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v � OF E Mo�N CITY OF EDMONDS 121 5TH AVENUE NORTH - EDMONDS, WA 98020 PHONE: (425) 771-0220 - FAX: (425) 771-0221 e. 189 STATUS: ISSUED 05/30/2017 Permit #: BLD20170547 BUILDING PERMIT Expiration Date: 05/30/2018 _ Project -Address: 8552 202ND ST SW, EDMONDS Parcel No: 01037000000300 W N91 W Wl hT811ATA01y.INI-N-Tarerm VLADIMIR & MARINA SHMULEVICH NUTTY CAD DRAFTING AND DESIGN WESTHILL INC 8552 202ND ST SW C/O DOUGLAS ALMOND C/O CHARLES RUSSELL EDMONDS, WA 98026-6643 6300139TH AVE SE PO BOX 306 SNOHOMISH, WA 98290 WOODINVILLE, WA 980720306 (206)225-0068 (425)483-0999 LICENSE #:WESTHI.261PI EXP:06/29/2018 JOB DESCRIPTION 252 SF BEDROOM ADDITION W/ FULL BATH ON MAIN LEVEL OF EXISTING RESIDENCE. PL G/ MECHANICAL INCLUDED INAL VALUATION: $28,387.80 PERMIT TYPE: Residential PERMIT GROUP: 02 - Addition GRADING: N CYDS: 0 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: RETAINING WALL ROCKERY: OCCUPANT GROUP: OCCUPANT LOAD: FENCE: 0 X 0 FT. CODE: 2015 OTHER: ------- OTHER DESC: ZONE: RS-8 NUMBER OF STORIES: 0 1 VESTED DATE: NUMBER OF DWELLINGUNITS: 0 ILOT #: BASEMENT: 0 1 ST FLOOR: 0 2ND FLOOR: 0 R1 1 BASEMENT: 0 1 ST FLOOR: 252 2ND FLOOR: 0 3RD FLOOR: 0 GARAGE: 0 DECK: 0 OTHER: 0 13RD FLOOR: 0 GARAGE: 0 DECK: 0 OTHER: 0 BEDROOMS:0 BATHROOMS-0 BEDROOMS:I BATHROOMS:I FRONTSETBACK SIDESETBACK. SEIFBACK REQUIRED: 7.5'N PROPOSED: NA REQUIRED: TYE PROPOSED: 17.5'E REQUIRED: 7.5'W PROPOSED: NA HEIGHT ALLOWED:O PROPOSED:O REQUIRED: 7.5'S PROPOSED: 7.5'S SETBACK NOTES: I AGREE TO COMPLY WITH CITY AND STATE LAWS REGULATING CONSTRUCTION AND IN DOING THE WORK AUTHORIZED THEREBY, NO PERSON WILL BE EMPLOYED IN VIOLATION OF THE LABOR CODE OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON RELATING TO WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION INSURANCE AND RCW 18:27. THIS AP A T1,4NO NO PERMIT UNTIL SIGNED BY THE BUILDING OFFICIAL OR HIS/HER DEPUTY AND ALL FEES ARE PAID. cult Signature Print Name Date Released By U Date 1 ATTENTION .-J IT IS UNLAWFUL TO USE OR OCCUPY A BUILDING OR STRUCTURE UNTIL A FINAL INSPECTION HAS BEEN MADE AND APPROVAL OR A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY HAS BEEN GRANTED. UBC109/ IBCI 10/ IRCI 10. ONLINE APPLICANT OTHE R 0 0 r STATUS: ISSUED BLD20170547 CONDITIONS • Final approval on a project or final occupancy approval must be granted by the Building Official prior to use or occupancy of the building or structure. Checkthe job card for all required City inspections including final project approval and final occupancy inspections. • Any request for alternate design, modification, variance or other administrative deviation (hereinafter "variance") from adopted codes, ordinances or policies must be specifically requested in writing and be called out and identified. Processing fees for such request shall be established by Council and shall be paid upon submittal and are non-refundable. • Approval of any plat or plan containing provisions which do not comply with city code and for which a variance has not been specifically identified, requested and considered by the appropriate city official in accordance with the appropriate provision of city code or state law does not approve any items not to code specification. • Sound/Noise originating from temporary construction sites as a result of construction activity are exempt from the noise limits of ECC Chapter 5.30 only during the hours of 7:00am to 6:00pm on weekdays and I0:00am and 6:00pm on Saturdays, excluding Sundays and Federal Holidays. At all other times the noise originating from construction sites/activities must comply with the noise limits of Chapter 5.30, unless a variance has been granted pursuant to ECC 5.30.120. • Applicant, on behalf ofhis or her spouse, heirs, assigns, and successors in interests, agrees to inderrmify defend and hold harmless the City of Edmonds, Washington, its officials, employees, and agents from any and all claims for damages of whatever nature, arising directly or indirectly from the issuance for this permit. Issuance ofthis pen -nit shall not be deemed to modify, waive or reduce any requirements of any City ordinance nor limit in any way the City's ability to enforce any ordinance provision. INSPECTIONS THIS PERMIT AUTHORIZES ONLY THE WORK NOTED. THIS PERMIT COVERS WORK TO BE DONE ON PRIVATE PROPERTY ONLY. ANY CONSTRUCTION ON THE PUBLIC DOMAIN (CURBS, SIDEWALKS, DRIVEWAYS, MARQUEES, ETC.) WILL REQUIRE SEPARATE PERMISSION. PERMIT TIME LIMIT: SEE ECDC 19.00.005(A)(6) CALL 1' INSPECTIONS BUILDING 425 771-0220 EXT. 1333 ENGMEEWNG 425 771-0220 EXT. 1326 FIRE 425 775-7720 PUBLIC WORKS (425) 771-0235 PR&TREATNIENT (425) 672-5755 RECYCLING 425 2754801 When calling for an inspection please leave the following information: Permit Number, Job Site Address, Type of Inspection being requested, Contact Name and Phone Number, Date Prefereed, and whether you prefer morning or afternoon. • E-Erosion Control/Mobilization • E Engineering Final • B-Footings • B-Foundation Wall • B-Foundation Drainage • B-First Floor Framing • B-Plumb Rough In • B-Mechanical Rough In • B-Roof Sheathing • B-Shear Nailing • B-Framing • B-WallInsulation/Caulk • B-Insulation/Energy • B-Building Final City of Edmonds DEVELOPMENT SERVICES RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION 121 5th Avenue N, Edmonds, WA 98020 Phone 425.771.0220 2 Fax 425.771.0221 PLEASE REFER TO THE RESIDENTIAL BUILDING CHECKLIST FOR SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS PROJECT ADDRESS (Street, Suite #, City State, Zip): 8552- Zb 2a Ea .9 2Cn Parcel #: o►03 0 00003co Subdivision/Lot #: '( -�,Ico ct4cs / LoT Project Valuation: $ APPLICANT: baJLAt._6,-p 1 I CA L�12A tN �ESI(a Phone: 206. Z2S. ccx' Fax: Address (Street, City, State, Zip): p E-Mail Address: �l al mortcl c�1. c o PROPERTY OWNER: Phone: Fax: Address (Street, City, State, Zip): _"' . 