BLDG COMMENTS 3.pdfDATE: June 12, 2008
TO: Phil Kallsen
FROM: Jeannine Graf
RE: Plan Check # BLD20070695
Project: Launceford Addition
Project Address: 18703 Soundview Place
During review of the above noted application, it was found that the following information,
corrections, or clarifications are needed. Please resubmit two (2) copies of revised sheets and/or
documents with a written response to each of the items below to the Permit Coordinator assigned to
your project:
1) The southern two corners of the height rectangle are incorrect. Please revise and recalculate the
height. It is permissible to red line the plot plans on file at City Hall.
2) On Sheet 1 at the SE corner of the house detail 6 on Sheet 13 is specified but there is no detail
provided. Please remove or provide the detail.
3) Please provide structural calculations for retaining walls detail 10 & 11 on Sheet 13.
4) The podium wall (detail 10 on sheet 14) near the driveway supports a surcharge, please provide
structural calculations for this wall.
5) A separate permit is required to remove the shed that encroaches into the setback.
6) There is no permit on file for the north deck (note the deck also encroaches into the setback).
According to a 1995 plot plan on file with the City this deck was originally a patio. Because it is
extremely difficult to obtain a variance for a setback encroachment (especially when work was
done without a permit) it is recommended that you obtain a permit to demolish that portion of
the deck that encroaches into the setback and provide as -built plans of the remaining deck for
permit review. Please inform the City of how you will resolve this code violation.
Eagle Eye Consulting Engineers, P.S.
PO Box 523
Olalla, WA 98359
360 874 0562
Fax 360 874 0591
To: Theresa Umbaugh
121 5th Ave, N.
Edmonds, WA 98020
Re: Launceford Addition
18703 Sound View Place
Edmonds, WA 98020
Plan Review # 2007-0695 EECE # EDM 08-17 (2)
Plan review number 02
Area S.F.
Main Floor Additions
Upper Floor Additions
Upper Floor Deck
Grand total
The above referenced project is in the process of plan review for compliance with
Edmonds ordinances and applicable codes. The following comments,
def ciencies/corrections must be addressed prior to completion of plans review and
subsequent issuance of permits.
Provide revised plans and calculations along with a written response to each of the items
listed below to facilitate a shorter back -check time.
The scope of this review is for the Structural, Ventilations and Indoor Air Quality,
Ordinance (V&IAQC), and Energy review requirements of this project.
All features were checked only to the extent allowed by the submittals provided. All
portions of this project are assumed to meet or will meet other departmental requirements,
conditions and concerns before permit approval.
The review was based off the IRC 2003 as adopted by the state of Washington and the city
of Edmonds since this project was grandfather under this code.
Original comment will be written in italic if unable to determine how the items was
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Plan Review Number 02
Launceford Addition
Sheet 2: Main Floor Plan
1. 1. Please specify the required handrails for the exterior stairs. Hand rails are
required when there is four or more risers. Nothing is shown at this time. R311.5.6
This item appears not to be addressed at this time. Please modify drawings
accordingly and resubmit.
2. 2. Please dimension the width of the stairway. It appears the width will be less
than 3 feet. Please clearly add this information R311.5.1 This item appears not to
be addressed at this time. Please modify drawings accordingly and resubmit
Sheet 3: Upper Floor Plan
3. 3. Since there is a closet being added at the Alcove this must be considered a
sleeping room. Please add a smoke alarm in this room since it is required. R313
This item appears not to be addressed at this time. Please modify drawings
accordingly and resubmit
Sheet 9: Roof Plan
4. 4. Please provide a detail on the drawing for the interface between the new and
existing portion of the house. It is not clear how this will be framed. This item
appears not to be addressed at this time. Please modify drawings accordingly and
Plot Plan
5. 5. Please submit design for the retaining walls shown that will be required based
off this sheet. IBC 1806 This still has not been provided with this response.
Sheet 7: Foundations & Upper Floor Framing
6. 6. Please specify the required connection of the glu-lam beams to the concrete
pilaster shown on this sheet. This item appears not to be addressed at this time.
