BLDG COMMENTS 1, EMAILED 7-23-07.doc From: Graf, Jeannine Sent: Monday, July 23, 2007 8:23 AM To: 'rlilleness@hotmail.com' Cc: Umbaugh, Theresa Subject: RE: Deck Repair Alpine Apts Dear Mr. Lilleness, I was out of the office Friday afternoon, regarding your permit application for deck repair please clarify the following: 1.. On the permit application form you state, ‘6 exterior decks at the Edmonds Ridge Apartments’, is the permit for the Alpine Apartments or Edmonds Ridge Apartments? Or is this simply a name change, please clarify. And, please provide the six unit numbers. 2.. Plywood exposed to weather must be pressure treated by the manufacturer (painting untreated plywood with a water-resistant deck coating does not meet minimum code requirements for wood exposed to weather). Please clarify. 3.. Please clarify use of the term fascia board (fascia board is considered non-structural and would not be part of the guardrail system). 4.. Please clarify use of the 1 x 2 TK and where it will be used. 5.. If you are placing a membrane coating over the plywood decking please provide the specs for installation and add the materials and cost to the bid. 6.. Please clarify that the bid amount represents the construction value for each deck and not for all 6 decks so that the total value of work is $9,957.54 (6 x $1,659.59 = $9,957.54)). 7.. Building enclosure design documents are required (RCW 64.55.020) unless the work can be defined as rehabilitative construction (the 5% rule) which then requires a letter from the building owner so certifying or an irrevocable sale prohibition covenant is submitted. An email letter is acceptable please be sure to include the previous roofing work (construction valuation of $33,200.00) and the assessed building value of $1,330,400.00. Sincerely, Jeannine Graf, Building Official