Brewer 536 Pine 11-4-11.pdf November 4, 2011 Greg Brewer 658 Maple St. Edmonds, WA. 98020 Case: # COD-2011-0286 Subject property: 536 Pine St., Edmonds, WA. 98020 Dear Mr. Brewer, It has come to the attention of the City that the accessory building above the garage at 536 Pine has been converted back to a dwelling unit. As you’re aware, there is a covenant (#7609230186) with the City of Edmonds filed on September 23, 1976 that requires the garage and the storage area above to be used as an accessory building and be in compliance with all applicable codes. The Board of Adjustment stated that the kitchen facilities would need to be removed and the plumbing capped. The kitchen has been removed and inspected before due to a previous covenant violation. You do have the opportunity to apply for an Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) permit, however, that does have design criteria and requires that you live at the property. There was a previous application (ADU-2004-79) that was denied due to the “location and appearance” criterion. The City requests to inspect the storage area over the garage to confirm that the kitchen facilities remain removed and that the unit is used as an accessory building only. Several documents have been enclosed including a copy of the covenant, the staff reports that preceded it and the Edmonds Board of Adjustment Hearing dated July 21, 1976. Please contact me by November 15, 2011 to arrange an inspection to be completed by November 30, 2011. Please call if you have any questions. Thank you in advance for your cooperation and assistance. Sincerely, Mike Thies Code Enforcement Inspector thies@ci.edmonds.wa.us