Building Comments 1 (faxed to PE).pdfI1
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Date Transmitted: 7-2
City of Edmonds
Development Services Department
Build ing-Engineering-Planning
121 5'h Avenue North •2"d Floor
Edmonds, WA 98020
Phone: 425.771.0220 Fax: 425.771.0221
Fax No:
From: _ J
9?J3,?- SIINo. of Pages: 2—
(Including cover page.}
If there are any problems during transmission or documents are received incomplete, please
call 425.771.0220 and ask for: eVA
2. Sheet 2. Detail 1. Please specify the thickness of the footing, the
reinforcement {WWF 4x4xW4xW4 on top is for anti -crack temperature
reinforcement, not for the structural foundation.
.3. Sheet 2. Detail 1. Please specify the reinforcement and its spacing of the
top slab. It should be designed to resist the car's impact.
4.. Sheet 2. Detail B -B. Please specify the trap door material, spacing of the
L3x3x3/8. Is it the user's intent for the trap door to support the weight of
vehicle? 6Amrd 1, V/f� f/4f,�j
5. Sheet 2. Detail 3. Some portion of the edge of trap door frame sits out side
of the concrete ring wall. Is the door frame strong enough to span the
distance? Please resolve.
Additional corrections may be required following receipt of corrections and additional
information as requested.
Your plans are being reviewed concurrently with the Building Department, Fire
Department, Zoning Department and Public Works Engineering. Changes, clarifications
or additional corrections may be required subsequent to the Building Department plan
review when comments are received from the other concerned departments.
Should you have any inquiries regarding this letter, please contact BJY at
(206) 2648400 between 5.00 am and 5:00 pm.
BY:�ze.z (�E� -
Ted Chen