BLD20171608 (2)08 l �; OF ED�'o y M1 CITY OF EDMONI 4 121 5TH AVENUE NORTH - EDMONDS, WA 98020 PHONE: (425) 771-0220 - FAX: (425) 771-0221 STATUS: ISSUED 11/28/2017 Permit: BLD20171 Expiration Date: 05/28/2018 Parcel No:00434600008301 DAN & SHELLY CRABTREE LAKESIDE PLUMBING& HEATING INC. LAKESIDE PLUMBING & HEATING INC. 20512 82ND AVE W C/O LARRY ROBERTSON C/O LARRY ROBERTSON EDMONDS, WA 98026 PO BOX 65266 PO BOX 65266 SEATTLE, WA 98155 SEATTLE, OVA 98155 (206)363-4513 (206)363-4513 LICENSE 4; LAKESPHOOIOA E-XP:09/01/2019 FIRE SPRINKLER FOR SFR. VALUATION: SO PERMIT TYPE: Residential PERMIT GROUP: 30 - Fire Sprinkler GRADING: N CYDS: 0 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: RETAINING WALL ROCKERY: OCCUPANT GROUP:' OCCUPANT LOAD: FENCE: ( 0 X 0 FT.) CODE:2015 OTHER: ------- OTHER DESC: ZONE: NUMBER OF STORIES: 0 VESTED DATE: NUMBER OF DWELLING UNITS: 0 LOT 4- BASEMENT : 0 1 ST FLOOR: 0 2ND FLOOR: 0 BASEMENT. 0 ' 1 ST FLOOR: 0 2ND FLOOR: 0 3RD FLOOR: 0 GARAGE: 0 DECK: 0 OTHER: 0 31D FLOOR: 0- GARAGE: 0 DECK: 0 OTHER: 0 BEDROOMS:0 BATHROOMS:0 BEDROOMS:0 BATHROOMS:0 :SQUIRED:, PROPOSED: REQUIRED: PROPOSED: REQUIRED: PROPOSED: ]EIGHT ALLOWED:O PROPOSED:0 REQUIRED: PROPOSED: ETBACK NOTES: ATTENTION IT IS UNLANNTUL TO USE OR OCCUPY A BUILDING OR STRUCTURE UNTIL A FINAL INSPECTION HAS BEEN MADE AND APPROVAL OR A CER11FICATE OF OCCUPANCY HAS BEEN GRANTED. UBC109/ IBC 110/ IRC 110. FIRE APPLICANT ASSESSOR � CITY STATUS: ISSUED BLD20171608 • Final approval on a project or final occupancy approval must be granted by the Building Official prior to use or occupancy of the building or structure. Checkthe job card for all required City inspections including final project approval and final occupancy inspections. • Any request for alternate design, modification, variance or other administrative deviation (hereinafter "variance") from adopted codes, ordinances or policies must be specifically requested in writing and be called out and identified. Processing fees for such request shall be established by Council and shall be paid upon submittal and are non-refundable. • Approval of any plat or plan containing provisions -Much do not comply xN th;city code and for-,vhich a variance has not been specifically identified, requested and considered by the appropriate city official in accordance with the appropriate provision of city code or state law does not approve any items not to code specification. • Sound/Noise originating from temporary construction sites as a result of construction activity are exempt from the noise limits of ECC Chapter 5.30 only during the hours of 7:00am to 6:00pm on weekdays and 10:00am and 6:00pm on Saturdays, excluding Sundays and Federal Holidays. At all other times the noise originating from construction sites/activities must comply with the noise limits of Chapter 5.30, unless a variance has been granted pursuant to ECC 5.30.120. • Applicant, on behalf of his or her spouse, heirs, assigns, and successors in interests, agrees to indemnify defend and hold harmless the City of Edmonds, Washington, its officials, employees, and agents from any and all claims for damages of whatevernature, arising directly or indirectly from the issuance for this pemnit. issuance of this pennit shall not be deemed to modify, waive or reduce any requirements of any City ordin2nce nor limit in anyway the City's ability to enforce any ordinance provision. R i�1 ,�t 1,R�+, $ � s, � , �- h .. t. t,� � i?;Z� `�,tN . ia. ,n, l a� tt�i t 0. ' � , ;. ���k'm �;'F.sE , w,t, rv��, ,� ,�, �%�, . 'r ,•�'5:�i` THIS PERMIT AUTHORIZES ONLY THE WORK NOTED. THIS PERMIT COVERS WORK TO BE DONE ON PRIVATE PROPERTY ONLY. ANY CONSTRUCTION ON THE PUBLIC DOMAIN (CURBS, SIDEWALKS, DRIVEWAYS, MARQUEES, ETC.) WiLL REQUIRE SEPARATE PERMISSION. PERMIT TIME LIMIT: SEE ECDC 19.00 005(A)(6) BUILDING ENGINEERING (425) 771-0220 EXT. 1326 1. Go to: www.edmondswa.gov Building Department Inspections 2. Then: Services are now scheduled cnline. If you FIRE (425) 775-7720 3. Then: Permits/Development have difficulties, plecse call the 4. Then: Online Permit Info Building Departmentfront desk for PUBLIC WORKS (425) 771-0235 5: If you don't have one already, create a assistance during ofice hours. login (upper right hand comer) (425) 771-0220 RECYCLING (425) 2754801 6: Schedule your inspection When calling for an inspection please leave the following information: Permit Number,Job Site Address, Type of Inspection being requested, Contact Name and Phone Number, Date Preferred, and whether you prefer moming or aftemoon. • F-Fire Sprinkler Insulation • F-Fire Sprinkler Bucket Test • F-Fire Sprinkler Pressure Test • F-Fire Sprinkler Acceptance • F-Fire Final i DEVELOPMENT SERVICES RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION St. 1 g90 121 5`' Avenue N, Edmonds, WA 98020 City of Edmonds Phone 425.771.02201i Fax 425.771.0221 PLEASE REFER TO THE RESIDENTIAL BUILDING CHECKLIST FOR SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS PRO.TF.CT ADDRESS _(Street. Suite #. City StatePp,��Zin�• Subdivision/Lot . r Par el u y �/ ��00 Project Valuation: $ APPLE I i T: X9eaA6? l Yjl C l t i / oft 0Phone. 3 13 1063 Fax: 6 D`7 Address (Street, City, State, Zip): � a e- LOA C E-Mail Addr ss: yak t h �mc��-. >�e-F PRbOPERTY � NE �b�e� d- Phone: Fax: Address (Street, City, Stdt4 Zip): E-Mail Address: LENDING AGENCY: Phone: Fax: Address (Street, City, State, Zip): E-Mail Address: CO ' RA TOR:* L i Si v l hq � hone: Fax: Ad ress (Stye t, City, State, Zip): E-Mail Address: AA E'51 tn h 8- cdn L�qS *Contractor must have a valid City of Edmonds business license prior to doing work in the City. Contact the City Clerk's Office at 425.775.2525 A State License #/Exp. Date: City B iness License #/Exp. Date: N ((�� 'L j� DETAIL THE SCOPE OF WORK: 'i'1fre Sin nI/ ` `-�� ` rn PROPOSED NEW SQUARE FOOTAGE FOR THIS PROJECT: Basement: sq. ft. Select Basement Type: Finished Unfinished I" Floor: sq. ft. Garage/Carport: Sq. ft. 2°d Floor: sq. ft. Deck/Cvrd Porch/Patio: sq. ft. Bedrooms # Full-3/4 Bath # Half -Bath # Other: sq. ft. Fire Sprinklers: Yes No—TJ 1 Retaining Wall: Yes No Grading: Cut cu. yds. Fill cu.yds. I Cut/Fill in Critical Area: Yes LJ No I declare under penalty of perjury laws that the information I have provided on this form/application is true, correct and complete, and that I am the property owner or duly authorized agent of the property owner to submit a permit application to the City of Editionds. Print Name: C' "Y) Owner ❑ Agent/Other ❑ (specify): Signature T;" Date: FORM A LABuilding New Folder 2010\DONE & x-ferred to L-Building-New drive\Fonn A2014.docx Updated: 1/17/2014 ,g�0 ao�7-i�C1� le y C()py RECEIVED NOV 13 2017 A-PEX Design Services Inc. sales@a-pexdesignservices.com 10731 47th Place West Mukilteo, WA 98275 425-493-9680 Job Name :-CRABTREE RESIDENCE - One Head Calculation (H.23) Drawing Location 19205 OLYMPIC VIEW DR EDMONDS WA Remote Area Contract 170731-01 Data File 170731-01 Crabtree Residence.wx1 ro-r......................... " WASHMWOM s'TATa CE R'I FICAT@ Of Y;y " a1-Re PROTECIrl— sr MMTlt" D e Leery 0. Robertson F. 4289-0809 A Levels c ( Lakeside Plumbing & Heating Inc. U, IESPHO 1 P, ? » e.. Computer Programs by F�a�tl'�iC'Tt1f""�t2'1'1T"1Rtlhati�it."tiA 03087 A-PEX Design Services Inc. Page 1 CRABTREE RESIDENCE - One Head Calculation (H.23) Date 9/19/2017 HYDRAULIC DESIGN INFORMATION SHEET Name - CRABTREE RESIDENCE Date - 7-31-2017 Location - EDMONDS WA Building - System No. - Contractor - LAKESIDE PLUMBING Contract No. - 170731-01 Calculated By - KAREN`BABB Drawing No. - Construction: (X) Combustible ( ) Non -Combustible Ceiling Height OCCUPANCY - RESIDENTIAL S Type of Calculation: ( )NFPA 13 Residential ( )NFPA 13R (X)NFPA 13D Y Number of Sprinklers Flowing: (X)1 ( )2 ( )4 ( ) S ( ) Other, . T ( )Specific Ruling Made by Date E M Listed Flow at Start Point - 17 Gpm System Type Listed Pres. at Start Point - 12.03Psi (X) Wet ( ) Dry D MAXIMUM LISTED SPACING 18 x 18 ( ) Deluge ( ) PreAction E Domestic Flow Added - 0 Gpm Sprinkler or Nozzle S Additional Flow Added - Gpm Make RELIABLE Model LL-RFC49 I Elevation at Highest Outlet - 120 Feet Size 3/8 K-Factor 4.9 G Note: Temperature Rating 155 N Calculation Gpm Required 17 Psi Required 53.23 At Ref Pt STR Summary �., C-Factor Used: Overhead 130 Underground 150 W Water Flow Test: Pump Data: A Date of Test - Rated Cap. T Time of Test - @ Psi E Static (Psi) - 78 Elev. R Residual (Psi) - 63 Other Flow (Gpm) - 300 S Elevation - 92 P Location: r P L Source of Information: Y Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 m O N N a) a) ca cu an a3 3 U (a U a ca a) a) C U UO a) En v W W W U y W � p� W< >ca a QU NLOT mcz -MN m(O vi Lo �N � a C cn M N^E o 0- CD clia Co ca C•L � c C C C E C •[a CDO LO m (D o CD to A to cn ❑ to C wU)U) n.?:' 1 I 1 in1 �rNN OM ca E a� 0 O O t 0 m co N co U o< OZ co ,.r O J O LO N O 0 O N t— (MD cO L =5 ai o U.) T Vl L 0 co n >'O :3 :3 o 0 1 1 MUUU1 .