Burke - Recorded Sanitary Sewer Easement Agreement.pdfSanitary Sewer Easernent Agreement Reference NlUrnber(s) of redated docurnents', Adcfifional Reference Ws on page Grantor(s) (Las , Furst, and Kdrfle, nffial) Michael 'r Burke and Kfirnhong Lpn)-Burke, "rn.istees riot 'I'he Mkcha6 F Burke, and Kin-RH�)nq Urn Burke Revocabe LJOrig Tn,,ost R..D D/T dated 5/31,113 Grantee(s) (Last, Rrst, and Ivhddle knadak) (':�Oy of Edn"ronds Addftionall Grantors on page AddifiarW Grantees an page Legal Description (al')breviated fonnLe, kat, Wack, plat or section, township, range, quarteNquarler) POR LCV'S9 & 10 VVSTA DE] POOR AKA LOT 19 C;EBLA #p1j,,�20i2008 RRC 201211165002 SNOHOWSH COUNTY Complete Ceqal orpage._._._ Assessor's Property Tax ParceVA`cccep. nt NUrnber 009W2000009001,00914200001000 Addifionap parcO Ws, on page ___ 'rhe Akidii1orlRecorder w0l rad y on the lnforn-wfion provided on this form, The responskbihty for the accuracy of the 4idexinq inforn,iation ls that of the document preparer. I ani requesting an ernergency mann standaird recording for an adtfitional fee as provided M RCW 3618,010 1 understand that the recording processing reqtflrernents may cover tip or iothe,,rwise obscure some part of the text of the o6ginM docurnent. Signature of Requesting Party 2I505200294 5, PGS 05CQM015 1Ham 0 1,6 CIO REIFURN NAME' & ADDRESS 'SNOHOMISH COUNTY WUINGTONJ Dly of Edrn�,')nds EMSE 0 1 J I'l R E Ed irnoincls, WA,98(.)20 P 'n Iease print neatly or type inforpa wn K Fl� I DOCUrnent Tifle(s) Sanitary Sewer Easernent Agreement Reference NlUrnber(s) of redated docurnents', Adcfifional Reference Ws on page Grantor(s) (Las , Furst, and Kdrfle, nffial) Michael 'r Burke and Kfirnhong Lpn)-Burke, "rn.istees riot 'I'he Mkcha6 F Burke, and Kin-RH�)nq Urn Burke Revocabe LJOrig Tn,,ost R..D D/T dated 5/31,113 Grantee(s) (Last, Rrst, and Ivhddle knadak) (':�Oy of Edn"ronds Addftionall Grantors on page AddifiarW Grantees an page Legal Description (al')breviated fonnLe, kat, Wack, plat or section, township, range, quarteNquarler) POR LCV'S9 & 10 VVSTA DE] POOR AKA LOT 19 C;EBLA #p1j,,�20i2008 RRC 201211165002 SNOHOWSH COUNTY Complete Ceqal orpage._._._ Assessor's Property Tax ParceVA`cccep. nt NUrnber 009W2000009001,00914200001000 Addifionap parcO Ws, on page ___ 'rhe Akidii1orlRecorder w0l rad y on the lnforn-wfion provided on this form, The responskbihty for the accuracy of the 4idexinq inforn,iation ls that of the document preparer. I ani requesting an ernergency mann standaird recording for an adtfitional fee as provided M RCW 3618,010 1 understand that the recording processing reqtflrernents may cover tip or iothe,,rwise obscure some part of the text of the o6ginM docurnent. Signature of Requesting Party I SANITA,RY S1, AVF"R THIS AGREEMENT made this 2011 day of May, 2015, by and between the City of Edmonds, a IIIUnlcip@� corporafior°i of Washington, hereinafter termed "Grantee", and Michael T BLArke arid Kirnhong URI-BLJrke, TrUstees of The WchaeV T Burke and Kimhong Lim-B,urke i-rving 'n-LlSt U/D/'T dated 5/3,1/13, hereinafter termed' &r ntr r"' VVIITNESSET�--i� 1 -hat the saild Grantor for vahivaUe consideration, receipt of which is hereby acknoWedged, does by these presents grant unto the Grantee a perpetuah easement for access to the 16" sanitary sewer cAeanout, through, over, and across the following described property situated rn the Cty of Edrrionds, Washington, more particularhy described in Exhibilt "A", "The perpetual easernent shaH be Ten Feet (10) in width, the centerline of which shaH be the actua!1 physical locafion of said 6" sanhtary sewer cieanout as gpneraHy depicted on Exhibit "B" and extending to the (,rty of Edirrionds sanitary sevver rr4in located per the City f Edmonds, Sarirtary Sewer Easement, Recorded November 14, '1969, Under Snohomish County Recording No, 2121632 and recorded November 14, 1969, under Snohornish COUnty Recording No. 2121665, Records of Snohomish Courity ALAitor, Grantee shall l,,iave the right, without prior institution of any SUit or proceeding at law, at such tirnes as may be nececisary, to enter upon the property described in Exhibits "A" and "B" for the PUrpose of maintaining, repairing, and/or iceaning the 6" sanitary sewer cleanout, without incurring any legal obHgation or hiabifity therefore, provided that SUch niaintaining, reparring, and/or cleaning of such sanitary sewers shaH be accomplished in such a manner that the improvernents and land contours existing in the easement area shall not be drStUrbed or destroyed, or in the event that they are disturbed or destroyed, they will be replaced as is reasonabiy possiUe, in as good a condition as they were hrrimediatery before the property was entereld upon by the Grantee, Grantor also conveys to Grantee and to those acting under said Grantee the temporary use of such addrtional area imrnediateiy adjacent to said easement as shall be reasonaNy reqUired for maintenance, repwr and cleaning of the 6" sanitary sewer cheainouf in the above— described easement; SLAch additional area to be iretunrrned to its original state by the Grantee or its agents irnmedrately after arry SILAch acfivities stated herein. Grantor shWi retain the right to use the SUrface of said easement, so long as said Use does not unreasonabiy interfere with the n4riteriance of the sainitary sewer 6" cleanout and so long as no bujVdinq or strUCtUres are erected on said easement, This easerneint shaH be a coveriant rLfflning with the iand and shalli be binding on fl')e SUccessors, hers and assigns of both parties hereto, GRANTOR, zl� - — - — -- --- - - SIATE OF WASHING'FON ) S& COUNTY OF SNOHOWSH ay On r:)f 2 0 this d I certify that kinow oir [iave satisfactory evidence that Y\ and are the pe�,rSons who appeared before me, and sd persom§ acknoWedged that sugared this, instrument and acknoWedged it to be the free and voPiuntary act for the Uses, and purp,oses, mentioned in th�s instrument, tq Notary 1-"'UbH uru and for the State of Washington Resilding at �My appokitrnent expires on I EXHIBIT "'A" (Real Property Legal Description) L0T9 OF CUTY OF EDMONDS BOILAIDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT NO PLN210120008, RECORDED NOVEMBER 16, 2012, UNDER SNOHOMISH COUNTYRECORDiNG NO, 201211165,002, RECORDS OF: SNOHOMISH COUNTY ALUTOR, SiTUATE & N THE COU N'ry OF SNOHOM11 SH, S TA FE OF WASH GTON EXHIBI,r "Boo (Easen,�erft Map) V, i �"', V Q 6 T -�, w� A, P