CANOD.pdfCity of Edmonds Critical Area Notice of Decision Applicant: Property Owner: Critical Area File #: Permit Number: Site Location: Parcel Number: '? 7 C) 5' 2 q Ck',) Project Description:(P"J/ (TI E] Conditional Waiver. No critical area report is required for the project described above. 1. There will be no alteration of a Critical Area or its required buffer. 2. The proposal is an allowed activity pursuant to ECDC 23.40.220, 23,50,220, and/or 23.80.040. 3. The proposal is exempt pursuant to ECDC 23,40,230. F -I Erosion Hazard. Project is within erosion hazard area. Applicant must prepare an erosion and sediment control plan in compliance with ECDC 18.30. Critical Area Report Required. The proposed project is within a critical area and/or a critical area buffer and a critical area report is required. A critical area report has been submitted and evaluated for compliance with the following criteria pursuant to ECDC 23.40.160: 1 The proposal minimizes the impact on critical areas in accordance with ECDC 23.40,120, Mitigation sequencing; 2. The proposal does not pose an unreasonable threat to the public health, safety, or welfare on or off the development proposal site; 3. The proposal is consistent with the general purposes of this title and the public interest; 4. Any alterations permitted to the critical area are mitigated in accordance with ECDC 23,40.110, Mitigation requirements. 5. The proposal protects the critical area functions and values consistent with the best available science and results in no net loss of critical functions and values; and 6, The proposal is consistent with other applicable regulations and standards. E] Unfavorable Critical Area Decision. The proposed project is not exempt or does not adequately mitigate its impacts on critical areas and/or does not comply with the criteria in ECDC 23.40. t60 and the provisions of the City of Edmonds critical area regulations. See attached findings of noncompliance, Zr' Favorable Critical Area Decision. The proposed project as described above and as shown on the attached site plan meets or is exempt from the criteria in ECDC 23,40.160, Review Criteria, and complies with the applicable provisions of the City of Edmonds critical area regulations. Any subsequent changes to the proposal shall void this decision pending re -review of the proposal, F1 Conditions, Critical Area specific condition(s) have been applied to the permit number referenced above. See referenced pert -nit number for specific condition(s), Reviewer A, Signature I /cC ) I ( ' 0 Dateu Appeals: Any decision to approve, condition, or deny a development proposal or other activity based on the requirements of critical area regulations may be appealed according to, and as part of, the appeal procedure, if any, for the permit or approval involved. Revised 12/16/2010 N G qh EOSPECTRUM CONSULTANTS., iNCE Engineering y cyncl Ecirth Sc-,,iences Mr. Greg Jacobsen c/o Krannitz Gehl Architects 765 NE Northlake Way Seattle, WA 98105 SUBJECT: GEOLOGICALLY HAZARDOUS AREAS EVALUATI*1� Dear Greg, RECEIVM� MAY 0 1 2014 DEV�,'-aOPMENT SEMMES Uff 0 N OF EDMONDS ilvifl This report presents our geotechnical evaluations and recommendations for construction of the subject proposed residence. Our services are provided in -Rccordance with the scope and conditions of our proposal dated October 2, 2013. Review of Edmonds ECA Inventory mapping indicates that the site lies in an erosion hazard area and the west slope is considered to be a landslide hazard but the site is not indicated to be within a seismic hazard area. We have not been provided any structural load information, but based on our experience we expect that bearing wall loads will be on the order of I to 3 kips per foot and column loads are expected to range from about 10 to 20 kips. If actual structural loads exceed the above values by more than 25%, this office should be notified. F, 0. Bc-o,- 276-, kscyqcicit i, W/k 98CX, 74)2. 76 (42�) 397-4-228 Fcy,%,'- (4,25) 39 Jacobsen December 4, 2013 COPE OF WORK Our work has included site reconnaissance, subsurface explorations, engineering evaluations and the preparation of this report. The scope of work included the following specific tasks: o Review of published geologic mapping and Edmonds ECA Inventory Maps of geologically hazardous Areas maps for the site vicinity. o Performed a site reconnaissance to observe conditions on the site which is adjacent to a bluff slope within the BNR right-of-way. o Performed hand auger borings to explore the subsoil conditions at the new residence site. Approximate locations of the borings are shown on Figure 2 and logs of the borings are included in Appendix A. o Performed engineering evaluations of the surface and subsurface conditions observed and developed geotechnical recommendations for foundation design and construction including slope buffer and setback plus geotechnical recommendations general site development. o Prepared this geotechnical report summarizing our findings and geotechnical recommendations for site development including slope buffer and setback, foundation design and construction, subgrade preparation, erosion control and drainage control. Surface Conditions Our site observations and