bld20161684 & bld20170493-Magic Toyota-E1.pdf
(425) 771-0220
City Website:
June 8, 2017
David Estes, Strotkamp Architects
Jeanie McConnell, Engineering Program Manager
Application #: bld20161684 & bld20170493
Project: Magic Toyota–civil site and utility improvements
Project Address: 21300 Highway 99
During review of the above noted application, it was found that the following information,
corrections, or clarifications are needed. Reviews by other divisions, such as Planning, Building, or
Fire may result in additional comments. Please redline plans or submit three (3) sets of revised
plans/documents with a written response to each of the items below to a permit coordinator.
Resubmittals can be made at the Development Services Department on the 2floor of City Hall.
Permit Center hours are M, T, Th & F from 8am-4:30pm and on Wednesdays from 8:30am-noon.
City of Edmonds handouts, standard details and development code can be referenced on the City
1.Provide an itemized engineers cost estimate for both on-site and off-site (right-of-way)
improvements, including traffic control and all utility installations. Use the King County Bond
Quantity Worksheet (available on the county website)and utilize “write-in” sections where
appropriate. The amount of the bond will be based on 120% of the City approved estimate for
the off-site improvements.
a.A3.3% inspection fee is calculated for the project based on 120% of the City approved
estimate for the entire project improvements.
2.Please add a note to plans stating “A separate right-of-way construction permit is required for all
work within the city right-of-way.” Please note, a ROW permit application with contractor’s
signature shall be provided to the city prior to issuance of civil construction plans.
3.Include a City Engineering Division approval block on all plan sheets. Refer to sample on City
4.Provide a traffic control plan addressing the following:
a.Traffic control for separate phases of work along 212St SW and Highway 99.
b.Show bus stop location. Will a temporary stop be necessary? Add notes as appropriate
to coordinate with CT prior to work start.
1.Revise Sheet Index to reflect plan sheets applicable to this phase of the project.
2.Update Utility Purveyor information to be consistent with what was provided with the revised
plans for the demolition phase. The one exception is as follows:
a.Utilities: List Water, Sewer and Storm. Revise address to 7110 –210
St SW and
phone number to 425-771-0235. Remove contact name.
1.Revise General Notes as follows:
#1–Refer to “current” building code and removedate “2010”
#2–Revise to state 2016 WSDOT standard specifications
2.Revise Construction Sequence Notes to reflect the completion of demolition under a separate
permit and to call out specific elements pertaining to this phase of the project.
1.Revise planset (and sheet title) to include plan sheetsfor TESC and demolition elements that
are specificto this phase of the project.
2.Show TESC elements specific to this phase of the project. This is important as the separate
demo permit, which also included TESC elements, will receive final construction approval by
the City and be closed out prior to final construction of this phase of the project currently under
3.Show demolition elements specific to this phase of the project includingremoval of existing
driveway approaches, removal of utility poles, etc.
4.Revise plans and provide clarifying notes that were addressed during plan review of the demo
permit. For example, silt fence placement, construction fence placement, construction entrance,
5.Show job shack location on the plans.
Sheet C-1.1–SITE PLAN
1.Revise sheet title to include something similar to “Parking Lot Layout”or “Site Development
2.Parking stalls shall be 8.5’ in width x 16.5’ in length. If all required stalls can be shown to meet
minimum standards then up to 50% of the required parking stalls can be reduced width at 8’
wide. City code does not allow for 7.5’ wide stalls. Please revise plans as needed.
3.Drive-aisle widths shall be a minimum of 24’ in width. Please add this dimension to the plans
in areas where meeting this requirement is going to be tight.
4.Note “O” has been shown for a Cantilever Sliding Gate at the entrance on 212, but the gate has
not been shown. Show gate, width of opening, setback distance from 212St SW and include
operational clarification in the plan set. The gate will need to be set back from 212St SW
travel lane a distance of 20-feet (allows a vehicle to park outside the travel lane while opening
the gate), unless the gate will be operated by employees from within the site.
5.Revise section A-A to note that existing failing, damaged, and/ornon-compliant curb, gutter,
and sidewalk shall be removed and replaced as required by City Engineering inspector.
6.Revise section B-B statement “proposed 2’ sidewalk addition” to clearly note the existing
sidewalk and landscape strip will need to be removed and replaced with a 7’ wide sidewalk. It
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shall also be noted that existing failing, damaged, and/ornon-compliant curb and gutter shall be
removed and replaced as required by City Engineering inspector.
Sheet C-1.2–SITE PLAN
1.Revise sheet title to include something similar to “Parking Lot Layout” or “Site Development
2.A pedestrian connection is provided to 212St SW. Show pedestrian crosswalk continuing
from the drive-aisle to the public sidewalk.
3.A Cantilever Sliding Gate has been shown at the west entrance on 212. The gate will need to
be set back from 212St SW travel lane a distance of 20-feet (allows a vehicle to park outside
the travel lane while opening the gate), unless the gate will be operated by employees from
within the site. Please clarify operation of the gate and/or revise plans as needed.
