Civil_&_Geo_Final_Report.pdfo�irrww voo o �wwmmArmxa w,ea�w.wwro ..........v�ww wux�mmmm�rmm�mm�mm �����u ww.0 iumw. vvuvwvrnruv,G;amuuuuuoom� v:m oru amu�M�v�awwuuasam�u� im^®wrvwimwwmw.r nm uuuvouuuo�snmmmm�mmiuwwmu�w!��,w,au ebmoowowuw�o�aivm�m
Date: October 16, 2015
To: Jennifer Lambert
City of Edmonds
From: Andrew Reaves, P.E.
Subject: Wiskerchen Residence As -Built Utility Plan
Dear Jennifer;
Attached please find the second submittal as -built plans for the Wiskerchen Residence, located at 645
0 Avenue N. I have responded to all comments in your October 9, 2015 corrective Notice. I have also
re -ran calculations for the as -built storm drainage infiltration trenches with the additional offsite
driveway area accounted for, using the required PS 36 East precipitation time series All other
corrections to the model as requested by Jerry Shuster have been made. All trenches infiltrated all
flows 100% with the design infiltration rate provided by the project geotechnical engineer. See
calculations for the trenches in appendix A.
Julian Liu, the project geotechnical engineer, has provided an as -built memorandum per your request, it
is attached in Appendix B.
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SDA 1724 W. Marine View Drive; Suite 140 P: 425.486.6533
Everett, WA 98201 F: 425.486.6593
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Appendix A - As -built infiltration calculations
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SDA 1724 W. Marine View Drive; Suite 140 P: 425.486.6533
Everett, WA 98201 F: 425.486.6593
II IiMrydmped
null sommo
Deselect Ze'. [aI5
- _1Am
SRIRr-.1 Rv-F-- GO
This is the basin to the infiltration trench, with the additional driveway area added, total area to trench is
0.15 ac, which includes all the offsite driveway areas and roof area. ,
1724 W. Marine View Drive; Suite 140 P: 425.486.6533
SDA Everett, WA 98201 F: 425.486.6593
Subbasin Nani I—
. ......
F DesignalemBypanImPOC,
Inteillow Groundwater
Flows To: fm��
Area in Basin
I- Show Or4-S*cmd•
Available Pervious
Avri Timparvious
..... ...... I tgf
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I jib",
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I',t WW 61,'e M F 7f
AA Ao�,
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iP ILwrn Md
Deselect Ze'. [aI5
- _1Am
SRIRr-.1 Rv-F-- GO
This is the basin to the infiltration trench, with the additional driveway area added, total area to trench is
0.15 ac, which includes all the offsite driveway areas and roof area. ,
1724 W. Marine View Drive; Suite 140 P: 425.486.6533
SDA Everett, WA 98201 F: 425.486.6593
Outlet'i Outlet oullell 3
Downstream Connection
Facility Type i6kam 1 00"ChAird
I– Precipitation Applied to Facilly
Facility Bottom Elevation
Facility Dimensions
Trench Length
Outlet Structure
Trench Bottom Width
Rim Height (o F4.5
Effective Total Depthrpr
Rimi Diamseiiiin)
Bottom slope of Trench ou t
Riser Type FF—W---
Left Sid. Slope ,r—
Notch Type
Right Side Slope it
Material Layers for
Layer 1 Thickness (ft)
Orifice DimmeterHeight GMax
Layer 1 porosity
Number (in) (Ft) We
Lays 2 Thickness (It)
Layer 2 porosity
2 ro" 0
Layo:3Thickrmss(l1) .... .... . ....
I Fo— �A ld------- Li 0
Lays 3 porosity
infiltration R$ --.!A
Trench Volume at Riser Head (acre -ft) WO
Moas...d Infirstim Rake nrAvt r4
Porti Increment
Infiltration Reduction, Fucker
Sbow Pond Table
Use Wetted SwlaceA— (sidewalls) rVE-§
Total Volume Infillialed(ave-11) 57.291
Total Volume Through F.drly[acre-ft) 57.291
TokalVolumeThrough linsei(acie-ft) 0
lua-m InWated ion
This is the WVVHM3 model after it has routed all rainfall events thru the trench, as is shown in the
bottom right hand corner, the events infiltrated 100%, using Julians 4 in/hr design infiltration rate. This
is utilizing the Dot time series per city of Edmonds code supplement in chapter 5.7 (Puget sound 36
1724 W. Marine View Drive; Suite 140 P: 425.486.6533
SDA Everett, WA 98201 F: 425.486.6593
Appendix 'B" - Geotechnical Letter of Site Stability
1724 W. Marine View Drive; Suite 140 P: 425,486,6533
SDA Everett, WA 98201 F: 425.486.6593
Geotechnical Engineering Engineering Geology Earth Science
October 15, 2015
Mr. John Wiskerchen
16531 Broadway Avenue
Snoho2nish, WA 98296
Dear Mr. Wiskerchen:
Subject: Certification of Onsite Stormwater Disposal System
Wiskerchen Residence
645 — 9h Avenue North
Edmonds, Washington
L&A Job No. 12-069
Prior to its development the subject property had remained vacant for many years; and the
property and the rockery lining its west side had remained stable for all those years. The
total amount of stormwater falling on the property in its pre -developed condition was
basically the same as it is under the current developed condition, except that stormwater
now is collected and reintroduced into the ground through infiltration trenches and
drywell. In order for the groundwater flow pattern under the current condition of the
property to simulate the pattern of the pre -developed condition, we recommended that the
infiltration facilities be spread out over the property to minimize potential concentrated
groundwater flow and, therefore, minimizing potential of groundwater seepage.
The stormwater infiltration system was completed in April 2014, and it has undergone
one full winter cycle. Since then, there has had no signs of erosion or soil movement or
groundwater seepage within the property, and the rockery and slope below it have
19213 Kenlake Place NE - Kenmore, Washington 98028
Phone (425) 483-9134 - Fax (425) 486-2746
October 15, 2015
Wiskerchen Residence
L&A Job No. 12-069
Page 2
remained stable. Based on the above, it is our conclusion that the as -built onsite
stormwater disposal system has performed and functioned as designed.
Please feel free to contact us if you have questions.
Yours very truly,
J. S. (Julian) Liu, Ph.D., P.E.
Consulting Geotechnical Engineer