BLD20151252_Ronquillo_ENG2.pdf City of EdmondsBLD20151252 TH 121 5AVENUE NORTHEDMONDS, WA 98020 • (425) 771-0220 FAX (425) 771-0221 Website: www.edmondswa.gov PUBLIC WORK DEPARTMENT Planning • Building • Engineering Engineering Plan Review Comments PermitApplication:Date: #BLD20151252& BLD20151536 (pool)May 20, 2016 th Project Name/Address: Ronquillo –810–9Ave S Contact Person/Address, Fax or E-mail: Scott Schriber –scott@ronscotthomes.com Reviewer: JENNIFERLAMBERTDivision: ENGINEERING During review of the subject submittal, it was found that the following information, corrections, or clarifications would need to be addressed. All Handouts referred to in these comments can be accessed at our website: www.edmondswa.govunder City Government / Development Services Department / Engineering Division then scroll down to Handouts: st 1Review –12/17/15 nd 2Review –5/20/16 BLD20151536 -Pool 1) OK New Comment –5/20/16 2)Plans are not consistent with the Site Plan and Civils (i.e. there is a stairs and planters shown to the west of the pool patio). Please revisesuch that all plans sheets are consistent. BLD20151252 -SFR SITE PLAN 3)As changes are made to other plan sheets, please revise this sheet as needed. 4)5/20/16–Comment was not addressed. 12/17/15 Comment: The impervious calculation doesnot match the Civil plan sheets.Please revise to be consistent. 5)OK DATE E-MAILED5/20/2016PAGE (1) City of EdmondsBLD20151252 TH 121 5AVENUE NORTHEDMONDS, WA 98020 • (425) 771-0220 FAX (425) 771-0221 Website: www.edmondswa.gov PUBLIC WORK DEPARTMENT Planning • Building • Engineering Engineering Plan Review Comments 6)5/20/16–Comment was not addressed. 12/17/15 Comment: Please hatch the concrete areas or landscape areas, such that it is clear whichareas are permeable and which are impervious. 7)OK 8)OK GENERAL COMMENTS FOR THE CIVIL PLAN SHEET 1)As changes are made to other plan sheets, please revise this sheet as needed. 2)5/20/16–Comment was not addressed. 12/17/15 Comment: The impervious surface calculations do not match the Site Plan. Please revise to be consistent. 3)OK 4)OK 5)5/20/16–It appears as though there was an attempt to show theeasement. a.There are two different line types for the easement linesshown. Please revise to make the line types for the easementconsistentanddifferent than what is used for the topographic lines. b.Please clearlylabel this easement on all the plan sheets. 12/17/15 Comment: Show the easements on all plan sheets. 6)OK COVER AND EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS(C1 OF 5) 1)OK th 2)5/20/16–Comment was partially addressed. The striping for parkingon the east side of 9and a small areaon the west(there is a leader, but no striping)arenot shown. DATE E-MAILED5/20/2016PAGE (2) City of EdmondsBLD20151252 TH 121 5AVENUE NORTHEDMONDS, WA 98020 • (425) 771-0220 FAX (425) 771-0221 Website: www.edmondswa.gov PUBLIC WORK DEPARTMENT Planning • Building • Engineering Engineering Plan Review Comments 12/17/15 Comment: Show the existing striping (parking, centerline, etc.). 3)OK SITE DEVELOPMENT AND SWPPP PLAN (C2 OF 5) 4)OK 5)OK 6)OK 7)OK 8)OK 9)OK 10)5/20/16–Comment was partially addressed. Please show the restoration patch for the water service lineinstallation. 12/17/15 Comment: Show all concrete and paving restoration within the City right-of-way(i.e. utility patch restoration, curb replacement, 2’ asphalt patch for the areas where the curb will be replaced, etc.). 11)OK 12)OK 13)OK New Comment –5/20/16 14)Please removethe note‘Permeable pavement motorcourt & entry’. The drainage report is stating this area is considered impervious. 