explorations were made on 11/13/13. The property is located at the north end of Hanna Park Road and extends from about 100 feet east of Hanna Park Road to the Burlington Northern Railroad ROW on the west. Topographically the site is located in a nearly flat terrace area above the northwesterly facing coastal bluff which drops down to the railroad tracks as shown in Figure 2. The proposed residence will be located within the upper terrace area approximately where the existing house is currently located and will be bordered on the north and south by neighboring residential property within the terrace area and on the west by the very steep coastal bluff slope as shown in Figure 2. The proposed building site area is on the upper terrace is currently occupied by the existing residence and is well vegetated with lawns, thick shrubbery particularly along the property lines and a few trees as shown on Figure 2. Project No. 13®133-01 Page 2 Jacobsen December 4, 2013 Our observations of the existing bluff slope indicates that it is well vegetated with thick shrubbery along the top of the slope except within about the southern 40 to 50 feet which did not have shrubbery but did have scattered grass and blackberries. Based on the topography of Figures 2 and 4 the bluff slope is about 25 to 28 feet in vertical height and is very steep with slope angles ranging from about 50 to 55 degrees based on our field measurements. We observe evidence of previous shallow sliding of the bluff slope at three locations within the southern slope. The heavy shrubbery to the north was 4 to 5 feet in height and obscured any view of the top of slope in that area. We noted the tile -covered patio slab near the center of the west side of the existing house had severe settlement and cracking that appeared to increase towards the north side of the patio. We also noted two conduits in the house wall immediately north of the patio but could not determine if they were roof down spouts (no rain at the time of our observations). Subsoil Conditions We drilled four hand auger borings at the approximate locations shown on Figure 2. Detailed logs of the our borings are presented in Appendix A. Subsoils encountered in our explorations included a variable depth of fill and weathered natural soils overlying stiff to very stiff and dense to very dense natural soils. Loose/soft fill and weathered soil thickness ranged from about 1 to 3.5+ feet thick at our borings locations. Fill soils were encountered to depths of about 2+ feet at the HA- 2 boring location and included topsoil and silty fine sand with clay. The natural soils encountered included silty fine sand with gravel, silty sand with clay, clayey sand, sandy silt and clayey silt which became dense to very dense and stiff to hard at depths of about 1 to 3 feet below the natural ground surface (below any existing fill soils). Ground Water Conditions No ground water was observed in any of the borings to the maximum auger depth of 4.5 feet but the subsoils at all boring locations were field classified as moist to very moist and the soils at HA -2 were classified as very moist to wet. Measured moisture contents of the soil samples typically ranged from about 10 to 26 percent. Project No. 13-133-01 Page 3 Jacobsen Site Geology December 4, 2013 Review of published geologic mapping (Figure 1) indicates that the surface soils in the site vicinity (Qw) are older deposits of the Whidbey Formation, pre -dating the Fraser glaciation that ended about 13,500 to 15,000 years ago. The Whidbey formation deposits were glacially consolidated during the Fraser Glaciation. The Whidbey formation is described as interglacial sediments which are typically bedded, compact, medium to coarse-grained sands, however the onsite soils encountered were generally finer grained with fine sand, silt and clay but were dense to very dense and stiff to very stiff, consistent with glacially consolidated deposits. Geologic Hazards Review of Edmonds ECA Inventory mapping indicates that geologic hazards mapped within 200 feet of the site are limited to erosion hazard and landslide hazard. The site is not indicated to be within a seismic hazard area. Landslide Hazard Assessment The existing bluff slope that borders the west side of the site is considered to meet the criteria for Landslide Hazard Areas presented in 23.80.020 B of the Edmonds code based upon its height and very steep inclination. Our review of the geologic map of Figure 1 indicated no major landslides mapped within the area included on Figure 1 (more than 1 mile radius around the site). Based on our surface observations, combined with our shallow explorations and review of the geologic map of Figure 1, the bluff is composed of dense to very dense and stiff to very stiff /hard glacially consolidated soils. Our observations of the existing bluff slope surface and the area above the slope revealed no evidence of deep seated instability of the slope although we did observe evidence of past shallow slide scars within the southern portion of the slope. As with all hillside development, you the owner must be aware of and accept the risk that future slope failures may occur and may result in damage to your property and/or neighboring property. In