�` O W "f o O M O N o r 0 O O O O O O O O O O a w w w w n w w r- CD 0 co O Q U) D Z E co 'O 22 T r r M r(pr 00 r O N Oro rn clot r00 Cl) CF) IO O r O N rt1r000 fII fII a c� O rvcoao00 rM�oo o r NCO t000 N O r N Cn to 00 W to r r M 0 0 r Cl) M Cl 0 N toN r r N 0 0 t O O r r N N Co 0 r CUrrOO r n r r O O N r Cprr00 r tor��r N r cjr00rN r MrCOM V Cl) N v rNr to�N C O rNr V a�-N 7 _O I9 r N r Cl) N r fa N N c O U t _ (a c W rn U �3(D �c a�Z =s ma)mit U W O W> F 1 ZO uvi�=?�a°'iai W OaC,)w x x c o a n rnW c E ��cu >> fn 0� "Z WrnU(Dt rn<< xH J C m > u- QU iLQ 0w0 S t O U r-. C C � (6 L =3 Q' OW N L c aL O O' tn (0 -0 N w O C LL ::)d L' to o E .r � c �.r NZ) ID U) w E = 3 � D 0 Lin Flow Summary - NFPA 2007 A-PEX Design Services Inc. Page 4 CRABTREE RESIDENCE - One Head Calculation (H.23) Date 9/19/2017 SUPPLYANALYSIS Node at Static Residual Available Source Pressure Pressure Flow Pressure Total Demand Required Pressure STR 78.0 63 300.0 77.926 17.0 53.231 NODE ANALYSIS Pressure Discharge Node Tag Elevation Node Type at Node at Node Notes H.23 120.0 4.9 12.03 17.0 H.34 120.0 13.28 H.21 120.0 14.34 T.51 120.0 15.86 T.52 120.0 15.97 S.1 104.0 23.16 CPL 92.0 39.02 MTR r 92.0 49.99 STR 92.0 53.23 H.33 120.0 12.44 T.55 120.0 12.56 H.32 120.0 12.73 H.31 120.0 13.06 H.30 120.0 13.32 H.19 120.0 13.7 H.22 120.0 14.23 H.24 120.0 14.41 H.20 120.0 14.76 T.54 120.0 15.11 T.53 129.0 11.52 H.28 129.0 11.54 H.29 129.0 11.59 H.27 129.0 11.63 H.26 129.0 11.67 H.16 129.0 11.71 T.50 129.0 11.74 H.25 120.0 15.15 H.15 120.0 15.32 T.49 120.0 15.35 T.38 111.0 19.34 T.39 111.0 19.34 T.43 120.0 15.46 , H.8 120.0 15.52 T.44 120.0 15.55 T.45 120.0 15.57 T.47 120.0 15.63 H.13 120.0 15.73 H.7 120.0 15.42 H.17 129.0 11.53 H.10 129.0 11.56 H.18 129.0 11.6 H.9 129.0 11.63 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 . Flow Summary - NFPA 2007 A-PEX Design Services Inc. Page 5 CRABTREE RESIDENCE - One Head Calculation (H.23) Date 9/19/2017 NODE ANALYSIS (cont.) Pressure Discharge Node Tag Elevation Node Type at Node at Node Notes T.42 129.0 11.64 HA 111.0 19.34 H.5 111.0 19.34 T.41 111.0 19.34 H.1 120.0 15.49 T.35 129.0 11.64 H.2 129.0 11.65 T.36 129.0 11.66 T.37 129.0 11.66 H.6 129.0 11.68 HA 1 129.0 11.7 T.48 129.0 11.71 H.14 129.0 11.73 T.40 111.0 19.34 H.3 129.0 11.64 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 , Final Calculations - Hazen -Williams A-PEX Design Services Inc. Page 6 CRABTREE RESIDENCE - One Head Calculation (H.23) Date 9/19/2017 Hyd. Qa Dia. Fitting Pipe Pt Pt Ref. tic'. or Ftng's Pe Pv ******* Notes ****** Point Qt Pf/Ft Eqv. Ln. Total Pf Pn H.23 10.33 0.862 0.0 19.000 12.030 K Factor = 4.90 to 150.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 H.34 10.33 0.0660 0.0 19.000 1.254 Vel = 5.68 H.34 0.0 0.862 Utr 2.0 14.000 13.284 to 150.0 0.0 2.000 0.0 H.21 10.33 0.0660 0.0 16.000 1.056 Vel = 5.68 H.21 0.0 0.862 Utb 17.0 7.000 14.340 to 150.0 Utr 2.0 16.000 0.0 T.51 10.33 0.0660 0.0 23.000 1.518 Vel = 5.68 T.51 3.38 1.244 Utr 2.0 4.000 15.858 to 150.0 0.0 2.000 0.0 T.52 13.71 0.0187 0.0 6.000 0.112 Vel = 3.62 T.52 3.29 1.244 T 3.443 6.000 15.970 to 150.0 0.0 3.443 6.930 S.1 17.0 0.0277 0.0 9.443 0.262 Vel = 4.49 S.1 0.0 1.244 2E 3.443 20.000 23.162 to 150.0 C 0.43 3.873 15.197 * * Fixed Loss = 10 CPL 17.0 0.0278 0.0 23.873 0.663 Vel = 4.49 CPL 0.0 1.61 2E 12.089 110.000 39.022 to 150.0 0.0 12.088 10.000 * * Fixed Loss = 10 MTR 17.0 0.0079 0.0 122.088 0.966 Vel = 2.68 MTR 0.0 0.995 ' E 2.336 30.000 49.988 to 150.0 T 5.841 9.345 0.0 STR 17.0 0.0824 G 1.168 39.345 3.243 Vel = 7.01 0.0 17.00 53.231 K Factor = 2.33 H.23 6.67 0.862 Utr 2.0 12.000 12.030 to 150.0 0.0 2.000 0.0 H.33 6.67 0.0294 0.0 14.000 0.411 Vel = 3.67 H.33 0.0 0.862 0.0 4.000 12.441 to 150.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 T.55 6.67 0.0292 0.0 4.000 0.117 Vel = 3.67 T.55 0.0 0.862 Utr 2.0 4.000 12.558 to 150.0 0.0 2.000 0.0 H.32 6.67 0.0293 0.0 6.000 0.176 Vel = 3.67 H.32 0.0 0.862 Utr 2.0 9.000 12.734 to 150.0 0.0 2.000 0.0 H.31 6.67 0.0294 0.0 11.000 0.323 Vel = 3.67 H.31 0.0 0.862 0.0 9.000 13.057 to 150.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 H.30 6.67 0.0293 0.0 9.000 0.264 Vel = 3.67 H.30 0.0 0.862 Utr 2.0 11.000 13.321 to 150.0 0.0 2.000 0.0 H.19 6.67 0.0294 0.0 13.000 0.382 Vel = 3.67 H.19 0.0 0.862 Utr 2.0 16.000 13.703 to 150.0 0.0 2.000 0.0 H.22 6.67 0.0293 0.0 18.000 0.528 Vel = 3.67 H.22 0.0 0.862 0.0 6.000 14.231 to 150.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 H.24 6.67 0.0293 0.0 6.000 0.176 Vel = 3.67 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Final Calculations - Hazen -Williams A-PEX Design Services Inc. Page 7 CRABTREE RESIDENCE - One Head Calculation (H.23) Date 9/19/2017 Hyd. Qa Dia. Fitting Pipe Pt Pt Ref. "C" or Ftng's Pe Pv **'**** Notes ****** Point Qt Pf/Ft Eqv. Ln. Total Pf Pn H.24 0.0 0.862, Utr 2.0 10.000 14.407 to 150.0 0.0 2.000 0.0 H.20 6.67 0.0293 0.0 12.000 0.352 Vel = 3.67 H.20 0.0 0.862 Utr 2.0 10.000 14.759 to 150.0 0.0 2.000 0.0 T.54 6.67 0.0294 0.0 12.000 0.353 Vel = 3.67 T.54 -3.49 0.862 2Utb 34.0 13.000 15.112 to 150.0 0.0 28.000 -3.898 T.53 3.18 0.0074 0.0 41.000 0.305 Vel = 1.75 T.53 -1.35 0.862 Utr 2.0 5.000 11.519 to 150.0 0.0 2.000 0.0 H.28 1.83 0.0027 0.0 7.000 0.019 Vel = 1.01 H.28 0.0 0.862 0.0 19.000 11.538 to , 150.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 H.29 1.83 0.0027 0.0 19.000 0.051 Vel = 1.01 H.29 0.0 0.862 Utr 2.0 13.000 11.589 to 150.0 0.0 2.000 0.0 H.27 1.83 0.0027 0.0 15.000 0.040 Vel = 1.01 H.27 0.0 0.862 Utr 2.0 12.000 11.629 to 150.0 0.0 2.000 0.0 H.26 '1.83 0.0027 0.0 14.000 0.038 Vel = 1.01 H.26 0.0 0.862 Utr 2.0 14.000 11.667 to 150.0 0.0 2.000 0.0 H.16 1.83 0.0027 0.0 16.000 0.043 Vel = 1.01 H.16 0.0 0.862 Utr 2.0 9.000 11.710 to 150.0 0.0 2.000 0.0 T.50 1.83 0.0026 0.0 11.000 0.029 Vel = 1.01 T.50 1.45 0.862 2Utb 34.0 14.000 11.739 to 150.0 0.0 28.000 3.898 T.52 3.28 0.0079 0.0 42.000 0.333 Vel = 1.80 ' 0.0 3.28 15.970 K Factor = 0.82 T.54 3.49 0.862 0.0 4.000 15.112 to 150.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 H.25 3.49 0.0088 0.0 4.000 0.035 Vel = 1.92 H.25 0.0 0.862 Utr 2.0 17.000 15.147 to 150.0 0.0 2.000 0.0 H.15 3.49 0.0088 0.0 19.000 0.168 Vel = 1.92 H.15 0.0 0.862 Utr 2.0 2.000 15.315 to 150.0 0.0 2.000 0.0 T.49 3.49 0.0090 0.0 4.000 0.036 Vel = 1.92 T.49 -2.27 0.862 2Utb 34.0 41.000 15.351 to 150.0 0.0 28.000 3.898 T.38 1.22 0.0013 0.0 69.000 0.087 Vel = 0.67 T.38 -0.37 0.862 Utr 2.0 2.000 19.336 to 150.0 0.0 2.000 0.0 T.39 0.85 0.0005 0.0 4.000 0.002 Vel = 0.47 T.39 -0.26 0.862 2Utb 34.0 17.000 19.338 to 150.0 0.0 28.000 -3.898 T.43 0.59 0.0003 0.0 45.000 0.015 Vel = 0.32 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Final Calculations - Hazen -Williams A-PEX Design Services Inc. Page 8 CRABTREE RESIDENCE - One Head Calculation (H.23) Date 9/19/2017 Hyd. Qa Dia. Fitting Pipe Pt Pt Ref. IV, or Ftng's Pe P,v ******* Notes ****** Point Qt Pf/Ft Eqv. Ln. Total Pf Pn T.43 2.28 0.862` Utr 2.0 8.000 15.455 to 150.0 0.0 2.000 0.0 H.8 2.87 0.0062 0.0 10.000 0.062 Vel = 1.58 H.8 0.0 0.862 Utr 2.0 4.000 15.517 to 150.0 0.0 2.000 0.0 T.44 2.87 0.0062 0.0 6.000 0.037 Vel = 1.58 T.44 -0.38 0.862 Utr 2.0 2.000 15.554 to 150.0 0.0 2.000 0.0 T.45 2.49 0.0048 0.0 4.000 0.019 Vel = 1.37 T.45 0.89 0.862 Utr 2.0 5.000 15.573 to 150.0 0.0 2.000 0.0 T.47 3.38 0.0084 0.0 7.000 0.059 Vel = 1.86 T.47 0.0 0.862 Utr 2.0 10.000 15.632 to ' 150.0 0.0 2.000 0.0 H.13 3.38 0.0083 0.0 12.000 0.100 Vel = 1.86 H.13 0.0 0.862 Utb 17.0 1.000 15.732 to 150.0 ; 0.0 14.000 0.0 T.51 3.38 0,0084 0.0 15.000 0.126 Vel = 1.86 0.0 3.38 15.858 K Factor = 0.85 T.49 2.28 0.862 Utr 2.0 15.000 15.351 to 150.0 0.0 2.000 0.0 H.7 2.28 0.0040 0.0 17.000 0.068 Vel = 1.25 H.7 0.0 0.862 Utr 2.0 7.000 15.419 to 150.0 0.0 2.000 0.0 T.43 2.28 0.0040 0.0 9.000 0.036 Vel = 1.25 0.0 2.28 15.455 K Factor = 0.58 T.53 1.34 0.862 Utr 2.0 7.000 11.519 to 150.0 0.0 2.000 0.0 H.17 1.34 0.0014 0.0 9.000 0.013 Vel = 0.74 H.17 0.0 0.862 Utr 2.0 18.000 11.532 to 150.0 0.0 2.000 0.0 H.10 1.34 0.0016 0.0 20.000 0.031 Vel = 0.74 H.10 0.0 0.862 Utr 2.0 26.000 11.563 to 150.0 0.0 2.000 0.0 H.18 1.34 0.0015 0.0 28.000 0.042 Vel = 0.74 H.18 0.0 0.862 0.0 17.000 11.605 to 150.