(425) 771-0220
City Website:
DATE: April 4, 2017
TO: Todd Echelbarger
Echelbarger Investments, LLC
FROM: Mitchell Boyd, Stantec Consulting Services
RE: Application #: BLD20170208
Project: Casper Lot 2 - Single Family Residence
Project Address: 303 Caspers St
During review of the above noted application, it was found that the following information,
corrections, or clarifications are needed. Reviews by other divisions, such as Planning, Building, or
Fire may result in additional comments. Please submit two (2) sets of revised plans/documents
including a written response to each item below.
Resubmittals can be made at the Development Services Department on the 2 floor of City Hall.
Permit Center hours are M, T, Th & F from 8am-4:30pm and on Wednesdays from 8:30am-noon.
City of Edmonds handouts, standard details, application and other forms, and development code
may be referenced on the City website: under Services/Permits and
1)Show and label the on grading sheet.
2)Please provide spot elevations at the garage entrance as well as driveway slopes.
1)Add a note Construction entrance to be removed/relocated prior to residences being
2)Please show and add a note to the plans that filter socks will be added to any catch basins
downstream from the construction site. Please use filter socks on all catch basins located on
Caspers Street near the construction entrance.
3)Orange protective barrier fencing shall be placed around areas proposed for low impact
development techniques, such as the rain garden, to protect the area from compaction.
1)As indicated by the Fire Department, a fire sprinkler system is required for this property.
Typically if there is an existing water service line from the watermain to the meter, the water
service line/meter will not be the appropriate size and a new tap will be required. The
applicant will be required to pay for the new tap on the main and the new meter.
a.Please show a 1-water service line to be installed from the back of the meter to
the house (as required for a combination fire and domestic service).
b.Please label the pipe material and note tracer wire to be installed on the water service
2)Please add a note to the plans that all final restoration shall be completed by the contractor
not the City of Edmonds.
3)Provide a note at all utility crossings indicating vertical clearance between utilities. Please
note that if there is an elevation
1)Provide invert elevations at the main, the cleanout at the property line and at the house so
that a minimum 2% slope and can be verified. If the slope of the
pipe exceeds 20% the pipe will need to be anchored.
2)Please provide a sewer cleanout 2 from the structure.
3)Provide a note at all utility crossings indicating vertical clearance between utilities. Please
required. The minimum vertical clearance between wat
1)Show all dry utilities and required utility separation.
separation is required between the dry utilities (power, gas, phone, cable, etc.) and sewer,
1)Impervious Areas chart: Provide a breakdown for all the impervious surfaces.
Project Site Category: Category 2
Discharge location: Puget Sound via Shell Creek
Type of area Square footage Stormwater Facility
Lawn and Landscape
Hard surfaces
25% Retrofit
2)Show where the footing and roof drains will discharge to (add callout, if applicable).
3)Provide footing drain IE elevation.
4)Per the architectural and engineering plans, it is not clear that stormwater from the footing
drain will reach the raingarden via gravity. Please provide an invert elevation for the footing
drain as well as an updated bottom elevation for the raingarden (if applicable).
5)s located under driveable
If the required depth cannot be achieved,
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