our opinion, the bluff slope is stable with regard to gross or deep seated stability of the glacially consolidated deposits. However considering the very steep slope inclination and the observed shallow slide scars, in our opinion there is a moderate to high risk of future shallow skin failures or sloughing of the bluff slope face over time. In general shallow slope failures are most likely to occur during the winter and spring months due to increased soil moisture conditions and during earthquake shaking due to the additional dynamic loads on the slope. Project No. 13-133-01 Page 4 Jacobsen December 4, 2013 The risk of structure damage resulting from a shallow slope failure varies with the distance from the slope. In general to minimize risk, structures should be set back from the top of adjacent steep slopes as far as practical within the constraints of the development plans. As a minimum we recommend an average buffer of 20 feet plus a 15 foot setback from the buffer to the structure. Our recommended buffer and setback lines are shown on Figure 4. Due to variations in the location of the top of slope our recommended buffer varies from about 17 to 23 feet but averages about 20 feet. For design the buffer line should be assumed to be 17 feet from the western property line shown in Figure 4 and the building setback line should be 15 feet east of the buffer or 32 feet from the western property line. Provided that the structure is located behind our recommended minimum buffer and setback and supported on undisturbed dense/stiff natural soils, future shallow skin failures and sloughing of the bluff slope should have no impact on the proposed structure. In our opinion provided that the recommendations of this report are incorporated into the design and construction procedures, the proposed residence will not adversely impact the subject property or adjacent properties and will not adversely impact other geologic hazard areas. Erosion Hazard Assessment The USDA soil mapping of the site area indicates the onsite soils to be Alderwood- Urban land complex, 2 to 8 percent slopes. Per the criteria for Erosion Hazard Areas presented in 23.80.020 A of the Edmonds code, the upper site is not considered an erosion hazard area due to the very minor surface gradients which are much less than 15 percent plus the fact that we did not observe any visible evidence of ground water seepage on the site. However the bluff slope is considered to be an erosion hazard per the criteria due to the very steep gradients of the bluff. Currently the property is generally well vegetated and we observed no indication of seepage or ongoing erosion areas on the upper site. However, the existing site survey of Figures 2 and 4 indicates that there is a discharge line from the yard drain catch basin near the southwest corner of the house that discharges on the bluff slope about 10 feet above the toe of the steep slope. Based on our site explorations the subsoils are generally silt -clay -sand mixtures and are considered to have a moderate erosion potential if exposed to concentrated water flow in graded or disturbed areas. We recommend that the current drain line discharging on the slope be closed and the discharge be tightlined to the storm drain system (or as a minimum, the existing pipe should be extended down to the ditch line at the toe of slope - if allowed). We have provided recommendations for drainage control and erosion control during and after construction to prevent uncontrolled water flow over the site and bluff slope surfaces. In our opinion, erosion risk should be low if our recommendations are followed. Project No. 13-133-01 Page 5 Jacobsen Seismic Considerations December 4, 2013 Although the site is not mapped as a seismic hazard area, the Puget Sound region is a seismically active area and you should be aware of the potential for seismic shaking and associated secondary effects. About 17+ moderate to large earthquakes (M5 to M7+) have occurred in the Puget Sound and northern Cascades region since 1872 (141 years) including the 2/28/01 M6.8 Nisqually earthquake and it is our opinion that the proposed structure will very likely experience significant ground shaking during its useful life. The site lies only about 5 miles southwest of the mapped fault zone of the South Whidbey Island fault which also has a postulated maximum credible earthquake magnitude of 7.0 to 7.5. The recurrence intervals of large earthquakes on the South Whidbey fault (SWF) is not known but recent data indicates that a earthquake on the order of M6.5 to 7.0 occurred on the SWF about 3000 years ago and smaller events occur more frequently as evidenced by the 5.3 event on May 2, 1996 which was attributed to that fault. Based on a recently published study by the USGS, the site is also located about 18 miles north of the inferred east -west trending Seattle fault zone which passes through Seattle and trends along the 1-90 corridor. The Seattle fault has a postulated maximum credible earthquake magnitude on the order of 7.0. The Seattle fault has been documented to have moved at its west end (Bainbridge Island) about 1000 to 1100 years ago and evidence of movement at the east end has also recently been