City of EdmondsBLD20151252
121 5AVENUE NORTHEDMONDS, WA 98020 • (425) 771-0220 FAX (425) 771-0221
Planning • Building • Engineering
Engineering Plan Review Comments
#BLD20151252& BLD20151536 (pool)December 7, 2015
Project Name/Address:
Ronquillo –810–9Ave S
Contact Person/Address, Fax or E-mail:
Scott Schriber –
Reviewer: JENNIFERLAMBERTDivision:
During review of the subject submittal, it was found that the following information, corrections, or
clarifications would need to be addressed. All Handouts referred to in these comments can be accessed at
our website: www.edmondswa.govunder City Government / Development Services Department /
Engineering Division then scroll down to Handouts:
BLD20151536 -Pool
1)Show a cross section of the pool equipment and sewer line to verifyutility separationand coverage.
BLD20151252 -SFR
2)As changes are made to other plan sheets, please revise this sheet as needed.
3)Theimpervious calculation doesnot match the Civil plan sheets. Please revise to be consistent.
4)The plans are not consistent with the Civils (i.e. the grass/landscape area near the pool is shown as a
patio on the Civils, sewer location, stairs, patio location, etc.). Please revise accordingly.
5)Please hatch the concrete areas or landscape areas, such that it is clear whichareas are permeable and
which are impervious.
6)Show all treesand the drip lines of thetrees, both onsite and adjacent to the site,that are to remain.
7)Show the existing stripingalong the frontage.
DATE E-MAILED12/7/2015PAGE (1)
City of EdmondsBLD20151252
121 5AVENUE NORTHEDMONDS, WA 98020 • (425) 771-0220 FAX (425) 771-0221
Planning • Building • Engineering
Engineering Plan Review Comments
1)As changes are made to other plan sheets, please revise this sheet as needed.
2)Theimpervious surface calculations do not match theSite Plan. Please revise to be consistent.
3)The plans are not consistent with the Site Plan (i.e. the grass/landscape area near the pool is shown as a
patio on the Civils, sewer location, stairs, patio location, etc.). Please revise accordingly.
4)Please hatch the concrete areas or landscape areas, such that it is clear whichareas are permeable and
which are impervious.
5)Show the easements on all plan sheets.
6)Remove thereferenceto the City subdivision file #, since this site is not part of a subdivision.
a.Removenote 6.
b.Remove note 8.
2)Show the existing striping (parking, centerline, etc.).
3)Please add gas (PSE) to the utility purveyorinformation.
4)Plan Notes.
a.Remove note 1.
b.The water meter cannot be reused for the new single family residence. Revise note 4 to say that
the existing water meter will be used to provide water to the site during construction.
5)Add a note that the filter socks will be added to catch basins downstream from the site per Edmonds
Standard Detail E1.3 as needed.
DATE E-MAILED12/7/2015PAGE (2)
City of EdmondsBLD20151252
121 5AVENUE NORTHEDMONDS, WA 98020 • (425) 771-0220 FAX (425) 771-0221
Planning • Building • Engineering
Engineering Plan Review Comments
6)Show all treesand the drip lines of thetrees, both onsite and adjacent to the site,that are to remain.
7)Please show protection fencing at the drip line of the trees.
8)Provide a copy of the sewer easement.
a.The rockery will need to be relocated unless the easementallows forthe rockeryto remainwithin
the easement.
b.The proposed landscape wall appears to be located within the easement.Thewall will need to be
located outside of the easement unless the easementallows for it.
9)The proposed drivewaycut is adjacentto an existing drivewayapproach serving the property to the south
of the subject site. There must be a minimum of 17’(TYP. 2-6’wings with a 5’landing between the
wings)separationfrom thethroat of the existingdriveway to the new driveway approach.Please keep in
mind thatif the ADA slope requirement (8.3%) cannot be met with a 6’wing, the wing must be
extended to meet the slope requirement, not to exceed 15’.
a.Please show the existing driveway approach(south drivewayof the subject lot)on the plans.
b.Show the separation between the two driveway approaches needed to meet theminimum 17’
separation and the ADA slope requirement.
c.The proposed driveway approach shown is not consistent with Edmonds Standard Detail E2.26.
Please revise accordingly.
10)Show all concrete and paving restoration within the City right-of-way(i.e. utility patch restoration,curb
replacement, 2’asphalt patch for the areas where the curb will be replaced, etc.).
11)Please add the following note to the plans, “Contractor to complete final restoration on all trench patches
and any sidewalk and curb/gutter removed for utilities installed with this development.”
12)Show the proposed stripingand areas where striping will need to be replaced.
13)Please add a note that if thesidewalkdoes notmeet ADA standard slopesand/or is damaged it will need
to be brought into compliance with this permit.
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City of EdmondsBLD20151252
121 5AVENUE NORTHEDMONDS, WA 98020 • (425) 771-0220 FAX (425) 771-0221
Planning • Building • Engineering
Engineering Plan Review Comments
1)Drainage Construction Notes:
a.Note 1 does not appear to be feasible. If the footing drains cannot connect to the discharge line,
please show where the footing drains will discharge to and revise the note accordingly.
b.Revise note 3 to state that if the slope of the pipe exceeds 20%, the pipe will need to be anchored.
2)The City will not permit a force line to directly connect to the City storm systemor be located within the
City right-of-way.
a.Please show the force line connecting to a catch basin located on private propertyand then
gravity discharge to the City system.