1-:), �1�1 lCnIDS . E-Mail Address: LENDING AGENCY: SE - Phone: Fax: Address (Street, City, State, Zip): E-Mail Address: CONTRACTOR:* c. Phone: y25. y83.o�R�t Fax: a25.a �.Gti�l Address (Street, City, State, Zip): Zv1c� 1_. 8"� S 1 IDA,Dlnu�llt-4� 71`^t Z E-Mail Address: c1-,u�{ } iIl�Ylc . c orv� *Contractor must have a valid City of Edmonds business license prior to doing work in the City. Contact the City Clerk's Office at 425.775.2525 WA State License #/Exp. Date: #f 2(D p�, _ Z� - 2D ► City Business License #/Exp. Date: DETAIL THE SCOPE OF WORK: 252 t_:F_-l)=t c3F -T�4 E- r--4 i�im Pula 7-,tf51 r bcsT 2o�,•n l�� C I-) Fut._c_ E4 i t �_rn 1 =� 747.r- J G-1W_n1E2 01= -MEr- �,u�TtrlLR t^�I.tr PROPOSED NEW SQUARE FOOTAGE FOR THIS PROJECT: Basement: s . ft. Select Basement Type: Finished Ll Unfinished 1 st Floor: 252. oo s . ft. Garage/Carport: -sq. ft. 2"d Floor: s . ft. Deck/Cvrd Porch/Patio: s . ft. Bedrooms # I Full-3/4 Bath #--I_ Half -Bath # Other: -sq. ft. Fire Sprinklers: Yes No M Retaining Wall: Yes No Grading: Cut 2o- Z2 cu. yds. Fill 2- _ cu.yds. Cut/Fill in Critical Area: Yes No I declare under penalty of perjury laws that the information I have provided on this form/application is true, correct and complete, and that I am the property owner or duly authorized agent of the property owner to submit a permit application to the City of Edmonds. Print Name: WUL'1_AS A - U h Owner ❑ Agent/Other ® (specify): Signature: dl� A 12� �� Date: nil - 2-0 - 20 0 FORM A LABu ding New Folder 2010\DONE & x-ferred to L-Building-New drive\Form A2014.docx Updated: 1 /17/2014 OF EDA O AI '1 v DEVELOPMENT SERVICES RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION FORM A Fst 1 g90 121 51h Avenue N, Edmonds, WA 98020 City of Edmonds Phone 425.771.0220 4 Fax 425.771.0221 Equipment Type MECHANICAL Appliance/Equipment Information (new and relocated) Total # Furnace Gas #-J—Elec #_Other: # BTUs: <100k_ >100k_ Location(s) G AiZA[�i Air Handler / VAV (circle selected) Gas #_Elec #_Other: # CFM: <10k_ >10k_ Location(s) AC / Compressor / Boiler / Heat Pump / Gas #Elec #_Other: # BTUs: <100k, 100k-500k, 500k-1Mi1 Roof Top Unit HP: <3, 3-15, 15-30 Location(s) (circle selected) Hydronic Heating Gas #_Elec #_In -Floor _Wall Radiant_ Boiler BTUs: Location Exhaust Fans (single duct) Bath #_Kitchen #_Laundry # _Other: # Fireplace Gas #-I—Elec #_Other: # Location(s) FArAu 4 2cx>M Dryer Duct/Es . FUEL GAS Appliance Type Appliance/Equipment Information (new and relocated) Total # AC Unit BTUs: Location(s): Furnace BTUs: Location(s): ' Water Heater BTUs: Location(s): 1 Boiler BTUs: Location(s): Other: BTUs: Location(s): Fireplace/Insert BTUs: Location(s): Stove/Range/Oven Dryer 1 Outdoor BBQ TOTAL OUTLETS PLUMBING Fixture Type (new and relocated) Total # Fixture Type (new and relocated) Total # Water Closet (Toilet) 1 Pressure Reduction Valve/Pressure Regulator Sink (kitchen, laundry, lavatory, bar, eye wash, etc.) Water Service Line Tub/Shower 1 Drinking Fountain Dishwasher Clothes Washer Hose Bib Backflow Prevention Device (e.g. RBPA, DCDA, AVB) Water Heater Tankless? Yes ❑ No ❑ Hydronic Heat in: Floor ❑ Wall Floor Drain/Floor Sink Other: Refrigerator water supply (for water/ice dispenser) Other: FORM A L:\Building New Folder 2010\130NE & x-ferred to L-Building-New drive\Form A2014.docx Updated: 1/17/2014 utcn Z ^• A FORTION OF THE SE OTR OF THE N 4 a R OF 5EGT 1% Ta ft9JP 77 NORTH, RANGE < EAST, KM. LL i; --- --- _ ;i�a, r-------- �Fm ��S� IM LOT 2 1 ___ I _' _ ,{� •\ tat ...1_. [ �y i ( f a APl2Mftex� sVQ&Y.EEtF i "s LOT i SAt'yymw e p 1 ipl i ' `f ry_'.D i7�I4.+T`A' - i _ AI.'1 ..4M1'•. - —I z 'TTTTTYr Lar ,__ TAX AM-4OalLKaeY YWOM SRMEM6�S rrIMa"= Na � — � 1...�y`rt - �� a. a 7'T it � 'yrt✓+sy` �.� g. _ .f" _'it' e� ..+x C'";\N: vN�+ it a ,,.w.,T �»,a., • � . • 11 µ !- Ta,,..: � �� •� t.. N.e �...,,,�...,� yGG}— ---------r--------T----- PaMASCr DNWR ATFW t ` �;-m Y.LLF1' - 10• PROJECT U4A0RrL0.TVN ° ,> un • I.rv.0 1WL a. raM iia,u Hutt ata Cp:TOUft WTERVN. • 2 fC S1 mMt +u1 N'oi +eYe✓KaO w++[cY�s,e,f;k9�f 5},e,y, Yu tYs lPnkh4�0! <l srcmw.t a+`b ��'e wrs e,t s. +rt+rms v,,.c ae w�pgo H1GA•BURKHOLDER ASSOCIATES, LLC LAND YOf PF♦NN,YO /CIyLL fNGINlfiNtNO 1721 INe+H �wnu i Y�te A0, N l.se,t B'A 1C]DI �ren�� --PAW DF9GNCD Dr: .14, JK sY. F.a CHFCK bT x CLASSICO HOMES 202ND STREET SW FORMAL 5UBDIVISION — CITY OF EDMOND5 PRELIMINARY- PLAT MAP Ibl7 i — 13T 5LgMTTAI A�/j/d 1 3 Prescriptive Energy Code Compliance for All Climate Zones in Washington Prr.