documented. Some experts feel that the recurrence interval between large events on the Seattle Fault may be on the order of several thousands of years but our calculations indicate it may be on the order of 1200 to 1400 years. Another recent study (2004) of the Vashon-Tacoma area presents evidence for the east -west trending Tacoma Fault which is indicated to pass through the south end of Vashon and the middle of Maury Island about 32 miles south of the site. The study suggests that the Tacoma Fault and the Seattle fault may be linked at depth. In addition to Puget Sound seismic sources, a great earthquake event (M8 to M9+) has been postulated for the Cascadia Subduction Zone (CSZ) along the northwest Pacific coast of Oregon, Washington and Canada. The current risk of a future CSZ event is not known at this time. Published reports have indicated recurrence intervals for a CSZ event to range from as little as 100-200 years to as long as 1000+ years and the time of the last event is reported to have been in January 1700, nearly 314 years ago. Considering all of the above, it is our opinion that the proposed residence will very likely experience significant ground shaking during its useful life. The 2012 International Building Code (IBC) adopted requires that a Maximum Considered Earthquake Geometric Mean (MCEG) peak horizontal ground acceleration (PGA) be used for site liquefaction evaluations. The PGA of the 2012 IBC is based on consideration of both Project No. 13-133-01 Page 6 Jacobsen December 4, 2013 the Washington coast or from a local earthquake in the Puget Sound region. Tsunamis risk at your site is somewhat reduced by its location within Puget Sound which provides some protection from Pacific Ocean tsunamis waves and by the 30+ foot high shoreline which would provide protection from smaller tsunami wave heights. A tsunamis resulting from a local earthquake could come ashore within minutes of the earthquake that generates it. We recommend that when a future large earthquake occurs that you evacuate the subject residence immediately and go to higher ground at least 100 feet above the beach level and remain there until authorities determine that there is no tsunamis hazard. 6mfflimamaA MI In our opinion, the existing fill and loose/soft weathered soils are not suitable for foundation support. Therefore the new foundations must extend through the fill and weathered soils into the underlying natural bearing soils encountered at depths of about 1 to 3.5+ feet below ground at our boring locations. We recommend that foundations for the proposed residence be extended through the existing loose/soft fill soils to bear within the underlying very dense/stiff/hard natural soils and that the foundations are located behind the recommended buffer + setback shown in Figure 4. As an alternative to deep spread footings to penetrate fill and unsuitable soils foundation loads may be transferred from the recommended minimum foundation depths to the recommended bearing soils by a monolith of lean concrete. Recommendations for spread footings optionally supported on a lean concrete monolith are presented in the RECOMMENDATIONS section of this report. The observed settlement and cracking of the west side patio slab of the existing house was likely due to poor subgrade fill and poor drainage design. Our recommendations fM r subgrade preparation and site drainage should be followed in design and construction of the proposed new residence. It should be noted that fill and weathered soil thickness will vary across the site and may be greater than encountered at the boring locations. Much of the subsoils were very moist to wet and would require drying back to a suitable moisture content for use in compacted fills. Ground water may be encountered depending upon the time of year and de -watering may be required for foundation construction excavations if ground water levels are above the bearing soils. Project No. 13-133-01 Page 8 ffl•� 1014OXII, The following presents our recommendations for design and construction of foundations, site grading, site drainage, erosion control and observations and testing during construction. 901�1=Wwo Conventional spread footings founded on undisturbed dense/stiff natural soils should provide good support for the proposed residence. Footings should be at least 18 inches wide and all footings should be behind the recommended buffer + setback shM wn in Figure 4. Footings should also be setback beyond a 1:1 (h:v) projection from adjacent lower footings. Footing design may be based on Based on the subsoil conditions encountered at our boring locations footing embedment depths are expected to range from about 3.5 to 4. feet below the existing s u rfa ce. As an alternative to deep spread footings to penetrate fill and unsuitable soils, foundation loads may be transferred from the recommended minimum foundation depths to the recommended bearing soil embedment by a monolith of lean concrete having a minimum compressive strength of 1,000_psi,, The width of an un -reinforced lean concrete monolith should be at least as wide as the footing or at least one-third of the monolith height, whichever is greater. Reinforced monoliths should be designed by a structural