3)It appears that some of thesurface water runoff from the drivewayleading up to the motorcourt, may
discharge into thelandscape areas. Please show how all surface water runoff from thedriveway will
dischargeto the onsite stormwatermanagement system (i.e. directional flow arrows, curbing, etc.).
4)Due to thesize of impervious area being collectedin the motorcourt, a type Icatch basin is required.
5)Note on theplans that all catch basins located in the driveway and patio area to have a herring bone
grate. All catch basins located in landscape areas to have a solid lid.
6)The area drains rim to invert exceeds 5’. Therefore, a Type II catch basin is required. Either show a
type II to be installed or revise such thatthe rim to invert does not exceed 5’.
DATE E-MAILED12/7/2015PAGE (4)
City of EdmondsBLD20151252
121 5AVENUE NORTHEDMONDS, WA 98020 • (425) 771-0220 FAX (425) 771-0221
Planning • Building • Engineering
Engineering Plan Review Comments
Comments by the City Stormwater Engineer Program Manager, Jerry Shuster, PE
Drainage Report for Ronscott Construction Inc. , May 2015.LSA
Section 5.7, Small Site Minimum Requirement #7-The project is a Category 2 Small site project per Figure B
in the #E72Handout.It is also within a “Creek” drainage basin, therefore it is subject to the flow control
standards of 0.07, 0.14, and 0.33 cfs/acre impervious for the 2-yr, 10-yr, and 100-yr recurrence events per
Section 5.7 of the Edmonds Stormwater Code Supplement.The 0.1 cfs threshold is onlyfor site classification
and is not an applicable flow control standard.The pump system must be designed meet the applicable flow
control standards.Enclosed is a recent Category 2 pump system example approved by the City within the same
drainage basin.
The pump system must comply with all the requirements in the City of Edmonds Stormwater Pumping policy:
2001-02.Pumping.Private_Property.pdf.The requirements in this document includes, but is not limed to,
gravity flow of all runoff to the City’s storm system, with an internal alarm for pump and/or power, and a
backup power source to operate 1 pump.
Maintenance section needs to include the applicable maintenance standards from Section 4.5, Volume V, 2005
Ecology Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington
Additional comments may be provided once the pump system is re-designed and re-submitted.
1)It appears that a 1”meter is required due to the fixture count. The connection fee will be $7,574 (1”
connection is $12,624 minus thecredit of the ¾”which is $5,050)and $2,970 for the meter.
a.Please add a note thata1” meter is to be installed
b.Show thewatermeter located in the right-of-way, such that the back of the meter is on the
property line.
c.Please show a 1-1/2” line to be installed from the back of the meter to the house (as required for
a combination fire and domestic service line).
d.Please label the pipe material andnotetracer wireto be installed on the water service line.
DATE E-MAILED12/7/2015PAGE (5)
City of EdmondsBLD20151252
121 5AVENUE NORTHEDMONDS, WA 98020 • (425) 771-0220 FAX (425) 771-0221
Planning • Building • Engineering
Engineering Plan Review Comments
2)Show that there is a minimum of 10’ of separation between the water and the sewer lines.
3)Show that there is a minimum of 3’ of separation between the water and the dry utilities (i.e. power,
phone, gas, cable, etc.).
1)Theproposed plans show the sewer connecting to a private sewer line.
a.Please provide a copy of theeasementthat allows for the sewer to connect tothe existing sewer
line.Theremay be more than one easement. There shouldbe an easement(s) thataddressesthe
connection to the private line as well as allowance for the line to run through the private
properties until the line connects to the City owned sewer line.
b.Ifthe easement does not allow for the connection and an easement cannot be obtained, please
show the sewer connection on 9Ave S. Label the sewer connection as a romac inserta tee.
c.If a pump is required, youmay want to consider a pump system located withinthe structure. If
you choose to install a pump outside the home the pump will need to be engineered and pre-
design report will be required as outlined in handout E#62.
2)Show a sewer cleanout at the edge of easement.
a.Ifthe sewer connects to 9Ave, show the 6” cleanout at theedge of easementand note that it
will have a 12” cast iron lamphole cover with ½” hexbolts.
3)Show a cleanout located within 2’ of the house, at any 90° bend, when there is less than 3’ between two
45° bends, and when there is more than 100’ between cleanouts.
4)Show the invert elevations at theconnection to the sewer lineand the house so that slope and coverage
can be verified. If the slope of the pipe exceeds 20% the pipe will need to be anchored.
5)If the sewer will connect at 9Ave S, showa cleanout near the pool for future drainage of the pool. No
direct connection from the pool to the sewer is permitted. See handout B75 for more information.
6)Please label the pipe material and size.The sewer lateral must be 6”. Once on outside of the easement
the sewer may reduce to 4”.
DATE E-MAILED12/7/2015PAGE (6)
City of EdmondsBLD20151252
121 5AVENUE NORTHEDMONDS, WA 98020 • (425) 771-0220 FAX (425) 771-0221
Planning • Building • Engineering
Engineering Plan Review Comments
DRY UTILITIES–Show on sheets C3 & C4
1)Please show all proposed dry utilities(gas, phone, cable, etc.)on the plans so that utility separation can
be verified. Minimum of 3’ horizontal separation between the dry utilities and water, sewer, storm.
Please resubmit 3 copies of the revised plansand associated documents with a written response to each
item to a Permit Coordinator. Please contact me at 425-771-0220ext 1321or by e-mail at
jennifer.lambert@edmondswa.govif you have specific questions regarding these plan corrections.
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