15)On Sheet C2 it states that the motorcourtis1893 sqft and the stairs and wall are 123sqft; however, inthe drainage report the motorcourt is stated as having 1974sqftand nothing is stated for the stairs and wall. Please revise accordingly. DATE E-MAILED5/20/2016PAGE (3) City of EdmondsBLD20151252 TH 121 5AVENUE NORTHEDMONDS, WA 98020 • (425) 771-0220 FAX (425) 771-0221 Website: www.edmondswa.gov PUBLIC WORK DEPARTMENT Planning • Building • Engineering Engineering Plan Review Comments STORM DRAINAGE PLAN AND DETAILS (C3 OF 5) STORM 1)5/20/16–Drainage Construction Notes: a.Comment not addressed. The footing drains are notshown on theplans. Please show the line and provide elevations to ensure pipe coverage and slope. b.Comment was addressed; however thenote was changed to say that the minimum slope of the pipe is 1%. The minimum slope of the side sewer pipe should be changed back to2%. Theslope of storm pipe does not have a minimum, just that there is positive slope. 12/17/15Comment: Drainage Construction Notes: a.Note 1 does not appear to be feasible. If the footing drains cannot connect to the discharge line, please show where the footing drains will discharge to and revise the note accordingly. b.Revise note 3 to state that if the slope of the pipe exceeds 20%, the pipe will need to be anchored. 2)OK 3)OK 4)OK 5)OK 6)OK New Comment –5/20/16 7)Provide invert elevations for all pipes in CB #6. 8)Show the access points to the vaultand provide rim elevations. 9)Show footing drains for the vaultand where they will discharge to or provide buoyance calculations for the vault. 10)Show the location of the alarm for the storm pump. DATE E-MAILED5/20/2016PAGE (4) City of EdmondsBLD20151252 TH 121 5AVENUE NORTHEDMONDS, WA 98020 • (425) 771-0220 FAX (425) 771-0221 Website: www.edmondswa.gov PUBLIC WORK DEPARTMENT Planning • Building • Engineering Engineering Plan Review Comments 11)Per the City’s standard detail, E6.7, the lidfor thepump system chamber shall beremovable.The lid shall besized to theentire diameter of the structure.This allows for the pump system to be easilyaccessed andmaintained.Please show/note the lid size on the plans. 12)Notes for the yard drain: a.Revise note 4. There are no bioretention cells on this site. For the yard drains located in landscape areas, they should have a solid lid unless the stormwater management system is designed to account for this area. b.Remove/revise note 5. Theyard drains shall have a solid base as shown in the detail provided. Comments by the City Stormwater Engineer Program Manager, Jerry Shuster, PE Drainage Report for Ronscott Construction Inc.,May 2015.LSA 1)5/20/16 -Comment from Herrera:The detention vault has been designed to meet the flow control standards(cfs/acre) specified above. 12/1715-Comment from Jerry Shuster:Section 5.7, Small Site Minimum Requirement #7-The project is a Category 2 Small site project per Figure B in the #E72 Handout.It is also within a “Creek” drainage basin, therefore it is subject to the flow control standards of 0.07, 0.14, and 0.33 cfs/acre impervious for the 2-yr, 10-yr, and 100-yr recurrence events per Section 5.7 of the Edmonds Stormwater Code Supplement.The 0.1 cfs threshold is onlyfor site classification and is not an applicable flow control standard.The pump system must be designed meet the applicable flow control standards. Enclosed is a recent Category 2 pump system example approved by the City within the same drainage basin. 2)5/20/16 -Comment from Herrera:The following information still needs to be clarified by the applicant in the Drainage Report regarding the pump system design: It appears that the system curve crosses the pump curve at ~12.5gpm (0.0279cfs), which exceeds the allowable 2-year storm flowrate (0.0168cfs). Please explain how the pump discharge flowrate will be limited to 7.5gpm. Provide an explanation on how pumps will alternate in operation, per requirement #6 in the “Use of Pumping Systems for Conveyance of Stormwater on Private Property”, ENGR- DEV(STM)-2011-02. DATE E-MAILED5/20/2016PAGE (5) City of EdmondsBLD20151252 TH 121 5AVENUE NORTHEDMONDS, WA 98020 • (425) 771-0220 FAX (425) 771-0221 Website: www.edmondswa.gov PUBLIC WORK DEPARTMENT Planning • Building • Engineering Engineering Plan Review Comments Is there a backup power supply for the pump, per requirement #6 in the “Use of Pumping Systems for Conveyance of Stormwater on Private Property”, ENGR-DEV(STM)-2011-02? Is there an overflow path for stormwater (if the pump were to fail) per requirement #7 in the “Use of Pumping Systems for Conveyance of Stormwater on Private Property”, ENGR- DEV(STM)-2011-02 that does not result in: Flooding of a building or emergency access o Erosion or downstream sedimentation o Slope failure o 12/17/15 -Comment from Jerry Shuster:The pump system must comply with all the requirements in the City of Edmonds Stormwater Pumping policy: http://www.edmondswa.gov/images/COE/Government/Departments/Public_Works/Policies/ENGR- DEVSTM-2001-02.Pumping.Private_Property.pdf.The requirements in this document includes, but is not limed to,gravity flow of all runoff to the City’s storm system, with an internal alarm for pump and/or power, and a backup power source to operate 1 pump. 3)5/20/16 -Comment from Herrera:The maintenance section (Section F) includes a link to Ecology’s website, but does not include specific criteria from the Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington. Please incorporate the following tables from Volume V: No. 3 –Closed Detention Systems (Tanks/Vaults) No. 4 –Control Structure/Flow Restrictor No. 5 –Catch Basins 12/17/15 -Commentfrom Jerry Shuster: Maintenance section needs to include the applicable maintenance standards from Section 4.5, Volume V, 2005Ecology Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington DETENTION VAULT AND PUMP SYSTEM DETAILS(C4OF 5)–NEW SHEET 1)Please revise the pump system details to be consistent with the City’s stormwater pump policy and Standard detail E6.7 (Sewer grinder pump). For example, show antiflotation devices, rails, vent, etc. Make sure that the design shows that thesystem can be maintained (for example the standard detail E6.7 shows that the entire lid can be removed for maintenancewhere a manhole lid does not allow for this). DATE E-MAILED5/20/2016PAGE (6) City of EdmondsBLD20151252 TH 121 5AVENUE NORTHEDMONDS, WA 98020 • (425) 771-0220 FAX (425) 771-0221 Website: www.edmondswa.gov PUBLIC WORK DEPARTMENT Planning • Building • Engineering Engineering Plan Review Comments 2)The pump system detail (CB #4 –Pump system) states thatthe footingdrains will be dischargeto the system; however, thesystem is not designed for allowance of the water from thefootingdrains. Please revisethe plans accordingly. 3)Label all the details. 4)Reference the details on the other plan Sheets. 5)Reference the City Standard details where applicable. 6)The distance from manholelid to the top of vault can only be a maximum of 20”. Please revise the plans accordingly. 7)Show the orifice that is included in the WWHM model. The applicant may also wantto adjust the orifice size shown in the modeling (0.6563”) to something that is more constructible. 8)Shear gates are not permitted. Please remove from the detail andshow the piped capped. WATER AND SANITARY SEWER PLAN AND DETAILS (C5OF 5) WATER OK 1) 2)OK 3)OK SEWER 1)OK 2)OK 3)OK 4)OK 5)OK 6)OK DATE E-MAILED5/20/2016PAGE (7) City of EdmondsBLD20151252 TH 121 5AVENUE NORTHEDMONDS, WA 98020 • (425) 771-0220 FAX (425) 771-0221 Website: www.edmondswa.gov PUBLIC WORK DEPARTMENT Planning • Building • Engineering Engineering Plan Review Comments DRY UTILITIES–Show on sheets C3 & C5 1)OK Please resubmit 3 copies of the revised plansand associated documents with a written response to each item to a Permit Coordinator. Please contact me at 425-771-0220ext 1321or by e-mail at jennifer.lambert@edmondswa.govif you have specific questions regarding these plan corrections. DATE E-MAILED5/20/2016PAGE (8)