engineer. A suitable width trench should be excavated with a smooth edged excavator bucket (no teeth) to expose and clean the very stiff/hard bearing soil surface (no personnel in the trench) under observation by our office and backfilled as soon as possible (at least the same day) with the lean concrete to the footing elevation. Settlement of the structure is expected to be within tolerable limits for this type of construction. For example, the estimated settlement of a 18 inch wide continuous footing carrying a load of 3 kips/ft. is on the order of 1/2 inch. Maximum differential settlement within the proposed structure is expected to be on the order of 1/4 inch. Settlements are expected to occur primarily during construction. Resistance to lateral loads can be assumed to be provided by friction acting at the base of foundations and by passive earth pressure. A coefficient of friction of 0.4 may be assume with the dead load forces in contact with on-site soils. An allowable static passive earth pressure of 150 psf per foot of depth may be used for the sides of footings poured against undisturbed weathered soils or properly compacted fill. The vertical and lateral bearing values indicated above are for the total dead load plus frequently applied live loads. For short duration dynamic loading caused by seismic or wind forces, the vertical bearing values may be increased by 50 percent and allowable lateral passive pressures may be increased by 33 percent. Project No. 13-133-01 Page 0 IMMOMMOR Site grading is expected to be limited primarily to excavation for construction of foundations and subgrade preparation for slabs and driveway. Footing excavations are expected to be about 2 to 4 feet deep. Excavation and fill placement within slab and pavement subgrade areas is expected to be about 1 to 2 feet. Site Pr���afio�n: Existing vegetation, debris, existing fill and/or loose or soft soils should be stripped from the areas that are to be graded. During rough grading, excess soils should be hauled off site and no material should be placed on the slope. Soils containing more than 1% by weight of organics may be used in planter areas, N should not be used for fill beneath slab or pavement areas. Stumps, debris and trash should be removed from the site. Subsoil conditions on the site may vary from those encountered in our explorations. Therefore, the soils engineer should observe the prepared areas prior to placement of any -new fills. Tempora Excavations: Based on the subsurface conditions encountered in out borings, it is our opinion that temporary excavations in natural soils above the ground water may be made vertically to depths of 4 feet. Deeper temporary excavations that personnel will enter should be made at slope gradients no steeper than 1:1 (horizontal:vertical). Excavations that extend below the ground water table should be de -watered and should be made no steeper than 1.5:1 (h:v). It should be noted that the contractor is responsible for safety and maintenance of construction slopes. Structural Fill: In our experience the onsite soils will be moisture sensitive with regard to compactability for structural fill and the existing silt soils are considered to be generally too wet for adequate compaction, particularly the silt/clay soils. Excavated sand and gravel soils are considered technically suitable for general structural fill provided that they can be dried back adequately for compaction. If moisture contents are too high at the time of grading, adequate compaction may be very difficult to impossible requiring the use of clean sand and gravel import material with less than about 10 percent fines for adequate compaction. General structural fill should be placed in horizontal lifts not exceeding 8 inches in loose thickness and compacted to at least 90% of the maximum dry density as determined by the ASTM D1557 test method. Loose and disturbed soils, form -work and debris should bM removed prior to placing structural fill or backfill. Project No. 13-133.-01 Page '10 Jacobsen Erosion Control December 4, 2013 Onsite materials are expected to be moderately erodible when exposed to concentrated water flow therefore drainage should be controlled to prevent concentrated flows. Exposed soils and stockpiles should be covered during heavy rainfall and no soil should be placed on the bluff slope or within the slope buffer. Siltation fences or other suitable detention devices should be provided around soil stockpiles and around the lower sides of exposed soil areas during construction to control the transport of eroded material. The lower edge of the silt fence fabric should have "J" shaped embedment in a trench extending at least 12 inches below the ground surface. We recommend that the current drain line discharging on the slope be closed and the discharge be tightlined to the storm drain system (or as a minimum, the existing pipe should be extended down to the ditch line at the toe of slope - if allowed). Exposed final graded soil areas should be covered with a non-erosive surface covering or planted immediately with grass and deep rooted plants to provided permanent erosion control. In addition we recommend that the exposed soil surfaces of the site be temporarily