(425) 771-0220
City Website:
DATE:April 11, 2017
TO:Jeff Geers
FROM:Mitch Boyd,Stantec Consulting Services
RE:Application #: bld20161717
Project: Geers-Single Family Residence
Project Address: 9401 234St SW(Parcel #27033600109800)
During review of the above noted application, it was found that the following information,
corrections,or clarifications are needed. Reviews by other divisions, such as Planning, Building, or
Fire may result in additional comments.Please submit three (3) sets of revised plans/documents
with a response letter addressingeach of the items below.
Resubmittals can be made at the Development Services Department on the 2floor of City Hall.
Permit Center hours are M, T, Th & F from 8am-4:30pmand on Wednesdays from 8:30am-noon.
City of Edmonds handouts, standard details and development code can be referenced on the City
Sheet 1 of 3 –SITE PLAN, & DRAINAGE
1)Show footing drain line around perimeter of foundation and specify pipe material, pipe lengths,
invert elevations, and pipe slopes.
2)Revise dimensions of raingarden to equal proposed bottom area of 124 SF.
3)Show proposed drain line for the modular block wall including pipe size, pipe material, pipe
lengths,pipe slope, and proposed outfall.
4)Specify sediment controls to be used to meet Element #4 of the SWPPP and provide standard
5)A silt fence is required. Show location of silt fence on plans and provide standard detailE1.1.
6)Contractor shall maintain access to adjacent properties via the private lane. Provide onsite
construction entrance so that trucks can stage off of the lane for loading.Provide standard detail
for construction entrance, standard detail E1.2.
7)Show fencing around proposed bioretention area and do not allow compaction of proposed
bioretention area.
8)Show existing sanitary sewer line for existing residence to the east.
9)Showtheinvert elevation of sanitary sewer line at north EX SSMH.
10)Specify proposed sewer pipe material.
11)Specify sewer invert elevation at connection to main, property line and within 2 feet of house.
12)Show sewer cleanout locations at property line and within 2 feet of house.
13)Change the line type for the proposed 8” sewer line between the two existing SSMHs and label
the sewer line with pipe size, pipe material, invert elevations, and pipe slope.
14)Fire sprinkler system requires a 1” meter and 1.5” service line. Correct water meter size, service
size and service provider on sheet 3.
15)Show proposed water main tap location, proposed disturbance area for the street cut, and
provide a detail for the backfill and restoration of the right-of-way.Please include standard
detail E2.3 on the details sheet
16)Specify the depth of the water service line.
17)Specify the depth of theproposedsewer service line where it crosses the water service line.
18)Revise the driveway transition zone detail to specify the final slope of finished grade.
19)Specify the rock type and size required for the bioretention inlet and the size of the rock pad.
20)Based on the minimum dimensions required for the foundation footings and the proposed
finished floor elevation, it does not appear that the bioretention pond will be able to collect the
footing drain lines. Provide footing drain invert elevations at the house, pipe lengths and slopes
and the invert elevation of the bioretention pond inlet and bottom.
21)Based on the minimum dimensions required for the garage slab and drainage, it does not appear
that the bioretention pond will be able to collect the garage footing drain lines. Provide footing
drain invert elevations for the garage slab, pipe lengths and slopes.
22)Provide copies of the easement for utility installation and access to the proposed residence.
23)Specify proposed restoration of private lane and easement at the end of construction.
24)Correct the title of sheet 3 from“DETIALS” to “DETAILS.”
25)Olympic View Water and Sewer District(OVWSD)are the purveyors of water and sewer for
this property. Please provide written confirmation from them stating they have reviewed the
proposal and have no issues with the proposed location of the utilities.
26)If the Fire District requires sprinkling in the residence, a larger water meter may be required.
Check with OVWSD.
27)Please revise Utility Note to state “All existing and proposed utilities serving the property will
be placed underground.”
28)Show the location where dry utilities will enter the site and where they will enter the house.
29)Add the following note to plan stating “Allutility separation requirements will be met per
industry standards.”
30)Please complete and return the attached Special Inspection Agreement for the “soils
professional” per note on plan to confirm soil type in trench bottom.
Please also see attached comments provided by the Cityof Edmonds Stormwater Engineer.
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