BLD20171646CITY OF EDMON 121 5TH AVENUE NORTH - EDMONDS, WA 98020 PHONE: (425) 771-022.0 - FAX: (425) 771-0221 lnc_ I89� Parcel N6:27031300101700 PROPERTiYsOWNi>R PP,LIrLANT GO ORgm OEM PERMIT TYPE: Residential PERMIT'GROUP: 04 - Alteration/Remodel GRADING-. N - CYDS 0 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: RETAINING WALL ROCKERY: OCCUPANT GROUP: OCCUPANT LOAD. FENCE: ( 0 N 0 FT.) CODE:2015 OTHER: -- --- OTHER DESC: ZONE NUMBER OF STORIES: 0 VESTED DATE: NUMBER OF DWELLING UNITS. 0 LOT #: BASEMENT: 0 1 ST FLOOR:-0 2ND FLOOR- 0 BXSEMENT: 0 1 STrFLOOR: 0 2ND FLOOR: 0 3RD FLOOR: 0 GARAGE: 0 DECK: 0 OTHER: 0 3LD FLOOR: 0 GARAGE: 0 DECK: 0 OTHER: 0 BEDROOMS:0 BATHROOMS:0 B DROOMS 0 BATHROO\IS: 0 I AGREE TO COMPLY WITH CITY'AND STATE LAWS REGULATING CONSTRUCTION AND IN DOING THE WORK AUTHORIZED THEREBY, NO PERSON V\11 f BE EMPLOYED IN VIOLATION OF THE LABOR CODE OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON RELATING TO WORKMENS COMPENSATION INSURANCE AND RCW 18:27. T IS " ICATION IS NOT A PERMIT UNTIL SIGNED BY THE BUILDING OFFICIAL OR.H[S/Vn DEPUTY AND ALL FEES ARE PAID. 1 11 .Z 1 Lu 1K-�� .t G [ ( ::� �.ighture Print Name Date Released By Date ATTENTION IT IS UNLAWFUL TO USE OR OCCUPY A BUILDING ORSTRUCTURE UNTIL A FINAL INSPECTION HAS BEEN MADE AND APPROVAL OR A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY HAS BEEN GRANTED. UBCI09/IBC110/IRC110. FIRE APPLICANTS = ASSESSOR CITY STATUS: ISSUED BLD20171646 • Final approval on a projector final occupancy approval must be granted by the Building Official prior to use or occupancy of the building or structure. Check job card for all required City inspections including final project approval and final occupancy inspections. • Any request for alternate design, modification, variance or other administrative deviation (hereinafter "variance") from adopted codes, ordinances or policies must be specifically requested in writing and be called out and identified. Processing fees for such request shall be established by Council and shall be paid upon submittal and are non-refundable. • Approval of any plat or plan containing provisions which do not comply «ith city code and for which a variance has not been specifically identified, requested and considered by the appropriate city official in accordance with the appropriate provision of city code or state law does not approve any items not to code specification. • Sound[Noise originating from temporary construction sites as a result of construction activity are exempt from the noise limits ofECC Chapter 5.30 only during the hours of 7:00am to 6:00pm on weekdays and 10:00am and 6:00pm on Saturdays, excluding Sundays and Federal Holidays. At all other times the noise originating from construction sites/activities must comply with the noise limits of Chapter 5.30, unless a variance has been granted pursuant to ECC 5.30.120. • Applicant, on behalf of his or her spouse, heirs, assigns, and successors in interests, agrees to indemnify defend and hold hamiless the City of Edmonds, Washington, its officials, employees, and agents from any and all claims for damages of whatever nature, arising directly or indirectly from the issuance for this pennit. Issuance of this permit shall not be deemed to modify, waive or reduce any requirements of any City ordinance nor limit in any way the City's ability to enforce any ordinance provision. THIS PERMIT AUTHORIZES ONLY THE WORK NOTED. THIS PERMIT COVERS WORK TO BE DONE ON PRIVATE PROPERTY ONLY. ANY CONSTRUCTION ON THE PUBLIC DOMAIN (CURBS, SIDEWALKS, DRIVEWAYS, MARQUEES, ETC.) WILL REQUIRE SEPARATE PERMISSION. PERMIT TIME LIMrr: SEE ECDC 19.00.005(A)(6) BUILDING ENGINEERING (425) 771-0220 EXT. 1326 1. Go to: www.edmondswa.gov Building Department Inspections 2. Then: Services are now scheduled cnline. If you FiRE (425) 775-7720 3. Then: Permits/Development have difficulties, please call the 4. Then: Online Permit Info Building Department front desk for PUBLIC WORKS (425) 771-0235 5: If you don't have one already, create a assistance during ofice hours. login (upper right hand comer) (425) 771-0220 RECYCLING (425) 275-4801 6: Schedule your inspection When calling for an inspection please leave the following information: Permit Number, Job Site Address, Type of Inspection being requested, Contact Name and Phone Number, Date Preferred, and whether you prefer moming or afternoon. • B-Preconstruction meeting • Floor Sheathing attachment • B-Building Final 4�3 Lo00/7-/C0q('0 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION ESr. 1 A90 121 5"' Avenue N, Edmonds, WA 98020 City of Edmonds Phone 425.771.0220 +1 Fax 425.771.0221 PLEASE REFER TO THE RESIDENTIAL BUILDING CHECKLIST FOR SUBMITTAL REOUIRE11E.,A 1 S PROJECT ADDRESS (Street, Suite #, City State, Zip): Parcel #: 27031300101700 9231 Olympic View Drive, Edmonds, WA 98020 Subdivision/Lot #: Project Valuation: S 20,000 APPLICANT: Andreas Winardi Phone: Fax: 630-450-0406 Address (Street, City, State, Zip): E-Mail Address: 15306 61 st PL NE, Kenmore, WA 98028 andreas@b2engineers.com PROPERTY OWNER: Phone: Fax: Wanchoo Vishal K/Anna-Karin M 918527208444 Address (Street, City, State, Zip): E-Mail Address: 9231 OI m is View Dr Edmonds WA 98020 LENDING AGENCY: Phone: Fax: N/A Address (Street, City, State, Zip): E-Mail Address: CONTRACTOR:* Phone: Fax: Chermak Construction Rich Parson 425-622-4493 Address (Street, City, State, Zip): E-Mail Address: 655 Edmonds Way, Edmonds WA 98020 rich@chermak.com WA State License #/Exp. Date: *Contractor must have a valid Cite of Edmonds business license prior to 601185531 /06-30-2018 City Business License #/Exp. Date: doing work in the City. Contact the City Clerk's Ofjiee at 425.775. 252i 006699/01-01-2018 DETAIL THE SCOPE OF WORK: Repair 2nd floor leaking deck, replace deck surface plywood and re -seal with water proofing sealant. PROPOSED NEW SQUARE FOOTAGE FOR THIS PROJECT: Basement: sq. ft. Select Basement Type: Finished Unfinished Ll I" Floor: sq. ft. Garage/Carport: sq. ft. 2"` Floor: sq. ft. Deck/Cvrd Porch/Patio: sq. ft. Bedrooms # FLIII-3/4 Bath # Half -Bath # Other: sq. ft. Fire Sprinklers: Yes Ll No XI Retaining Wall: Yes No X Grading: Cut cu. yds. Fill cu.yds. I Cut/Fill in Critical Area: Yes No 1 declare under penalty of perjury laws that the inprination 1 have provided on this forntlapplication is true, correct and complete, and that 1 ant the property owner or duly authorized agent of the property owner to submit a permit application to the City of Edmonds. Print Name: Andreas Winardi Owner ❑ Agent/Other 0 (specify): Engineer Signature: „��. �� Date: 11 /20/2017 FORM A L:\Buildine New Folder 2010\DONE & x-ferred to L-Building New drive\Form A2014.docx Updated: 1/17/2014 11 /20/17 Mr. Rich Parson Chermak Construction RE: Wanchoo Repair 9231 Olympic View Drive, Edmonds, WA 98020 Dear Mr. Parson: www.b2engineers.com 15306 61 st Place NE Kenmore, WA 98028 (425) 296-2993 Q5 op As S�4 c kP , �, o 43789 A <� 1JRALEN As requested, we have completed site visit this past Friday to review the framing of existing exterior deck that experiencing water leak. We found that the the existing 1-joists and beams do not experience any rotting. Only the deck sheathing is rotten and need to be replaced. Sincerely, Basri Bas i P.E. S.E. Principal 1: ���r ("ilfl( B)JI, r WORK 1DE=C_f/- 2EPA1 R, ADDRESS � �tz31 _ Ut_4.mvi vi �W OWNER WA1,,ACHt)0 APPROVED LA ( d11-12 BLDG. OFFICIAL.. PERMIT HUMMER 6 � D2-- b r� - l LL� Job No: Sheet No: www.b2engineers.com 15306 61st Place NE Kenmore, WA 98028 (425) 296-2993 Project Name: 9:231 ®IM P►�d Sheet Title: �)) T 2 P I AN Made By: I• VV Revision: Date: 1 l I 2,011O I --� 4ro(v(-�ow"Iegr: UJw&\O7 Visha� ?R-o?0, Y ADOP-F.ss : 9231 Ol.y AKC V i� W DK FovmoNas wit �Of1e.: I l I S� nc�1e �trn� ly 12es�'de���-e ParoA4 : a-703130O1O1 JOO