covered with straw mulch or other suitable erosion resistant material during the wet season (11/1 through 3/31) if final erosion control measures are not completed before 11/1. Observations and Testing During Construction Recommendations presented in this report are based on the assumption that soil and foundation conditions exposed during construction will be observed by our office so that any necessary design changes or supplements may be made. Footing excavations should be observed to verify bearing soils plus recommended minimum embedment and slope setbacks. All subsurface drain systems should be observed by our office to verify proper construction. Proper pavement and slab subgrade preparation and structural fill placement and compaction should be observed by our office and verified with field and laboratory density testing by a qualified testing laboratory. Project No. 13-133-01 Page 12 Jacobsen December 4, 2013 CLOSURE This report was prepared for specific application to this project and for the exclusive use of Mr. Greg Jacobsen and his representatives. The findings and conclusions of this report were prepared in accordance with the skill and care ordinarily exercised by local members of the geotechnical profession currently practicing under similar conditions. We make no other warranty, either express or implied. Variations may exist in site conditions between those described in this report and actual conditions encountered during construction. Based on our experience, it is our opinion that some variation in the continuity and depth of subsoil deposits and ground water levels should be anticipated due to natural deposition variations and site grading. Due to seasonal moisture changes, ground water conditions should be expected to change with time. Care should be exercised when interpolating or extrapolating subsurface soils and ground water conditions between or beyond our borings. Unanticipated subsurface conditions commonly occur and cannot be prevented by merely making explorations and performing reconnaissance. Such unexpected conditions frequently require additional expenditures to achieve a properly constructed project. If conditions encountered appear to be different from those indicated in this report, our office should be notified. Respectfully submitted, GEOSPECTRUM CONSULTANTS, INC. i�t James A. Doolittl Principal Engineer Encl: Figures 1 through 4 I -IJ Appendix A Dist: 2/Addressee Project No. 13-133-01 Page 13 ref: "Geologic Map of the Edmonds East and Part of the Edmonds West Quadrangles, Washington", USGS MF -1541, by James Po Minard, 1983, Scale: 1"= 2000' SITE VICINITY GEOLOGIC MAP 741�s�RpResidence GEOSPECTRUM CONSULTANTS, INC. HaraR�d Edmonds, Washington n W s to g �v G®ot®chn/ca/ Eng/n®®ring and Earth Sc!®ncas Proj. No. 13-1331 ®ate 12/13 1 Figure 1 ISIy W,� W GEOSPECTRUM CONSULTANTS, l Gaotschn/ca/ Eng/n®®r/ng and Earth 5c/ancon w u: w M r I ' o�J � It CL O mNnw�ra ,.A�/ 11 It It 2 Lw a r a Proposed Residence Replacement 741 Hanna Park Road Edmonds/ Washington ton FProj. No. 13-133 1 ®ate 12/13 Figure 2 GEOSPECTRUM CONSULTANTS, I G®of®chn/ca/ Englnc�ar/ng and Eorth Sc/®ncas U) U N 4J .H .1 U �-i N 41 -rI RS ro N O RL U .N N 0 U 41 .,-1 U) 4� PROPOSED SITE DEVELOPMENT SKETCH Proposed Residence Replacement 741 Hanna Park Road Edmonds, Washington Proj. No. 13-133 Date 12/13 Figure 3 P P' PV IE 4" PVC(NE)=38.41' 1E 2" PVC BILGE(E)=42.11 ' GEOSPECTRUM CONSULTANTS,l IXI .. K: G®ot®chn/co/ Eng/naor/ng and Earth Sc/anc®s KAJOWGIZI' • 1 •' !: Proposed Residence Replacement 741 Hanna Park Road Edmonds, Washington Proj. No. 13-1331 ®ate 12/13 1 Figure 4 WIA 1 A •'A •k: Our field exploration included a site reconnaissance and subsurface exploration program. During the site reconnaissance, the surface site conditions were noted, and the locations of the hand auger borings were approximately determined. The hand auger borings were approximately located using existing structures as a reference. Elevations at the exploration locations were estimated based on the topographic mapping included on Figure 2. The borings were advanced using hand excavation tools. Soils were continuously logged and classified in the field by visual examination, in accordance with the ASTM Soil Classification system. Penetration tests were performed in HA -1 using a 1/2 -inch diameter penetrometer and a 27.5 -pound driving hammer falling 24 inches. Recorded blows for 12 -inches of penetration are shown on the HA -1 boring summary. Logs of the hand auger borings are presented on the boring summary sheets A-1 and A-2. The hand auger boring summaries include descriptions of the soils and pertinent field data. Soil consistency and moisture conditions indicated on the logs are interpretations based on the conditions observed in the field. Boundaries between soil strata indicated on the logs are approximate and actual transitions between strata may be gradual. Logged by JAD Date: 11/13/13 Depth Blows Class. Soil Description 0 OL Sod & topsoil SM Silty Sand, fine / , ed to ,parse 1 & graveY, Tine to 10 " 2 3 4 � 75 5 Maximum depth 4.5 feet. No ground water observed. 6 Logged by JAD Date: 11/13/13 Depth Blows Class. Soil Description 0 OL topsoil 1 Rt / Silty fine Sand w/clay 2 3 ML Clayey w�isand and gravel -SC.... -Clayey Sated-'VbVeny........ 