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Compaction Tests.pdf
Date:Job #: Sky Valley Testing, LLC 02/18/099865 P.O. Box 835 Day of Week:Time On Site: Monroe, WA 98272 Wednesday2.0 Job Name & Location:Weather:Drive Time: Mostly Sunny1.0 Soundview Mileage:Total Hours: 303.0 176th St SW, Edmonds Observation CategoryContractor:Forman: SewerT.E.BriggsChis Test PointFillFillMoistureDry DensityMax. DryCompactionTest Location NumberDepth (ft.)Ht. (ft.)Content (%)(pcf)Density (pcf)Percentage 196% Side Sewern/a4'<S.G7.3116121.2 295% Side Sewern/aS.G.6.4115121.2 NOTES: Contractorinstallingsidesewerfromexistingsewermainin176thStSW,toproposed residence.Afterinstallingsidesewer,contractorbackfilledwith5/8"crushedrock. Thiscrushedrockwasplacedinliftsandwascompactedwithahoepac. Geotech in Field: Jerry Boyd Sky Valley Testing, LLC Soil Consultants/ Geotechs/ Compaction Testing (206) 949-4938 Date:Job #: Sky Valley Testing, LLC 02/23/099865 P.O. Box 835 Day of Week:Time On Site: Monroe, WA 98272 Monday2.0 Job Name & Location:Weather:Drive Time: Sunny1.0 Soundview Mileage:Total Hours: 303.0 176th St SW, Edmonds Observation CategoryContractor:Forman: T.E.BriggsChis Test PointFillFillMoistureDry DensityMax. DryCompactionTest Location NumberDepth (ft.)Ht. (ft.)Content (%)(pcf)Density (pcf)Percentage 397% Curb/Stormn/aS.G5.1117121.2 495% 176th St SWn/aS.G.7.5115121.2 596% Curb/Stormn/aS.G.6.7116121.2 695% 176th St SWn/aS.G.6.2115121.2 NOTES: Asrequested,checkedNorthsideof176thStSW,whichisbeingextendedapprox.10 12'.Aftergrading,contractorplaced5/8"crushedrockandcompacted.Checked compactionandfoundresultsatleast95%. Geotech in Field: Jerry Boyd Sky Valley Testing, LLC Soil Consultants/ Geotechs/ Compaction Testing (206) 949-4938