Building Comments 2.pdf0
est. ig90
DATE: July 28, 2008
Ci!y of Edmonds
(425) 771-0220
TO: Brian Michel
18116 James Street
Snohomish, WA 98296
FROM: Ann Bullis, Building Official
RE: Plan Check # 2008-0409
Project: Ashby -Michel Deck/Stair
Project Address: 120 9t' Ave N
During re -review of the plans for the above noted project, it was found that not enough information
was provided so a complete plan review could be done. The following information, clarifications or
changes are needed. Provide written responses to each comment and where changes can be found
on the plans. Please resubmit revised plans to Theresa Umbaugh, Permit Coordinator.
1. Clearly show and label the area of work under this permit on the site plan. A new site plan was
provided but this information was still not shown. Now it appears you will be changing the
existing deck and stairs to meet setback requirements. Clearly show and label the portions of
the structures to be removed and the locations of the new construction.
2. Include the construction of the stairs in the scope of work. This was not done. Also, since the
portions of the deck and stairs will be removed and new stairs built, include this information
as well.
3. On the framing plans, please show the following: This information must be shown on the
framing plan for the deck and stair specific to your projects. Your deck framing does match
the City examples in the handout:
a. Specific location and size of each footing. Not shown
b. Specific location and size of each post, and note whether wood or steel (please note
that steel posts are not conventional construction and if used the design must be
stamped and signed by a State licensed Professional Engineer). Not shown
c. Specific location of all beams, including size and species (such as Hem -Fir #2).
d. Dimension the beam span between each post. Not shown
c. Specify all fasteners and connectors, such as post -to -footing, post -to -beam, joist
hangers, stair stringer and landing connections, stairs to deck structure, etc. Not
f. Specific location and size of the deck ledger, what it will be attached to, and how it
will be attached. This will be checked when all framing information is provided as
g. Deck surface material (if plywood decking is used it must be exterior grade). Not
h. Stairway and landing framing member size, length and spacing, and show how
landings are supported with posts and footings. Unfortunately a portion of the stair
detail was missing (appears to be ripped offj. Make sure 36" landings are
provided at the top and bottom of the stairways
i. Show how deck is supported at carport area. Not shown
j . What is meant by the dashed line at the carport/stair area? What is the framing at the
5'x16' deck area? Not addressed
4. Provide bean: calculations. Not shown
5. All wood must be pressure treated or naturally resistant to decay. Will be checked when all
framing information is provided as noted above.
6. Where a post supports the deck as well as the roof above, provide a detail to show the load path
to the footings, including framing members, connections and fasteners. Not shown — must be
specific to the deck you are building
n detail showing specifically how the new guardrail will be
7. Provide a guardrail constructio
constructed, including size and type of framing members, spacing of intermediate rails, height of
guardrail, and attachment of the guardrail to the deck structure. The guardrail must be capable
of resisting 200 lbslsf (single concentrated load applied at any point along the top rad) and infill
components must be capable of resisting 50 lbslsf. Not addressed — existing and new
guardrails must meet these requirements.
8. Provide a guardrail and handrail construction detail for the stairways. They must meet the same
load requirements as noted in #6 above. Still need to show construction detail and nail/serew
attachment of the members to meet load requirements noted in #7 above.
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