PR COMMENTS bld20160120_Lin-1.docx City of Edmonds TH 121 5 AVENUE NORTH • EDMONDS, WA 98020 • (425) 771-0220 FAX(425) 771-0221 Website: www.ci.edmonds.wa.us PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Engineering Division Plan Review Corrections Plan Check : Date: # BLD20160120, 0121 June 7, 2016 th Project Name/Address: Lin New Single Family Residence 24025 74 Ave W Contact Person/Address/Fax: Ted Clifton ted@zero-energyplans.com Reviewer: JoAnne ZulaufDivision:Engineering During review of the subject submittal, it was found that the following information, corrections, or clarifications would need to be addressed. All Handouts, Standard Details, and GIS Map information referred to in these comments can be accessed at our website: www.edmondswa.gov by choosing the Search and following Permits/Development: There is a sizable amount of information missing or incorrect on the engineering civil plans. I have tried to add specific instructions where possible or references to the location of information to assist you with all of the engineering information necessary for the project. Please review each comment carefully to ensure the next submittal will be correct. Please make sure that all plans remain consistent when revisions are made. General: 1. Plans shall show the construction to be performed. There are several “if used” or “if condition permits”. Those decisions must be made prior to our review of the plans. All construction information must be included in the plans. There are no deferred permits for single family residence civil work. See Sheet 14 comment #11 for more information. 2. Please provide a Grading/Temporary Erosion Sediment Control (TESC) plan separate from the Site Plan. See requirements for this plan below. Please remove existing conditions from the site plan and the stormwater/utility plan. A Covenant for the dispersion stormwater mitigation system is required per Edmonds 3. Community Development Code (ECDC) Section 18.30.80 B. The standard covenant form is attached as well as the Snohomish County Recording Document instructions. Please provide a completed covenant with exhibits A and B, signed and notarized by the property owner, to the City for review. Upon approval by engineering, the City Clerk’s office can record it for the property owner (subject to fees) or the applicant can take the document to Snohomish County and record it themselves and return a copy to the City. This does not need to be completed before approval and issuance of the plans but it is recommended since it requires an exhibit of the site plan. All information on the site plan must be clearly readable or the county won’t record it. It will help to only include information necessary to describe the dispersion trench and outline the dispersion area and dimensions of the lot and structure. A detailed plan is not preferred in this case. DATE FAXED/E-MAILED 7/2/2017 PAGE ___ OF __ 15 Sheet 14 – Stormwater Site Plan- “Stormwater/Utility Plan”: Please change title to 4. Remove existing conditions per #2 above (i.e. fir tree, sfr). 5. Please remove height calculations and elevations from this plan. Only show those on site plan. th 6. Show full extent of 74 Ave along frontage include existing public utilities, edge of pavement, driveway from edge of pavement to property line, etc. 7. Reduce font size of call outs to increase clarity of plan and decrease information overlapping. 8. Clearly show outline of driveway. Call out width at property line, not to exceed 24’ for a two car garage, (12’ for one car, 30’ for three car garage). 9. Remove the sewer shown through the house. Utilities shall only be shown from structure to property line or to public mains when new connections are proposed. 10. Remove “if” scenario for sewer installation from the plan per #1 above. Your plans shall show the construction details for the sewer connection. Please see requirements below: a. You will be required to contact the City of Edmonds, Public Works Department Operations Division so they can TV the existing main to ensure it is in good working condition and the new connection can be approved. I suggest that you make that call now so that your plans can reflect whether the connection will be made there or at the street.Call the City’s Operations Sewer Division, 425-771-0235, to determine feasibility of connecting to the main. If not approved, please see engineering handout E62 Regulations for Private Sewage Pumps-Single Family Residential for submittal requirements if a gravity connection cannot be achieved from house to public main on 74th. b. For the sewer connection at the house, please provide a 4” or 6” cleanout at the house in an accessible location. If connection is under deck, depending on the height, the cleanout may need to be located farther away than the usual 2’ from the house. c. Please provide an approximate invert for the connection of the side sewer to the main. You can use the information on our GIS Map to interpolate the invert by checking the “sewer” in the left column. Then using the “i” information button in the toolbar, you can click on the nearest sewer manholes for specific structure information. d. The sewer main at lake has approximately a 5’ easement on either side, show this on plans. e. Show a 6” cleanout at the edge of the easement if connecting at lake or at property line if connecting to street. Reference the City’s Standard Detail and call out cast iron lid. Add standard detail to plans. f. Call out all sewer line material, length and size. Sewer lateral (section from 6” cleanout to connection to main) must be 6” pipe. g. Provide invert elevations at the house cleanout, the 6” cleanout, and the approximate main connection to verify that minimum 2% slope can be achieved. h. Please add both of the following notes verbatim to plan: “If re-using existing side sewer (from property line to house): Property owner must have condition verified and provide a report to the Public Works Department.” DATE FAXED/E-MAILED 7/2/2017 PAGE ___ OF __ 25 “If re-using existing sewer lateral (from property line or edge of easement to City main): Condition must be verified by Public Works Department. Contact Edmond’s Sewer Division at 425-771-0235.” 