Cingular App Expired 06-0584, 9-11-06.doc June 30, 2017 CINGULAR WIRELESS / ODELIA PACIFIC Attn: Glenn Priest 208 Westlake Ave N Seattle, WA 98109 Re: Permit Application: Permit Trax # 2005-0584 / Cell Antennas Site Address: 546 Alder St Expiration Date: 9/8/06 Dear Mr. Priest; The purpose of this letter is to inform you that the above referenced permit application has expired. If you wish to have your application materials and plans returned please immediately inform our offices. The application materials and plans will be destroyed 10 days from the date of this letter If you decided to pursue this permit application you shall be required to submit on 9/25/06. a complete application and pay new plan review and permit fees. If you have any questions feel free to contact our office at 425-771-0220. Sincerely, Theresa Umbaugh Permit Coordinator L:/Temp/DST’s/Master Letters/App Expired 10/27/00