections, or clarifications are needed. Reviews by other divisions, such as Planning, Building, or Fire may result in additional comments. Please redline plans or submit three (3) sets of revised plans/documents with a written response to each of the items below to a permit coordinator. nd Resubmittals can be made at the Development Services Department on the 2floor of City Hall. Permit Center hours are M, T, Th & F from 8am-4:30pm. The Permit Center is closed on Wednesdays. The plans submitted do not indicate any utility connections for the proposed art studio. However, the floor plan indicates both a toilet and a sink. In addition, inquiries have been made with the City to determine an appropriate point of connection for the sanitary sewer line. All proposed utility work shall be shown on the site plan. Please revise plans to include the following: 1.Location of the water service line serving the art studio. Indicate point of connection from within the existing home, or on the exteriortothe existing water service line serving the home. Indicate proposed pipe material and depth.All connection shall be made on private property. 2.Location of sanitary sewer line serving the art studio. Indicate point of connection to the existing plumbing with the home, or on the exteriorto the existing sanitary side sewer line serving the home. Indicate proposed pipe material and depth. All connections shall be made on private property. 10-foot separation shall be maintained between the sanitary sewer and water service line. Please refer to City of Edmonds handouts E71 –Side Sewer Information,E62 – Regulations for Private Sewage Pumps, and B76 –Sanitary Waste Ejector Pump. Links to handouts have been provided and all handouts are available on the City website. Show location of power, phone, cable, etc. as may be provided to the art studio. Dry utilities 3. shall be separated from water and sewer utilities by a minimum of 3-feet.