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 H.9 1.34 0.0015 0.0 17.000 0.026 Vel = 0.74 H.9 0.0 0.862 Utr 2.0 1.000 11.631 to 150.0 0.0 2.000 0.0 T.42 1.34 0.0013 0.0 3.000 0.004 Vel = 0.74 T.42 -0.45 0.862 2Utb 34.0 28.000 11.635 to 150.0 0.0 28.000 3.898 T.45 0.89 0.0007 0.0 56.000 0.040 Vel _ 0.49 0.0 0.89 15.573 K Factor = 0.23 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Final Calculations - Hazen -Williams A-PEX Design Services Inc. Page 9 CRABTREE RESIDENCE - One Head Calculation (H.23) Date 9/19/2017 Hyd. Qa Dia. Fitting Pipe Pt Pt Ref. "C" or Ftng's Pe Pv ******* Notes ****** Point Qt Pf/Ft Eqv. Ln. Total Pf Pn T.38 0.37 0.862 Utr 2.0 4.000 19.336 to 150.0 0.0 2.000 0.0 HA 0.37 0.0 0.0 6.000 0.0 Vel = 0.20 HA 0.0 0.862 Utr 2.0 10.000 19.336 to 150.0 0.0 2.000 0.0 H.5 0.37 0.0002 0.0 12.000 0.002 Vel = 0.20 H.5 0.0 0.862 Utr 2.0 2.000 19.338 to • • - 150.0 0.0 2.000 0.0 T.41 0.37 0.0002 0.0 4.000 0.001 Vel = 0.20 T.41 0.25 0.671 Utb 17.0 24.000 19.339 to 150.0 Utr 2.0 19.000 -3.898 HA 0.62 0.0012 0.0 43.000 0.053 Vel = 0.56 HA 0.0 0.671 Utb 17.0 19.000 15.494 to It 150.0 0.0 17.000 -3.898 T.35 0.62 0.0012 0.0 36.000 0.044 Vel = 0.56 T.35 0.45 0.862 Utr 2.0 12.000 11.640 to 150.0 0.0 2.000 0.0 H.2 1.07 0.0010 0.0 14.000 0.014 Vel = 0.59 H.2 0.0 0.862 Utr 2.0 5.000 11.654 to 150.0 0.0 2.000 0.0 T.36 1.07 0.0016 0.0 7.000 0.007 Vel = 0.59 T.36 0.0 0.862 Utr 2.0 1.000 11.661 to 150.0 0.0 2.000 0.0 T.37 1.07 0.0010 0.0 3.000 0.003 Vel = 0.59 T.37 0.38 0.862 Utr 2.0 5.000 11.664 to 150.0 0.0 2.000 0.0 H.6 1.45 0.0017 0.0 7.000 0.012 Vel = 0.80 H.6 0.0 0.862 Utr 2.0 12.000 11.676 to 150.0 0.0 2.000 0.0 H.11 1.45 0.0018 0.0 14.000 0.025 Vel = 0.80 H.11 0.0 0.862 Utr 2.0 2.000 11.701 to 150.0 0.0 2.000 0.0 T.48 1.45 0.0018 0.0 4.000 0.007 Vel = 0.80 T.48 0.0 0.862 Utr 2.0 10.000 11.708 to 150.0 0.0 2.000 0.0 H.14 1.45 0.0018 0.0 12.000 0.021 Vel = 0.80 H.14 0.0 0.862 Utr 2.0 4.000 11.729 to 150.0 0.0 2.000 0.0 T.50 1.45 0.0017 0.0 6.000 0.010 Vel = 0.80 0.0 -1.40 11.739 K Factor = 0.42 T.39 0.26 0.862 0.0 2.000 19.338 to 150.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 T.40 0.26 0.0 0.0 2.000 0.0 Vel = 0.14 T.40 0.0 0.862 Utr 2.0 2.000 19.338 to 150.0 0.0 2.000 0.0 T.41 0.26 0.0002 0.0 4.000 0.001 Vel = 0.14 0.0 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 J. Final Calculations - Hazen -Williams A-PEX Design Services Inc. Page 10 CRABTREE RESIDENCE - One Head Calculation (H.23) Date 9/19/2017 e Hyd. Qa Dia. Fitting Pipe Pt Pt Ref. "C" or Ftng's Pe Pv ******* Notes ****** Point Qt Pf/Ft Eqv. Ln. Total Pf Pn 0.26 19.339 K Factor = 0.06 T.42 0.45 0.862 Utr 2.0 17.000 11.635 to 150.0 0.0 2.000 0.0 H.3 0.45 0.0002 0.0 19.000 0.004 Vel = 025 H.3 0.0 0.862 Utr 2.0 4.000 11.639 to 150.0 0.0 2.000 0.0 T.35 0.45 0.0002 0.0 6.000 0.001 Vel = 0.25 10.0 0.45 11.640 K Factor = 0.13 T.44 0.38 0.862 2Utb 34.0 26.000 15.554 to 150.0 0.0 28.000 -3.898 T.37 0.38 0.0001 0.0 54.000 0.008 Vel = 0.21 0.0 0.38 11.664 K Factor = 0.11 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Specifically Listed for use in Multipurpose Systems that serve both domestic water and fire protection. Sprinkler Type Residential Flat Concealed Sprinkler listed for a minimum design density of .05 gpm/ft2 with "potable water". • Model RFC30 LL • Model RFC43 LL • Model RFC49 LL Features 1. National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) Cer- tified to NSF/ANSI Standard 61 Annex G (Less than 0.25% Lead content). 2. Very low water flow requirements. 3. Cover plate attachment (Plain or Perforated) with 1/2" (13mm) total adjustment 4. Thread-on/off or Push-on/off cover attach- ment option. 5. Smooth Aesthetic ceiling profile. 6. Available in white, brass, chrome and black plated or custom painted finishes. Patent Pending Listing & Approvals 1. Listed by Underwriters Laboratories, and certified by UL for Canada (cULus) 2. NSF Cerified to NSF/ANSI Standard 61 Annex G Product Description Model RFC30 LL, RFC43 LL and RFC49 LL Concealed Residential Sprinklers are fast response residential fusible solder link automatic sprinklers. Residential sprinklers dif- fer from standard sprinklers primarily in their response time and water distribution patterns. Model RFC30 LL, RFC43 LL and RFC49 LL sprinklers discharge water in a hemi- spherical pattern below the sprinkler deflector. Residen- tial distribution patterns are higher and generally contain Bulletin 032 Rev. C Model RFC30 LL (SIN RA3211) Model RFC43 LL (SIN RA3212) Model RFC49 LL (SIN RA3216) Residential Flat Concealed Sprinklers Plain Cover Plate ---------------- ----------------- ----------------- -------------------- ------------------- ----------------- ------------- --------------- Perforated Cover Plate a finer droplet size than standard sprinkler patterns. The combination of speed of operation and high discharge pat- tern required for residential sprinklers has demonstrated, in fire testing, an ability for controlling residential fires, and thereby providing significant evacuation time for occu- pants. The RFC30 LL, RFC43 LL and RFC49 LL Sprinklers provide the best form of fire protection by combining an at- tractive appearance and'/z" (13mm) of cover adjustment for ease of installation. The small diameter cover plate is easily and positively attached and blends into the ceiling, concealing the most dependable fire protection available, an automatic sprinkler system. The RFC30 LL, RFC43 LL and RFC49 LL are UL Listed and NSF Certified Residen- tial Sprinklers to be installed in the residential "potable" water applications of any occupancy in accordance with NFPA 13, 13R, & 13D and meets all applicable low lead standards, .25% or less. The cover plate adjustability of the RFC30 LL, RFC43 LL and RFC49 LL can reduce the need for precise cutting of drop nipples. The threaded cover plate assembly can be adjusted without tools to fit accurately against the ceiling. The fire protection system need not be shut down to adjust or remove the cover plate assembly. Reliable Automatic Sprinkler Co., Inc., 103 Fairview Park Drive, Elmsford, New York 10523 0 W N N Application and Installation For use in fire sprinkler systems that also supply potable water to a plumbing fixture or fixtures. The RFC30 LL, RFC43 LL and RFC49 LL, for residential installa- tions, use a 165°F (74°C) fusible solder link in a tuning fork style sprin- kler frame with a drop town deflector. This assembly is recessed into the ceiling and concealed by a flat cover plate. The cover plate is attached to the skirt, using 135°F (57°C) ordinary temperature clas- sification solder. When the ceiling temperature rises, the solder hold- ing the cover plate releases the cover allowing the deflector to drop into position and exposing the sprinkler inside to ceiling temperature. The subsequent operation of the solder link opens the waterway and causes the deflector to drop into position to distribute the discharging water in a hemispherical pattern below the sprinkler deflector. Any adjustment of thread engagement