4 Maximum depth 4.1 ft. 5 No ground water observed. 6 7 Consistency Moisture Color loose moist dk brc pd - Town Elevation: 47.5' W(%) Comments 12.1 T edium OwraY- wn ense 10.0 very ha d Elevation: 43.5' Consistency Moisture Color W(%) Comments very "TI o st wet soft -------- .... dense-tb... -Very �_ProposedHanna Park '• • Ii FAII'MaTum- • Logged by JAD Date: 11/13/13 Depth Blows Class. Soil Description OL topsoil 1 SM Silty Sand, fine w/ ravel W/trace ctgay 2- ............ ML Sandv Silt ve fine w/trace 3- 4- 5- 45 Maximum depth 3 feet. No ground water observed. 6- 7-1 Logged by JAD Date: 11/13/13 Depth Blows Class. Soil Description OL topsoil 1 ML Sandy Silt, very fine w/clay 2 3 w/ ravel 4 5 Maximum depth 3 ft. No ground water observed. 6 Elevation: 43.5' Consistency Moisture Color W(%) Comments loose moistIbrow o Drown firm most dense to v. ense most Light own ............. bei%m 19.5 stiff moist gran 15.2 ... l0t...... 15.3 very stiff e -brn 22.3 Elevation: 44' Consistency Moisture Color W(%) Comments loose moistark o grown firm most brown ---------- ................... mo7st ............. bei%m 19.5 stiff ....... ... l0t...... 15.3 Proposed Residence Replacement 741 Hanna Park Road GEOSPECTRUM CONSULTANTS, INC., Engineering ofi,70 Ecyrtti April 9, 2013 Mr. Greg Jacobsen c/o Krannitz Gehl Architects 765 NE Northlake Way Seattle, WA 98105 SUBJECT: GEOTECHr • ed osed Residence Replacement 741 Hanna Park Road Edmonds, Washington Project No. 13-133-01 We understand that you propose to a construct a partial basement under your new residence. This addendum supplements our previous report dated 12/4/13 with regard to our evaluations and recommendations for design of basement retaining walls. Our work was performed in accordance with the scope and conditions of our proposal dated October 2, 2013. Static design of basement walls structurally braced against movement should' be based on an equivalent fluid density of 60 pcf. This pressure assumes that the wall supports a horizontal backfill of properly compacted free -draining granular material and that there is no water pressure behind the wall. Uniform lateral pressure due to a uniform vertical Surcharge behind a braced wall should be computed using a coefficient of 0,45 times the uniform vertical surcharge load. Cantilevered retaining walls as referred to in this report are walls which yield or move outward during and after backfilling. Actual wall movements will depend on the wall B'c"ix 276, txT/-1, W/A (4-25) 3511-422-85 Jacobsen March 20, 2014 This addendum was prepared for specific application to the subject site and for the exclusive use of Mr. Greg Jacobsen and his representatives. The recommendations presented herein are based on the assumption that soil conditions exposed during construction will be observed by our office so that any necessary design changes or supplements may be made. Our work was performed with the skill and care ordinarily exercised by local members of the geotechnical profession practicing under similar conditions in the same locality. We make no other warranty, either express or implied. Respectfully submitted, •SPECTRUM I�SULTANTS, INC. ' DoolittleJames A. Principal• Dist: 1/Addressee via email EXPIRES�1r91 M -- Project No. 13-133-01 Page 3 e3eotechniccyl En Mr. Greg Jacobsen c/o Krannitz Gehl Architects 765 NE Northlake Way Seattle, WA 98105 SUBJECT: SUPPLEMENTAL EVALUATIONS Proposed West Yard Grading and Hot Tub 741 Hanna Park Road Edmonds, Washington Project No. 13-133-01 In accordance with a request from Bryan Krannitz, this is to confirm our evaluations and recommendations regarding the subject minor west yard grading and siting of the proposed hot tub as shown on the attached Figures 1 and 2. We have previously prepared a geotechnical evaluation report dated December 4, 2013 for your new residence. The existing bluff slope that borders the west side of the site is considered to be a Landslide Hazard Area based upon its height and very steep inclination per the criteria presented in 23.80.020 B of the Edmonds code. southernBased upon our previous site observations and shallow explorations and review of tht; geologic map, the bluff is composed of very den'se/hard glacially consolidated soils. Our previous observations of the existing bluff slope surface and the area above the slope revealed no evidence of deep seated instability of the slope on the site or on the adjacent properties but we did observe evidence of previous of shallow instability in the portion of •t^ T1^ previously recommended a variable slope buffer that ranged from about- • 23 feet ' from the top of slope due to variations in the top of slope location but averaged about 20 feet plus a normal 15 foot setback for siting your new residence per the development standards of section 23.80-070 of the Edmonds code. P 0. Box 276, Isso.quah, WA 98027-02,76 - Phone: .1425) 391-4228 Fay: (,12 ) 391 2 April 25, 2014 The proposed west yard grading is shown in Figure 1 and will occur within the steep slope buffer. Based on the sketch of Figure 1, the grading will be limited to a thin cut between elevation 43 and 44 to create a maximum net grade reduction