BLD20170790 - Echelbarger - E1.pdf
(425) 771-0220
City Website:
DATE:June 27, 2017
TO:Todd Echelbarger
FROM:Mitch Boyd,Stantec Consulting Services
RE:Application #: BLD20170790
Project: Echelbarger -Single Family Residence–Lot 4
Project Address: 309 Caspers St
During review of the above noted application, it was found that the following information,
corrections, or clarifications are needed. Reviews by other divisions, such as Planning, Building, or
Fire may result in additional comments. Please submit two (2)sets of revised plans/documents
including a written response to each item below.
Resubmittals can be made at the Development Services Department on the 2floor of City Hall.
Permit Center hours are M, T, Th & F from 8am-4:30pmand on Wednesdays from 8:30am-noon.
City of Edmonds handouts, standard details, application and other forms, and development code
may be referenced on the City website: www.edmondswa.govunder Services/Permits and
1)A Stormwater Covenant is required to be recorded against the property based on the
proposed stormwater facilities for the project. Please complete the covenant, including
notarization and any required exhibits and submit to the city. The document must be
complete, but will not be recorded prior to permit issuance. Prior to construction final
location of facilities are to be verified (by field inspection and asbuilt) and then the covenant
will be recorded.
1)Filter fence is required on the north and east propertylines.
2)Show construction entranceon the plans.
3)Please show and add a note to the plans that filter socks will be added to any catch basins
downstream from the construction site.Show catch basin inserts for the catch basin to the
south of the property as well as the 4 catch basins at the entrance to the short plat.
4)Orange protective barrierfencing shall be placed around areas proposed for low impact
development techniques, such as rain gardens, to protect the area from compaction.
5)Please provide the location of the temporary stockpile. Add a note that the stockpile is to be
covered within 24 hours
1)Indicate the size of the water meter.
2)Note tracer wireto be installed on the water service line.
3)There is an existing6” sewer cleanout at the property line. Please add a note that the 6”
cleanout at the property line shallhave a 12” cast iron lamphole cover with ½” hexbolts.
4)Show all dry utilities and required utility separation. Please add a note that a minimum of 3’
separation is required between the dry utilities (power, gas, phone, cable, etc.) andwet
utilities (sewer, water, and storm).
5)Footing drains are not shown on the plans. Please indicatewhere the footing drains will
discharge to.
6)Please provide the roof draininvert elevation at the structure.
7)Please provide the invert elevation of the rain garden overflow at the stormwater connection
point at the property line.
8)Please add a note to the plans thatall final restoration shall be completed by the contractor
not the City of Edmonds.
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The following comments are provided from Robert C. Edwards, PE, Stormwater Engineer. Please
contact Robert directly at 425-771-0220 or by email at robert.edwards@edmondswa.govwith any
specific questions you may have regarding these comments.
Stormwater Review
This is classified as a Category 2 Small Site because it proposesimpervious area exceeding 5,000 SF.
Category 2 Small Site Projects are subject to Small Site Minimum Requirements 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,
and 11.
Minimum Requirement #1 –Preparation of Stormwater Site Plan
1.WWHM analysis is to use Puget East 36 rainfall data.
2.WWHM analysis uses only 0.27 acres for the developed basin, while the pre-developed basin and
project narrative use 0.28 acres.
3.Sheet C1, Plan: The 32 contour line runs through the proposed house and two rain gardens.Please
update to reflect the actual finished grading.
4.Sheet C2, Rain Garden. Update the detail to include the items in the City of Edmonds E72B handout.
Minimum Requirement #2 –Construction Stormwater Pollution Plan
1.Sheet C1: Provide inlet protect for the four catch basins near the construction entranceand for the
catch basin in the access easement.
2.Show filter fabric fence along the north and east property lines.
3.Provide a description for the “X” linetype around the rain gardens. Is this high visibility fencing?
4.Sheet C1, Construction Sequence, Note 10: add “per BMP T5.13”
5.Sheet C2, General Notes, #23: Change “OTHER ACCEPTABLE METHODS” TO “BMP T5.13”
Minimum Requirement #3 –Source Control of Pollution
Minimum Requirement #4 –Preservation of Natural Drainage Systems
Comments: None
Minimum Requirement #5 –Onsite Stormwater Management
Comments: None
Minimum Requirement # 6 –Runoff Treatment
Minimum Requirement #7 –Flow Control
Minimum Requirement #8 –Wetland Protection
Minimum Requirement #9 –Operation and Maintenance
Minimum Requirement # 10 –Offsite Analysis and Mitigation
Comments: None
Minimum Requirement #11 –Financial Liability
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