between the cover plate and cup will assure that the drop -dawn deflector is properly located below the ceiling. The residential distribution pattern contains a finer droplet size than a standard sprinkler, and the pattern produces significantly higherwaliwetting. After a25/e' inch diameter hole iscut inthe ceiling, the sprinkler is to be installed with the Model FC Wrench. Installation Data: When installing a sprinkler, the wrench is first positioned into the sprinkler/cup assembly and around the hexagonal body of the sprin- k+er frame. The wrench must bottom out against the cup in order to eisure proper, safe installation. The sprinker is then tightened into the pipe fitting. When inserting or removing the wrench from the sprinkler/cup assembly, care should be taken to prevent damage to the sprinkler. DO NOT WRENCH ON ANY OTHER PARTOF THE SPRINKLER/CUP ASSEMBLY. MODEL RFC30 LL, RFC43 LLAND RFC49 LL CONCEALED SPRINKLERS MUST BE INSTALLED ONLY WITH 135°F RATED COVERS. Note: A leak tight 1/2" NPT (R1/2) sprinkler joint can be obtained vM a torque of 8-18ft-lbs (10,8-24,4 N-m). Do nottighten sprinklers cver maximum recommended torque. It may cause leakage or im- �drn-ent of the sprinklers. Cover assemblies provide up to'/2" (13mm) of adjustment Turn the cover clockwise until the flange is in contact with the ceiling. For the push-orvthread-off option, the cover assembly is pushed onto the cup and final adjustment is made by turning the cover clockwise un- ti the skirt flange makes full contact with the ceiling. Cover removal Model (SIN) Thread Size Inch (mm) Nominal Orifice Inch mm Sprinkler Temp ating CCP Assembly Temp. Rating Max. Ambient Tem • K Factor Max. Pressure psi(bar) OF °C OF °C OF °C RFC 30 LL (RA3211) 1/2" 15 211, 8,2 165 74 135 57 100 38 3.0 43.2 175 12 RFC 43 LL (RA3212) 1/z" 15 3/ 10 165 74 135 57 100 38 4.3(62) 175 12 RFC 49 LL (RA3216) '/2" 15 7/,a (11) 165 74 135 57 100 38 4.9 (70.6 175(12) Note: 1 bar = 100 Kpa RFC 30 LL Max. Coverage Ordinary Temp. Rating Top of Deflector Minimum area Max. Spacing 1650F174°C to Ceiling Installation Spacing Flow Pressure Ft x Ft (m x m) Ft (m) (mm) Type Ft (m) GPM Umin PSI(bar)Inch 12 x 12 (3,6 x 3,6) 12(3,6) 9(34.1) 9.0 (0,62) Smooth Ceilings''/2 to 1(13 to 25.4) Beamed Ceilings per NFPA 13D, 13R or Concealed 8(2,4) 14 x 14 (4,3 x 4,3) 14(4.3) 10 (37,8) 11.0 (0,76) 13 installed in beams'/2 to 1(13 to 25.4) For Ceiling types refer to NFPA 13, 13R or 13D RFC 43 LL Max. Coverage Ordinary Temp. Rating Top of Deflector um area Max. Spacing 165°Fl14°C to Ceiling Installation SpaMincing Spacing ing Flow Pressure Ft x Ft (m x m) Ft (m) (mm) Type Ft (m) GPM Umin PSI(bar)Inch 12 x 12 3,6 x 3,6 12(3,6) 12(4,5) 7.8 0,54 Smooth Ceilings 112 to 1 (13 to 25.4) Beamed Ceilings per NFPA 13D, 13R or 13 installed in beams'/2 to 1 (13 to 25.4) Concealed 8(2,4) 14 x 14 (4,3 x 4,3) 14(4,3) 13 (49) 9.1 (0,63) 16 x 16 (4,9 x 4,9) 16(4,9) 13 (49) 9.1 (0,63) 18 x 18 (5,5 x 5,5) 18(5,5) 18 (68) 17.5 (1,21) 20x20(6,1 x6,1) 20(6,1) 21 (79) 23.8(1,64) For Ceiling types refer to NFPA 13, 13R or 13D RFC 49 LL Max. Coverage area Ft x Ft (m x m) Max. Spacing Ft (m) Ordinary Temp. Rating 165°Fl74°C Top of Deflector to Ceiling Inch (mm) Installation Type Minimum Spacing Ft (m) Flow GPM Umin Pressure PSI bar 12 x 12 (3,6 x 3,6) 12(3,6) 13 (49) 7.0 (0,48) Smooth Ceilings 112 to 1(13 to 25.4) Beamed Ceilings per NFPA 13D, 13R or 13 installed in beams'/2 to 1(13 to 25.4) Concealed 8(2,4) 14 x 14 (4,3 x 4,3) 14(4.3) 13 (49) 7.0 (0,48) 16 x 16 (4,9 x 4,9) 16(4,9) 13 (49) 7.0 (0,48) 18 x 18 5,5 x 5,5 18(5,5) 17 64,3 12.0 0,83 20 x 20 (6,1 x 6, 1) 20(6,1) 20(75,73) 16.7(1,14) For Ceiling types refer to NFPA 13, 13R or 13D 2. requires turning in the counter -clockwise direction. In ceilings that have a plenum space above the sprinkler, the plenum space may have neutral or negative pressurization but must not be positively pressurized. Inspect all sprinklers after installation to ensure that the gap between the cover plate and ceiling and the 4 slots in the cup are all open and free from any air flow impedi- ment Maintenance Model RFC30 LL, RFC43 LL and RFC49 LL Concealed Sprinklers should be inspected quarterly and the sprin- kler system maintained in accordance with NFPA25. Do not clean sprinklers with soap and water, ammonia or any other cleaning fluids. Remove dust by using a soft brush or gentle vacuuming. Remove any sprinkler cover plate as- sembly which has been painted (other than factory applied) or damaged in any way. A stock of spare sprinklers should be maintained to allow quick replacement of damaged or operated sprinklers. Prior to installation, sprinklers should be maintained in the original cartons and packaging until used to minimize the potential for damage to sprinklers that would cause improper operation or non -operation. Model RFC30 LL, RFC43 LL and RFC49 LL Residential Concealed Sprinkler Specification Sprinklers shall be cULus Listed and NSF-61 Annex G certified low flow residential concealed sprinklers with drop - down deflector and adjustable flat cover plate engineered for a minimum design density of 0.05gpm/ft2. Sprinkler frame and deflector shall be of bronze frame construction having a 1/2" NPT thread. Thermal element shall consist of an approved black - painted beryllium -nickel fusible solder link with symmetric lever mechanism, maintaining a Teflon -coated Belleville spring washer and machined brass cap water seal assem- bly containing no plastic parts. Sprinkler K-factors shall be a nominal 3.0 (43.2), 4.3 (62) and 4.9 (70.6), having a 3/8" 1 " x 112' REDUCING TEE OR ELBOW 2,J- [58.42mm1 DIA CUP CEILING J 3' [12.70-] MAX. COVER AD✓USIMENT CC P COVER PLATE ASSEMBLY .3J' [84.11-1 DIA. Specify: 1. Sprinkler Model 2. Cover Plate Finish 3. Thread -On or Push -On Feature HOLE IN CEILING 2- [50.8m 1 MAX. FACE OF FITTING TO FACE OF CEILING DIMENSION 3" [4.95mM1 rw IWIA COVER PLATE: 112" (12.7mm1 ADJUSTMENT and 7/16" orifice respectively. Temperature rating shall be Ordinary 165°F (74°C); cover plate temperature rating to be 135°F (57°C). Cover plate assembly shall consist of a brass cover plate and copper alloy retainer flange allow- ing a'/2" cover plate adjustment. Any secure engagement between the cover plate and the cup will assure that the drop -down deflector is properly located below the ceiling. A plastic protective cap shall be provided and factory in- stalled inside the sprinkler cup to protect the drop -down sprinkler deflector from damage, which could occur during construction before the cover plate is installed. Standard cover finish: [Chrome] [White] [Specialty — specify]. Resi- dential concealed sprinklers shall be Reliable Model RFC30 LL, SIN RA3211 (Bulletin 032), RFC43 LL, SIN RA3212 (Bul- letin 032) or Model RFC49 LL, SIN RA3216 (Bulletin 032). Ordering Information Cover Plate Finishes0) Standard Finishes Chrome White Paint Special Application Finishes(2) Bright Brass Finished Bronze Black Plating Black Paint Off White Satin Chrome (1) Other finishes and colors are available on special order. Consult factory for details. Coverplate custom paint is semi -gloss, unless specified otherwise. (2) For the perforated style cover - plate, consult factory for avail- ability on these and other cus- tom finishes. 