BLD20160925 BACK.pdfSTATIA: ISSUED BLD20160925 0, Fie Marshal must be pmsent fortank work, (fill, removal, or cap.) * Final &pproval on a project or final occupancy approval inust be granted by the Building Oflicial prior to use or oor,;upancy of the badding or struclurc.,Occk the job card for all rcquircd (Ity inspections inclading final project approval and Jlinal occupancy inspections. * Any rcques,t foralternatc design, n-4dification, variance or other adrninistrative deviation adopted codes, ordinances orpolicies must be specifically requestc4in. writing and becalled out and. identified. Processing fees forsuch request shallbe established, by Council and shall be paidupon subruiltaland aw non- fundable, Approval ofany plat orplan containing provisions which do not counply "rith city cudc and forwhich a variance has not been specifically identiliod, requested and cons idered byr the appropriate city official in accordance with the appropriate pro,vision of city code arstate law does not approve any iterns rat to code specification, a Sound)Nois e originating fmm temporary constraction s,ftes as a result of construction activity are excmpt trurn tho noise kkts of'W,C Cbaptcr 5.30 on lyduring the hours o177-00am ti) 64){ pm on w", kday's and 10:00arn and 6:010prn on Saturdays, excluding " I F-Tankfiigpcotion