City of Edmonds
(425) 771-0220
DATE: March 12, 2008
TO: Bob Fadden
Lance Mueller & Associates
FAX: 206-328-0554
FROM: Ann Bullis, Assistant Building Official
Mike Smith, Senior Fire Inspector
RE: Plan Check # 2008-0122
Project: Car Star Remodel
Project Address: 7323 224 Street SW
During review of the plans for the above noted project, it was found that the following information,
clarifications or changes are needed. Provide written responses to each comment and where
changes can be found on the plans. Please resubmit to Theresa Umbaugh, Permit Coordinator.
1.Note existing and proposed occupancies within the building (IBC Chapter 3). The repair garage
portion of the building would be an S1 if the hazardous materials are less than the maximum
allowed quantities in IBC Table 307.1(1). Provide list of types and quantities in control area for
verification. The paint shop would be an incidental use per IBC Table 508.2 if not an H. The
parts room would be an S2; the offices a B occupancy; the hot work area H4.
2.Show how mixed use separations will be provided per IBC 508. Show locations of existing and
proposed fire barrier walls and horizontal assemblies, including ratings (IBC 508 & 706).
Construction supporting a fire barrier or horizontal assembly must be protected to the same fire
3.Provide construction details for the fire rated assemblies, including listed and tested fire rated
assemblies (such as from they Gypsum Fire Resistance Design Manual, UL Directory, IBC
Chapter 7, etc.).
4.On the floor plan, label the use of space for the small room behind the restroom.
5.On the site plan, dimension the distance from the east wall of the building to the property line.
Provide opening percentage calculations per IBC 704.8. If the maximum allowable openings are
exceeded, since both lots are under the same ownership, a lot line aggregation to combine the
lots would be needed prior to issuance of the permit. Contact Jen Machuga, in the Planning
Division for more information on this process.
6.Provide east elevation view of the building.
7.Note on the coversheet that the existing building is fully sprinkled with an NFPA-13 system. A
separate permit is required for alterations made to the system.
8.Show the location of the paint mixing room and note whether existing, proposed, or relocated.
9.Provide structural calculations for the mezzanine design, stamped and signed by the engineer of
10.Show location and size of make-up air grill/duct for sanding station.
11.Note/show on the plans what areas the existing mezzanine furnace serves, including duct
penetrations of the fire rated assemblies.
12.Note the existing floor area of the building and existing floor area of each paint booth. Provide
calculation showing that the existing and proposed spray booths do not exceed the limits shown
in IFC 1504.1.2.6.
13.Remove future spray booth from the plans.
14.Note the applicable model of spray booth listed in the Intertek Testing Services listing report.
15.Show location and type of fire extinguishers. Provide minimum 4A:40B:C related portable fire
extinguisher within 30 feet of extra hazardous spraying and sanding operations.
16.Show location and size of gas piping and outlet.
17.The alterations require accessibility upgrades per IBC/WAC 3409.6. On the plans clearly show
that the exterior and interior accessible route of travel complies with current code, or provide
upgrades per the previously referenced section. If you choose to use exception #1 of that
section, provide a letter stamped and signed by the architect (reference the code exception),
stating what parts of the existing site and building are not accessible, the project cost and what
20% of it equals, list the upgrades that will be done as part of this permit as well as showing that
the total cost of the upgrades is at least 20%.
Additional Fire Review Comments:
18.The plans show the sanding station being moved from the East wall to the West wall and it
appears to have increased in size. Is this a pre engineered design constructed at the factory and
assembled on site? Please provide more detail on the sanding station including curtain detail,
sidewall and top detail.
19.The Ultra Work Station appears to have several different uses. Is the primary use in this
instance a spray booth? The handout had no door, curtain, wall or roof detail. Please provide
more info on the station.
20.2006 IFC 1504.3.2.5 requires 3 feet of clear space around the booth. Please justify the lack of
clear space around the new booth install.
21.Please provide your contact at PSCA so I can converse if the need arises regarding this project.
These comments are also being sent to Wesco Equipment (contact for the spray booth permit
application 2008-0143). Please coordinate responses and changes to plans for both
applications and resubmit to Theresa Umbaugh, Permit Coordinator.
cc: Wesco Equipment, FAX: 425-776-1917
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