3. Uponor AquaPEX° White Submittal Information Revision C: Oct. 7, 2009 Project Information Job Name: Location: Part No. Ordered: Engineer: Date Submitted: Contractor: Submitted By: Manufacturer's Representative: Approved By: Technical Data Material: Crosslinked polyethylene PEX-a Engel Method; PEX 5006 Standard Grade Hydrostatic 200OF (93°C) at 80 psi Ratings (PPI): 180OF (82°C) at 100 psi 73.4°F (23°C) at 160 psi 1/2", 3/4", and 1" AquaPEX® White only: 120°F (49°C) at 130 psi Linear Expansion Rate: 1.10"/10°F (120C)/100' Product Information and Application Use Uponor AquaPEX White is tubing used for hot and cold domestic potable Nater distribution, residential fire safety and radiant heating systems containing no ferrous corrodible components or where ferrous components are isolated from the tubino. Description Part Number I.D. (A) J 1/4" Uponor AquaPEX White, 100-ft. coil F1040250 0.241" 0.375" 4.0 lbs. _ I 3/a" Uponor AquaPEX White, 400-ft. coil F1090375 0.350" 0.500" 20.0 lbs. 3/a" Uponor AquaPEX White, 1,000-ft. coil F1120375 0.350" 0.500" 44.0 lbs. 1/2" Uponor AquaPEX White, 100-ft. coil* F1040500 0.475" 0.625" 6.0 lbs. �/2" Uponor AquaPEX White, 300-ft. coil* F1060500 0.475" 0.625" 18.0 lbs. 1/2" Uponor AquaPEX White, 1,000-ft. coil* F1120500 0.475" 0.625" 54.0 lbs. 5/8" Uponor AquaPEX White, 300-ft. coil F1060625 0.574" 0.750" 28.0 lbs. 5/8" Uponor AquaPEX White, 1000-ft. coil F1120625 0.574" 0.750" 86.0 lbs. 3/4" Uponor AquaPEX White, 100-ft. coil* F1040750 0.671" 0.875" 10.0lbs. 3/4" Uponor AquaPEX White, 300-ft. coil* F1060750 0.671" 0.875" 34.0 lbs. 3/4" Uponor AquaPEX White, 500-ft. coil* F1100750 0.671" 0.875" 54.0 lbs. 1" Uponor AquaPEX White, 100-ft. coil* F1041000 0.862" 1.125" 20.0 lbs. 1" Uponor AquaPEX White, 300-ft. coil* F1061000 0.862" 1.125" 56.0 lbs. 1" Uponor AquaPEX White, 500-ft. coil* F1101000 0.862" 1.125" 93.0 lbs. _ 11/4" Uponor AquaPEX White, 100-ft. coil F1061250 1.054" 1.375" 34.0 lbs. i 11/4" Uponor AquaPEX White, 300-ft. coil F1021250 1.054" 1.375" 106.0 lbs. I i 11/2" Uponor AquaPEX White, 100-ft. coil F1061500 1.244" 1.625" 44.0 lbs. 11/2" Uponor AquaPEX White, 300-ft. coil F1021500 1.244" 1.625" 133.0 lbs. 2" Uponor AquaPEX White, 100-ft. coil F1062000 1.629" 2.125" 68.2 lbs. _ _ 2" Uponor AquaPEX White, 200-ft. coil F1052000 1.629" 2.125" 136.4 lbs. 2" Uponor AquaPEX White, 300-ft. coil F1022000 1.629" 2.125" 204.6 lbs. 3" Uponor AquaPEX White, 100-ft. coil F1063000 2.400" 3.125" 128.0 lbs. LJ 3" Uponor AquaPEX White, 350-ft. coil F1023000 2.400" 3.125" 442.0 lbs. Installation Approved fittings are ProPEX° fittings' for sizes 3/4" through 2" AquaPEX. Use WIPEXTm fittings for 3" AquaPEX. Refer to the AquaPEX Professional Plumbing Installation Handbook, AquaSAFETm Fire Safety Installation Guide or the Uponor Radiant Installation Handbook for details. Standards Codes Listings CSA B137.5; ASTM F876; ASTM IPC; UPC; *1/2", 3/4", 1" UL 1821; *ULC/ORD - C 199 P; IAPMO; CSA; HUD; WARNOCK HERSEY; NSF; F877; ASTM F1960; ASTM-E84; NSPC; NPC ITS; UL; ICC; ANSI/NSF 14- and 61-certified; CAN/ULC S102.2; U.S.: 3/4" diameter and ASTM-E119/UL 263 of Canada smaller; Canada: 1" diameter and smaller Related Applications Contact Information PEX-a Plumbing Systems Uponor, Inc. Uponor Ltd. AquaSAFE Fire Safety Systems 5925 148`h Street West 2000 Argentia Rd., Plaza 1; Ste. 200 Apple Valley, MN 55124 USA Mississauga, ON L5N 1W1 CANADA Phone:(800) 321-4739 Phone:(888) 994-7726 Fax: (952) 891-2008 Fax: (800) 638-9517 www.uponor-usa.com www.uponor.ca IProPEX® is a registered trademark of Uponor, Inc. ProPEX­ is a trademark of Uponor Ltd. ProPEXO Ring uponof Submittal Information Revision A: March 17, 2009 Project Information Job Name: Location: Part No. Ordered: Engineer: Date Submitted: Contractor: Submitted By: Manufacturer's Representative: Approved By: Technical Data Material: PEX-a (Engel Method) Density: 926 to 940 kg/m3 Degree of Crosslinking: 70% to 89% ProductInformation and Application Use Manufactured from PEX-a material, Uponor ProPEX° Rings are requiredto make a proper ProPEX connection.' Red print on the rings indicates hot lines. The 1/2" and 3/4" ProPEX rings with stop includes a leading edge chamfer and stop edge. ✓ Description Part Number Length i.d o.d.' Weight ProPEX Ring, 3/8" Q4690302 0.54" 0.49" 0.74" 0.005 lbs. ProPEX Ring with Stop,'/2" (red print) Q4690511 0.63" 0.63" 0.87" 0.006 lbs. ProPEX Ring with Stop,'/2" Q4690512 0.63" 0.63" 0.87" 0.006 lbs. ProPEX Ring, 5/8" Q4680625 0.79" 0.75" 1.00" 0.008 Ibs. ProPEX Ring with Stop, 3/4" Q4690756 0.87" 0.88" 1.13" 0.012 lbs. ProPEX Ring, 1" Q4681000 1.10" 1.13" 1.42" 0.020lbs. ProPEX Ring, 1'/4" Q4681250 1.35" 1.38" 1.66" 0.030 lbs. ProPEX Ring, 11/2" Q4681500 1.61" 1.63" 1.91" 0.040 lbs. ProPEX Ring, 2" Q4682000 1.97" 2.14" 2.61" 0.133 lbs. Installation Square cut the Uponor ProPEX tubing. Remove excess material. Slide the ProPEX Ring over the end of the tubing (maximum'/,9' over -hang). When using the'/2" ProPEX Ring with stop edge, slide the ring on (i.e., chamfered edge first) until the end of the tubing contacts the stop edge. Expand tubing and ring. Rotate tool a quarter turn after each expansion to prevent the formation of grooves. Remove the expansion tool and fully seat the tubing and ring against the shoulder of the rifting. You should make ProPEX connections at temperatures above 5°F /-15°C. For more information, refer to the AquaPEX° Professional Plumbing Installation Handbook, AQUASAFE° Fire Safety Installation Guide or the Uponor Radiant Installation Handbook. Standards ASTM F1960 Codes IPC; UPC; NSPC; NPC of Canada Listings UL 1821 (1/2", 3/4" and 1"); ULC/ORD - C 199 P ('/i", 3/4" and 1"); HUD MR 1269; ICC ESR 1099; ANSI/NSF 14- and 61-certified Related Applications Contact Information PEX-a Plumbing Systems Uponor, Inc. Uponor Ltd. Radiant Heating and Cooling Systems 5925 148t' Street West 2000 Argentia Rd., Plaza 1, Ste. 200 AQUASAFE Fire Safety Systems Apple Valley, MN 55124 USA Mississauga, ON 1-5N 1W1 CANADA Phone: (800) 321-4739 Phone: (888) 994-7726 Fax: (952) 891-2008 Fax: (800) 638-9517 www.uponor-usa.com www.uponor.ca YroPEX® is a registered trademark of Uponor, Inc. ProPEX" is a trademark of Uponor Ltd. uponor ProPEX° EP Polymer Engineered Tee 9 Y i ) Submittal Information Revision D: June 8, 2012 Project Information Job Name: Location: Part No. Ordered: Engineer: Date Submitted: Contractor: Submitted By: Manufacturer's Representative: Approved By: Technical Data Material: UDEL° Polysulfone, 20% Glass -reinforced (112 to 1") Acudel° Modified Polyphenylsulfone (11/4" to _1/2") Radel° Polyphenylsulfone (2") Maximum Temperature (no pressure): 320°F (160°C) Maximum Working Temperature/Pressure: 210OF (99°C) at 150 psi (1,034 kPa) Product Information and Application Use The ProPEX° Engineered Polymer (EP) Tee makes diverting connectionsfor Uponor crosslinked polyethylene (PEX-a) tubing for use in hot and cold domestic potable water systems, residential fire sprinkler systems and hydronic radiant heating and cooling systems. Each end of the tee is manufactured with an Uponor ProPEX fitting for connections to Uponor AquaPEe or Wirsbo hePEXTM tubing.' Note: Branch size is listed last in the part descriptions. V Description Part Number A B Weight ❑ ProPEX EP Tee, 1/2" PEX x yz" PEX x 1/2" PEX Q4755050 2.50" 1.53" 0.02 lbs. ❑ ProPEX EP Tee, 3/4" PEX x 3/4" PEX x 3/4" PEX Q4757575 3.30" 1.94" 0.05 lbs. ❑ ProPEX EP Tee, 1" PEX x 1" PEX x 1" PEX Q4751010 4.10" 2.47" 0.07 lbs. ❑ ProPEX EP Tee, 11/4" PEX x 11/4" PEX x 11/4" PEX Q4751313 4.80" 3.22" 0.15 lbs. ❑ ProPEX EP Tee, 11/2" PEX x 11/2" PEX x 11/2" PEX Q4751515 5.80" 3.82" 0.25 lbs. ❑ ProPEX EP Tee, 2" PEX x 2" PEX x 2" PEX Q4752000 7.45" 4.79" 0.38 lbs. Installation Use the appropriate ProPEX Ring for PEX-a tubing. Refer to the Uponor AquaPEX® Professional Plumbing Installation Guide, AquaSAFE'" Residential Fire Sprinkler Installation Guide or Uponor Radiant Installation Handbook for additional information. Standards CAN/CSA B137.5; ASTM F877; ASTM F1960 Codes IPC; UPC; NSPC; NPC of Canada Listings;; IAPMO 3558; ANSI/NSF 14- and 61-certified; HUD MR 1269; ICC ESR 1099; UL 1821; ULC/ORD-C199P Related Applications Contact Information PEX-a Plumbing Systems Uponor, Inc. Uponor Ltd. Hydronic Radiant Heating and Cooling Systems 5925 148t' Street West 2000 Argentia Road, Plaza 1, Suite 200 Snow Melting Systems Apple Valley, MN 55124 USA Mississauga, ON L5N 1W1 CANADA Turf Conditioning Systems Phone: (800) 321-4739 Phone: (888) 994-7726 Permafrost Prevention Systems Fax: (952) 891-2008 Fax: (800) 638-9517 AquaSAFE Fire Safety Systems www.uponorpro.com www.uponorpro.com 1ProPEX® is a registered trademark of Uponor, Inc. ProPEX'" is a trademark of Uponor Ltd. ProPEX° Engineered Polymer (EP) Reducing Tee uponor Submittal