bld20161003-Bldg 10 Plumbing-E1.pdf CITY OF EDMONDS CIVIL PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS ENGINEERING DIVISION (425) 771-0220 City Website: www.edmondswa.gov DATE: August 24, 2016 TO: Greg Moe –Peltram Plumbing gregm@peltramplumbing.com FROM: Jeanie McConnell, Engineering Program Manager jeanie.mcconnell@edmondswa.gov RE: Application #: bld201561003 Project: Point Edwards –Building 10 -Plumbing Project Address: 50 Pine Street During review of the above noted application, it was found that the following information, corrections, or clarifications are needed. Reviews by other divisions, such as Planning, Building, or Fire may result in additional comments. Please redline plans or submit three (3) sets of revised plans/documents with a written response to each of the items below to a permit coordinator. nd Resubmittals can be made at the Development Services Department on the 2floor of City Hall. Permit Center hours are M, T, Th & F from 8am-4:30pm and on Wednesdays from 8:30am-noon. City of Edmonds handouts, standard details and development code can be referenced on the City website. 1.A6” domestic serviceis shown on the plans. The approved civil construction plans indicate a 2” domestic water service. Please revise plans accordingly. 2.A 6” storm stub is shown near the NW corner of the building. The approved civil construction plans indicate an 8” stub. Please revise plans accordingly. 3.Revise fire service callout to indicate the 4” pipe diameter that has been indicated on the civil construction plans. 4.Sheet P202.W shows picking up the trench drain at the driveway, but thedriveway is open to the exterior and flows into that drain will be directed to thestorm system. Please revise plans accordingly.