BLD20160462 Plan Review Comments.pdf CE ITY OF DMONDS th •1215AN•E,WA98020 VENUE ORTH DMONDS P: 425.771.0220 • F: 425.771.0221 • W:www.edmondswa.gov HONEAXEB DSD:P•E•B EVELOPMENT ERVICES EPARTMENTLANNING NGINEERING UILDING May 27, 2016 Mr. Rory Rutledge Email: rsrutledge@comcast.net RE: PLAN REVIEW COMMENTSFOR PLANCHECK #BLD20160462 ND RUTLEDGEADDITIONLOCATED AT 7717 –192PL. SW Dear Mr. Rutledge: I have reviewed the above building permit application for the Planning Division, and it was found that the following information, corrections, or clarifications will need to be addressed before review can continue: Site Plan: 1.Please make the following corrections to your site plan: a.Correct the direction of the North arrow. b.It appears that the property dimensionsare shownincorrectly on your site plan.Based on the property’s legal description and the Kroll map book, it appears that the property is 100’by 164.93’. Please label all property dimensions and ensure that the lot is drawn accurately and to scale. c.After correcting the property dimensions as needed, please update the lot area on the site plan. d.Indicate whether the two existing patios shown on the site plan are covered. e.Indicate the proposed stairwell on the site plan. Setbacks: 2.Minimum required setbacks for the RS-8 zone are as follows: Street = 25’, Side = 7.5’, Rear = 15’. After making the above requested corrections to the property dimensions, please indicate the shortest distances from the proposed addition to all property lines. AccessoryDwelling Unit: 3.An Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) is defined as “a structure attached to or constructed within a single-family dwelling which has living facilities for one individual or family separate from the primary single-family dwelling including at least, but not limited to, a kitchen, bathroom, and sleeping quarters.”It appears that you are proposing an ADUdue to the presence of a kitchen, bathroom and sleeping quarters within the addition. Please note that an ADU requires separate land use application review and approval before a building permit can be approved for the construction of an ADU. Refer to ECDC Chapter 20.21for the regulations related to ADUs, including certain restrictions on the size of the ADU, occupancy requirements, on-site parking, and additional requirements. Please contact me to further discuss the land use review process and requirements for an ADU. Height Calculations: 4.Your height calculations indicate an actual height of 100’, which is equivalent to the average grade. It appears this is an error, as your elevation view indicates that the proposed height is 21 feet above the 100’elevationline, which would cause the proposed height to be 121’. Please correct the height calculations as needed and indicate the proposed height as related to the elevation of the datum point. Additionally, on the elevation view, please label the average original grade, proposed height, and maximum allowed height as such. Lot Coverage:Lot coverage is defined as the total ground coverage of all buildings or structures on a site 5. measured from the outside of external walls or supporting members excluding a maximum of 30” of eaves. The maximum allowed lot coverage within the RS-8zone is 35% of the net lot area. Thank you for indicating the proposed lot coverage on the site plan.In order for staff to verify these calculations, please indicate the dimensions of all sides of the existing structure and proposed addition on the site plan. The lot coverage calculationsmust include the footprint of the existing residence and proposed addition (excluding up to 30”of eaves) as well as the proposed covered deck, proposed stairwell, existing covered walkway and any other existingor proposed structures on the site. In addition to indicating the dimensionsof all existing and proposedstructureson your site plan, please ensure that the total square footage of the proposed lot coverage is correct and also indicate this number as a percentage of the net lot area. Floor Plan: 6.Please indicate the dimensions of the proposed addition, deck, and stairs on the floor plan. Please submit twocopies of your revised site plan and two copies of any revised building plan sheets to a Development Services Permit Coordinator. Our office hours are Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays between 8:00am and 4:30pm, and Wednesdays between 8:30am and noon.If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at (425) 771-0220or Jen.Machuga@edmondswa.gov . Sincerely, Development Services Department -Planning Division JenMachuga Associate Planner