Information Revision E: June 8, 2012 Project Information Job Name: Location: Part No. Ordered: Engineer: Date Submitted: Contractor: Submitted By: Manufacturer's Representative: Approved By: Technical Data Material: UDE0 Polysulfone, 20% Glass -reinforced (1/2 to 1") Acudel° Modified Polyphenylsulbne (11/4" to 11/2") RadeP R Polyphenylsulfone (2", Maximum Temperature (no pressure): 320°F (160°C) Max. Working Temperature/Pressure: 210OF (99°C) at 150 psi (1,034kPa) Product Information and Application Use The ProPEX'�D Engineered Polymer (EP) Reducing Tee makes diverting connections for Uponor crosslinked polyethylene (PEX-a) tubing for use in hot and cold domestic potable water systems, residential fire sprinkler systems and hydronic radiant heating aid cooling systems. Each end of the tee is manufactured with an Uponor ProPEX fitting for cornections to Uponor AquaPEX0 or Wirsbo hePEXTM tubing.' Note: Branch size is listed last in the part descriptions. ✓ Description PartNumber Length (A) Height (B) Weight ❑ ProPEX EP Reducing Tee, 1/2" PEX x'/2" PEX x 3/4" PEX Q4755575 2.86" 1.76" 0.03 lbs. ❑ ProPEX EP Reducing Tee, 3/4" PEX x 1/2" PEX x Yi' PEX Q4757555 3.10" 1.70" 0.04 lbs. ❑ ProPEX EP Reducing Tee, 3/4" PEX x 1/2" PEX x 3/4" PEX Q4757557 3.10" 1.94" 0.04 lbs. ❑ ProPEX EP Reducing Tee, 3/4" PEX x 3/4" PEX x 5/a" PEX Q4757563 3.30" 1.85" 0.05 lbs. ❑ ProPEX EP Reducing Tee, 3/4" PEX x 3/4" PEX x'h" PEX Q4757550 3.30" 1.70" 0.04 lbs. ❑ ProPEX EP Reducing Tee, 3/4" PEX x 3/4" PEX x 1" PEX Q4757710 3.64" 2.32" 0.08 lbs. ❑ ProPEX EP Reducing Tee, 1" PEX x 3/4" PEX x 3/4" PEX Q4751775 3.90" 2.24" 0.08 lbs. ❑ ProPEX EP Reducing Tee, 1" PEX x 3/4" PEX x 1" PEX Q4751751 3.90" 2.47" 0.08 lbs. ❑ ProPEX EP Reducing Tee, 1" PEX x 1" PEX x Yi' PEX Q4751150 4.10" 2.00" 0.08 lbs. ❑ ProPEX EP Reducing Tee, 1" PEX x 1" PEX x 3/4" PEX Q4751175 4.10" 2.24" 0.09 lbs. ❑ ProPEX EP Reducing Tee, 11/4" PEX x 1" PEX x 3/4" PEX Q4751317 4.60" 2.73" 0.11 lbs. ❑ ProPEX EP Reducing Tee, 11/4" PEX x 1" PEX x 1" PEX Q4751311 4.60" 2.97" 0.12 lbs. ❑ ProPEX EP Reducing Tee, 11/4" PEX x 11/4" PEX x 3/4" PEX Q4751337 4.80" 2.73" 0.13 lbs. ❑ ProPEX EP Reducing Tee, 11/4" PEX x 1'/4" PEX x 1" PEX Q4751331 4.80" 2.97" 0.14 lbs. ❑ ProPEX EP Reducing Tee, 11/2' PEX x 1" PEX x 3/4" PEX Q4751517 5.25" 3.06" 0.17 lbs. ❑ ProPEX EP Reducing Tee, 11/2" PEX x 1" PEX x 1" PEX Q4751511 5.25" 3.30" 0.18 lbs. ❑ ProPEX EP Reducing Tee, 11/2" PEX x 11/4" PEX x 3/4" PEX Q4751537 5.50" 2.65" 0.18 lbs. ❑ ProPEX EP Reducing Tee, 1'/i' PEX x 11/4" PEX x 1" PEX Q4751531 5.50" 2.85" 0.19 lbs. ❑ ProPEX EP Reducing Tee, 11/2" PEX x 11/4" PEX x 11/4" PEX Q4751533 5.50" 3.15" 0.21 lbs. ❑ ProPEX EP Reducing Tee, 1112" PEX x 11/2" PEX x 3/4" PEX Q4751557 5.80" 3.06" 0.20 lbs. ❑ ProPEX EP Reducing Tee, 11/2" PEX x 11/2" PEX x 1" PEX Q4751551 5.75" 3.30" 0.21 lbs. ❑ ProPEX EP Reducing Tee, 11/2" PEX x 11/2" PEX x 11/4" PEX Q4751553 5.80" 3.56" 0.22 lbs. ❑ ProPEX EP Reducing Tee, 2" PEX x 1112" PEX x 3/4" PEX Q4752575 6.62" 3.30" 0.30 lbs. ❑ ProPEX EP Reducing Tee, 2" PEX x 11/2" PEX x 1" PEX Q4752051 6.50" 3.40" 0.30 lbs. ❑ ProPEX EP Reducing Tee, 2" PEX x 11/2' PEX x 11/4" PEX Q4752053 6.62" 3.80" 0.34 lbs. ❑ ProPEX EP Reducing Tee, 2" PEX x 11/2" PEX x 11/2" PEX Q4752055 6.62" 4.10" 0.35 lbs. ❑ ProPEX EP Reducing Tee, 2" PEX x 2" PEX x 3/4" PEX Q4752275 6.93" 3.30" 0.34 lbs. ❑ ProPEX EP Reducing Tee, 2" PEX x 2" PEX x 1" PEX Q4752210 6.93" 3.40" 0.36 lbs. ❑ ProPEX EP Reducing Tee, 2" PEX x 2" PEX x 11/4" PEX Q4752213 6.62" 3.80" 0.37 lbs. ❑ ProPEX EP Reducing Tee, 2" PEX x 2" PEX x 11h" PEX Q4752215 7.13" 4.10" 0.44 lbs. Installation Use the appropriate ProPEX Ring for PEX-a tubing. Refer to the Uponor AquaPEXO Professional Plumbing Installation Guide, AquaSAFET1 Residential Fire Sprinkler Installation Guide or Uponor Radiant Installation Handbook for additional information. Standards Codes Listings' CAN/CSA B137.5; ASTM F877; IPC; UPC; NSPC; NPC of Canada NSF U.P. CODE; ANSI/NSF 14- and 61-certified; HUD MR 1269; ASTM F1960 ICC ESR 1099; UL 1821 and ULC/ORD-C199P (except Q4757563) Related Applications Contact Information PEX-a Plumbing Systems Uponor, Inc. Uponor Ltd. Hydronic Radiant Heating and Cooling Systems 5925 148`h Street West 2000 Argentia Rd., Plaza 1, Ste. 200 Snow and Ice Melting Systems Apple Valley, MN 55124 USA Mississauga, ON L5N 1W1 CANADA Turf Conditioning Systems Phone: (800) 321-4739 Phone: (888) 994-7726 Permafrost Protection Systems Fax: (952) 891-2008 Fax: (800) 638-9517 AquaSAFE Fire Safety Systems www.uponorpro.com www.uponorpro.com 1ProPEX® is a registered trademark of Uponor, Inc. ProPEX'- is a trademark of Uponor Ltd. ProPEX° EP Polymer Engineered Elbow uponor 9 Y i ) Submittal Information Revision D: June 8, 2012 Project Information Job Name: Location: Part No. Ordered: Engineer: Date Submitted: Contractor: Submitted By: Manufacturer's Representative: Approved By: Technical Data Material: Maximum Temperature (no pressure): Maximum Working Temperature/Pressure: UDEL® Polysulfone, 20% Glass -reinforced it/2 to 1") Acudel°Modified Polyphenylsulfone (11/4" b 11/2") RadeP R Polyphenylsulfone (2") 320°F(160°C) 210OF (99°C) at 150 psi (1,034 kPa) Product Information and Application Use The ProPEX° Engineered Polymer (EP) Elbow makes 90-degree connections for Uponor crosslinked polyethylene (PEX-a) tubing for use in hot and cold domestic potable water systems, residential fire safety and hydronic radiant heating and cooling systems. Each end of the elbow is manufactured with an Upono• ProPEX fitting for connections to Uponor AquaPEX° or Wirsbo hePEXT" tubing.' Description Part A Number B Weight ❑ ProPEX EP Elbow, 1/2" PEX x 1/2" PEX Q4760500 1.30" 1.30" 0.02 lbs. ❑ ProPEX EP Elbow, 3/4" PEX x 3/4" PEX Q4760750 1.60" 1.60" 0.03 lbs. ❑ ProPEX EP Elbow, 1" PEX x 1" PEX Q4761000 2.10" 2.10" 0.07 lbs. ❑ ProPEX EP Elbow, 1'/4" PEX x 11/4" PEX Q4761250 2.45" 2.45" 0.11 lbs. ❑ ProPEX EP Elbow, 11/2" PEX x 11/2" PEX Q4761500 2.77" 2.77" 0.18 lbs. ❑ ProPEX EP Elbow, 2" PEX x 2" PEX Q4762000 3.76" 3.76" 0.30 lbs. Installation Use the appropriate ProPEX Ring for PEX-a tubing. Refer to the Uponor AquaPEX° Professional Plumbing Installation Guide, AquaSAFETM Residential Fire Sprinkler Installation Guide or Uponor Radiant Installation Handbook for additional information. Standards CAN/CSA 8137.5; ASTM F877; ASTM F1960 Codes IPC; UPC; NSPC; NPC of Canada Listings IAPMO 3558; ANSI/NSF 14- and 61-certified; HUD MR 1269; ICC ESR 1099; UL 1821; ULC/ORD-C199P Related Applications Contact Information PEX-a Plumbing Systems Uponor, Inc. Uponor Ltd. Hydronic Radiant Heating and Cooling Systems 5925 148"' Street West 2000 Argentia Road, Plaza 1, Suite 200 Snow Melting Systems Apple Valley, MN 55124 USA Mississauga, ON L5N 1W1 CANADA Turf Conditioning Systems Phone: (800) 321-4739 Phone: (888) 994-7726 Permafrost Prevention Systems Fax: (952) 891-2008 Fax: (800) 638-9517 AquaSAFE Fire Safety Systems www.uponorpro.com www.uponorpro.com 1ProPEX® is a registered trademark of Uponor, Inc. ProPEX'" is a trademark of Uponor Ltd. ProPEX° Fire Sprinkler Adapter P P Submittal Information Revision B: March 17, 2009 Project Information Job Name: Location: Part No. Ordered: Engineer: Dare Submitted: Contractor: Swmitted By: Manufacturer's Representative: Approved By: Technical Data Material: 300 Series Stainless Steel Product Information and Application Use Use the ProPEXO Fire Sprinkler Adapter in conjunction with the appropriate sprinkler to provide a multi -purpose residential fire sprinkler system'. For residential applications, the system is installed with the cold -potable portion of the Uponor plumbing system. Make connections with Uponor ProPEX fittings. These fittings are designed for use only with 3/4" or 1" AquaPEX® White tubing in the Uponor AQUASAFE° Looped System. A I" I .. B i I I A l.