Please modify drawings accordingly and resubmit
7. 7. Please submit analysis for the floor ledger connections This item appears not to
be addressed at this time. Please modify drawings accordingly and resubmit
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Plan Review Number 02
EECE#: EDM 08-17
Launceford Addition
8. 8. At the double joist supporting the SW -3 shear wall is it being supported by the
2x10 ledger. Submit analysis for this to support the design loads. Based off the
forces and analysis it appears the detail 11 will not support this force. This item
appears not to be addressed at this time. Please modify drawings accordingly and
Sheet 8: Roof Framing Plan
9. 9. Please specify the required hanger/connections to support the 2x12 joist. This
item appears not to be addressed at this time. Please modify drawings accordingly
and resubmit
10. 10. Please provide a detail for the lateral shear transfer of the roof diaphragm to
the exterior shear wall. It was not clear how this would be accomplished based off
the submitted drawings. This item appears not to be addressed at this time. Please
modify drawings accordingly and resubmit
11. 11. Please provide a detail of the 4x8 beam being connected to the existing wall at
grid C and grid 4. This item appears not to be addressed at this time. Please
modify drawings accordingly and resubmit
12. 12. Please specify the 2x10 DF2 ledger to the existing shear wall shown on this
sheet along grid 4. This item appears not to be addressed at this time. Please
modify drawings accordingly and resubmit
Sheet 13: Details
13. 13. Details 10 and Details 11: Please submit design analysis for the retaining
wall. IBC 1806 This item appears not to be addressed at this time.
14. 14. Detail 12: Geotechnical engineer has not submitted any information's for the
Rockery wall. Submit design analysis for the 12 foot rockery wall shown on this
Sheet 14: Foundations Details
15..15. Detail 2: Please specify the required epoxy that will be used for the # 4 bars.
This item appears not to be addressed at this time
16. 16. Detail 11: Please submit analysis for the retaining wall shown. IBC 1806 This
item appears not to be addressed at this time
Sheet 15: Framing Details
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Plan Review Number 02
EECE#: EDM 08-17
Launceford Addition
17. 17. Detail 11: Please submit analysis for the ledger attachment to the studs. Based
off the span of the joist and the reactions it appears the nailing will not support the
forces. NDS table IIN. This item appears not to be addressed at this time
18. 18. Detail 5: Please specify the required connections of the bottom ledger to the
wall .This item appears not to be addressed at this time
19. 19. Detail]: Please provide analysis for the guard rail shown. Per check analysis
it appears the code required 200 point load applied at the top will not be able to be
resisted. Please submit analysis to justify. This item appears not to be addressed at
this time
Sheet 19: Details
20. 20. Detail 9: Please specify the required connection of the stair stinger to the
supporting member. Nothing is specified at this time. This item appears not to be
addressed at this time
Sheet 10
21.21. Please specify the required fan far the laundry room. Nothing is specified at
this time. This item appears not to be addressed at this time. Please modify
drawings accordingly and resubmit
22. 22. Sheet 3 implies there is a bathroom in the game room but there is not any fan
specified. Please note this on the drawings. This item appears not to be addressed
at this time. Please modify drawings accordingly and resubmit
23. 23. 1 was unable to find where in the drawing the required U values were
specified. Sheet 6 does not specify this. Please clarify where this information is
specified. WSEC table 6-1 This item appears not to be addressed at this time
Sheet 9: Roof Plan
24. 24. Please specify the required U value for the skylights purposed. Nothing is
specified at this time. This item appears not to be addressed at this time
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Plan Review Number 02
EECE#: EDM 08-17
Launceford Addition
Additional corrections may be required following receipt of corrections and additional
information as requested.
Your plans are being reviewed concurrently with the Building Department, Fire
Department, Zoning Department and Public Works Engineering. Changes, clarifications
or additional corrections may be required subsequent to the Building Department plan
review when comments are received from the other concerned departments.
Should you have any inquiries regarding this letter, please contact Hoyt Jeter at (360) 874-
0562 between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.
Hoyt Jeter, P.E.