of about 1 foot. In our opinion the proposed grading shown in Figure 1 will not adversely impact the critical area and will not increase the threat of geological hazard to adjacent properties beyond pre -development conditions provided that our supplemental recommendations presented below are followed. We recommend that the proposed cut grading within the buffer be performed per the following conditions: o Grading within the buffer should be performed only during the dry season between 6/1 and 9/1. A properly constructed siltation fence or other suitable erosion control barrier shoulN be constructed around the north, west and southern perimeters of the graded area before grading is started. o The graded area should be re -vegetated immediately such that the disturbed surface is fully vegetated and stabilized by 11/1. largrorswron The proposed location of the hot tub as shown on Figure 2 extends about 3 feet into the previously recommended buffer + setback, Although the roof limits of the outdoor room at the northwest corner of the house shown in Figure 2 also extend into the setM ack we understand that the roof is structurally supported east of our previously recommended buffer + setback. Considering the light load and small size of the proposed hot tub structure we support a 3 foot buffer reduction (14 feet east of the west property line) + 15 foot setback for siting of the hot tub provided that it is founded on the dense/very dense natural soils. We also note that the actual top of slope at the hot tub location is approximately 3+ feei west of the west property line indicating the buffer +setback from the top of slope location nearest the tub will still be 32+ feet (the minimum previously recommended). In our opinion the reduced buffer for the hot tub location shown will not adversely impact the critical area and will riot increase the threat of geological hazard to adjacent properties beyond pre -development conditions. Project No. 13-133-01 Page 2 Jacobsen This letter was prepared with the skill and care ordinarily exercised by local members of the geotechnical profession practicing under similar conditions in the same locality. We make no other warranty, either express or implied. Variations may exist in site conditions between those described in our previous report and actual conditions encountered during construction. Unanticipated subsurface conditions commonly occur and cannot be prevented by performing reconnaissance or explorations. Such unexpected conditions frequently require additional expenditures to achieve a properly constructed project. If conditions encountered during construction appear to be different from those indicated in our previous report, our office should be notified. Sincerely, GEOSPECTRUM CONSULTANTS, James A. Doolittle Principa •• - ..l Engineer Attachment: . -- Attachment: Figures 1 and 2 dist: 1/Addressee Project No. 13-133®01 COMBINED STEEP SLOPE BUFFER AND BUILDING SETBACK PER GEOTECH REPORT ORDINARY 5ETBACK MAX EAVE PROJECTION INTO STRUCTURE SETBACK 25'-0" 30" EAVE EXCLUSION FROM HEIGHT RECTANGLE EXISTING LANDSCAPING SHRUBBERY '44 B ' EXISTING RESIDENCE A 43.97 (TO BE DEMOLISHED) 78' 45 N62 �PR-0 NGL -FA' Auro col ELLIN6 N IF TIAL BA M tp O r t �1AIjJ2�jcELfLEv �I I i411- Z A7 GRADE %i TERRACE I II AT GRADE ISe� ! - — tu HOT TUB I 4 Tub! ; w ZLLI i x a 1 Hot Tub f eci r �ATER fEATU�R ROCKER TE UTiu PTI 1) 43 44.9' j \�� I I j l 20632` •O' `A �� JEX EL UN( — ---------0. ---- 200 _—-----I LOCK __—_— MAN PT. D PT. DI 43.9 42 42.88' AVEF 41 .. PT. C MEA! I42.86' RECT ADJACENT PROPERTY is 40 STRUCTURE FOOTPRINT BUILDING SETBACK GFR rFfTfF/]H RFGl1RT ref: Portion of Site Plan transmitted 4/22/14, by Krannitz Gehl Architects Proposed Hot Tub Buffer + Setback Proposed Residence Replacement GEOSPECTRUM CONSULTANTS, INC.741 Hanna Park Road is i4'":.:: v.., \"..••.. x: ..{•: i< Edmonds, Washington s Goat®chn/cca/ Eng/no®i/nc� and Ear/h_ Sc/®nc®s Proj. No13-133 Date 4/14 Figure 2 Proposed Grading Area ref® Partial Site Plan transmitted 4/22/14, by Krannitz Gehl Architects Proposed West Yard Grading Proposed Residence Replacement GEOSPECTRUM CONSULTANTS, INC.741 Hanna Park Road Edmonds, sr i Washn ori• Washington qq 4 ?iX' �®ot®chnlco/ Eng/na®r/ng and Eorth Sc/®nccs Proj. No13-133 ®ate 4/14 Figure 1 i, �:'` `'� • F'67 . •: � , • J' i fAL. Y' 1' 1 '• e J I ON 7 v' ref® Partial Site Plan transmitted 4/22/14, by Krannitz Gehl Architects Proposed West Yard Grading Proposed Residence Replacement GEOSPECTRUM CONSULTANTS, INC.741 Hanna Park Road Edmonds, sr i Washn ori• Washington qq 4 ?iX' �®ot®chnlco/ Eng/na®r/ng and Eorth Sc/®nccs Proj. No13-133 ®ate 4/14 Figure 1 I NOIDNIHGVM 'G(INOIN63 NNVJ VNNVH �tZ 3:)N3(3193N N3S9OOVr z Mc M z 1-0 i z k, yj -- -- - ------ ------ -- - - - - ------ ------- Pt t. z Mc M z I 1-0 i z k, I i z Pt t. -- — - — - — - — - — - I w� �r« q R I z A O V Q V N N Y H WL V r AYM .0 1H`JIb 4b4Mlitih 4H3H >fON NOI�JNIlan9 ----------------------------------------- �r« q R T V J, IRR J ��z s_ z � S AYM .0 1H`JIb 4b4Mlitih 4H3H >fON NOI�JNIlan9 ----------------------------------------- q R wat V J, IRR AYM .0 1H`JIb 4b4Mlitih 4H3H >fON NOI�JNIlan9 ----------------------------------------- IRR w ti Ilz �� �; oI g;z C5 ��•.