- I C ✓ 'Description Part Number A BC D E Weight ProPEX Fire Sprinkler Adapter, 3/4" PEX x 1/2" FNPT Q7517550 0.75" 1.88" 2.50" 1.82" 1.41" 0.268 lbs. ProPEX Fire Sprinkler Adapter, 1" PEX x 1/2" FNPT Q7511050 0.75" 1.88" 2.50" 2.06" 1.54" 0.408 lbs. Installation Use appropriate ProPEX Ring for connecting the tubing. Refer to the AquaPEX Installation Handbook or the Uponor AQUASAFE° Installation Guide for additional information. Standards CAN/CSA B137.5; ASTM F877; ASTM F 1960 Codes IPC; UPC; NSPC; IRC; IMC; NPC of Canada Listings ANSI/NSF 14- and 61-certified; U.P. Code; ICC ESR 1099; HUD MR 1269; UL 1821; ULC/ORD - C 199 P Related Applications Contact Information PEX-a Plumbing Systems Uponor, Inc. Uponor Ltd. AQUASAFE Fire Safety Systems 5925 148'h Street West 2000 Argentia Rd., Plaza 1, Ste. 200 Apple Valley, MN 55124 USA Mississauga, ON L5N 1W1 CANADA Phone: (800) 321-4739 Phone: (888) 994-7726 Fax: (952) 891-2008 Fax:(800) 638-9517 www.uponor-usa.com www.uponor.ca 'ProPEX® is a registered trademark of Uponor, Inc. ProPEXTM is a trademark of Uponor Ltd. The Design Criteria for Sloped & Sloped Seamed Ceilings in NFPA 13D One and Two Family Dwellings & Manufactured Homes Has Changed. LISTED AREA OF COVERAGE CORRESPONDS TO CEILING SLOP L -THE MAXIMUM LISTED SPRINKLER SPACING, LENGTH (10'-W MA)(IMUK (S'-W MINIMUM) . Lf2 • ONE HALF THE MAXIMUM LISTED SPRINKLER SPACING (S-W MAXIMUM} (4'-0'MINIMUM) W -THE MAXIMUMLISTED SPRINKLER SPACING.WIDTH (1&-0) . A - 3'•0' MAXIMUM. B -RANGE: 2212 (9.41<B 15/12 (33.71 , C • 8'-0• MINIMUM. G L A L.a.D A Tentative Interim Amendment (TIA No.1028R) to NFPA 13D for 2010 has been issued by the NFPA Standards Council. Testing supported by The Fire Protection Research Foundation indicates that residential sprinklers listed for applications with smooth, flat ceilings can meet the stated purpose in NFPA 13D standards when installed on a sloped or sloped and beamed ceiling. Sloped and Sloped/Beamed Ceilings, under certain conditions, can now be protected with residential sprinklers based upon a maximum two (2) sprinkler demand that has the same flow rate as the sprinklers smooth, flat ceiling listing. The TIA No.102811 revises NFPA 13D - 2010 edition sections'8.1.2, 8.1.3, A.8.1.2, and A.8.1.3. Please read and adhere to these sections for the complete new design criteria. A brief recap: i The sprinklers in the design area shall be all of the sprinklers in a compartment, up to a maximum of two, which require the greatest demand for: e Smooth, flat ceilings to a maximum 24 feet in height. e Smooth, ceilings (with no beams) sloped up to 8/12 and a maximum ceiling height of 24' above the floor. e A ceiling with beams up to 14" deep sloped up to 8/12 and a maximum ceilipg , height of 24' above the floor. Pendent sprinklers shall be installed under th& beams and the compartment cannot exceed 600 square feet. e A ceiling with beams of any depth sloped up to 8/12 and a maximum ceiling height of 24' above the floor. Sidewall or pendent sprinklers shall be installed in each pocket formed by the beams and the compartment cannot exceed 600 square feet. All Reliable°residen#ial sphnklers can, be rased forth se; ppl ti rt ; i Iiiporx tti p cing, ow, an presstare.as:li ted::for.smorathy_and.flat.ceilings,.LL( ee.Bulletms;`"i3 'fl06, 033 artd tf32)' !' This TIA is for 13D applications only. Changes to 13R will be in the 2013 Edition. Our special 10' x 10' spacing listings for sloped ceilings are still advantageous for 13R installations. (See Table 9, Bulletin 035). For any questions, please contact Technical Services at 1-800-55-RASCO. The Reliable Automatic Sprinkler Co., Inc. • Manufacturer & Distributor of Fire Protection Equipment www.reliablesprinkler.com • 1.80O 31.1588 s i s Features 1. The Model F3QR sprinkler utilizes Belleville Spring Closure Technology. Reliable is the first in the industry to produce a Quick Response Dry Concealed sprinkler utilizing this technology. 2. Styles available • Pendent • Recessed Pendent • Concealed • Horizontal Sidewall • Recessed Horizontal Sidewall 3. 1'// (38mm) escutcheon adjustment on pendent sprinkler. 4. MY (13mm) escutcheon adjustment on recessed sprinkler with push -on/ thread -off FP Model Escutcheon ring. 5. %" (9.5mm) cover plate adjustment on concealed sprinkler with push-on/thread-off CCP Cover Plate. 6. Attractive appearance. Employs 3mm frangible glass bulb and galvanized nipple. 7. Lengths available to accommodate installation dimensions from Z - to - 48" (51 mm - to-1219mm), in'/d' (6mm) increments. 8. Available in a variety of plated and painted finishes. U.S. Patent Numbers 5,775,431 and 5,967,240. Approvals 1. Listed by Underwriters Laboratories Inc. and UL Certified for Canada (cULus) Style Response po Sprinkler S sttem T Hazard Pendent Recessed Pendent CCP Concealed Wet Pipe Light R5714 Quick Dry Pipe Al Preaction Ordinary Horizontal Sidewall Recessed Horizontal Sidewall R5734 2. Certified by FM Approvals Style Response Sprinkler System Type Hazard Pendent (R5714) Quick Wet Pipe, Inter Singlelock Light Ordinary, Groups Preaction 1 Horizontal Sidewall Wet Pipe, (R5734) Quick Single Interlock Light Preaction 3. NYC MEA 258-93-E r '� •.'s` V Concealed Recessed Pendent Pendent Horizontal Sidewall The Reliable Automatic Sprinkler Co., Inc., 525 North MacQuesten Parkway, Mount Vernon, New York 10552 Model F3QR Dry Pendent Concealed Sprinkler "A" Dim. 1 3/' to 48' 89mm to 1219mm in 1/4' (6rrlm increments CCP Cover Plate"] Finishes(21 Standard Finishes Special Applicaflon Finishes Chrome Plated Bright Brass Plated White Black Plated Black Paint Off White Satin Chrome Utilizes they' cover plate with A, total adjustment. Other finishes and colors are available on special order. Consult factory for details. Standard Temoerature Ratinas Sprinkler Temperature Cover Plate Max. Classification Rating Temp. Ratin AmbientTem . Ordinary 135-F (57°C) 135-F (57oC) 100-F (38aC) Ordinary 155-F (68aC) 135-F (57aC) 100-F (38aC) Intermediate 2001F (93oC) 165oF (74oC) 150OF (660C) High* 2860F (141-C) 165-F 74oC 150-F (66aC) * Listed and Certified only by cULus. Sprinkler Installation Wrench: Model G3 R/C Sprinkler Wrench Sprinkler Identification Number (SIN): R5714 Inlet Protrusion Elevated Above Inside Pipe System Tee 1" NPT 2 1/2" Dia. ' [6.35mm] "A" Dimension Hole in Ceiling Adjustment Range i t 3/16" 2 19/64" Dio. [±4,76mm] [58.34mm] 1 Nominal Position I of Coverplote Sprinkler i Cup Assembly Coverplote _ Ceiling i Assembly ---� Ceiling i 3/16" [4.76mm] Coverplote Adjustment Note: Do not install the Model F30R Dry Pendent Concealed Sprinkler in ceilings which have positive pressure in the space above. Model F3QR Dry Horizontal Sidewall Sprinkler "A" Dim. I 2'to48' 51mm to 1219mm in 1/4' 6mm increments Finishes['] S rinkler Escutcheon Bronze Brass Chrome Plated Chrome Plated White Painted" White Other finishes and colors are available on special order. Consult factory for details. White painted sprinklers will have chrome plated can. Standard Temnerature Ratinas Sprin[der Temperature Max. Bulb Classification Rating AmbfentTem . Color Ordinary 135-F (57oC) 100-F (38aC) Orange Ordinary 155-F (68aC) 100-F (38aC) Red Intermediate 200-F (93aC) 150-F (66aC) Green High 286oF 141oC 225'F 107'C Blue 1 1/2- [38.10mm] Total Adjustment f— � r CeBin i 4" [101.60mm] Min. 1 1/4" [31.75mm] 12" [304.80mm] Ma• Escutcheon Adjustment System Tee Escutcheon Adjustment 1' NPT r 2 3/32" -1 [53.18mm] [76.20mm] L8" Dia.98mm]in Wallprinkler Con Protrusion "A" Dimension Adjustment Nominal Position �srmr� Range + 1/4' [+6.35mm] of Escutcheon Sprinkler Installation Wrench: Note: The sprinkler Can protrudes 1/a" when escutcheon is in nominal position. Escutcheon adjustment pro- vides +1/4" (+6mm) to -11/4" (-32mm) "A" dimension Sprinkler Identification Number (SIN): R5734 adjustment range. 