*t Information Contact Information Shmulevich Addition Douglas Almond - NuttyCAD 8852 - 202nd Street S.W. (206) 225-0068 Edmonds, WA. 98026 This project will use the requirements of the Prescriptive Path below and incorporate the the minimum values listed. In addition, based on the size of the structure, the appropriate number of additional credits are checked as chosen by the permit applicant. Authorized Representative Date All Climate Zones R-Value' U-Factora Fenestration U-Factorb n/a 0.30 Skylight U-Factor n/a 0.50 Glazed Fenestration SHGCb,e n/a n/a Ceilingk 49' 0.026 Wood Frame Wall 9 "'" 21 int 0.056 Mass Wall R-Value' 21/2,h 0.056 Floor 301 0.029 Below Grade Wall`"' 10/15/21 int + TB 0.042 Slabd R-Value & Depth 10, 2 ft n/a "Table R402.1.1 and Table R402.1.3 Footnotes included on Page 2. CITY COPY Each dwelling unit in a residential building shall comply with sufficient options from Table R406.2 so as to achieve the following minimum number of credits: 1. Small Dwelling, Unit: 1.5 credits ❑ Dwelling units less than 1500 square feet in conditioned floor area with less than 300 square feet of fenestration area. Additions to existing building that are greater than 500 square feet of heated floor area but less than 1500 square feet. ❑2. Medium Dwelling Unit: 3.5 credits All dwelling units that are not included in #1 or #3. Exception: Dwelling units serving R-2 occupancies shall require 2.5 credits. ❑3. Large Dwelling Unit: 4.5 credits Dwelling units exceeding 5000 square feet of conditioned floor area. Additions less than 500 square feet: .5 credits Table R406.2 Summary Option Description Credit(s) la Efficient Building Envelope la 0.5 lb Efficient Building Envelope lb 1.0 1 c Efficient Building Envelope 1 c 2.0 1 d Efficient Building Envelope 1 d 0.5 2a Air Leakage Control and Efficient Ventilation 2a 0.5 2b Air Leakage Control and Efficient Ventilation 2b 1.0 2c Air Leakage Control and Efficient Ventilation 2c 1.5 3a High Efficiency HVAC 3a 1.0 3b High Efficiency HVAC 3b 1.0 3c High Efficiency HVAC 3c 1.5 3d High Efficiency HVAC 3d 1.0 4 High Efficiency HVAC Distribution System 1.0 5a Efficient Water Heating 5a 0.5 5b Efficient Water Heating 5b 1.0 5c Efficient Water Heating 5c 1.5 5d Efficient Water Heating 5d 0.5 6 Renewable Electric Energy 0.5 Total Credits *Please refer to Table R406.2 for complete option descriptions F 0.5 *1200 h RE 8YIE® 0.50 APR 2 4 2017 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES CTR. CITY OF EDMONDS 0 Window, Skylight and Door Schedule Project Information Shmulevich Residence 8852 - 202nd Street S.W. Edmonds, WA. 98026 Ref. U-factor Exempt Swinging Door (24 sq. ft. max.) A3 0.28 Exempt Glazed Fenestration (15 sq. ft. max.) [A3 .28 Vertical Fenestration (Windows and doors) Component Egress Wi .. .. M - . a.• _- _- MAINE IN ME_ __ MAINE MINNIMEMENEEN __ __ MAINE MAINE MAINE ENGINE _�', MAINE MAINE MAINE MAINE _- __ MAINE __ MAINE __ INIMMINEEMEN ME_ __ __ __ MMIIMM Contact Information Douglas Almond - Nu CAD Drafting and Desi n 206 ,225-0068 Width Height Ot. Feet inch Feet inch Area UA ®®MMM MM©EMO Width Height Feet inch Feet Inch Sum of Vertical Fenestration Area and UA Vertical Fenestration Area Weighted U = UA/Area 17.8 4.98 8.0 2.24 Area UA 67.81 18.98 0.28 Overhead Glazing (Skylights) Component Width Height Description Ref. U-factor Qt. Feet mm Feet `ncn Sum of Overhead Glazing Area and UA Overhead Glazing Area Weighted U = UA/Area Total Sum of Fenestration Area and UA (for heating system sizing calculations) 93.61 26.20 Simple Heating System Size: Washington State This heating system sizing calculator is based on the Prescriptive Requirements of the 2015 Washington State Energy Code SEC and ACCA Manuals J and S. This calculator will calculate heating loads only. ACCA procedures for sizing cooling systems should be used to determine cooling loads The glazing (window) and door portion of this calculator assumes the installed glazing and door products have an area weighted average U-factor of 0.30. The incorporated insulation requirements are the minimum prescriptive amounts specified by the 2015 WSEC. Please fill out all of the green drop -downs and boxes that are applicable to your project. As you make selections in the drop -downs for each section, some values will be calculated for you. If you do not see the selection you need in the drop -down options, please call the WSU Energy Extension Program at (360) 956-2042 for assistance. i-ro ect Information Contact Information Shmulevich Residence IDouglas Almond - NuttyCAD Drafting and Design 8852 - 202nd Street S.W. I(206) 225-0068 Edmonds, Washington 98026 Heating System Type: 0 All Other systems Heat Pump To see detailed instructions for each section, place your cursor on the word "Instructions". Design Temperature Instructions Design Temperature Difference (AT) Edmantls AT = Indoor (70 degrees) - Outdoor Design Temp Area of Building Conditioned Floor Area Instructions Conditioned Floor Area (sq ft) 252 Average Ceiling Height Conditioned Volume Instructions Average Ceiling Height (ft) 9.5 2,394 Glazing and Doors U-Factor X Area = UA Instructions 0.30 F 94 28.08 Skylights U-Factor X Area = UA Instructions 0.50 -- Insulation Attic U-Factor X Area = UA Instructions Select R-Value s No selectionLi -- Single Rafter or Joist Vaulted Ceilings U-Factor X Area UA Instructions R-38yented 0.027 252 6.80 SnrrutirrTtsrrr+MwrlMii� Above Grade Walls (see Figure t) _ _ U-Factor X Area UA Instructions R-�21lntermediate � w - 0.056 ---- 420 23.52 li"11111111111 Floors IN sit i U-Factor X Area UA Instructions '�'��' y" " _�. � �- - �� R•30 0.029 252 7.31 • p l Below Grade Walls (see Figure 1) W' U-Factor X Area UA Instructions Select R-value No selection --- --- Slab Below Grade (see Figure 1) _ F-Factor X Length UA Instructions (---t, Select conditioning s No selection -- Slab on Grade (see Figurei) _ - F-Factor X Leh UA Instructions - Sek[t R•Value � � o selection Nlti -- Location of Ducts Instructions - — - P Duct Leakage Coefficient Unconditioned Spa[e s 1.10 Sum of UA 65.71 Figure 1. Above Grade --WowGrade. 