Building Comments 3.pdfCity, of Edmonds
(425) 771-0220
DATE: December 9, 2015
TO: Fortaleza WL, LLC
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FROM: Chuck Miller, Plans Examiner
RE: Plan Check: BLD2015-0530
Project: Fortaleza TI
Project Address. 123 2°d Avenue S, #130
During a review of the plans by the Building Division for the above noted project, it was found that
the following information, clarifications, or changes are needed. A complete review cannot be
performed until the revised plans/documents, including a written response indicating where the
`clouded' or otherwise highlighted changes can be found on the revised plans, have been submitted
to a Permit Coordinator. Reviews by other divisions, such as Planning, Engineering, or Fire, may
result in additional comments. Items that recur on this list appear in italics.
On sheet A-201:
Detail 2/A-201- Section — Provide specifications and/or details regarding the `lateral
braces' proposed at the top of the cabinets. The response to the plan review comment
states: "...please refer to the report and details provided in the Reed & Associates, PS
structural analysis addressing loading, floor attachment and overturning stabilization.
The recommendations contained in the Reed Report will be incorporated into the
construction and stabilization of the cabinets.". The information in the provided
structural calculations does not appear to address the concern noted in the plan review
comment and there does not appear to have been any changes made to the plans in response
to the plan review comment. While the details in the provided structural calculations
represent a design to resist lateral loads, it appears to be that commonly used for suspended
ceilings. The plans still indicate the use of two 3/8 -inch diameter bolts to be placed through
a vertical member (2x4?) of each of the rows of cabinets, connecting them to a horizontal
2x4 placed perpendicular to the rows of cabinets at 12 feet on -center. The lateral forces
developed at each of the cabinet connections appear to be far greater than that able to be
resisted by the fasteners listed in the National Design Specifications for Wood Construction
(NDS) Table 11A — which do not even list the use of bolts less than'/2-inch diameter. Of
additional concern is the cumulative load at each end of the `lateral braces' where they
connect to the walls of the proposed `Storage Room'. In addition to the response to the
above, indicate on the plans the required minimum attachment at each end of the `lateral
braces'. Provide calculations supporting the selection of the specified fastener(s) and a
detail indicating the required installation criteria.