3. Model F3QR Dry Horizontal Recessed Sidewall Sprinkler " A" Dim. 3'/i to 48' 89mm to 1219mm in Ya' 6mm increments Finishes") Sprinkler Escutcheon Bronze Brass Chrome Plated Chrome Plated White Painted White Other finishes and colors are available on special order. Consult factory for details. Cup remains unfinished. "See page 2" Standard Temperature Ratings Sprinkler Temperature Max. Bulb Classification Rating AmblentTem . Color Ordinary 135T (57°C) 100°F (38°C) Orange Ordinary 155OF (68°C) 100OF (38°C) Red Intermediate 200oF (93°C) 150°F (66°C) Green High* 286°F 141°C 225°F 107°C Blue Listed and Certified only by cULus. Sprinkler Installation Wrench: Model G3 R/C Sprinkler Wrench Sprinkler Identification Number (SIN): R5734 Technical Data: Orifice Size:'/2" (15mm) Thread Size: 1" NPT per ANSI 132.1 Working Pressure: 175 psi (12 bar) Nominal K Factor - US / (Metric): 5.6 / (80) Product Description Reliable Model F3QR Dry Sprinklers are quick response sprinklers utilizing a durable 3mm frangible glass bulb. This quick response enables these sprinklers to apply water to a fire much sooner than standard response sprinklers of the similar temperature rating. Model F3QR Dry Sprinklers are intended for use in enclosed dry and preaction systems and in enclosed areas subjected to freezing temperatures, such as freezers and unheated portions inside buildings. Environments wherein dry sprinklers are employed can be corrosive. For this reason, Model F3 Sprinklers have a special wax fillet placed in the gap between the cup that supports the bulb and the wrenching boss. This wax will not Interfere with the operation of the sprinkler, and it prevents contaminents from entering the internal portion of the drop nipple. The wax must not be removed. Operation The glass bulb consists of an accurately controlled amount of special fluid hermetically sealed Inside a precisely manufactured glass capsule. This glass bulb is specially constructed to provide fast thermal response. When the temperature increases sufficiently, due to a fire, the bulb shatters allowing operating parts to clear the waterway. This enables the inlet seal to release air or water and subsequently, cause water flow over the deflector in a uniform spray pattern, controlling or extinguishing the fire. Ell t 13/32' Escutcheon ( [35.7mm] 4' (101.6mm]Min. - System Tee Cup i 3 I 12' [304.8mm]Mo..* \\ 1' NPT [81.Bmm] `- •��� ___�___ �L 2 1/2' D'a. - [63.5mm] Hole in Wcll 3 [58.3mm] L m W Dimension 1/2- [12.7m) Adjustment Runge Escutcheon Adjustment 11)iW3 •1/2. -0 1.12.7mm -0] * • FOR FACTORY MUTUAL (FM) • 4' - 6' FOR UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES (UL) Notes: Do not install the Model F3QR Dry Horizontal Recessed Sidewall Sprinkler in walls which have positive pressure in their side space. Listed by cULus for Quick Response. Approved by FM for Standard Response. Recessed Horizontal sidewall sprinklers are listed with cULus for installation of min. 4" (100mm) - to - max. 6" (150mm) below ceiling and approved by FM for installation of min. 4" (100mm) - to - max. 12" (300mm) below ceiling. Ordering Information Specify: 1. Sprinkler Type (select one): (a) Model F3QR Dry Pendent (b) Model F3QR Dry Recessed Pendent (c) Model F3QR Dry Concealed Pendent (d) Model F3QR Dry Horizontal Sidewall (e) Model F3QR Dry Recessed Horizontal Sidewall 2. Sprinkler Temperature Rating. 3. Sprinkler Finish. 4. Cover Plate/Escutcheon Finish. 5. Length: "A" Dimension (face of tee to face of ceiling or wall) in (6mm) increments. 6. Model F3QR Dry Pendent (a) is available without sprinkler can and escutcheon. Note: 1. The "A" dimension is based on a nominally gauged pipe thread "make-up" of 0.600" (15mm) per ANSI 132.1 [71/2 threads approximately]. 2. All platings and paintings are decorative and intended for interior use. General Installation Instructions Model F3QR dry sprinklers must be installed only in standard (ANSI B 16.3 class 150 and ANSI B 16.4 class 125) pipe tees even at branch line ends. They should not be installed into elbows and pipe couplings located on drop nipples to the sprinklers. For these and other fittings ICPVC", the dry sprinkler should be installed into a fitting to conform to protrusion into the fitting in ac- cordance with the diagrams. The "A" dimension of the dry sprinkler, which extends into the freezers or a freezing zone from wet pipe systems, should be selected to pro- vide, as a minimum, the specified lengths in inches shown in the following chart, between face of the fitting and the outside wall or ceiling of the protected area. The following chart is used for freezing zones when the ambi- ent temperature around the we pipe system is kept at 40 °F/ 4°C), and specifies the minimum length for fitting face to ceiling or wall (outside) for different protected area temperatures. Length Face to Ceilin all Temperature Protected Area)" 12 inches / 300 mm -20°F / -29°C 18 inches / 450 mm -401F / -40°C 24 inches / 600 mm -60°F / -51 °C " For temperatures falling between those in the above chart, the minimum length may be determined by interpolation. During installation, the following steps must be followed Cut the specified size hole (see illustrations) for the sprinkler in the ceiling or wall directly in line with the tee. 2. Apply pipe joint compound to the 1" (25mm) pipe threads and install sprinkler using the Model G3 or G3 R/C Sprinkler Wrench as specified. 3. Install the Model FP push -on / thread -off escutcheon or CCP cover plate if required. Note: Installation of the Model F30R Sprinklers is not rec- ommended in copper pipe systems, as this may reduce the life expectancy of the sprinklers. Model F3QR Concealed and Recessed Installation Instructions The Model G3 R/C wrench (Fig. 1) is designed to locate on the wrenching pads of the recessed sprinkler while centering in the cup. A standard'/2" drive ratchet may be used to drive this wrench. Figures 1 and 2 show sequentially the insertion of the wrench. First the wrench, with its jaws above the sprinkler deflector, is moved laterally until centered with the cup. Then raise the wrench inside of the cup until its jaws engage the sprinkler's square wrenching pads (Fig. 3). To remove the wrench, follow this procedure in reverse order. Care should be taken to avoid striking the deflector, with the wrench. Model G3 Wrench (Fig. 4) is used for installation of Pendent and Horizontal Sidewall sprinklers. Glass bulb sprinklers have orange bulb protectors to minimize bulb damage during shipping, handling and installation. REMOVE THIS PROTECTION ATTHE TIME THE SPRINKLER SYSTEM IS PLACED IN SERVICE FOR FIRE PROTECTION. Removal of the protectors before this time may leave the bulb vulnerable to damage. RASCO wrenches are designed to install sprinklers when covers are in place. REMOVE PROTECTORS BY UNDOING THE CLASP BY HAND. DO NOT USE TOOLS TO REMOVE THE PROTECTORS. Maintenance The Model F3QR Quick Response Dry Sprinklers should be inspected quarterly and the sprinkler system maintained in accordance with NFPA 25. Do not remove the factory applied thermally sensitive wax fillet between the bulb supporting cup and the wrenching boss. Do not replace this wax with a substitute substance. An Alternate substance may interfere with proper operation of the sprinkler. Do not clean sprinklers with soap and water, ammonia or any other cleaning fluids. Remove dust by using a soft brush or gently vacuuming. Remove any sprinkler which has been painted (other than factory applied) or damaged in any way. A stock of spare sprinklers should be maintained to allow quick replacement of damaged or operated sprinklers. Prior to installation, sprinklers should be maintained in the original cartons and packaging until used to minimize the potential for damage to sprinklers that would cause improper operation or non -operation. * Spears CPVC sprinkler adapter tees (with steel thread insert) can only be used with horizontal sidewall sprinklers which do not require protrusion into tees to prevent ice or debris blockage of sprinkler inlets. These CPVC tees do not permit sufficient sprinkler inlet protrusion as required for pendent installation. 5. 1 bM SQNOWQA - 2\� M MIA DIJVVAIO 6OZ61 g z I � � a o� —70 a U l O C 1 Zi' �I w t ,F } .. A � I jil( v i,✓,I g�m,ll I _1 o it 4( "I%I v ;. I 1 1( � 5 _ IRA es tl3 _� �•• � � ` `Y F c - -- ON z 2 ltt }�QUI j5 bM `SQNOWQ� o� 'd 1 M3 dQ MIA )IJVVAIO 60Z61 15 M� nQ N Z o n o I $ O 0 I u"