4.Note “I” refers to the trash enclosure. Revise plans to include reference to the trash enclosure
detail and corresponding plan sheet.
5.Revise Section C-C to clearly note the requirement for the existing sidewalk to be removed and
replaced with a 7-foot wide sidewalk, with tree grates to be installed as indicated. It shall also
be noted that existing failing, damaged, and/ornon-compliantcurb and gutter shall be removed
and replaced as required by City Engineering inspector.
1.Replace City standard detail with E2.26. Truncated domes are not required at this location.
1.Revise planset (and sheet title) to include plan sheetsfor grading, drainage and the storm vault
that are specific to this phase of the project. Clearly note which elements are to be constructed
under separate permit and which elements are pertinent to this phase.
2.Clearly note on the plans what work needs to be done to transition the storm vault from a
sediment pond to a fully functioning detention system and when this should occur. Clearly note
the required removal of the stone berm.
3.Indicate where footing drains will discharge to.
4.Impervious Areas chart: Provide impervious surface area calculations on the plan sheet.
Include Existing and Proposed impervious areas and indicate which areas drain to which storm
detention system.
1.Water Notes –Note 2 states all water main pipe material shall be C900 PVC Pipe. Sheet C-3.1
indicated installation of ductile iron pipe. Please revise plans as needed.
2.Show location of pad mounted transformer, if proposed;to be located on private property.
3.Show location of dry utilities and required utility separation (5-feet from City utilities within the
ROW and 3-feet from water/sewer/storm utilities on private property).Underground Wiring
Requirements of ECDC 18.05 shall be followed. All utility services shall be installed
1.Provide additional information related to the existing water improvements on the site.Callout
size of pipe, material, and clearly show existing DCDVA, which will provide backflow
protection for the City main.
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2.Add callouts along the proposed fire line for all required fittings and valve connection types
3.Fire line connection to an existing stub is indicated on the plans. Please indicate how
connection will be made to this stuband callout fittings to be used.In addition, it appears as
though there may be some pipe deflection with the alignment that is proposed. Please state
specific allowance for deflection.
4.Two fire line pipe runs are shown near the NE corner of the building (one into the building and
one out to the FDC). The fire lines make a perpendicular crossing across each other and given
they are both fire lines, they will likely be laid at the same elevation. Please revise plans to
indicate how this will be addressed.
5.An RPBA has been shown as required. Refer to City standard details XX for RPBA in a hot
6.Callout water service line pipe material and size. Also note the size of the existing water meter.
7.Sewer connection to existing sewer main is indicated on the plans. Lease note the existing pipe
size and material and indicate how connection will be made to this line. Will a wye be cut in or
is the existing pipe larger, allowing for a core drill?
8.Add a cleanout within 2’ of the building on the sewer line near the SE corner.
1.Not all pipe crossing conflicts are shown in the table. Please update to include crossings that
involve existing and proposed pipe runs.
2.Add callouts along the proposed fireline for all required fittings and valve connection types
3.Fire line connection to an existing stub is indicated on the plans. Please indicate how
connection will be made to this stub and callout fittings to be used.
4.A fire hydrant is shown to be located in the planter area just east of the western most access to
the side along 212. In an effort to reduce the number of bends and fittings in the fire line,
could the hydrant be located in the landscape island to the south of the proposed location? This
could eliminate a couple 90 degree bends allow for a couple 45 degree bends between the line
on the north side of the building and the line on the west side of the building.
5.A fire hydrant is shown to be installed near the SW of the building. 8” DIP to the hydrant is
called out, but I believe the intent here was 6”? Please confirm. In addition, the line to the
hydrant crosses a storm pipe at about the same elevation, runs right next to an existing catch
basin and is within proximity of what appears to be light post. Please review these potential
utility conflicts and address as appropriate.
6.It appears there will be high point in the fire line along the north side of the building and
potentially at any dips in the line that may be proposed toavoid utility conflicts. Please review
system and add ARV’s where appropriate to allow air bleed out.
1.A side sewer backflow preventer detail has been included in the plan set. Please indicate where
in the plans thisis shown to be installed.
Sheet A-1.0–SITE PLAN
1.Revise site plan to remove notes about power poles to be removed.
2.Add note to plans that states “Refer to Civil Construction Plans for Engineering Requirements”.
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Sheet A-2.4–ROOF PLAN
1.Callout slope of drive leading up to roof-top parking.
1.Add Note: “A separate irrigation permit must be obtained from the City Public Works
Department. Prior to final acceptance provide a copy of the backflow test report to the City’s
Cross-Connection Control Specialist. Test reports can be faxed to 425.744.6057 or e-mailed to Backflow testing will be required on an annual basis thereafter.”
2.Please show new concrete hatching in a legend.
3.In comparing the landscape plan with the civil utility plans, several conflicts were identified.
Revise landscape plans as needed to address utility conflicts.