11. Please remove note stating “exact height and configuration of walls to be determined on site”. The wall information should be included on this plan to the best approximation. Any deviations during construction will be recorded on the final construction asbuilt. Add top and toe elevations at each end and at every two feet of change for the retaining walls. 12. Please show the outline of the deck. Call out “grass under deck” on plan sheet. 13. Please add a “pervious surface calculation” section near the “impervious surface calculations” section and include the square footage of the deck. 14. Call out size of water meter and if existing or proposed. Call out material and length of pipe. 15. Add water meter standard detail to plans. Driveway Sheet Flow Dispersion 16. Please review Sheet Flow Dispersion requirements in 2005 DOE Stormwater Manual and call out dimensions of the appropriate transition trench and show the sized dispersal area. 17. Add Sheet Flow Dispersion detail to plans. 18. In Handout E72 B, Table 3 Design Criteria for All BMPS states they may not be used “within 5 feet of property line.” Revise Sheet Flow transition trench location. Roof Runoff Dispersion Trench 19. Please see DOE Figure 5.1 – Typical Dispersion Trench. See Type 1 catch basin and trench configuration for collection of impervious areas over 700 sf. The catch basin cannot be located within the trench as the purpose is to “catch” any sediment or other deleterious materials before the runoff enters the trench. Revise plan. 20. DOE states “discharge point may not be placed on or above slopes greater than 20%. See Section A-A on Figure 5.2 in DOE Manual. The 20% slope is incorrectly placed on the 5.2 detail currently on the plan sheet. To avoid discrepancies, please remove the current detail on plans and add the entire DOE figures 5.1 and 5.2 to details. Reference on plan sheet. 21. Are footing drains required for this project? If so, please show where they will discharge. Footing drains cannot be directed to the sized system. A 3x3x3 drywell is often chosen for this discharge. Sheet 15 Grading/Site Plan- Site Plan Please change to be only the A separate grading and temporary erosion sediment control (TESC) plan is required so that full tesc measures and grading changes as described below can be shown. Currently no TESC shown on the existing plan other than silt fence. Sheet 15 Site Plan- revise existing plan 22. Reduce call out font size to increase clarity. 23. Remove silt fence from this plan 24. Please show only final construction conditions on the site plan. DATE FAXED/E-MAILED 7/2/2017 PAGE ___ OF __ 35 25. Note the amount of impervious surface. 26. Show location of utilities, including the dispersion area. No specific details of utilities are required such as inverts, pipe size etc., only location. 27. Indicate area of dispersion-should be a roughly 50 ft by 50 ft area. Label. 28. Move the label or add an arrow to connect the wetland buffer verbage to the area of the buffer. 29. Show sewer easement (5 ft both sides of sewer main) 30. Add a description of the project. 31. Please move “Excavated Area” information to new Grading/TESC plan. 32. Please note the location and distance of the nearest fire hydrant to the property. Sheet XX Grading/TESC Plan-new plan sheet Erosion Control: 33. Show all temporary erosion control measures. Where possible use less invasive (ground disturbing) measures such as wattles. 34. All tesc measures used shall include the City standard detail in the plan set. Where no city standard exists (i.e. the wattle), please add a standard detail from another city, the Department of Ecology or WSDOT. City details can be found on our website as noted above. 35. Show Temporary Construction Entrance. Add DOE or WSDOT standard detail to plan or add City detail with additional notation stating geotextile layer required with crushed rock over it, then the quarry spall. 36. Show Catch Basin Protection. Add detail. 37. Show the area of disturbance. 38. Show protection of the dispersion flow areas and wetland area. Orange construction fencing is useful for this. Obviously there will be disturbance in these areas for the sewer installation but the disturbance area should be minimized as much as possible. Add call out notes stating that area should be avoided by construction equipment whenever possible. 39. Add note to plans: “All disturbed areas on and off site shall be compost amended to meet requirements of BMP T5.13 in the Stormwater Manual, Vol V, Chapter 5. 40. Show location of stockpiles. Include notes regarding coverage requirements (or add notes per #9). 41. I have attached a standard general notes type list for tesc etc. that you can add to the plans to cover most tesc notation requirements. You are not required to use it but it may be quicker than you having to research each requirement yourself and adding appropriate notes. Grading: 42. Please remove new construction from this plan. Show only the outline of the existing structure foundation and the proposed structure outlines with elevations to show how contours will change with construction. 43. Provide bottom of footing elevations for each step (if any) in the foundation. This information will be used to verify grading quantities. Also, for the area in which there is an existing foundation please provide bottom of footing elevation(s) for the existing home so grading can be calculated from this point to the bottom of footing of the new foundation. 44. Show existing and proposed grade contours throughout site. Existing and proposed contours shall be of distinctly different line types. DATE FAXED/E-MAILED 7/2/2017 PAGE ___ OF __ 45 45. Please note grading quantity that will be cut and quantity that will be fill. Please resubmit 3 copies of the revised plans/documents to a Development Services Coordinator. Please contact me at 425-771-0220 if you have specific questions regarding these plan corrections. 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