46 Envelope Heat Load 3,023 Btu / Hour Sum of UA X AT Air Leakage Heat Load 1,189 Btu/Hour Volume 0.6XATX.018 Building Design Heat Load 4,212 Btu / Hour Air Leakage + Envelope Heat Loss Building and Duct Heat Load 4,633 Btu / Hour Duds in unconditioned space: Sum of Building Heat Loss X 1.10 Duds in conditioned space: Sum of Building Heat Loss X 1 Maximum Heat Equipment Output 6,487 Btu / Hour Building and Dud Heat Loss X 1.40 for Forced Air Furnace Building and Duct Heat Loss X 1.25 for Heat Pump (07101113) 1VIITCHELL ENGINEERING INC. 7821-168th Ave. N.E. Redmond, WA 98052 (425)747-1500 mitchellengineeringinc@comcast.net %YJEZ" A=IJ17� S LA Westhill In c. APR I ? 2017 / Q)i~4 /,/u7- A Rey av�q /47 Z :"W , �.1� L 24� J -�4 CITY COPY �rA,�yd �� RECEIVED ~ �; 0 7.5� APR 2 4 2017 pro' DEVELOPMENT SERVICES CTR. CITY OF EDMONDS PREPARED BY 'N� PROJECT G''��J/ et��� SHEET NO.� OF DATE /T SUBJECT �/ =V �'� V�G JOB NO. 4�21/ " Ag:?97 7821 - 168th Ave. N.E. MITCHELL ENGINEERING INC. Redmond, WA 98052 (425)747-1500 mitchellengineeringinc@comcast.net �lbD?4'2 azr� /rUT. - 75 /4 PF, - (///v, r) A A d / �& / 4 k. 31-4 /// --,4, 75S�w �/ = L 1 75 / 2,_p- PREPARED BY `''/ • . PROJECT SHEET -r�! �� SHEET NO. gig OF _ DATE SUBJECT JOB NO. c 1 / -23-7 SHEAR WALL SCHEDULE Shear Wall Designation Nail Size Nail Spacing ALLOWABLE SMEAR Hem -Fir #2 #/Ft Edges Studs Top/Btm. Plate Blocking Re 'd. P 1-6 8d 6" 12" 6" Yes 210 PI-4 8d 4" 12" 4" Yes 310 P1-3 8d 3" 12" 3" Yes 400 PI-2 8d 2" 12" 2" Yes 525 P2-3 8d 3" 12" 3" Yes 800 P2-2 8d 2" 12" 3" Yes 1050 Shear Wall Notes: 1. P1 - 7/16 A.P.A. rated Plywood or Orientated Strand Board (O.S.B.) on one side of wall. P2 - 7/16 A.P.A.. rated Plywood or Orientated Strand Board (O.S.B.) on each side of wall. 2. For P1-3, P1-2, P2-3, & P2-2 shear walls use 3x studs at adjoining panel edges. Nailing shall be staggered. 3. Nails shall be 8d common. (d = .131 inch) 4. Where plywood is installed on both sides of wall plywood joints shall fall on separate studs each side. 5. All panel edges backed with 2-inch nominal framing for P1-6 & P1-4 shear wall. All panels edges backed with 3x framing at P 1-3, P 1-2, P2-3, & P2-2 shear walls. Install panels either horizontally or vertically. Space nails @ 10 inches on center @ intermediate supports. 6. All anchor bolts shall be installed with hot dipped galvanized plate washers. 7. Refer to foundation plan for anchor bolt size, spacing and mudsill/rim connections. STRUCTURAL NOTES CODE: DESIGN IS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE 2015 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE (I.B.C.) AS AMENDED BY THE LOCAL BUILDING DEPARTMENT. LIVE LOADS: ROOF ------------------- 2 5 P S F FLOOR ----------------- 40P SF LATERAL WIND ------------------ EXPOSURE B, 85MPH/1 I OMPH(ULT) SEISMIC -------------- SITE CLASS D FOUNDATIONS: EXTEND FOOTINGS TO FIRM UNDISTURBED SOIL, ASSUMED BEARING CAPACITY OF 1500PSF. ALL EXTERIOR FOOTINGS SHALL EXTEND A MINIMUM OF 1'-6" BELOW ADJACENT EXTERIOR GRADE. CAST -IN -PLACE CONCRETE: F'c=2500 PSI @ 28 DAYS. MINIMUM 5-1/2 SACKS OF CEMENT PER CUBIC YARD OF CONCRETE AND MAXIMUM OF 6-3/4 GALLONS OF WATER PER 94# SACK OF CEMENT. NO SPECIAL INSPECTION REQUIRED. MAXIMUM SIZED AGGREGATE IS 1-1/2 INCHES. MAXIMUM SLUMP IS 4 INCHES. ALL PHASES OF WORK PERTAINING TO THE CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION SHALL CONFORM TO BUILDING CODE REQUIREMENTS FOR REINFORCED CONCRETE. ALL REINFORCING STEEL, DOWELS, ANCHOR BOLTS, AND OTHER INSERTS SHALL BE SECURED IN POSITION PRIOR TO POURING CONCRETE. ANCHOR BOLTS FOR PRESSURE TREATED SILL PLATES TO FOUNDATION WALLS TO BE 5/8 INCH DIAMETER WITH 7 INCH MINIMUM EMBEDMENT INTO CONCRETE AND MAXIMUM SPACING OF 3 FEET ON CENTER. MINIMUM 2 BOLTS PER SILL PLATE PIECE. ONE BOLT TO BE PLACED WITHIN 6 INCHES OF EACH END OF THE SILL PLATE. DIPPED GALVANIZED CONNECTORS SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM STANDARD 153 AND HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED CONNECTORS SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM A653M CLASS G-185. STAINLESS STEEL FASTENERS AND CONNECTORS SHALL BE TYPE 304 OR 316. SIMPSON PRODUCT FINISHES CORRESPONDING TO THESE REQUIREMENTS ARE ZMAX (HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED) AND SST 300 (STAINLESS STEEL). FASTNERS FOR PRESSURE TREATED AND FIRE -RETARDANT TREATED WOOD SHALL BE ZMAX HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED (G185). REINFORCING STEEL: ALL REINFORCING STEEL SHALL BE PLACED IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE BUILDING CODE REQUIREMENTS FOR REINFORCED CONCRETE AND THE MANUAL OF STANDARD PRACTICE FOR REINFORCED CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION BY CRSI. DEFORMED REINFORCING STEEL BARS SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM A- 615 GRADE 40 FOR #5 AND SMALLER REINFORCEMENT AND GRADE 60 FOR #6 AND LARGER. ALL REINFORCING BAR BENDS SHALL BE MADE COLD WITH A MINIMUM RADIUS OF 6 BAR DIAMETERS (1'-7" MINIMUM). CORNER BARS (2'-0" BEND) SHALL BE PROVIDED FOR ALL HORIZONTAL REINFORCEMENT. LAP ALL BARS A MINIMUM OF 48 BAR DIAMETERS UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. UNLESS NOTE OTHERWISE ON THE DRAWINGS REINFORCING STEEL SHALL HAVE THE FOLLOWING MINIMUM COVER: CONCRETE CAST AGAINST EARTH 3 INCHES CONCRETE EXPOSED TO EARTH OR WEATHER: #6 THROUGH #18 BARS 2 INCHES #5 BAR AND SMALLER 1-1/2 INCHES STRUCTURAL TIMBER: ALL LUMBER SHALL CONFORM TO WWPA GRADING RULES FOR WESTERN LUMBER, LATEST EDITION. PROVIDE CUT WASHERS UNDER ALL NUTS AND BOLTS BEARING AGAINST WOOD. ALL WOOD IN CONTACT WITH CONCRETE SHALL BE PRESSURE TREATED. ALL STRUCTURAL LUMBER SHALL BE AS NOTED BELOW: 2X FLOOR JOIST 2X ROOF RAFTERS 4X BEAMS 6X BEAMS LUMBER NOT NOTED HEM-FIR#2------------------ Fb=850 PSI HEM-FIR#2------------------ Fb=850 PSI DOUG-FIR/LARCH #2---- Fb=850PSI DOUG-FIR/LARCH #2----Fb=850PSI HEM -FIR #2------------------ Fb=850 PSI MISCELLANEOUS HANGERS TO BE SIMPSON OR APPROVED EQUAL. ALL HANGERS SHALL BE FASTENED TO WOOD WITH PROPER NAILS. ALL HOLES SHALL BE NAILED. MACHINE BOLTS TO BE A-307. ANCHOR BOLTS INTO CONCRETE SHALL BE 5/8 INCH DIAMETER WITH 7 INCHES OF EMBEDMENT INTO CONCRETE UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE ON THE PLANS. ALL NAILS SHALL BE COMMON WIRE NAILS. NAILING SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CURRENT I.B.C. SCHEDULE. FLOOR SHEATHING: SHEATHING SHALL BE 3/ INCH TONGUE AND GROOVE A.P.A. RATED SHEATHING. SPAN RATING 48/24 WITH LONG DIMENSION PERPENDICULAR TO SUPPORTS. UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE NAIL WITH 8d COMMON NAILS AT 6 INCHES ON CENTER AT SUPPORTED PANEL EDGES AND 10 INCHES ON CENTER AT INTERMEDIATE SUPPORTS. THE FLOOR SHEATHING SHALL BE GLUED TO THE JOIST AND THE TONGUE AND GROOVE JOINTS WITH AN APPROVED ADHESIVE. WALL SHEATHING: SHEATHING SHALL BE 7/16 INCH A.P.A. RATED SHEATHING, SPAN RATING 24/0. PANEL END JOINTS SHALL OCCUR AT SUPPORTS. NAIL PANEL EDGES WITH 8d NAILS AT 6 INCHES ON CENTER AND 10 INCHES ON CENTER AT INTERMEDIATE SUPPORTS UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE ON THE DRAWINGS. {6 GLU-LAMINATED TIMBER: LAMINATED TIMBER SHALL BE DOUGLAS-FIR/LARCH KILM DRYED. STRESS GRADE COMBINATION OF 24F-V4 FOR SIMPLE SPANS AND 24F-V8 FOR CANTILEVER AND CONTINUOUS BEAMS. ROOF SHEATHING: SHEATHING SHALL BE 5/8 INCH A.P.A. RATED SHEATHING. SPAN RATING 32/16, INSTALLED WITH LONG DIMENSION ACROSS SUPPORT. PANEL END JOINTS SHALL OCCUR AT SUPPORTS. NAIL PANEL EDGES WITH 8d NAILS SPACED AT 4 INCHES ON CENTER AND 10 INCHES ON CENTER AT INTERMEDIATE SUPPORTS. FLOOR FRAMING: PROVIDE FULL DEPTH BLOCKING FOR JOIST AT THE SUPPORTS. FLUSH BEAMS (FB) AND HEADERS NOT CALLED OUT ON THE PLANS SHALL BE (2)2X8. ALL VERTICALLY LAMINATED COLUMNS AND HEADERS SHALL BE SPIKED TOGETHER WITH 16d NAILS SPACED AT 6 INCHES ON CENTER. BEARING WALL FRAMING: ALL DOOR AND WINDOW HEADERS NOT CALLED OUT ON THE PLANS SHALL BE (2) 2X8 HEM-FIR#2 WITH ONE CRIPPLE AND ONE STUD AT EACH END FOR OPENINGS 4 FEET WIDE OR LESS. ALL COLUMNS NOT CALLED OUT ON THE PLANS SHALL BE (2) STUDS SPIKED TOGETHER WITH 12d NAILS AT 12 INCHES ON CENTER. PROVIDE 2 LAYERS OF BUILDING PAPER BETWEEN WOOD AND CONCRETE. WALLS SHALL HAVE A SINGLE BOTTOM PLATE AND DOUBLE TOP PLATE. END NAIL TOP PLATES AND BOTTOM PLATES TO EACH STUD WITH 2-16d NAILS. FACE NAIL DOUBLE TOP PLATE WITH 16d NAILS AT 10 INCHES ON CENTER. LAP AND FACE NAIL PLATES WITH 2-16d NAILS AT EACH SPLICE, CORNER INTERSECTION. STAGGER SPLICES A MINIMUM OF 48 INCHES. �(p MITCHELL ENGINEERING INC. I�P,J&4 /�, 2� A,� wldA lc�� A4, 44- 4A,1 (2-) --d4 1-9 W7 MITCHELL ENGINEERING INC. 2-,�t Aa vv/ ,54k,*- A4, Az- 4,1 Q 6- P- eA",-J Ar 614 I/ 1� �f l 6 1 nn 4e, h.. �� v � d 41) MITCHELL ENGINEERING INC. � � A/(, '-'?) A 0, 5 t&otd cn `vc 2, J 7821-168th Ave. ME Redmond, WA 9805: (425) 747-150, mitchellenginee rinc,in c@comcast.ne 41/o -MITCHELL ENGINEERING INC. �5-cw/43j =;l 5 7821 - 168th Ave. N.E. Redmond, WA 98052 (425)747-1500 mitchellengineeringinc@comcast.net 411411�-6 a7? 'MITCHELL ENGINEERING INC. 24 0/ koci rak-4A,i- (2. ("O,bc ���Atz �vA1d 24"vG iek-) �Ta:l �co kz -MMITCHELL ENGINEERING INC. C5 �A;l' s 7821 - 168th Ave. N.E. Redmond, WA 98052 (425)747-1500 mitcheDe,-igincerina0inc@comcast.net p 1 '2 tl!'- S MIITCHELL ENGINEERING INC. Ll t 7521 - 168th Ave. N.E. Redmond, WA 95052 (425)747-1500 niitchell,-noineerinc,inc@comcast.net 114 MITCHELL ENGINEERING INC. 6 1d Pal f�Ta (1-1) �1�1 -4-k- or-nira, �rl 'r/Lao W/ .JAG%la-1 � 1 MITCHELL ENGINEERING INC. L15ZA 124 rm S�-GTI ��/o L t'✓LaGI� �/ /lo MITCHELL ENGINEERING INC. t- -> /-/, � �) 7821-168th Ave. N.E. Redmond, WA 98052 (425) 747-1500 mitchellengineeringinc@comcast.net 2,4 zk4 47 I MITCHELL ENGINEERING INC. �y(00 24'�� v W. " .1 5, �. �//' " � j/; ? 7821- 168th Ave. N.E. Redmond, WA 98052 (425)747-1500 mitchellengineeringinc@comcast.net 1�2 Lam l(z) A°wS; , )i 50 j%"wi-a 12 C I w1i 0��� Jo��r A14111L fl�/ j GENERAL MUTES LIFE SAYET Y N OTES ( continued FRAMING NOTES (continued Nothing in this permit approval process shall be interpreted as allowing or permitting the maintenance of any currently existing illegal, nonconforming, or unpermitted building, structure, or site condition which is outside the scope of the permit application, regardless of whether such building, structure, or condition is shown on the site plan or drawing. Such building, structure, or condition may be the subject of a separate enforcement action. Sound/noise originating from temporary construction sites as a result of construction activity are exempt from the noise limits only during the hours of 7:OOam to 6:OOpm on weekdays and 10:00am and 6:OOpm on Saturdays, excluding Sundays and Federal Holidays. At all other times the noise originating from construction sites/activities must comply with the noise limits, unless a variance has been granted. ECC Chapter 5.30 All changes in plans and field modifications shall be approved by the local jurisdiction. The design professional shall prepare drawings as required for approval. IBC 107.4 Temporary address shall be clearly visible from street during all phases of construction. Failure to properly post house/building numbers may result in no inspection by the City Inspector. Curb signage is not acceptable. Address numbers (4" min. ht. & 1/z" min. stroke width) shall be posted to be plainly visible from the street or road fronting the property. IRC R319 LIFE SAFETY NOTES Smoke alarms