4.Revise street tree species callout for 212St SW and Highway 99as follows:
a.Revise Acer Grandidentatum ‘Schmidt’ callout to state “tree species to be determined by
City Engineering Division prior to planting”. The species that iscurrently called out is
not consistent with the street tree plan and the City is currently working on some
changes to the plan that may affect species selection at this location.
b.Revise Size/Comments for the street tree to state 3” caliper and 7-foot branching height.
c.Trees located on site to meet Type IV landscaping requirements shall be spaced at 25-
feet on center.
d.Trees located within tree grates shall be spaced at 40-feet on center.Street Trees shall
be placed in 3 x 3 ADA compliant tree grates along curb. Please include the following
tree grate detail within the plan set:
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The following comments are provided from Bertrand Hauss, Transportation Engineer. Please
contact Bertrand directly at 425-771-0220 or by email at
with any specific questions you may have regarding the following comments.
The following comments are in review of the Traffic Impact Analysis dated December 2016.
1.RevisePage 1 of the report to reflect the correct trip rate.
2.Revise Page 14 of the report to reflect the correct number of additional new PM peak-hour trips.
3.Revise Page 14 mitigation recommendations to state the cost per trip as of January 1, 2017.
4.Revise trip rate per ITE 841 and update chart as appropriate.
5.Revise A-3 to reflect average rate: 2.62 (PM Peak Hour/ITE 841). Additional Sf: 23,240 = PM
peak hour trip: 61 trips.
The following comments are provided from Robert Edwards,Stormwater Engineer. Please
contact Robertdirectly at 425-771-0220 or by email atRobert.edwards@edmondswa.govwith
any specific questions you may have regarding the followingcomments.Please note, these
comments were largely provided during review of the demo/storm vault plans, but have not
been updated within the plan set under review with this phase of the project.
This is classified as a Large Project because it involves 1 or more acres of land disturbing activity.
Large Project are subject to Small Site Minimum Requirements 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11.
Minimum Requirement #1 –Preparation of Stormwater Site Plan
1.Sheet C-2.1: The 110 LF 12” CPEP near the northeast corner of the site is specified at
6.87% slope. Based on the inverts, the slopecalculates to 5.82%.
2.Sheet C-2.2: The 20 LF 12” CPEP near the west property line is specified at 0.50%. Both
upstream and downstream inverts are 366.82, meaning the pipe is laid flat.
3.Sheet C-2.2: Near the C-2.1 match line, overlapping leader notes are unreadable.
4.Sheet C-2.3, Detail 4: Remove “Property Of King County”
5.Sheet C-2.4, Control Structure Detail: The notch width is specified as 0.10’. The WWHM
modeling specified 0.01’. Please resolve the discrepancy.
6.Sheet C-2.4, Control Structure Detail: Specify the shear gate and associated pipe diameter.
7.Sheet C-2.4, Control Structure Detail: The main discharge orifice is missing. The WWHM
modeling specified 0.66”. Specify if the orifice is to be constructed at this phase or later.
Constructability may be an issue. One possible solution is to provide the orifice at this phase
and provide a plug that will be removed when the detention vault is commissioned.
Minimum Requirement #2 –Construction Stormwater Pollution Plan
1.Sheet D-1.0: BMP conflict, remove silt fence from construction entrance.
2.Sheet D-1.0: Provide inlet protection for the existing CB immediately adjacent to the
construction entrance.
3.Sheet D-1.0: Specify Baker tank minimum size requirement.
4.Sheet D-1.0: Add Baker tank discharge/disposal requirements.
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5.Sheet D-2.0: BMP conflict, remove silt fence from construction entrance.
6.Sheet D-2.2: BMP conflict, remove silt fence from construction entrance.
7.Sheet D-2.2: The proposed vault will discharge to the existing stormwater system. Although
the#57 stone berm will trap sands and gravels, turbid water may enter the storm drain
system. Specify how turbid runoff will be held. Will the outlet of the vault be blocked?
8.Sheet D-2.3: Provide detail for inlet protection.
9.SWPPP Section 3.1.4: Specify minimum Baker tank size and discharge requirements and/or
disposal method(s).
10.SWPPP Section 4.2.1: Although the requirements are specified for events of 250 NTU and
greater, the more likely scenario is turbidity values between 26 and 249 NTU. Please
provide the response requirements for this case.
Minimum Requirement #3 –Source Control of Pollution
Comments: None
Minimum Requirement #4 –Preservation of Natural Drainage Systems
Comments: None
Minimum Requirement #5 –Onsite Stormwater Management
Comments: None
Minimum Requirement # 6 –Runoff Treatment
Comments: None
Minimum Requirement #7 –Flow Control
Comments: None
Minimum Requirement #8 –Wetland Protection
Comments: None
Minimum Requirement #9 –Operation and Maintenance
Comments: None
Minimum Requirement# 10 –Offsite Analysis and Mitigation
Comments: None
Minimum Requirement #11 –Financial Liability
Comments: None
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