Complete_moreinfo_PLN20140023.pdfJuly 16, 2014
121 5th Avenue North, Edmonds WA 98020
Phone: 425.771.0220 ® Fax: 425.771.0221 ® Web: www,ednwmJswa,ggv
Linda Harter
9630-23 8th Street SW
Edmonds, WA 98020
Subject: Letter of Completeness and Request of Additional Information
Accessory Dwelling Unit Application # PLN20140023
Ms. Halter,
On behalf of the City of Edmonds Planning Division, I have reviewed the application for an
Accessory Dwelling Unit at 9630 — 238th Street SW for completeness pursuant to Edmonds
Community Development Code (ECDC) 20.02.002 and 20.21.025. The City has determined that
the application meets the procedural submission requirements and therefore is complete. Please
accept this letter as the City's notice to applicant of determination of completeness pursuant to
ECDC 20.02.003. While the application is procedurally complete, additional information and
clarifications are needed for continued review of the application. Please respond to the
following so review of this application can proceed:
Elevation Views: Please include the entire residence (the primary residence as well as
the proposed ADU) in the elevation views.
2. Appearance Criteria: The elevation view requested above is used to help evaluate the
Location and Appearance criteria established in ECDC, which states:
The single family appearance and character of the residence shall be maintained when
viewed fi°orn the surrounding neighborhood The design of the accessory dwelling unit shall
be incorporated into the design of the principal dwelling unit and shall be designed to
maintain the architectural design, style, appearance and character of the main building as a
single-family residence using matching materials, colors, window style, and roof design. The
primary entrance to the accessory dwelling unit shall be located in such a manner as to be
unobtrusive when viewed fi°om the street. Whenever possible, new entrances should be placed
at the side or rear of the building. Only one electric and one water meter shall be allowed for
the entire building, serving both the primary residence and the accessory dwelling unit.
Accessory dwelling units must be located within or attached to single-family dwelling units.
Staff has a few concerns with regard to these criteria upon review of the application
materials. The ADU addition must occur in a way so that the residence maintains the
single-family residence appearance. In the elevation view provided, it appears the ADU
would be constructed of different materials than the main building. It appears the main
building has vertical siding with the ADU addition would have horizontal siding. If the
same style of windows is used and the house and ADU addition are painted the same
color, the difference in orientation of the side might not be as noticeable.
Another criterion is that ADU entrance shall be located in a manner that is unobtrusive
when viewed from the street. The large covered entry to the ADU draws attention to the
entrance and does not appear to meet this criterion.
A final concern with regard to the appearance is how the two garage doors will appear
(need to full elevation views to evaluate). One of the garage doors may have to be
camouflaged in some way to maintain the appearance of a single-family residence once
the ADU is constructed.
Interior Connection: There must be an interior connection from the ADU to the primary
residence. As designed (in function and appearance), the proposed addition would
essential result in duplex which are not allowed in single-family zones. An exterior man -
door should be added to the new garage as well to allow access to the garage for the
primary residence without have having to go through the ADU or the large garage door.
4. Rockery:
a. A new rockery has been shown along the west side of the proposed driveway. The
driveway would place a surcharge on the rockery which is prohibited by ECDC
18.45.020. Please revise the plans to show an engineered retaining wall instead of a
rockery. The retaining wall design does not to be submitted until the building permit
stage of the project.
b. Setback: Rockeries and/or retaining walls over three feet in height must comply with
zoning setbacks. It appears the proposed rockery (or retaining wall) will exceed three
feet in height. Please ensure the retaining wall and driveway is designed so the
retaining will not exceed three feet in height.
According to ECDC 20.02.003.D, the above requested information must be submitted within 90
days (or by October 14, 2014) or the application will expire.
Since the application has been determined to be complete, a notice of application will be posted
on the subject property and mailed to adjacent property owners within the next two weeks
consistent with ECDC 20.03.002.
If you have any questions of me, please contact me at 425-771-0220 or via email at
Kernen Lien',,
Senior Planner