shall be installed in each sleeping room, outside of each separate sleeping area in the immediate vicinity of the bedrooms, and on each level (including basements and habitable attics) in new construction and in existing dwellings when alterations, repairs or additions requiring a permit occur. Smoke alarms shall be hard -wired with battery backup, and when more than one smoke alarm is required within an individual dwelling unit, they shall be interconnected. Discuss exceptions to the power source requirements with the Building Inspector. IRC R314 IBC 907.2.11.2 Carbon monoxide alarms shall be installed outside of each separate sleeping area in the immediate vicinity of the bedrooms and on each level in new construction and in existing dwellings when alterations, repairs or additions requiring a permit occur, or when one or more sleeping rooms are added or created. IRC R315 Handrails and guards must be capable of resisting a concentrated load of 200 pounds per square foot applied in any direction at any point along the top. Guard in -fill components must be capable of resisting 50 pounds per square foot. IRC Table R301.5 IBC 1607.8 Handrails shall be continuous through stair flights of four or more risers, without interruption by newel posts (unless at a turn) or other obstructions, and return to a wall, newel post, or safety terminal. The grip -size shall be Type I or II or of equivalent graspablity. IRC 311.7.8 one operable escape window in the basement, habitable attic and in each sleeping room meeting all of the following requirements: -An operable area of not less than 5.7 sq. ft. (5 sq. ft. for grade floor opening) •A minimum clear opening height of 24 inches •A minimum clear opening width of 20 inches -Not more than 44 inches between the finished floor and the bottom of the clear opening. Escape windows located under decks or porches must have a path 36 inches in height to a yard or court. R310 IBC 1029 The greatest riser height within any flight of stairs or the greatest tread depth within any flight of stairs shall not exceed the smallest by more than 3/8 inch. IRC R311.7.5.1 IRC R311.7.5.2 IBC 1009.7.4 FOOTINGS/FOUNDATIONS Footing drains are required around concrete/masonry foundations that retain earth and enclose habitable or usable spaces located below grade, or for crawl spaces when a minimum 6 inch slope within the first 10 feet of the foundation wall is not achieved. A separate footing drain inspection by the Building Inspector is required. IRC R401.3 IRC R405.1 Slab -on -grade floors shall be a minimum 3.5-inch thick concrete over a 6 mil vapor barrier and 4-inch base of sand/gravel/etc. There shall be a thermal -break for slabs inside a foundation wall, and if the slab is less than 24" below the exterior- grade, 24" wide R-10 perimeter insulation must be provided. Slabs used as part of a hydronic heating system shall have R-10 insulation provided throughout the entire slab area. IRC R506 WSEC R402.2.9 WSEC Table R402.1.1 Vertical rebar must be hooked and tied in place at time of footing inspection. Maintain minimum 3" clearance to earth, 1-1/2" to form -work for reinforcement. R403.1.3 R404. Anchor bolts shall be at least 1/2 -inch in diameter and extend 7 inches into concrete. There shall be a minimum of two bolts per plate, with one bolt within 12 inches but not closer than seven bolt diameters from the end of the plate. The bolt spacing shall not exceed 6 feet o.c. and shall have a nut and 3"x3"x0.229" washers unless engineered. IRC R403.1.6 FRAMING NOTES Hardware and fasteners in contact with preservative -treated wood shall be of hot -dipped zinc galvanized steel, stainless steel, silicon bronze or copper. IRC R317.3.1 IBC 2304.9.5.1 oists less than 18" and beams less than 12" to grade and all wood xposed to weather shall be preservative -treated or naturally esistant to decay. IRC R317 IBC 2304.11 oists shall have not less than 1.5 inches bearing on wood or metal nd 3 inches on concrete. Joists shall be prevented from rotating .t the ends and at intermediate support by approved hangers, 2 h nominal blocking, or attachment to a rim board. C 502.6/502.7 IBC 2308.8 Foundation cripple walls shall be framed of studs not less in size than the studs above. Walls over 4 feet in height shall be framed of studs having the size required for an additional story. Cripple walls studs less than 14 inches in height shall be sheathed on at least one side with a wood structural panel that is fastened to both the top and bottom plates in accordance with Table R602.3(1), or cripple walls shall be constructed of solid blocking. Cripple walls shall be supported on continuous foundations. IRC R602.9 Prior to the framing inspection, the building must be dried in with a minimum of roofing, windows, and siding paper installed. Truss layouts showing girder truss/hip-master locations are not permitted to change and must be followed correctly. If the truss manufacturer requests to change, in part or in whole, the layout shown, they must contact the architect/designer to ensure that the structural design of the building is maintained. If the layout shown is changed, in part or in whole, the Building Division requires new engineering calculations and must approve the changes prior to the installation of the roof sheathing. Exterior and bearing wall studs may be notched <25% and bored <40% of the stud width. Non -bearing wall studs may be notched <40% and bored <60% of the stud width. Any bore located <5/8" from the stud face is considered a notch. Rafters and joists may be notched in the outer thirds of the