BLD20180727 519 Main ST.docCITY OF EDMONDS
May 24, 2018
To: 519 Main Project
From: Karl Fitterer Deputy Fire Marshal –
Re: Plan Check: Bld20180727
Address: 519 Main ST, EDMONDS
Project: Four R’s LLC
Scope: Change of Use
During review of the plans for the above project, it was found that the following information, clarifications or changes are needed. Please provide written responses as to where the
changes can be found on the plans, please cloud the changes or additions.
Occupant Load greater than 49, exits and emergency lighting as shown on plans, need to show fire extingushers, one at each exit and a “k” type in the kitchen.
Evaluated square footage as a new occupantcy. Found to be greater than 3,000 Sq ft a fire alarm will be required.
Deferred Submittals:
Fire Alarm
Fire suppression Type 1 hood with interconnection to FA and gas supply.
Karl Fitterer
Deputy Fire Marshal
South Snohomish County Fire & Rescue