Building 10 - updated TIA.pdfName of Proposed Project: Owner/Applicant Applicant Contact Person: Name Name Street/Mailing Address Street/Mailing Address City State Zip City State Zip Telephone: Telephone: Traffic Engineer who prepared the Traffic Impact Analysis (if applicable): Firm Name Contact Name Telephone: ... mmm _ E-mail: THRESHOLD LEVELS OF ANALYSIS Project Traffic Levels Sections to Complete I. Less than 25 peak -hour trips generated 1 and 7 only (Worksheet/Checklist) II. More than 25 peak -hour trips generated All sections 1. PROJECT DESCRIPTION a. Location -Street address: / (Attach a vicinity map and site plan.) b. Specify existing land use: �= ! , Ur 77 ,. .. c. Specify proposed type and size of dcvclo mcn its and/or s uaref oota e o build: /esitlerrtrtl un' (# tr 4 .f g .f building) Revised on 6124110 E82 - Traffic hpliekiAna4)Ws Worksheet Page 1 of 5 7. MITIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS State recommended measures and fees required to mitigate project specific traffic impacts. Traffic impact fee shall be calculated from the Edmonds Road Impact Fee Rate Study Table 4 (attached) and as identified in ECDC 18.82.120, except as otherwise provided for independent fee calculations in ECDC 18.82.130. ❑ CHANGE IN USE Fee for prior use shall be based on fee established at the time the prior use was permitted. If the previous use was permitted prior to the adoption of Ordinance 3516 (effective date: 09/12/04), the 2004 ECDC 18.82.120 impact fee shall be used. Units in ITE Land Use Category Per Unit square feet, Fee Rate # of dwelling, vt, etc. New Use $ X Prior Use 1 1 $ 1 X Il New Use Fee: $ �] .» Prior Use Fee: $ := $ 1 ., NEW DEVELOPMENT ITE Land Use Category Per Unit Fee Rate New Use $ fd X n OTHER Units in square feet, # of dwelling, vfp, etc. 1�z MITIGATION FEE RECOMMENDATION INDEPENDENT FEE CALCULATION: $200.00 (+ consultant feel $ TOTAL TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE $ - Zl g , 20 City ' "1"" dr i'6nds, Engineering Division Approval Date 17/2 -Al �0 1 No impact fees will be due, nor will a credit be given, for an impact fee calculation resulting in a net negative. Revised on 6124110 E82 - Traffic Impact Analysis Worksheet Page 5 of 5 2009 - Impact Fee Rate Table Edmonds Streets and Roams impact Fee Rale SttadF TABLE 4 IMPACT FEE PATES (1) (2) (3) 1 (4) (5) (6) Trip ITE ITE Land Use Trip % New Length Net New Trips per bnpact Fee Per Unit @ Cade Cateciory RaW Trips' ,Factor' Unit of Measure $1.049.41 per Trin 110 Light Industrial 0.97 100% 1.47 1.43 1,000 sq ft 1.50 per square foot 140 Manufacturing 0.73 100% 1.47 1.07 1,000 sq ft 1.12 per square foot 151 Minl-warehouse 0.26 100% 1.47 0.38 1.000 so, ft 0.40 per square foot 210 Single Family House 1,01 100% 1.13 1.14 dwelling 1,196.33 per dwelling unit 220 Apartment 0.62 100% 1.20 0.74 dwelling 776.56 per dwelling unit 230 Condominlum 0.52 100% 1.15 0.60 dwelling 629.65 per dwelllna unit 240 Mobile Home 0.59 100% 1.09 0.64 dwelling 671.62 per dwelling unit 251 Senor Housing 0.16 100% 0.93 0.15 dwelling 157.41 per dwelling unit 320 Motel 0.47 100% 1..27 0.60 room 629.65 per room 420 Manna 0.19 1006 0.97 0.18 berth 188.89 per boat berth 444 Movie Theater 3.80 85% 0.73 ' 2.36 1,000 sq ft 2,48 per square foot Club 492 Healoh(Firnosmm 53 7595„ 1.00 2.65 1.000 sa ft 2.78 per square foot _ 53o High School _...3 0.97 80% u _ 1.00 __ 0.78 '1,000 sq ft 0.82 per square foot 560 Church 0.55 100% 1.20 0.66 1,000 sq ft 0.69 per square foot 565 Dav Care Center1 1710 2.46 7S% 0-67 1i 26 1.000 so ft 6.57 per sauare foot 620 NursingHorne 0.22 100% 0.87 0.19 bed ...�.�.�� 199.39 per bed General Office 1.49 90% 1.47 1.97 1,000 sq ft 2.07 per squaro foot 720 Medical Office 3.46 75% 1-40 3.63 1.000 so ft 3.81 per square foot 81-0 Specialty Retail 2.71'-55$$ 0 60 0 89 1,000 sq Ft 0.93 per square foot 820 Shopping Center 3.73 65% 0.53 1,28 1,000 sq ft 1.34 per square foot 850 Supermarket 10.50 65% 0.67 4.57 1;000 so Ft 4.80 per square Foot 852 Convenience mkt 34.57 40% 0.40 5.53 1,000 sq ft 5.80 per square foot 15-16 hours 912 Drive-in bank 25.82 5595 0.47 6.67 1,000 sq ft 7.00 per square foot 932 Restaurant: sit- 11.15 55% 0.73 4.48 1,000 sq ft 4.70 per square foot down 933 Fast food, no 26.15 5046 0.67 8.76 1,000 sq Ft 9.19 per square foot drive -up 934 Fast food, w/ 33.84 51% 0.62 10.70 1,000 sq ft 11.23 per square foot drive -up 936 Coffee/Donut 40.75 20% 0.67 5.46 1,000 sq ft 5.73 per square foot Shop. no drive 938 Coffee/Donut 75,00 20% 0.67 10.05 1,000 sq ft 10.55 per square foot Shop, drive -up, no Indoor seating 945 Gas station 13.38 45% 0.53 3.19 vfp 3.347.62 per vfp' w/converiente 2 ITE Trip Genoratlon (81h Edition): 4-6 PM Peak Hour Trip Ends 3 Excludes pass -by Irlps: see "Trip Gerietallon Handbook: An ITE Proposed Recommended Procllce, (1088) Potlo to oRvorogo trip length, s vtp1 vehicle (kjoing position Henclown, Cily of Edmonds, Washington Young & Cctober 29, 2009 Company EFFECT1 E 5I1./2010 Page 21 Revised on 6/24/10 E82 - Traffic Impact Analysis Page 3 of 4