span with a maximum notch depth 1/6th and a notch width 1/3rd the depth of the member. Rafters and joists may be bored up to 1/3rd the depth of the member no closer than 2" to each edge or to another bore. Top plates notched or bored >50% of the width must have a 16ga. strap, 6 inches past and fastened with 8-1 Od nails at each side of the opening. IRC R502.8 IRC R602.6 IBC 2308 Attic access openings are required for buildings with combustible ceiling or roof construction over an area >30 sq. ft. and with a 30" vertical space between ceiling and roof framing members. The rough -framed opening shall be 22"x30" and located in a hallway or other readily accessible location. The access cover shall be weather-stripped and insulated to a level equal to the surrounding surfaces. IRC R807.1 WSEC 402.2.4 Attic ventilation openings shall not be less than 1/150 of the area of the space ventilated. It may be reduced to 1/300 if at least 50 percent and not more than 80 percent of the required openings are at least 3 feet above the eave vents with the balance provided by the eave vents. The net free cross -ventilation area may also be reduced to 1/300 when a Class I or II vapor barrier is installed on the warm -in -winter side of the ceiling. IRC R806.2 ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS A survey may be required prior to the foundation wall inspection if the Building Inspector is unable to verify setbacks. Lot line stakes should be in place at the time of the foundation inspection and established property pins should be made visible. L Q U Ln 2 U C) CN .MEC;HAN 1C:AL N MEN Provide outdoor air inlets in all habitable spaces.IRC 1507.3.4.4 A 30"00" level working space shall be provided in front of the control side to service appliances. In attics and underfloor areas, a passageway a minimum of 30 inches high and 20 inches wide traveling not more than 20 feet from the access shall be provided. A 24 inch wide solid pathway shall be provided in attics. A switch -controlled luminaire is required at the passageway opening and a receptacle outlet at or near the appliance. A means of electrical disconnect is required within sight of the appliance or the breaker is to be capable of being locked in the open position. IRC M1305 IMC 306 NEC 422.31(B) Provide the combustion air required for the proper operation of the appliance(s). The minimum required volume per the standard method is 50 cubic feet per 1000 BTU/hr. Where exhaust fans, clothes dryers, and kitchen ventilation systems interfere with the operation of appliances, makeup air shall be provided. Fuel -fired appliances shall not be located in sleeping rooms, bathrooms, toilet rooms, or storage closets unless specific installation requirements are met. IRC G 2406.2 G2407.4 G2407.5.1 IFGC 303.3 304.4 304.5 An exhaust hood/system of >400cfm installed or required by the range or cooktop manufacturer must be provided with makeup air equal to the exhaust air rate. IRC M1503.4 IMC 505.2 Provide required makeup air in the laundry room. Louvered doors or openings/grilles into other spaces may be used to meet the requirements. Other limitations may arise if a gas dryer is installed. IMC 504.5 G2407.4 G2407.9.1 Dryer ducts shall terminate outside of the building, 3 ft. from any openings into the building. The termination shall have a backdraft damper and no screen. The dryer duct shall be a minimum .016-in. (27 ga.) thick, a minimum 4 inches in diameter, have a smooth interior finish, have sections joined with the insert end in the direction of airflow without the use of fasteners, be supported at 4 ft. intervals, and secured in place and protected by nail plates that extend 2" above/below bottom/top plates. The joints shall be sealed with UL181A listed mastic or tape. Dryer duct maximum lengths are 25 ft. for electric and 35 ft. for gas with deductions for fittings (or sized/length per manufacturer). If concealed, the equivalent length of the duct shall be permanently labeled or tagged within 6 ft. of the dryer connection. IRC M1502 M1601.4.1 G2439 IMC 504 IFGC 614 Hydronic heating system piping shall be tested at 100 psi water pressure or 1 1/2 times the operating pressure, whichever is greater, for a minimum of 15 minutes. Piping embedded in concrete shall be pressure tested prior to the placing of concrete and be maintained at operating pressure during concrete placement. The test must be observed by the Building Inspector prior to concrete placement. Note: a means of providing outdoor air per IRC R303.4, M1507 and IMC 403.2 is required. IMC 1208 - 1209 Refrigerant circuit access ports located outdoors shall be fitted with locking -type tamper- resistant caps. IRC M1411.6 IMC 1101.10 YL U MB 1N li N U l LN Fixtures installed on a floor level that is lower than the next upstream manhole cover of the public or private sewer shall be protected from backflow of sewage by installing an approved type of backwater valve. Fixtures on floor levels above such elevation Ishall not discharge through the backwater valve. UPC 710.1 I Vent all plumbing fixtures through the roof per UPC 906.0 or with a loop vent per UPC 909.0. Air admittance valves are not permitted unless first approved by the Building Inspector on a case by case basis. Water heaters installed in attics, attic -ceiling assemblies, floor -ceiling assemblies or a floor/sub-floor assembly, where damage may occur from a leak, shall be installed in a watertight pan made of corrosion -resistant materials. The pan shall have a minimum 3/a" drain and the drain shall terminate in a visible location. The drain cannot empty into the crawlspace beneath a building. Discharge from a relief valve into a water heater pan shall be prohibited. UPC 507.4 UPC 507.5 Access will be required for the whirlpool/jetted tub pump and the tempering valve for all tubs. The tempering valve may also be installed at the water heater. UPC 409 Showers shall be a minimum of 900 square inches and be capable of encompassing a 30 inch circle. The shower receptor shall have a finished dam, curb, or threshold between 2" and 9" above the top of the drain. The floor of the shower shall slope a minimum of 1/a" and a maximum of 1/2". Lining materials for built-up showers and shower seats shall be sloped, extend upward 3" above the horizontal surface, and over the top of the dam or threshold. Shower receptors shall be tested by filling with water to the top of the rough threshold while plugged at the drain. Protect the weep holes in the sub -drain clamping ring from clogging. UPC 408.5 - 408.7 [Main building shut-off required on water supply line. UPC 606.2 Pressure reduction valve on main water supply line required by City code. Vent hot water tank relief valve directly to the outside. UPC 608.5 Hot water heater must be seismically anchored or strapped at points within the upper one-third and lower one-third of its vertical dimensions. At the lower point, a minimum distance of 4" must be maintained above the controls with the strapping. UPC 507.2 All pressure absorbing devices (e.g. air chambers, mechanical devices, hammer arrestors) shall be accessible or installed per manufacturer. UPC 609.10 Minimum 1" air -gap required at dishwasher. UPC 414.3 Hose bibs (exterior faucets) are required to have a permanently affixed anti -siphon device installed. UPC 603.5.7 Soaker and jetted tubs shall be installed and supported per the manufacturer's installation specifications. UPC 409.6 PlKL-KAlEV UUNN1KUU'11UN Dwelling/garage separation shall be maintained by installing 1/2" gypsum wallboard on the garage side from the foundation to the underside of the roof sheathing. Ceiling of garages with habitable space above shall have 5/8-inch Type X gypsum wallboard attached with 1-7/8 inch 6d coated nails or equivalent drywall screws and the structural elements supporting the ceiling protected with 1/2 gypsum wallboard. Enclosed accessible space under stairs shall have walls, under -stair surface and any soffits protected on the enclosed side with 1/2" gypsum wallboard. Water resistant gypsum shall not be used as a tile backing board where there will be direct exposure to water, or in areas subject to continuous high humidity (showers, etc.). IRC R302 IRC R702.3.8.1 Fireblocking shall be provided to cut off all concealed draft openings (both vertical and horizontal) and to form an effective fire barrier between stories, and between a top story and the roof space. Fireblocking shall be provided in wood -frame construction in the following locations: 1) In concealed spaces of stud walls and partitions, including furred spaces and parallel rows of studs or staggered studs as follows: 1.1 Vertically at the ceiling and floor levels. 1.2 Horizontally at intervals not exceeding 10 feet. 2) At all interconnections between concealed vertical and horizontal spaces such as occur at soffits, drop ceilings and cove ceilings. 3) In concealed spaces between stair stringers at top and bottom of the run. 4) At openings around vent, pipes, and ducts at ceiling and floor level, with an approved material to resist the free passage of flame and products of combustion. For additional requirements see IRC 302.11 IDraftstobs shall be installed in combustible construction where there is I able space both above and below the concealed space of a floor/ceiling sembly, so that the area of the concealed space does not exceed 1000 sq. and shall divide the space into approximately equal areas. Where the sembly is enclosed by a floor membrane above and a ceiling membrane low, draftstopping shall be provided in floor/ceiling assemblies under following circumstances: 1.Ceiling is suspended under the floor framing. 2.Floor framing is constructed of truss -type open -web or perforated members. Draftstopping materials shall not be less than 1/2 inch gypsum board, 3/8 inch wood structural panels or other approved materials adequately supported and installed parallel to the floor framing membersIRC R302.12 ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS Height verification shall be done by the applicant's agent/contractor and observed by the Building Inspector on site. The agent/contractor shall set up the equipment (transit/builders level), establish the datum point, and the point of average grade. These items must be consistent with the approved plans. If the proposed height of a building (as shown on the plans) is within 12 inches of the maximum height permitted for the zone, an elevation survey is required. An elevation survey consists of three components to be conducted by a licensed surveyor. 1) Prior to construction, the surveyor shall establish average grade as specified in ECDC 21.40.030, and shall establish a reference datum point that will be and can be freely accessed. 2) The surveyor shall locate the vation of the first floor prior to the City under -floor inspection. 3) A al letter of height confirmation shall be provided upon completion of the structure. CN 2 a n44j� 74,j 11or �oc%J��n.✓ l�i,.lrs . / / 1/-7 l r Ti/v —" //7/cd (-,,r vo / rtpd,)61,41-1,� WL-,gV1- 16 New 2x/v/ ra)ffwlo��Ij gwomAl ,41 ALL. Q T Iro4i#- /Z-ow /ter- FAw%��Aaa.1 —4-110 Ida? ohw� ?n �7)2;0�e6d. A2